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Wednesday, June 18, 2014


January 4, 1974 - Mom came back in the afternoon.  It'e been every morning since we came home.

January 12, 1974 - Mom got sick and threw up today.

January 17, 1974 - Thursday.  Harland caught a 5 lb+ walleye.  Larry was really taken over by the fish.

January 19, 1974 - Saturday.  Louise called this afternoon.  George broke his leg.  Mom was all uptight.

January 20, 1974 - Sunday.  We're going over this afternoon.  Harland and Bill are fishing this A.M.

February 5, 1974 - We went to Commercial Club meeting with Betty and Bill.

February 9, 1974 - Went over to see George and he came home with us.

February 14, 1974 - Took Mom a plant for Valentine's Day.

February 17, 1974 - Sunday.  We went over to see Grace at Crosby Hospital.  She was in traction.

February 18, 1974 - Monday.  Seven years ago, Carol was laid to rest.  I washed clothes and hung everything outside.  They dried beautifully.  It was 23 degrees above and now it's 54 degrees.  What a beautiful February thaw.

February 19, 1974 - Tuesday.  We took George to the hospital for xrays and everything is coming good.

February 22, 1974 - Friday.  We're going by Marie tomorrow.  Finished collecting for the heart fund.

February 23, 1974 - Saturday.  It was -15 degrees this AM.  We're going by Hank and Marie this forenoon.  I have picked out 7 3/4 lbs of hickory nut meats for the freezer.  I have a quart and a pint in the cupboard for baking.  There are 4 gallons yet to crack.  We left for Marie's at 11:00AM.

February 24, 1974 - Sunday.  Charlotte called around 6AM and said Ed died last nite.  Mom, Cec and Shorty are going down tomorrow for the funeral.  It will be Tuesday at 10:00AM.

February 25, 1974 - Monday.  Went to Eau Claire and got a quarter of beef.

February 26, 1974 - Tuesday.  Gave Marie a permanent.

February 27, 1974 - Wednesday.  Came home from Marie's.

February 28, 1974 - Thursday. Hank fell and broke a bone in his ankle.

March 4, 1974 - Marie called.  Hank is in Ladysmith WI hospital and was transferred to Eau Claire for surgery.  Henry flew home to help Marie.

March 13, 1974 - We brought Hank home from the hospital.  Daisy had a heifer calf.

March 16, 1974 - Monday.  Dorothy had a big heifer calf with the aid of a neighbor and a winch.

March 17, 1974 - Tuesday.  I went to church and Harland and Jim Sybers picked up Marie's chair and footstool which was re-covered.  They look nice.  Daisy's calf was named Ann.  Dorothy's calf was named Marie.

March 18, 1974 - Wednesday.  Henry came home for 5 days.  He gave me 2 baskets of begonia bulbs.

March 19, 1974 - Tuesday.  Marie and I took Hank to Eau Claire to the hospital for a check up and xrays.  Everything is coming fine.

March 20, 1974 - Wednesday.  We decided Harland would stay and help Marie.  Then I would go home and take care of my plants, etc and clean house.  It's too much of a load for one to carry alone.  They have 63 head of cattle and calves.

March 22, 1974 - Friday.  Marie gave me a permanent today.

March 23, 1974 - Saturday.  Henry left for Atlanta today and we went to the laundromat and we went to church at nite.

March 25, 1974 - Monday.  It was snowing this AM when we got up, but it quit before noon.  So after dinner I came home.  We had about 1 inch.  The roads were good.

March 31, 1974 - Sunday.  I went to church, ate lunch, and used the clippers on Chips.  We got a letter from Pat and Len.  They are going to have a baby in September.  All 3 are in 7th heaven.  It started to snow this afternoon.

April 1, 1974 - We had over 8 inches dumped on us and that was no April Fools.

April 4, 1974 - Thursday.  Went to the bank at Deerwood.  Went to Brainerd, stopped by George and Louise and then stopped by Mom and gave her her cards.  It wasn't a very pleasant stop.

April 5, 1974 - Friday.  Washed clothes, trimmed up Chips and cleaned the house up a little and washed my hair.

April 6, 1974 - Saturday.  I ironed part of it and then went to Aitkin.  Mille Lacs Electric had their annual meeting.  I didn't win anything.

April 7, 1974 - Palm Sunday.  I went to church.  Mom and Cec were there.  After dinner I met George and Louise at Gil's.  Mike, Grace and Shottsy came and played the guitar and viola and harmonica.  Grace and I danced a lot - had a good time.

April 9, 1974 - Tuesday.  Am getting ready to go by Marie tomorrow.

April 10, 1974 - Wednesday.  Shorty brought Marie's birthday present over and I left at 11:00AM.  When I got there, we all 3 pulled a calf.

April 11, 1974 - Thursday.  Marie took us to the bus at Ladysmith and we left at 9:45AM for Nashville...Left Eau Claire at 11:35AM.  Stopped at Tomah.  No snow any more south.  Stopped at the Post House at the Dells and ate dinner.  That's where John, Tam and I ate.  It's 2:25PM.  Left the Post House at 2:55 for Milwaukee.  Arrived in Milwaukee at 5:00PM.  Boy, the traffic in Milwaukee!  Left Milwaukee at 5:05...I said I wouldn't live in Milwaukee.  I'll take Garrison.  Harland said yes and if you want to go to the red light district, go to Gil's.  It rained after we left Tomah till we were on our way to Chicago...Mike Paulson was on our bus to Chicago and he had trouble with his glasses.  He used Harland's jack knife to fix it and he invited us for coffee at the coffee shop in the bus terminal in Chicago.  He was on his way to Davenport, Iowa.  He's an economic student in Milwaukee.  A very nice guy.  Has been to Brainerd different times...Leaving Chicago at 8:15PM.  197 miles to Indianapolis.  Will arrive at 12:45AM where we change buses.  61 degrees in Chicago.  8-lane highway...Entering Hammond Indiana, Main Street of the Midwest.  Stopped at Gary, Ind at 9:20PM...

April 12, 1974 - Good Friday.  Arrived Indianapolis 12:10AM.  We're leaving Indianapolis at 1:15.  It's 110 miles to Louisville, Kentucky.  Arrived in Louisville at 3:20AM.  Bus leaving for Nashville at 4:35AM.  Have a Happy Birthday Hon (65 years old).  Just stopped at Bowling Green, Kentucky to let passengers off.  The early trees are all leafed out and the lawns are nice and green.  They must of had a lot of rain.  The river looks so muddy and so do the man-made ponds.  There are some real nice new homes and then some shacks, too.  The cherry trees are all in blooms.  The ground is red and clay and tobacco farming.  It's 61 degrees in Bowling Green.  It must be a rich town.  Mostly big brick homes and well kept.  Most homes have a decorative fence around.  Franklin 63 degrees at 7:25.  Cigarettes $2.85 a carton.  3 lbs of pecans and peanuts for $1.39.  Nashville 11 on highway 65 S.  Tennessee licenses are white with black letters.  Arrived at the bus depot at 8:25AM.  Had coffee, picked up our luggage and took a cab to our motel (The Matador).  We both took a nap and I watched TV and my story.  We went for a walk.  We went over to the Matador for supper.  Turned in early as we were both tired.

April 13, 1974 - Saturday.  We're going on our tour this A.M...We seen the late Tex Ritter home, Minnie Pearl's home and we will see Webb Pierce's home.  Took a picture of Webb Pierce's swimming pool (shaped like a guitar) and his mail box stand is a guitar.  We just seen Tex Ritter's new home.  Just passed Hank Williams Jr's high school and we seen his childhood home.  He has a 6x6 foot bath tub and a swimming pool where one could get a drink while swimming.  One bedroom done in purple velvet.  We seen where Gentleman Jim Reeves' plane crashed (July 1963) Brimwood or Arnold.  We're going to get some Eddie Arnold chicken now.  We seen Eddy Arnold's home and then we seen, and Harland took a picture of, Farron Young's "It's a mansion" home.  The chicken was delicious and the potato sticks and rolls.  We seen Dottie West's home.  She has 4 sons.  The sons hair is as long as Dottie's.  We seen Pat Boone's home or birth place.  They have 14 colleges.  David Lipscomb College.  Pat Boone went to school here and his wife, Shirley Foley.  It is a unique school and Christian (Church of Christ)...We seen the studio where Jeanne C Riley recorded 'Harper Valley P.T.A.'...The plantation house...We seen Jerry Reed and where Burt Reynolds is making the movie 'W.W. and Dixie Dance Kings'...We're going down Music Row and then we'll go thru the Hall of Fame...We're back in the bus, going back to Opryland.  Had supper in a cafeteria.  It was delicious.  Went for a train ride and seen the elk, buffalo, deer and looked thru the shops.  It's 8:45.  Almost time to go to the Opryland building.

M.C.:  Tom T. Hall
The Opry House seats 4400 people.

April 14, 1974 - Easter Sunday.  Left Nashville at 5:40AM.  Stopped at Bowling Green, Kentucky for passengers 7AM.  It started to rain quite heavy.  Just ate in Louisville KY.  We're ready to go at 10:35AM.  We just crossed the Ohio River into Indiana at 10:45AM.  Arrived in Indianapolis 12:50PM.  We had a cold drink and snacked and Harland let a fritter go and he said that darn table cracked, but we were sitting alone, so it wasn't so bad.  We're boarding our bus for Eau Claire at 9:30PM.  The temp is 41 degrees in Chicago at 9:48PM.  

April 15, 1974 - Monday.  Left Milwaukee at 1:35AM.  Leaving the Dells at 2:15AM after breakfast.  There is lite snow on the ground.  The closer we get to Mauston, there was a good 3 inches and the plows had been out.  Arrived in Eau Claire and Ginger came and picked us up and my suit case was wrecked.

April 17, 1974 - Wednesday.  Ginger (the cow) had her calf and Marie and I found it in the manure track.

April 18, 1974 - Thursday.  Henry flew in from Atlanta to Madison.  Jim brought him up.

April 19, 1974 - Friday.  Harland and I came home until Henry goes back to Georgia and then Harland and I will go back and help Marie till Henry comes home for good.  Harland put casters on the studio couch on the porch and I cleaned it up good.  I filled out 3 sheets for my damaged luggage.  We went to Brainerd and got our boat straightened out and we'll pick it up when Harland comes home from Wisconsin for good.  I planted my tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower seed.

April 22, 1974 - Monday.  We got up and there was snow on the ground.

April 23, 1974 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes today.  George and Louise came over and we played 25 games of "500".  Louise and I won 10.

April 24, 1974 - Wednesday.  I took Harland to the bus for Eau Claire and I started raking accrossed the road and I finished by nite.

April 25, 1974 - Thursday.  I uncovered the roses.  The martins have arrived.  I raked on the west side and we burned accrossed the road at 6PM.  I went down and picked up Mom to stay with me while Harland is gone.  She hasn't had her hair washed since I did it last (the first part of February).  I filled the orioles' and hummingbird feeders.  No birds yet, tho.

April 26, 1974 - Friday.  Bill called last nite.  I talked to Sharon and she is pregnant and has the German measles.  She will have to have an abortion.  Three doctors' verdicts: 95% chances of baby being blind, deformed, etc.  The ice went out of Borden today.  I raked the east side and all of the back of the lawn and I was beat.

April 27, 1974 - Saturday.  Went to Brainerd, got my hair cut.

April 28, 1974 - Sunday.  Mom and I took the chair (commode) back to Dilly's.  We went to church and then looked at Lake Mille Lacs.  The ice was out and some was piled up on the point.  Not too much tho.

April 29, 1974 - Monday.  It rained this AM, but it's supposed to be nice today yet.

April 30, 1974 - Tuesday.  I ironed this AM and went to the Blue Goose and cleaned fish.

May 1, 1974 - Wednesday.  Mom and I went by George and Louise by Gil's.  She wanted them to have a fish fry Friday, but Louise don't eat smelt.  So Mom wanted to ask Cec and Shorty.  So she decided to stay because it was close to pay day.  I transplanted some of my broccoli and Brussel sprouts today.

May 3, 1974 - Friday.  Went to bank at Deerwood, went down to Blue Goose and helped for 5 hours on the smelt fry.  It was delicious.

May 4, 1974 - Saturday.  I house cleaned our bedroom and dresser drawers except the bed.

May 5, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to church and to the smelt fry at Ironton.  It wasn't as good as ours was.

May 6, 1974 - Monday.  Washed clothes in the garage.  Had a big wash including our bedding and rugs.  Went to Brainerd, Mom and I, we picked up our lite boat - balance on the boat was $126.14.  After lunch, I baked 4 pumpkin pies and baked a banana cake.  Cec and Shorty brought Mom over last nite to stay with me.

May 7, 1974 - Tuesday.  Started my ironing.  George and Louise brought over some smoked fish for Mom and some for Marie and some fruit jars.

May 9, 1974 - Thursday.  Another cold, rainy, windy day.  Started some fish for pickling today.  High's in the 50's again.

May 10, 1974 - Friday.  I transplanted all our vegetable plants.  It's cold and rainy again.  Marie called tonite and Harland will come home next Saturday.  Mom and I will leave on the 16th.  Marie wants me to take Hank to Eau Claire to the doctor on the 17th.

May 11, 1974 - Saturday.  The orioles have arrived.  I put some twine and cotton batton out for nests.  I baked dinner rolls and sweet rolls.

May 12, 1974 - Sunday.  Mother's Day.  It's cold and windy.  36 degrees and it had rained.  Mom and I went to church and Bill brought us over 1/2 - 5-gallon pail full of smelt.  We went to Van's and ate dinner and went to the show to see "Billy Jack".  We came home and cleaned smelt.  Had a nice day.

May 14, 1974 - Tuesday.  Took Mom down to Cec's to take a bath, got her stuff to go to Wisconsin by Marie's.  I uncovered the strawberries.

May 15, 1974 - Wednesday.  Wrote to June Mack, took the bird bath out, clipped the dog.

May 16, 1974 -  Thursday.  Left at 8AM to go by Marie.

May 17, 1974 - Friday.  Henry called and said he wouldn't be home for another week.  We run out of silage and the beef cattle were out to pasture.

May 18, 1974 - Saturday.  Today was opening season for fishing.  From Princeton to Garrison on highway 169, I counted 1,752 cars, etc, 4 motorcycles, 1 tractor.  I made supper and then took Mom down by Cec.  Alice and Ken were there playing cards.

May 19, 1974 - Sunday.  We done chores and then at noon we cleaned barn and ate dinner and after dinner, we came home.  We left at 2PM.

May 20, 1974 - Monday.  It sure was wonderful having Harland home again.

May 21, 1974 - Tuesday.  I finished Cec's birthday afghan.  She's 58 years old.

May 23, 1974 - Thursday.  Louise called tonite.  George is back in the hospital.  They took the cast off on Tuesday and his leg is swollen and they say he has gangrene in the leg.

May 24, 1974 - Friday.  I'm washing clothes today and we'll go over and see George.  Duke Ellington died at 75 years of age of pneumonia (cancer).  I mowed lawn today - the first time (this year).  George's leg was better today.

May 25, 1974 - Saturday.  Harland started to plant garden.  It froze last nite.  Our garden is all in except our plants.  We transplanted 9 strawberry plants also.  We went to the Mine Pit today.  Didn't even get a bite.  I took Cec's birthday gift down and Mom was sitting in the car where it was warm.  I finished our afghan tonite (pink, blue, white, black).

May 26, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to church, made dinner and Marie called.  Henry is on his way home.  Alice had her calf and she's down with milk fever.  Marie is down to 110 lbs.  We set out 56 plants in the garden and we went to the Viking for supper and then went to Lonesome Pine.

May 27, 1974 - Monday.  I'm baking bread and biscuits.  Harland drained the water pump and we still have no more pressure.

May 29, 1974 - Wednesday.  Tried 2 new recipes: Sally Ann cookies and they're good.  And rhubarb torte - good also.

May 30, 1974 - Thursday.  Bob's birthday.  Harland planted our glad bulbs today.  I'm finishing house cleaning the front room.

May 31, 1974 - Friday.  Went to Lake Mille Lacs.  Got 1 walleye and 22 perch.

June 1, 1974 - Saturday.  Went to Bay Lake and got 13 bullheads and 14 sunnys.  Went to church tonite.

June 2, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to Mille Lacs this AM and got 1 perch.

June 3, 1974 - Monday.  Washed clothes and cleaned up the house.  Made a rhubarb cobbler for Harland.

June 4, 1974 - Tuesday.  I'm leaving for Wisconsin to pick John up to spend the summer with us.  The bus leaves Onamia at 9:40AM.  Arrives in the Cities at 11:45.  At 3:15 we leave for Madison.  Arrived at 9:35PM.  Arrived in Minneapolis at 12:05.  I had a hot beef sandwich and coffee and ate some of my cheese and apple and now wait till 3:15PM for Madison.  Just checked on my luggage that was wrecked coming home from Nashville and he took our telephone number and will call when he gets in touch with someone in St. Paul.  I stood in front of the luggage for 1 hour, waiting for information. ...Left Minneapolis at 3:25 and left St. Paul at 10 to 4.  Arrived at Eau Claire at 5:35PM.  Lenny Berger sat with me from St. Paul and got off at Eau Claire and is going to Bruce.  He hasn't been back to Ladysmith for 37 years.  There was a threat to blow up his apartment building tonite.  They've had 3 explosions and 3 fires in his building.  His boss told him he should go some place for the weekend.  I ate some cheese and drank my can of pop at Eau Claire.  Left the Post House at 9PM and arrived in Madison at 10PM half an hour late.  Bob, Mary, Katie and Carol John were there to pick me up.  Bob wanted to eat and then we came home.  ...Katie and I sat and talked till 2:30AM.

June 5, 1974 - Wednesday.   Bob dropped me off to pick up Katie's car and then I and John went to mass and then he received his report card.  He passed into 6th grade.  We picked Grandma up a watch at Frebers $40.46.  We went over to see Joe H and Alma.  Alma is so thin.  I called Bill and Jim yesterday AM before work.  They were supposed to come over last nite, but never showed up.  I talked to Alfred and Edward.

June 6, 1974 - Thursday.  Talked to Alice and Lawrence.  They're both retired.  I walked down to see Clarence and Mayme.  Jim and Sue were over last nite, but Chick and Bill never showed up.  The wagon I got for Marty and Collette, Katie will now take back and get my money.  If it isn't worth coming after, it isn't worth having.

June 7, 1974 - Friday.  Made breakfast, washed dishes and Bob will take us to the bus at Madison to catch the 10:25AM.  Left Madison at 10:25.  We ate at the Post House at the Dells.  We arrived in Minneapolis at 4:30 and left at 5:00PM.  Arrived in Onamia at 7:15.  I called Harland and he picked us up.

June 8, 1974 - Saturday.  We went to Pickerel in the AM.  Had good luck.  In the eve, we went to Bay Lake, got 40 bullheads and some pan fish.  Harland got a 4 lb northern.

June 9, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to church and baked sweet rolls and tea rolls.  Wayne Hawkins called they're coming the 10th.

June 10, 1974 - Monday.  Wayne and Sharon came around 2:30PM.  Marie came tonite.

June 12, 1974 - Wednesday.  Wayne and Sharon have been fishing twice a day since Monday.

June 13, 1974 - Thursday.  We had a fish fry and then they went to Mille Lacs.  Wayne broke out in a rash and they came home.  He took a shower and then we went over to Crosby and got allergy shots for him.

June 14, 1974 - Friday.  Marie, Harland and I went to Mille Lacs this AM and we got 6 perch and 1 rock bass.  We came home at 9:30 and John, Sharon and Wayne were sleeping yet.  Tonite they went to Heron.

June 15, 1974 - Saturday.  Sharon and Wayne went home at noon.  They gave us a $30.00 quart of brandy and 2 cases of beer.  They took home quite a few fish and we all had a good time.  Marie, Harland, I and John went over by Cec.  Alice was there and she was just as sweet as honey.  She told Mom that she puts me on a pedastal.  Mom says yes and I'm going to keep her there, too.  Marie and I clipped Penny.

June 16, 1974 - Sunday.  We all went to the Green Lantern for a benefit dance for La Due.  We had a wonderful time and good food.

June 17-18, 1974 - Monday-Tuesday.  We went fishing different places before Marie went home on June 19 at 11:30AM.

June 20, 1974 - Thursday.  We took John over to Crosby and got his shots and some socks and a watch band.

June 21, 1974 - Friday.  Defrosted the little freezer in the garage and finished my ironing.

June 22, 1974 - Saturday.  I cleaned the house and defrosted the refrigerator freezer.  In the evening, Har and I went to the Mine Pit.  Got 58:  2 crappies, 1 bass + bullheads.  John and Jesse + 2 other boys slept in the tent over nite.

June 26, 1974 - Wednesday.  Got up at 4:15AM.  Went to Pickerel, caught 71 all told - 6 bass.  Made breakfast, cleaned fish, washed clothes, took some fish down by Mom and came home.  Fried fish and cleaned up that mess and then shampooed the kitchen carpeting.

June 27, 1974 - Thursday.  Katie and Willie Sell came at 11:15AM.

June 28, 1974 - Friday.  Harland, Katie and Willie went to Pickerel Lake.

July 2, 1974 - Tuesday.  We had a cookout - chicken.  Willie fixed it.  It was delicious.

July 4, 1974 - Thursday.  We grilled steak out.  Just had a wonderful week.  We went swimming.  John got mad.

July 5, 1974 - Friday.  Willie took us to the rodeo at Brainerd.  The first one we ever seen.  Bob and Mary came after we left for the rodeo and they went over to see George and Louise.

July 6, 1974 - Saturday.  We fixed steak on the grill and then Willie and Katie went home.

July 7, 1974 - Sunday.  Bob and Mary left for South Dakota and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  It was 97 degrees and windy.  We sure had a lot of fun this week.  Katie took home 3 coolers full of fish.  We got a letter from Orrsie.  Gene passed away on May 28th.  He fell off the patio wall with the riding mower and never came to.  Orrsie's birthday is May 24th - she'll be 81.

July 8, 1974 - Monday.  Had a big wash today.  9 sheets, etc.

July 9, 1974 - Tuesday.  Bob called from Wyoming.  John was out playing, so he called back at nite from Montana.  Tried to call Tam on her 8th birthday, but their line was busy.  Then Mom, Cec and Short came and Marie called.  She was lonesome.  Hank had his surgery on his hands today.  Boy, it sure was hot today.  Katie and Joe went to court for their divorce today.

July 10, 1974 - Wednesday.  Had a picnic at the resort.  Boy, the food.

July 18, 1974 - Thursday.  Took John to Crosby for his shot.  We went to Brainerd and got more paint to finish the garage.  We went to Merryfield and got the carpeting for the porches.  $30.50 and we stopped by George and Louise.  We went to Heron fishing.

July 19, 1974 - Friday.  This AM Harland, George and John went on the Mississippi River fishing.  I woke John and Harland at 4:30 and John says, "No, I'll go in the morning".  So, I stayed up and baked cookies and 2 cakes.  One for us and 1 for Bill.  They didn't get anything on the dirty Mississippi, so they fished Little Rabbit and got 15 pan fish.

July 20, 1974 - Saturday.  Bob, Mary and the girls came.

July 21, 1974 - Sunday.  We went to church and then Mary took the kids to Paul Bunyan and then we ate supper and went to the shrine circus.

July 22, 1974 - Monday.  Harland took them for a boat ride on Borden.  Then the kids went swimming.  George, Louise, Meas and Max came over and when they left, we ate.  Then Bob and Mary left for Wisconsin around 5PM.

July 23, 1974 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes and ironed most of it.  Mom, Cec and Shorty came over.

July 24, 1974 - Wednesday.  We went to Brainerd and picked up the battery I won.  Then we went to Staples and I got $10.00 worth of merchandise for Katie - 2 bras and 1 pants.

July 26, 1974 - Friday.  We went to Pickerel at 5:30AM and had good luck, so we went in the van with good luck.

July 27, 1974 - Saturday.  We went to Pickerel again.  Had good luck.  I froze them for John, Marie, Jim and us.  Washed my hair and cleaned up the house.  John went swimming when he came home.  He went to sleep at 4:00PM.  Pooped.

July 28, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to St. Mathias Church for chicken and ham dinner.  Stopped by Mike and Grace.  Mike is coming over Monday AM.

July 29, 1974 - Monday.  Mike called.  Said he is sick, so he wouldn't be over.  He'd call.  We have everything setting in the front room, out of the bedroom.

July 31, 1974 - Wednesday.  George and Louise came. over and done part of their wash.  I sent Joan Seylear a birthday card.

August 1, 1974 - Thursday.  Waiting for Mike to come.

August 2, 1974 - Friday.  We got a letter from Katie.  Her and Willie are coming tonite.  So we moved everything back into the bedrooms.

August 3, 1974 - Saturday.  They went fishing on Mille Lacs, but it was so windy and cold, so they came home.  John cleaned up the 2 perch and we played cards.  We went out to eat at Harold's Club.  It was delicious.  We had a good time.  Played euchre.  Harland went to bed at 1:45AM.  We set here till 3AM talking.

August 4, 1974 - Sunday.  Katie left at 2PM after 3 quick games.  The boys are 1 game up on us.

August 5, 1974 - Monday.  Mike called and we moved everything out of the bedroom again and him and Harland ripped the old ceiling out.  We went to Brainerd and got our ceiling.

August 6, 1974 - We finished the ceiling this week.  Got the bedroom back in shape again.

August 10, 1974 - Edward S. got married today.

August 18, 1974 - Sunday.  We went to the Mine Pit this evening.  Got 56 pan fish - 4 bullheads.  John got 3 northern for pickling.

August 19, 1974 - Monday.  We went to Little Rabbit and got 29 pan fish.  John got 1 northern.  I ended up with a backache.

August 21, 1974 - Wednesday.  Went to Brainerd shopping.  We're going to our last picnic of the season before John goes home.

August 24, 1974 - Saturday.  Left for Marie's. Stayed overnight.

August 25, 1974 - Sunday.  Left for Katie's.  Jim and Sue came over and Jim's 21st birthday for supper.

August 26, 1974 - Monday.  We took John to Madison for his check up.  It was sure hot.

August 27, 1974 - Tuesday.  Started to paint Jim's bedroom.  Ate supper by Bill and Sharon.  Then went over by Chick and Judy.  Harland didn't feel too good.  The paint got to him.  Came home at 10:30.

August 28, 1974 - Wednesday.  Harland woke me up at 2AM with chest pains and I fixed him some soda, but it wasn't gas.  So I called Mary.  Dr. Chung (a Korean) is taking care of him.  I took him to the hospital at 4AM.  He had a heart attack.

August 29, 1974 - Thursday.  I canned 21 quarts of applesauce.  Then went to the hospital.  Doctor says he's doing remarkably well.

August 31, 1974 - Saturday.  Finished Jim's bedroom, at supper by Pat and Len.

September 3, 1974 - Tuesday.  Made 9 apple pies, went up to the hospital.

September 4, 1974 - Wednesday.  Baked 5 apple crisps and tea rolls and went to the hospital.

September 5, 1974 - Thursday.  Cut corn off the cob and blew a fuse.  So I cleaned up and went to the hospital.

September 6, 1974 - Friday.  I just cooled it today and went up to the hospital.  He was sleeping.  I got a pair of tennis shoes for $1.00 at Shopko.  Picked my watch up at Freber's.

September 7, 1974 - Saturday.  I brought Harland home from the hospital.  He says he feels good.  I got his medicine from Shopko Pharmacy.

September 8, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to church and went out for breakfast and came home.  Packed up and left Katie's at 10AM.  Stayed overnite by Marie's.

September 9, 1974 - Monday.  Left Marie's at 9:45AM.  Arrived home at 2:20PM with no trouble.

September 10, 1974 - Tuesday.  Went to Deerwood to the bank and came home.  Just cooled it.

September 11, 1974 - Wednesday.  It's cold and cloudy.  I mowed part of the lawn in the back.  Made apple torte for us and Bill and Joiners.  Dug the onions out.

September 12, 1974 - Thursday.  Made applesauce and 3 apple pies.  2 for the freezer and baked one.  Finished the rest of the lawn.  Alfred had a heart attack Monday and didn't go to the hospital till this morning.

September 13, 1974 - Friday.  Katie called.  Pat had a baby boy yesterday.  Everything is OK.  We went to Brainerd.  Bought 2 snow tires on sale at Ward's.  Harland picked Clem up from the bus at Garrison.  I finished raking the grass off the back lawn.

September 19, 1974 - We bought a 4-hole ice shack for $125.00.  I clipped Penny and washed Mom's hair and then we went to Aitkin and picked up some turkey gizzards.  Then Mom wanted to go home, so we went on thru and I said "Liver Lips was here" and Mom said "No" and I get in the house and here sets Marie.

September 21, 1974 - Marie and I dug the rest of the potatoes today and then we roto tilled the garden and planted 19 plants of ever bearing strawberry plants that Marie brought along.  We got some beautiful potatoes this year.

September 22, 1974 - We had our first good killing frost.  It was 20 degrees above at 1:20AM.  Marie and I went out and covered the squash and potatoes in the garage.

September 27, 1974 - Marie left today.  She was really loaded with material, vegetables, magazines, etc.

September 30, 1974 - I washed our bedding today.  It was really nice and windy.  Took a walk in Clem's woods.  The trees are beautiful, but some trees are bare.

October 1, 1974 - I got up at 8AM and the ground was white and the colored trees - it was beautiful.  Johnny's cats are really getting big.  I finished Marty's afghan for Xmas and I'm making pot holders to use up the yarn (3-ply).  I made 16 pot holders.

October, 1974 - Have been raking leaves, chewing them up with the lawn mower and other outside things.

October 18, 1974 - Cec took Mom to the hospital in the afternoon.  Katie and Willie left Beaver Dam at 5AM and got up here at 10:25AM.  Good time, I'd say.  Bill DeWitt brought us 6 yds manure for the garden.

October 19, 1974 - Willie, Katie, I and Har went out and put it around the garden, pine trees, roses, shrubs, etc, and then we went for a ride to Nisswa.

October 20, 1974 - We dug out 5 white pines for Katie to take home.  They left at 1PM.  Then Harland and I done dishes and went over to clean chickens.  We only cleaned 13.  They only weighed between 2-3 lbs, so Cec gave us 3 and then we came home.  After supper, they came over and we played cards.

October 21, 1974 - I'm going up and see Mom this afternoon and Harland will get the horn fixed.

October 23, 1974 - George and Louise came over and washed clothes and we went over by Aitkin to find a place to fish the Mississippi from the bank.  I started painting the inside of the outdoor toilet.

October 24, 1974 - Harland and I went fishing.  Caught 4 northern on the Mississippi.

October 26, 1974 - Cec and I went to church at 5PM, then Harland and I went up to see Mom.  They took a brain wave test and they're waiting for the results before she can come home.

October 27, 1974 - Har and I, George and Louise went fishing on the Miss. River.  Harland caught 2 big northern, I caught a pickler as did George.

November 5, 1974 - Tuesday.  We went fishing.  Caught 4 northerns.

November 6, 1974 - Wednesday.  Deer hunting started today.

November 8, 1974 - Friday.  Harland went fishing with George, Louise and I.  We caught 5 northern and 1 perch.

November 9, 1974 - Saturday.  I went shopping in the AM while Harland was deer hunting.  Cec came around, picked me up for church at 5PM.  After church I cut out 3 pair of slacks for Tammy.  I bought Tammy a quilted housecoat for Xmas.  It's peach in color and very pretty.

November 11, 1974 - Monday.  Had Mom, Cec and Shorty over for fish fry and then we went to Lonesome Pine and played Bingo.  I had Bingo once and had to cut.  I washed clothes in the AM and everything dired beautifully.

November 12, 1974 - Tuesday.  Betty, Jesse, Harland and I, Mary Jane and Janelle went to Brainerd to see "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams".  It was good.

November 14, 1974 - Thursday.  I finished sewing 3 pair slacks for Tammy.  Marie called and we're going by Marie to pick up 1/2 beef for Harland helping last spring when Hank was laid up.

November 15, 1974 - Friday.  Went by Marie.  We left at 10:45AM.  Arrived at 2:15PM.

November 16, 1974 - Saturday.  We went to Ladysmith, Xmas shopping for Mom, for Marty and Collette, and gave Marie her permanent.

November 17, 1974 - Sunday.  Didn't get to church.  Marie gave me my permanent.

November 18, 1974 - Monday.  Our meat was ready so we picked it up and left for home around noon.

November 19, 1974 - Tuesday.  Made some liver sausage.

November 22, 1974 - Friday.  We done the wash and George and Louise came over and done theirs and then we went northern fishing.  Harland got 1.

November 23, 1974 - Saturday.  Cec came over and I cut and set her hair.  Played 4 games of cards.

November 25, 1974 - Monday.  Played Bingo at Lonesome Pine.  Cec won $20.50.  We didn't win anything.  If she would of won a turkey, she would have given it to us.

November 28, 1974 - Thursday.  Thanksgiving Day.  Got my meat in the oven and then I went to nin o'clock mass.  Got the rest of the dinner ready.  George and Louise came about 10:30.  We played 3 games of "500" and then Mom, Cec and Shorty came at 12:00 and we ate at 1:00.  It was good.  Cec brought salad.  Louise brought pumpkin pie.  Everyone was stuffed.

December 1, 1974 - Sunday.  Went to church, made lunch, washed windows and put up the kitchen curtains.  Mom, Cec and Shorty came over and we played "500".

December 2, 1974 - Monday.  It was 0 degrees at 7AM.  The lake was froze over.  I washed clothes today and hung them out.  It is beautiful.

December 3, 1974 - Tuesday.  Took Chips to the vet.  He has gland trouble.

December 4, 1974 - Wednesday.  Harland and George went to Pickerel.  George got 2 northern: one 5 lb and a smaller, and a few blues.

December 5, 1974 - Thursday.  Harland and George went to Pickerel.  Harland got 30 blues.  Real beauties.

December 6, 1974 - Friday.  Harland, I and George went to Pickerel again.  We got 27, George got 22.

December 7, 1974 - Saturday.  Harland went along fishing.  Caught 15 blues.  I went to church at 5:00.

December 8, 1974 - Sunday.  We made to batches of sea foam.  Made dinner and went fishing.  We caught 40 blues, some are really nice.  We sent for 1,000 wax worms $11.00.  Harland has been paying $.60 a box for 1 1/2 dozen.

December 9, 1974 - Monday.  Baked the filled cookies and fixed the boxes for the kids, etc.  Harland went to Mille Lacs for the first time.  Got a few perch.  It was so cold and windy, so he came home early.

December 10, 1974 - Tuesday.  We went to Pickerel after dinner.  Got 51 nice blues.  I broke my tooth out in the front.

December 11, 1974 - Wednesday.  Went to the laundromat, washed sheets and bedspread, hung them all outside.  Then we went to Brainerd and got the tooth put back in.

December 12, 1974 - Thursday.  Received a letter from Katie.  Her and Willie are coming tomorrow after work.  Richard Freber died last Friday, December 6.  He had a blood clot in his neck and died of a stroke.  We went to Pickerel.  Only got 7 blue gills in the snow.  Wrote out some Xmas cards tonite.

December 13, 1974 - Friday.  We had snow last nite.  The trees are beautiful.  Katie and Willie are coming tonite.

December 15, 1974 - Sunday.  We all went to Mille Lacs.  Harland got a 4 lb walleye.  I got a small one.  Katie and Willie got a couple perch and eelpout.  We went after we all had a nap and Harland broke out in a cold sweat, so we didn't stay too long.

December 16, 1974 - Monday.  Katie and Willie went fishing this AM.  I'm finishing the Xmas cards.  George entered the hospital in the Twin Cities this morning at 9:30AM.

December 18, 1974 - Wednesday.  Finished Tam's green slack set, made beef roast, etc.  Harland, Katie and Willie came home at 12:00, so we ate dinner and they packed up and left around 1:30.  She called at 9:30PM.  It was snowing when they left.  Harland got a 5 lb northern.  Katie got a small walleye and they got 6 perch.

December 19, 1974 - Thursday.  13 years ago, Chick had his car accident.  Bill came over in the evening.  Told us Fran Joiner passed away at 5:30PM.  She'll be buried Monday at 1:30 in Garrison Alliance Church.  I made a hot dish and Harland took it over this afternoon.  The children were coming home late this afternoon.  George came home from the hospital in the Cities Friday.

December 20, 1974 - Friday.  Baked a cake today for Virgil.

December 22, 1974 - Sunday.  Went down by Cec this evening and played cards.  Alice and Ken came home.  We came home later and was it ever snowing.  We could hardly see.

December 23, 1974 - Monday.  Jesse stayed here while Bill and Betty went over to see Fran at Crosby.  I made 2 salads to take to church.  I went down and picked Mom up and she went to the funeral with us.  After the funeral, Harland had a doctor appointment at Crosby.  Everything is coming along good.  I bought Mom a warm head scarf at Skagmos at Crosby.  Then we had coffee and pie at the Crystal Cafe and went back to the clinic and picked up Harland.

December 24, 1974 - Tuesday.  After supper, we talked to John on his 12th birthday.  At 8PM Harland and I went to church.  Came home and played cards, had a snack.  I watched some Xmas programs and went to bed.

December 25, 1974 - Christmas Day.  George and Louise came over to go ice fishing, but we didn't have our (ice) house out yet.  The ice isn't that good, so we had duck dinner and Louise had stead and we played cards.  Louise made ham sandwiches.  We had them for supper and played more cards.

December 26, 1974 - Thursday.  It was 30 degrees above.  I washed clothes and they dried beautifully.  Harland, and George went to Pickerel.  Harland got 16 blues.  We got the cutest card from the nuts in Beaver Dam.  Bob, John, Katie, Willie, Jim, Bill and Sharon.

December 27, 1974 - Friday.  Jack Benny died in the nite with cancer of the pancreas.  Harland and George went to Pickerel, but didn't get anything.  I didn't go because I felt all cold and lousy.

December 28, 1974 - Saturday.  Went to Brainerd, exchanged Harland's pants and I got 2 new bras and a few groceries and came home.

December 29, 1974 - Sunday.  I didn't go to church.  I had such a cold.  Mom and Cec stopped after church.  I wrote some letters.

December 30, 1974 - Monday.  Bill took our fish house out.  I made new cuffs and sewed them on Harland's insulated jacket.  After lunch I gave Chips a bath which he didn't appreciate.

December 31, 1974 - Tuesday.  Called Mom to see if she wanted to go along to eat.  We went fishing on Mille Lacs at 5PM.  Came home at 8:30.  Harland got a 'pout.  After ten, we went to Lonesome Pine.  Had a few drinks, danced and came home.  Saw the old year out, which we weren't sad to see it go.

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