January 1, 1982 - Friday. It was -22 this AM. Cec and Ray were supposed to come, but so far, never showed because of the weather. I made chili and put a beef roast on.
January 2, 1982 - Saturday. It was 8 above. Snow predicted. We had turkey dinner by Dena and Red last nite. It's been snowing and blowing all day. I washed clothes, made beef roast, took the tree down after dinner.
January 3, 1982 - Sunday. It was -22 this AM. Paul plowed out the driveway. I finished embroidering a dish towel, made supper and played cards by George and Susan's. We each won 3 games.
January 4, 1982 - Monday. It was -6 this AM. Susan picked me up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. We took all the Christmas decorations down at Cedarbrook. Went over to see Mike at the funeral home.
January 5, 1982 - Tuesday. It's 4 above. I ordered 'Life' magazine and gas. Cleaned the closet. Tuffy is still missing. He must be dead. Probably caught in a trap. He's been missing since December 31st. We went to Garrison Senior Citizen and then Harland and Paul went fishing and I worked on the closet. They were told to get off the lake because of the high wind. There were 3 drownings so far and 3 trucks and fish houses are in the lake around Malmo. Evelyn and Bertha came home today to take care of some business in Brainerd. Played cards by Paul's.
January 6, 1982 - Wednesday. -22 below this AM. I cleaned my closet out. Bertha Jacobson and Evelyn took us to the Y for supper. Ribs and chicken. Then Red, Dena and Debbie and I went to Auxiliary meeting. Evelyn and Bertha brought Harland home. I cleaned up the basement and steps.
January 7, 1982 - Thursday. It was -32 degrees this AM. Today is Ladies Aid. I'm taking apricot salad. We picked Paul and Grace up for Aid. We cut out quilt blocks. Had a good time and an auction. I bought a tube of Avon hand cream.
January 8, 1982 - Friday. It was -14 this AM. We went to Brainerd, had lunch a McDonald's. I started to embroider a pair of pillow cases.
January 9, 1982 - Saturday. It is -33 this AM. It's 1 o'clock and -22 yet, the wind chill factor is -68. At 5 o'clock it was -28 and wind chill factor was -72. I went to bed at 12:30AM and it was -38.
January 10, 1982 - Sunday. It was still -38. We have the electric heater in the crawl space. It was down to 40 degrees. Ginger died (Dena's dog).
January 11, 1982 - Monday. Man, it was -10. I went to Cedarbrook, brought home 7 dresses, volunteered 6 hours.
January 12, 1982 - Tuesday. It is -8 this AM. I washed clothes, watered Evelyn's flowers. I finished cracking the rest of the pecans John gave us for Christmas.
January 13, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -7 this AM. We went to Brainerd, stopped by Louise. George came home last Wednesday. He'll be home till March 5th. Then he goes back and gets his permanent legs.
January 14, 1982 - Thursday. It was -32 this AM. I made a salad for Auxiliary. Will feed the Lion's Club dinner tonite at $4.00 a plate. Today Margaret Nierman is 80 years old. She's Dena's mother. We played cards tonite by George and Susan. Harland and I got booby, Oscar and Grace won 1st.
January 15, 1982 - Friday. It was -5 and snowing. I ironed and stamped a set of dish towels and hemmed 3 towels. Am working on 3 hot dish carriers. Have more material to cut more out.
January 16, 1982 - Saturday. It was -38 this AM. Wind chill is -68 to -80 below. That's cold, but we're warm.
January 17, 1982 - Sunday. It was -32 again, but it's supposed to warm up. The rest of the country is suffering, too. Snow, freezing rain, etc. I'm trying to finish the 1st set of dish towels for Dena's shop. Tuffy came home after being missing for 18 days. He looked kinda rough and real hungy and glad to be home the way he acted.
January 18, 1982 - Monday. It was -22. I didn't get to go to Cedarbrook as the car stopped on the road. Paul came over and started it and Harland put the charger on the battery. After supper, Paul and Grace picked us up and we went over to Millers and played 6 handed "500". The women won 5 and the men 4 games. It was fun.
January 19, 1982 - Tuesday. It was 10 above and snowing.
January 20, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 4 above and snowing. We had card club here. Susan and Howard won 1st. Harland and Ann K, booby. It snowed all day long. The Cities got 17.1 inches of snow. We got about 6 inches.
January 21, 1982 - Thursday. Done some sewing, made some peanut butter cookies to take over to Cedarbrook for birthday party tomorrow.
January 22, 1982 - Friday. I was going to Cedarbrook, but with our blizzard going on, I just stayed where it was warm.
January 23, 1982 - Saturday. Everything is closed. No mail, stores, everything are at a standstill. I made 8 pot holders. We got 12 inches of snow. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass and then we played cards.
January 24, 1982 - Sunday. It was -28 this AM. Fixed duck and dressing for dinner. I stamped another set of dish towels.
January 25, 1982 - Monday. It was -25 this AM. I went to Cedarbrook. Mom was working. It was cold, but beautiful. I went down by Bill Lybeck and got a permanent and haircut.
January 26, 1982 - Tuesday. -28 this AM.
January 27, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 18 above in Brainerd. We went shopping, I got material to make hot pads and pot holders. Got kitty litter.
January 28, 1982 - Thursday. -14 below. One day of January thaw.
January 29, 1982 - Friday. I washed clothes and cleaned the house. It was 4 above. Cec, Ray and Rusty came tonite.
January 30, 1982 - Saturday. It was -2 this AM and windy. Harland and Ray went on Mille Lacs fishing and got some small perch. We ate and then went back for walleyes, but nothing.
January 31, 1982 - Sunday. It was -42 at 7:30AM. I made breakfast and Ray, Cec and Rusty left at 10:30 to see George and Louise and Mom at Cedarbrook.
February 1, 1982 - Monday. It was -6 this AM. I gave Elsie and Susan a hot pad and 1 and 2 pot holders for their birthday. We're going to have a little party over at Cedarbrook today. Evelyn and Bertha came home from the Cities.
February 2, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Senior Citizen at Garrison. Evelyn, Bertha, Dena and Debbie had supper with us.
February 3, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -28 below. We went to Brainerd and went to the hospital to see Bessie Maghan. She fell and cracked a bone on the side of her pelvis.
February 4, 1982 - Thursday. It was -36 below this AM. George and Susan came over in the afternoon. We played cards, had supper and they went home.
February 5, 1982 - Friday. It was -40 below this AM. I'm working on 3 hot dish carriers. It's -10 below at noon. The Alter Society had the birthday party at Cedarbrook. Ice cream and cookies.
February 6, 1982 - Saturday. It was -27 below. I washed clothes and cleaned house and went to church. I went to 5 o'clock mass. I talked to Chick and he said Bill and Sharon were together last weekend. Stan Davis stopped over.
February 7, 1982 - Sunday. It was 2 above this AM. I made a batch of oatmeal scotchies, washed up the dishes and went to the Y for dinner where we met Frieda and Chet. After dinner, we went over by George and Louise. George is having some problems with the right stump.
February 8, 1982 - Monday. It is -18 below. I and Frieda went to Cedarbrook. She really enjoyed it.
February 9, 1982 - Tuesday. It was -25 this AM. I fixed turtle and chicken, had Frieda and Chet (he got the turtle), Paul and Grace for dinner. We played 6 handed "500". Women won 3 - men 2.
February 10, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -23 this AM. We went to Brainerd, we got an azalea for Marie for Mom and we got a box of cream candies for her for Valentine's Day. I'm hemming some dish towels. Today is Sharon's birthday. She's 27.
February 11, 1982 - Thursday. It was -1 this AM. I bleached the dish towels and hung them outside.
February 14, 1982 - Sunday. Today Bill is 33 years old. It was 10 above this AM. Harland and I went to the Y for dinner. V.G. I stamped 9 dish towels and I finished 4.
February 15, 1982 - Monday. I picked Frieda Hively up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours. We stopped at Ruttgers and Myr Mar and picked up application blanks for Tam for summer employment.
February 16, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes this AM and ironed most of it that was outside.
February 17, 1982 - Wednesday. I made cherry torte for our card club by Susan and George. Howard and I won 1st, Harland and Ann K won booby. We had a pot luck at noon, coffee and dessert when we were done playing cards. Howard, Elsie, Al, and Ann K went home. Harland and I stayed and we played more "500".
February 18, 1982 - Thursday. Harland went to Dr. Moran (eye), but there wasn't enough changes in his eyes to have them changed. In 6 months he'll have to go back, possibly for cataract surgery. Grace and Paul came over tonight and we played euchre and dirty clubs.
February 19, 1982 - Friday. I'm frying up the rest of the turkey legs and thighs. We gave Dena and Red 5 packages for putting our garbage in their dumpster. Tuffy went outside for the 1st time since he came home in January.
February 20, 1982 - Saturday. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5:00PM mass. I made supper for Harland and I, and then Paul picked us up again and we went over by Chet and Frieda and played "500".
February 21, 1982 - Sunday. Chet picked us up at 11:30 and we went to the Lion's pancake breakfast, then we taught them how to play Euchre. They went home for a couple hours and then came back for turtle and rabbit dinner along with us and Red, Dena, and Debbie. We had a good day. Frieda gave us a pint of maple syrup and some hubbard squash seeds.
February 22, 1982 - Monday. I put in 6 hours at Cedarbrook, put the head pad on my shoulder.
February 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I cleaned the upper part of the cupboards this afternoon. Evelyn and Bertha came over for awhile.
February 24, 1982 - Wednesday. Today is Senior Citizen at Deerwood. We have to get a new president or our club will fold up. Evelyn is 2nd vice president, but she won't be here all the time. We stopped by Mom and she was resting, but good.
February 25, 1982 - Thursday. Evelyn and Bertha went back to Minneapolis this AM. I postponed our 2nd card club because Harland will go to the doctor at 2:45. He had to go to the hospital for tests. He's on a liquid diet till he can have a B.M.
February 26, 1982 - Friday. Today they gave Harland a test and xray and he had good relief.
February 27, 1982 - Saturday. He had his 1st meal since Wednesday. He had a laxative and 2 B.M.s after dinner and he felt weak. I didn't stay too long then. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass. I finished crocheting around a pillow case.
February 28, 1982 - Sunday. I'm washing clothes today. Paul and Grace, Harland and I played euchre at the hospital.
March 1, 1982 - Monday. I spent 6 hours at Cedarbrook and then went to the hospital to see Harland. They took tests today again. 4 enema tests.
March 2, 1982 - Tuesday. I helped serve at Garrison Senior Citizen, then went to the hospital Harland had more tests today.
March 3, 1982 - Wednesday. Harland came home today. Everything is OK, but the doctor will check him in 3 weeks for kidney trouble.
March 4, 1982 - Thursday. Today is Ladies Aid. I'm taking cake. It was -22.
March 6, 1982 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass. Made dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls.
March 7, 1982 - Sunday. I shortened 3 pairs of slacks for myself.
March 8, 1982 - Monday. Today is Marty's birthday. He's 10 years old. It was really blizzard conditions, so I didn't go to Cedarbrook. I toasted 3 loaves of bread for dressing for Auxiliary.
March 9, 1982 - Tuesday. Today Chick is 40 years old. We went into Brainerd for Harland's foot doctor appointment.
March 10, 1982 - Wednesday. We had a meeting at the Goose for Auxiliary. Had George Forester over for dinner.
March 11, 1982 - Thursday. I made the dressing for our 4 large turkeys and Dena and I stuffed them and took them down to the Community Center and put them in the oven.
March 12, 1982 - Friday. We went to Aitkin, Harland and I. I got material to make a pad for the table and I cut out 3 hot dish carriers and 10 pot holders and 4 hot pads. Evelyn came this noon in amongst the rain and snow. We were all over to Dena and Red's for fish fry. It was V.G. I finished the pad for the table tonite.
March 15, 1982 - Monday. Frieda, Grace, Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook for 4 hours.
March 16, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and cleaned house.
March 17, 1982 - Wednesday. We picked George and Susan up and went to Brainerd, done some shopping, then went to Knutson's, had pot luck and played cards. I won 1st and Howard 1st. Al and Ann K. had booby. Then we went to Cedarbrook for St. Patrick's Day and had smorgasborg and then we came home.
March 18, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Senior Citizen Center, had our taxes made out and went back for dinner, finished our shopping and came home. Chet and Frieda came and picked up their meat we bought for them.
March 19, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and Westlands came and the 6 of us went to Aitkin for pot luck. It started to snow tonite.
March 20, 1982 - Saturday. It's still snowing. It's almost 4 inches of snow and still coming down. We signed up for Shriner's Circus on April 24th at Duluth. I shoveled out half of the driveway and we got 10 inches of snow also. It's still snowing and blowing. We didn't go to church tonite.
March 21, 1982 - Sunday. Evelyn and I went to 9:30 mass. I baked 2 loaves of zucchini bread and made a pan of brownies, made dinner and we picked up Dena, Red, Debbie and Evelyn and we went to the Y for a benefit for Riedds who burned out.
March 22, 1982 - Monday. Grace, Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
March 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I fixed a roasting chicken, dressing, potatoes, cauliflower. I volunteered 2 hours on the cheese giveaway. Harland went down and got a cheese. Our dinner turned out real good. Evelyn, Dena, Red, Debbie, Harland and I.
March 24, 1982 - Wednesday. I washed up all the dishes and baked a cake. Harland, I, Grace Musil, Howard and Elsie served at Senior Citizen today. Chuck and Helen served, too.
March 25, 1982 - Thursday. We're going to Brainerd for our taxes. We had dinner at Senior Citizen Center. Bertha (Evelyn's sister) came this afternoon. Paul and Grace came over and Paul check the car. We need new brushes. The alternator light stayed on while driving.
March 26, 1982 - Friday. Evelyn and Bertha got their new trailer today. I washed clothes, cleaned house and made dinner. Had Bertha and Evelyn over. At 5PM, Paul and Grace picked us up and we picked up Frieda and Chet and went to the fish fry at Legion at Deerwood. We went by Paul and Grace and played 6 handed "500".
March 27, 1982 - Saturday. I helped Evelyn and Bertha move things from one cabin to their new trailer for a couple hours. They picked me up for 5 o'clock mass. I planted our begonias out tonite and will water them in the AM.
March 28, 1982 - Sunday. I helped Evelyn and Berta move from the small trailer to the large one. I watered our begonias this AM. George and Susan picked us up and we went to the brunch at Birchwood in Aitkin. Then we played cards.
March 29, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked me up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
March 30, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed everything in the china cupboard and the sewing cabinet and will finish the front room tomorrow. We went shopping about 3PM and had something to eat and went to the show "On Golden Pond". It was real good, but the language was terrible.
March 31, 1982 - Wednesday. I finished house cleaning the front room, washed the car. After supper, I made peanut butter muffins.
April 1, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Ladies Aid at Edna Johnson's house. Doris was hostess and I assisted her. In the evening we played cards by George and Susan. Our 2nd card club, we added to the pot to go out to eat sometime.
April 2, 1982 - Friday. We went to Pine Lake Golden Age for pot luck, then Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for Mom's birthday party. Carl Johnson and Ken Price played the guitar and violin. Carl plays for dances on Saturday night, so we had it on Friday afternoon. She really had a nice time.
April 3, 1982 - Saturday. Mom is 92 today and we have the worst blizzard of the winter and they say spring is here.
April 4, 1982 - Palm Sunday. It was 2 above this AM. The wind went down. Chet and Frieda picked us up and we took dinner and went by Mabel and Elmer Anderson in Deerwood. It was a real nice visit.
April 5, 1982 - Monday. It was 12 degrees this AM. Susan drove and we had 6 hours at Cedarbrook. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. He put the part on the car.
April 6, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Senior citizens at Garrison. Then we stopped by Evelyn's. She gave us material for Harland's foot stool that matches his chair. Her and Bertha have a real nice place.
April 7, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 5 above. I'm washing clothes. Harland went to the doctor in Brainerd.
April 8, 1982 - Thursday. It was 15 above. I done the ironing and house cleaned our bedroom except bedding.
April 9, 1982 - Good Friday. It is 18 above and frosty out. I started some pear tomatoes, cauliflower and a crown of thorns for Frieda. Cec and Ray came this eve.
April 10, 1982 - Saturday. Cec and Ray went to Brainerd. I made hot cross buns and dinner rolls, 2 apple crisps, apricot salad, and an angel food cake for Debbie and Harland's birthdays.
April 11, 1982 - Easter Sunday. Harland, I, Evelyn and Cec went to 9:30 mass and then we had breakfast at the Legion. I made dinner and Cec and Ray left for Cedarbrook at 3 o'clock to see Mom. We went over by Red and Dena for birthday cake and ice cream.
April 12, 1982 - Monday. Harland is 73 today. I went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours. Had Musils, Millers, and Foresters and us for supper and we played cards. I and Paul won 1st. Susan and George got booby.
April 13, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd shopping. We got 4 packages of chicken and I put them in the freezer.
April 14, 1982 - Wednesday. We had our pot luck and card party by Howard and Elsie.
April 15, 1982 - Thursday. I washed, ironed and started to cover Harland's foot stool. After supper, we played cards by Chet. Bertha brought over Regina's sweeper. We finished Harland's foot stool.
April 16, 1982 - Friday. Harland and I took George and Susan to Aitkin for Golden Age. George drove.
April 17, 1982 - Saturday. We took George and Susan to the electric meeting. Harland won insulation for our hot water heater. Evelyn and Bert picked me up for church. After supper we went over by Chet and Frieda and played cards. Our snow is all gone.
April 19, 1982 - Monday. It's 29 degrees above and cloudy. Red and Dena bought our old kitchen chairs. Grace, Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and I drove. I done some hand washing and run the vacuum. We haven't heard from Sally and Metzie if they're coming. I have my tablecloth embroidered around. I have the inside to do yet. It's going to be pretty.
April 20, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and shopped and Harland got a blood test taken. Sally and Metzie came this afternoon.
April 21, 1982 - Wednesday. We had breakfast, played some cards and went to Brainerd shopping and we went to Bonanza for dinner. We played more cards. I called Marie for her birthday and she is in the hospital with bleeding ulcer.
April 22, 1982 - Thursday. We just cooled it and taught Sally and Metzie to play dirty clubs. I talked to Marie on the phone. She sounded pretty good.
April 23, 1982 - Friday. Sally and Metzie left about 20 minutes to 7 and I transplanted squash and swan planter and the round planter on the porch. I changed the beds, cleaned the house.
April 24, 1982 - Saturday. George and Susan picked us up at 8:45AM and we went to Aitkin where we took the bus to Duluth for the Shrine circus. We had a real good day, got home at 9PM. I transplanted cauliflower and yellow tomato plants for us and George and Susan.
April 25, 1982 - Sunday. I done some hand wash and went to 9:30 mass. Stopped to see Mom and I marked her new dress. Visited and then came home and made lunch. Washed dishes and started to rake lawn. I finished raking on the west side and south. Put a turkey in the oven to take along.
April 26, 1982 - Monday. We left home at 8AM. We arrived by Marie in the hospital at 11:30AM. We left her at 12:30 and went out by Hank. Before we left him, Marie called and said she could come home and we left for Katie's. I knew if we'd stay, she'd start making a big meal. We arrived by Katie and Willie at 6:45PM. It was 426 miles to Katie's. I called Judy and Jim. They were surprised we were in Wisconsin.
April 27, 1982 - Tuesday. Went shopping in Beaver Dam. Got kitchen curtains for $6.99 each. Went up to visit Alfred and we stayed for dinner. We went back by Katie and John and Jim came for turkey dinner. Then we played euchre.
April 28, 1982 - Wednesday. We went up to see Violet Kahelske. She is 75 years old. Walley was 80 when he passed away. We had lunch at the root beer stand and then we stopped by Lawrence and Alice Henkel. Had a real nice visit. We stopped by Birdie. Wayne was delivering gas, so we didn't see him. We stayed by Katie and Willie. When Chick came home from work, we waited till Judy and Tam came home. Then we went to Buckhorn to eat.
April 29, 1982 - Thursday. We went back to Shopko and Harland bought the padded boat seat for $39.99 + tax and we bought asparagus root and a pink mum. We went back by Katie. Harland took a nap and we went by Bill and Sharon and took them out for dinner at Sunset Hills. We played 5 games of "500". Jim came out and gave us some fresh bullheads to take home.
April 30, 1982 - Friday. I dropped Harland off at the Pyramid for his tour of John Deere and his dinner at the Pyramid. I picked Tam up and we went to Beaver Dam, shopping and had lunch. She found some sheet music she liked and then we went home and she played the piano. I picked Harland up at 3PM. We went out by Katie for supper. We gave John his saddle bags for his cycle. Jim brought the bullheads and 2 sticks of venison sausage.
May 1, 1982 - Saturday. We left for Marie's at 20 minutes to 9AM. We had a bite to eat and then I gave her a permanent and cut her hair. I had a good night sleep.
May 2, 1982 - Sunday. Had pancakes and sausages for breakfast, visited awhile and left for home. Arrived home at 2PM. We stopped at the Y and had dinner first. Paul came over and spread the manure on both gardens for us and hauled our hay bales away and we played cards and they went home at 9:30. He was tired.
May 3, 1982 - Monday. Susan and Doris picked Grace and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and then Harland and I went to Brainerd for pills. I got yarn for Mom and 11 skeins to make an afghan for Bertha for her birthday May 24th.
May 4, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens today. I came home and washed a couple loads and it started to rain. I started Bertha's afghan.
May 5, 1982 - Wednesday. I done more washing today, but the weather isn't V.G. I ironed the sheets, etc, run the vacuum and finished putting up our new kitchen curtains. We're going to pot luck at the Auxiliary.
May 6, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Allenspachs for Ladies Aid. The orioles arrived.
May 7, 1982 - Friday. I finished our washing today. The weather is clear and cool. We planted a maple tree on the cemetery. Fried fish for lunch, done dishes, washed my hair. I left for Cec's at 2:15PM, arrived around 4PM. Then her and I went to Deer River and had smelt fry. We played cards, sheepshead. I won $1.05.
May 8, 1982 - Saturday. We left, Ray, Cec and I, for Clocquet, around 8:45AM We had breakfast at Ruby's Restaurant and I went shopping for a hummingbird feeder and cough syrup. Ray came in 3rd in bowling and he treated us to dinner at Bridgeman's in Fleetwood.
May 9, 1982 - Sunday. Mother's Day. Cec and I went to church at 9AM, came home, had lunch and started for home. I stopped at Cedcarbrook by Mom on the way home. Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. We came home and I worked on Bertha's afghan.
May 10, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked me and Frieda up and we had 6 hours at Cedarbrook. I fried fish and Paul and Grace stopped and we went down by Bertha and Evelyn and we played cards till 10PM.
May 11, 1982 - Tuesday. Today we have our R.S.V.P. dinner at the Legion in Brainerd. I was V.G. Had 2 wonderful speakers.
May 12, 1982 - Wednesday. Card club is here today. Harland and I won 1st. Ann K and George F got booby.
May 13, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd shopping and got pills, etc. I got a blanket and 4 light bulbs for Dena's birthday tomorrow. We're going by Paul and Grace for supper and card club after.
May 13, 1982 - Friday. Susan and George picked us up and we went to Cutler to Senior Citizens. We were shown slides of Norway. It was very interesting.
May 14, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes and our bedding down to the mattress. I washed outside for the 1st time. After dinner, we mowed lawn where it wasn't too wet. We took a stick of venison sausage over by George, what Jim sent back. We (Evelyn, Bertha, Margaret and I) went to 5:00 mass.
May 16, 1982 - Sunday. I done my ironing. Paul put in a new flooring in the fish house. After supper we played dirty clubs.
May 17, 1982 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we spent 6 1/2 hours at Cedarbrook. There was a lot of clothes to mark and slacks to shorten. I finished Bertha's afghan tonite.
May 18, 1982 - Tuesday. I'm cleaning house today. Made the bed up on the porch for Chick and Mike.
May 19, 1982 - Wednesday. I washed my hair and we picked Grace and Paul up and went to Brainerd. Done some shopping and we met George, Susan, Get and Frieda. We all went out to Bonanza for dinner. Then we stopped by George and Susan, played more cards and we started another kitty for a fall dinner.
May 20, 1982 - Thursday. I went to church (Ascention Day) at Deerwood and Harland went over to Crosby and picked up our motor for the boat. I washed Mom's clothes and mowed lawn here and by Red's.
May 21, 1982 - Friday. I finished mowing lawn in the back. We went to Aitkin Senior Citizens. I got drapery material for our bedroom. We planted out our mums and 2 rose bushes and after supper, we planted our asparagus roots. Evelyn and Bertha brought our case of margarine. Bertha gave me a candy thermometer.
May 22, 1982 - Saturday. Chick, Mike, Jim and Dennis came around 1:30. They went fishing on Mille Lacs and they almost swamped the boat, it was so windy. I went to 5:00 mass, stopped by Mom before. Dianne is staying with Dilly and working.
May 23, 1982 - Sunday. I made breakfast, the guys went fishing. I baked a rhubarb cake, apple pie, double batch chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal scotchies. Made German potato salad and put 1/2 ham in the oven, 1 dozen eggs into deviled eggs, washed everything up. The guys got 104 perch and 7 walleyes. I sewed on our drapes for our bedroom.
May 24, 1982 - Monday. Evelyn picked Grace and I up for 6 hours at Cedarbrook.
May 25, 1982 - Tuesday. The guys went to Mille Lacs and got 205 perch and no walleyes.
May 26, 1982 - Wednesday. It was windy for Mille Lacs, so they put the 2 boats in Borden and fished, but not much luck. They picked George up and took him out, too. The kids took us out to eat at the Chicken Shack.
May 27, 1982 - Thursday. They (Chick and Jim) went over and got George and we all went to Mille Lacs. 193 perch and no walleyes in the AM. Har, Chick and Jim and Dennis went out at night and got 3 perch and 14 walleyes. I washed Jim's clothes today.
May 28, 1982 - Friday. I'm defrosting the big freezer in the garage as Marie is bringing us 1/2 beef today. Marie came this afternoon.
May 29, 1982 - Saturday. Cec came after dinner. She stopped by Mom. Marie took Cec, Margaret (Dena's mom) and I to the Viking. Harland, Jeff and Larry went to Turner. Had good luck. We went to church at Deerwood.
May 30, 1982 - Sunday. Bob would have been 52 years old.
May 31, 1982 - Monday. Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
June 1, 1982 - Tuesday. Harland, I, Cec and Marie went to Senior Citizens at Garrison.
June 2, 1982 - Wednesday. The 4 of us went to Mille Lacs. We got 48 perch and walleyes. The walleyes were small.
June 3, 1982 - Thursday. Today I helped serve at Ladies Aid at Dorothy Boucher's home. We had a nice turn out and food was V.G.
June 4, 1982 - Friday. Marie, I, and Cec went to Brainerd shopping. We made lunch and we then went to Aitkin shopping.
June 5, 1982 - Saturday. We've only went fishing 2 X this week because of rain and 50 miles an hr wind. We stopped by Mom and then went to 5PM mass. We told her we'd take her out tomorrow.
June 6, 1982 - Sunday. We picked Mom up by 11:15AM and we all went to the Chicken Shack and then stopped by Annie Meyer. Mom really enjoyed the day. The weather turned out really nice after dinner, but plenty of wind. It was a V.G. day.
June 7, 1982 - Monday. I baked chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal. Took some to Cedarbrook residents. I'm 68 years old today. Marie and Cec went over by George and Louise to say goodbye. They brought a decorate cake over to Cedarbrook at noon for my birthday. Very thoughtful. We went down to the Viking for supper.
June 8, 1982 - Tuesday. Marie and Cec packed up and left at 20 minutes to 10AM. I changed the beds and we picked George and Susan up and we went to Deerwood for the insurance meeting and dinner. We came home and we mowed the lawn and I finished the drapes for our bedroom. Katie called and they're not coming for the 4th of July for vacation.
Jun 10, 1982 - Thursday. I washed clothes, fixed rhubarb for sauce and baked Chick's cake for card club tonite. Harland and Grace were high. George and Susan had booby.
June 11, 1982 - Friday. Susan and I served at Cutler's.
June 12, 1982 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass and after supper we went over by Paul and Grace and played "500" and dirty clubs.
June 13, 1982 - Sunday. I called Bill and he'll try and bring up a flag. I'm taking the other one back to Thrifty Drugs. In 2 weeks it frayed on the end and one eye pulled out.
June 14, 1982 - Monday. Went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
June 15, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and Nisswa for Jim's depth finder. $191.00. Harland had a blood test taken. We got 40 lbs of chicken legs and thighs for $17.99. We sold Dena 10 lbs. Went by Susan and George and played cards. Al and I won 1st. George and Ann, booby.
June 16, 1982 - Wednesday. I bagged up the chicken and fried some for when Bill and Sharon come. Defrosted the refrigerator freezer in the garage.
June 17, 1982 - Thursday. I frosted the freezer on the porch. Made potato salad, dessert for our cook out tonite. Austins, Virgil, Dena, Debbie, Evelyn, Harland and I. Red has to work.
June 18, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and we served at Aitkin Golden Age. I finished digging the weeds out of the lower /12 of the garden that was too wet in the spring. Harland run the tiller over it.
June 19, 1982 - Saturday. I'm washing clothes this AM and scrubbed the basement steps down, done my ironing. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass. It's raining. It was only 49 degrees in Aitkin at 3:30PM.
June 20, 1982 - Sunday. Harland and I went to the Y for dinner and then visited with George and Louise. We went by George and Susan and played cards in the evening.
June 21, 1982 - Monday. Grace drove and picked Grieda and I up for Cedarbrook. We spent 6 hours sewing and mending. Grace made a draft for the addition on the garage.
June 22, 1982 - Tuesday. I helped taking 31 residents over to Sherri Anderson's for a picnic. That was really work and tiring, but a beautiful day and good meal and enjoyed by all.
June 23, 1982 - Wednesday. Went to Deerwood Senior Citizens, stopped by Mom. The priest came for Anna Baker. Margaret, Har and I went over by Evelyn and Dora.
June 24, 1982 - Thursday. I went to the doctor. Got a shot for bronchitis and expensive pills. Harland is mowing over on the bank. We bought 10 lbs of seed potatoes and Harland planted them today.
June 25, 1982 - Friday. I washed clothes, ironed, run the vacuum, made the bed up on the porch and finished mowing lawn in the front.
June 26, 1982 - Saturday. Jim, Bill, Sharon, Marty and Collette are coming today.
June 27, 1982 - Sunday. Bill, Jim, Dad, Sharon, and Collette went fishing in the AM. They got 9 walleyes and 134 perch. Marty and I went to church and stopped by Great Grandma. I went along fishing in the eve and we got 35 perch and 1 walleye.
June 28, 1982 - Monday. The rest went fishing and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. We went to Turner with 2 boats, but didn't do much. I and Sharon took the kids roller skating at Nisswa.
July 1, 1982 - Thursday. Bill, I and Jim went to Mille Lacs. We got 143 perch and a couple walleye. We missed Ladies Aid. We had a cook out tonite. Dena, Red, Debbie, us, Alfred, Dorothy, Edward, and Lorene. Eric stopped before going to their motel.
July 2, 1982 - Friday. Jim and Bill went to Peterson. Got 3 black bass (nice ones) and 3 northern. Alfred and Dorothy stayed with us tonite. Edward, Lorene and Eric left for Montana.
July 3, 1982 - Saturday. Jim and Alfred left for Wisconsin. Bill, Sharon, Marty and Collette went on Mille Lacs and got 78 perch. We all went to the Chicken Shack. We stopped by Mom and then went to church at 5PM at Deerwood. Came home and warmed up our left over chicken. Then we played "500". The guys (Dad and Bill) took 4 games to our 3.
July 4, 1982 - Sunday. Bill, Sharon and the kids left around 9AM. I stripped the beds and cleaned house.
July 5, 1982 - Monday. I washed clothes, 9 sheets plus everything. I got the ironing done, too.
July 6, 1982 - Tuesday. Garrison Senior citizens met today. I read the minutes and took notes in absence of the secretary.
July 7, 1982 - Wednesday. I and Frieda went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and then I went to Brainerd. Harland went fishing with Larry and Gary to Ward Lake. Not much luck.
July 8, 1982 - Thursday. I'm fixing turtle, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple crisp for dinner with Dena, Red, Debbie, Evelyn, Larry, Louise, kids and us. The dinner was a success.
July 9, 1982 - Friday. Tam is 16 years old today. We had a fish fry. I fixed beer batter fish, cole slaw, cukes, Dena fried fish in eggs and crumbs. Linda and Garry brought dessert.
July 10, 1982 - Saturday. I cleaned the house and pulled weeds in the flower beds and garden. It's cool today. We went to Grand Rapids to the Northland Opera by bus from Aitkin.
July 11, 1982 - Sunday. I washed clothes, went to 9:30 mass, worked in the garden for an hour, made dinner and weeded the onions and carrots. Bill and Esther Allenspach stopped.
July 12, 1982 - Monday. Harland I went on the bus trip to see Congdon Mansion and on a boat trip on Lake Superior. We got back to Deerwood, had dinner at Roy's Cafe and came home.
July 13, 1982 - Tuesday. I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours, came home and picked up Harland and we went to Crosby where he got a haircut. We stopped around by Louise and George was home. He still has to wear his old legs as much as possible and he'll get another appointment in a month. We ate a bite, picked up George and Susan, went to Brainerd, done some shopping and then to Knutson's to play cards.
July 14, 1982 - Wednesday. Susan picked me up and we went down and washed chairs at the V.F.W. After dinner I mowed lawn. I tried to call Evelyn all day, but no answer. I called Bertha and she said she does it every so often. It's been 3 years since her last binge.
July 15, 1982 - Thursday. I finished mowing in the back and will have to rake it up. Susan picked me up and we went to a salad luncheon at her church. I took stew, strawberries muskmellon and pickled fish over by Evie. She cried and said, "Why does one do it?" but she'll be O.K.
July 16, 1982 - Friday. I raked the back lawn this AM and called Evie and later took her some stew and warmed up ham and lima beans. She's coming back good. After dinner I made a batch of strawberry and rhubarb jam.
July 17, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes, cleaned up the house, went to 5:00 mass.
July 18, 1982 - Sunday. I done my ironing and sewed a smock for myself and cut out another one. Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack and brought Evelyn home a cottage cheese salad and chicken dinner. Then I mowed her lawn and Harland raked it up. She wrote a check for us for $10.00.
July 19, 1982 - Monday. I picked Frieda up and went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
July 20, 1982 - Tuesday. We got the rinse and vac and shampooed our kitchen carpeting and Dena's kitchen carpet.
July 21, 1982 - Wednesday. Dena and I went to Brainerd and we got fruit, cukes, tomatoes, a 16 lb lug peaches for $6.99. I finished the kitchen when I came home. I put 30 lbs of strawberries in the freezer for Marie and I. $25.89. I picked our 1st sweet peas tonite.
July 22, 1982 - Thursday. I was real cool this AM. I fixed chicken and dressing for when Jim and 2 guys are coming tomorrow. I'm fixing supper for a cook out for Paul, Grace and us. Paul, Harland and Red went to pick up our metal shed.
July 23, 1982 - Friday. I finished the 2nd smock for myself. Made 3 holders for towels. Checked on Evelyn's place.
July 24, 1982 - Saturday. It's still hot and humid. I painted around the windows in the garage. Made supper together. Brats and fruit salad. Peaches, grapes, marshmallows. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.
July 25, 1982 - Sunday. Harland and Larry went to Turner fishing. I done some hand washing. Mom's dresses and my undies. I vacuumed out the car and washed the matts up and it started to rain. I brought the clothes in the house and took them out again when it quit raining. The guys got home at 1:30 with 58 pan fish and 2 northerns. I made a big batch of peach and pineapple jam.
July 26, 1982 - Monday. I and Susan went to Cedarbrook. Susan drove. 5 hours. Jim, Howie Seboe, Chris Henderson came about 3:15. They fixed corn on the grill and brats and wieners.
July 27, 1982 - Tuesday. The guys went to Turner. Got 58 pan fish. I made a package for Marie and froze the rest for a fish fry for Jim at Minocqua, Wisconsin.
July 28, 1982 - Wednesday. The guys done their laundry and went swimming in Mille Lacs Lake. I fixed the turtle Jim brought along. We had it for supper at night.
July 29, 1982 - Thursday. The kids left at 8AM for a few days in Wisconsin by friends. I stripped the 3 beds and after lunch, Harland and I went to the hospital to see Grace Musil.
July 30, 1982 - Friday. I washed 9 sheets, 2 mattress pads and the rest of the laundry and I got everything ironed and I was beat.
July 31, 1982 - Saturday. I canned 2 1/2 quarts of green beans, run the vacuum, but just took the rest of the day off. I went to 5:00 mass.
August 1, 1982 - Sunday. I just cooled it and finished my afghan to donate to church for our fall bazaar. Betty DeWitte pass away from cancer.
August 2, 1982 - Monday. I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
August 3, 1982 - Tuesday. Harland went to the foot doctor and we then went to Port Mille Lacs for our Garrison Senior Citizens.
August 4, 1982 - Wednesday. Harland and I went to Hayward, Wisconsin to Betty DeWitte's funeral. She was cremated. Got home in time for Auxiliary meeting. 389 miles round trip.
August 5, 1982 - Thursday. Today is our 49th wedding anniversary. Today is Ladies Aid by Foresters.
August 6, 1982 - Friday. I went along with Margaret to take residents for outings. We went to Nisswa and Pequot Lakes and circled around thru Crosby and back to Cedarbrook. I had 7 hours in all.
August 7, 1982 - Saturday. I started to wash and it looked like rain, so I didn't finish. Margaret, Estelle and I went to 5:00 mass.
August 8, 1982 - Sunday. I finished the laundry and fixed my hair. Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to Wahkon for a church dinner. They treated. We played Bingo, but none of us won anything. We came home and I canned 4 pints of Tumeric pickles and folded the wash, sprinkled my ironing. We went over by George and Susan. Then Frieda and Chet came over and we played 6 handed "500".
August 9, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Frieda, Grace and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours.
August 12, 1982 - Thursday. We had a pot luck with Unruhs, Jackman, and Jackmans. 13 all together.
August 13, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and we went to Mrs. Hackason for our picnic.
August 14, 1982 - Saturday. I canned dills, blueberries, Turmeric pickles. Larry, Har and Jeff went to Turner in the AM, got 72 blues and we had a cook out I made a double batch of zucchini bread. Gave Margaret (Dena's mom) a bowl of ground zucchini.
August 15, 1982 - Sunday. Margaret and I went to 9:30 mass and we went to Ray's for breakfast. The guys went back to Turner, got 73 blues and 1 bullhead again. I picked beans and helped Margaret till my back wouldn't take it. I dug the quack out from around the blueberries. We had berries on all 4 plants.
August 16, 1982 - Monday. I spent 5 hours at Cedarbrook and then went by Dorothy Boucher's and got a permanent.
August 17, 1982 - Tuesday. I still have a backache.
August 18, 1982 - Wednesday. We played cards by Howard and Elsie. I and Harland got 1st place. Howard and Ann K got booby. It was so hot and sticky.
August 19, 1982 - Thursday. Harland went to the eye doctor and he will get glasses for a year. He isn't ready for surgery yet. Then we went to the Arboretum, had a nature food meal (yah!). We didn't take the tour as it was so hot. We came home then.
August 20, 1982 - Friday. Today was Senior Citizens at Aitkin. We didn't go because I washed clothes, ironed, baked an angel food cake and oatmeal cookies for our bake sale tomorrow.
August 21, 1982 - Saturday. Susan and I went to the Community Center at 8AM and set up the bake sale and flea market. We marched in the parade at 12:00 and then we went to the Viking, had dinner. Harland and I played Bingo at the V.F.W building. I won $3.00 the 1st game and we didn't win after that. Margaret (Dena's mom) and I went to 5:00 mass. I've been crocheting on my bird afghan in the evenings and spare time.
August 23, 1982 - Monday. I spent 5 hours at Cedarbrook. Mom was pretty good today. I finished painting the north end of the garage.
August 24, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes, ironed and started painting on the east side of the garage between showers, which we needed.
August 25, 1982 - Wednesday. Today Jim is 29 years old. We stopped by Mom. She was really flushed and had thrown up. She didn't eat any dinner. We went to Senior Citizens at Deerwood, then we decided to move the club to Lion's Club as the speaker system is really lousy. We then went to Crosby and Harland got a haircut and then we went to Brainerd shopping.
August 26, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd and got Harland's glasses. No eye surgery for 6 months.
August 27, 1982 - Friday. Paul worked on the garage inside. I put contact on the refrigerator in the garage.
August 28, 1982 - Saturday. I started to put contact on the freezer in the garage and when I raised the cover, the freezer wasn't working. So we went to Brainerd at Wards and got a 15 cubic foot. Paul came and picked it up as Wards don't deliver on Saturday afternoon. We gave him $10.00 and 3 packages of beef. Some was thawed out that was on the bottom. Wards charged $15.00 for delivery. Evelyn came and we went to 5:00 mass.
August 29, 1982 - Sunday. I cooked up yellow tomatoes and made the zucchini and pineapple jam, made lunch. I fried bullheads Jim gave us. They were really good. I washed dishes and made oatmeal and peanut butter cookies, washed up the baking dishes and got ready and picked George and Louise up to go out to eat for Louise's birthday (63). We went to Jim's lunch at Ironton. It was good, but the chicken was really small. Marie called and she'll come the 2nd weekend in September. We played Bingo, but didn't win tonite.
August 30, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked me up for Cedarbrook. Today Ed would be 73 years old. We spent 8 hours over at Cedarbrook. Susan took her dog to be groomed and it wasn't done until later. Mom was pretty good today. Done sewing, etc.
August 31, 1982 - Tuesday. It rained again today. I finished the 1st strip of our bird afghan. I put up the curtains in the garage.
September 1, 1982 - Wednesday. Tonight is Auxiliary meeting. The sun is shining today.
September 2, 1982 - Thursday. Today is Ladies Aid. Harland and Paul are putting the metal shed together. I guess it's a real headache. I painted black trim on the garage windows. I washed clothes before Aid and mowed lawn. It was a full day.
September 3, 1982 - Friday. I made a beef and pork roast, dug some carrots. I finished painting the garage till they got a new overhead door on.
September 4, 1982 - Saturday. I'm painting the "little house". I got 3 sides done and I spent 2 hours over by Mom. Then went to 5 o'clock mass. I made me something to eat and I brushed the front off on the privy. Then it was too dark.
September 5, 1982 - Sunday. Boy, we got some much needed rain in the night. So no painting today. I'm cleaning house as it really needs it.
September 6, 1982 - Monday. I painted the 2 eagles and finished the little house and started the fish cleaning house. I have 2 sides done.
September 7, 1982 - Tuesday. Today is Garrison Senior Citizens.
September 8, 1982 - Wednesday. We had a farewell party for Father Brennan. He was in Garrison for 16 years. He is at Peirz, Minnesota.
September 10, 1982 - Friday. I finished digging potatoes up by Clem's. We have real good potatoes this year. Marie came around 3:30PM.
September 11, 1982 - Saturday. We went to Peterson fishing. Harland got a northern and I got a bass. Cec came today, too. We went to 9:00 mass at Deerwood.
September 12, 1982 - Sunday. After mass at 9:30, we picked Mom up and took her to the Chicken Shack between showers. It really rained on the way to church.
September 13, 1982 - Monday. Marie, Cec, Susan and I went to Cedarbrook. We spent 5 hours there.
September 17, 1982 - Friday. Marie, Cec, Har and I went to Aitkin Senior Citizens and then went to Grand Rapids for Cec's for the weekend.
September 20, 1982 - Monday. Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. Mom wanted to know where the skirt was we tried on her Sunday, but it's part of her Christmas present from Har and I.
September 21, 1982 - Tuesday. Marie went home yesterday. After she got her tired fixed and tail pipe, Paul sold her 2 snow tires for the rear. I'm washing clothes. It froze last nite. Our 1st frost, but only spotty. Our tuberous begonias didn't freeze and that's the 1st to go. I painted most of the floor in the shed. Sprinkled the ironing.
September 22, 1982 - Wednesday. I done half of my ironing, went out and painted the rest of the floor in the shed, the 1st coat. I made apple crisp for Senior Citizens and a pumpkin pie for us. We had $98.00 in quarters for Christmas shopping. I finished the ironing.
September 23, 1982 - Thursday. I finished painting the 2nd coat in the new shed floor. We played cards by Susan and George's. Our 2nd card club.
September 24, 1982 - Friday. We went to Deerwood, Crosby and Brainerd. We stopped by Louise and George has been measured up for his permanent legs. He'll be in the hospital for 2 weeks yet. Chet and Frieda, Harland and I met Elsie and Howard at the Legion for a fish fry. We then went by Elsie and Howard and played 6 handed "500". The men won 3 and we 2 games. It froze last nite. It was down to 28. Our 1st hard frost. Our flowers are still out.
September 25, 1982 - Saturday. I finished painting in the shed. I cleaned the house and got part of our houseplants in, went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.
September 26, 1982 - Sunday. Today Jack would be 72 years old. I finished digging potatoes and painted black around the window on the garage in back. I got the beets on cooking and am making zucchini bread, 2 batched bread, 1 zucchini cake. I made 9 pints of pickled beets, made dinner for Dena, Red, Debbie, Paul, Grace and us. After Red, Dena and Deb went home, Paul and Grace and us played dirty clubs. It was an enjoyable evening.
September 27, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked Frieda and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 1/2 hours. Susan and I sold coffee and doughnuts at Bingo. I played, but didn't win. Harland went down by George and Susan's brother and played cards. I crocheted till 1:45AM.
September 28, 1982 - Tuesday. It's raining and windy. I'm going to finish transplanting flowers and my African violets.
September 29, 1982 - Wednesday. We made 2 gallons sauerkraut today. I made pigs in a blanket and froze some. Cooked the pieces and froze them. Cec came this afternoon.
September 30, 1982 - Thursday. It was a beautiful day. I got all the windows washed outside. Cec went over by Mom. She finally got her small claims court settled. That's why she came down. We went into Brainerd this AM. She spent around $70.00 for groceries, baking, meat etc. We played cards and Cec won tonite which was good.
October 1, 1982 - Friday. Paul and Grace stopped and we visited and then Cec left for Cedarbrook. We ate dinner and Harland took a nap and now we're going to Brainerd. I covered a container with contact for the closet to put things into.
October 2, 1982 - Saturday. It's raining again. Today is Red's birthday. I cleaned the fish bowl out this AM. Made some jello for Red's birthday party. I made chicken noodle soup for lunch. I cleaned in the closet good. Put new curtains up last week. I cooked a large kettle of apples for sauce and put some in the freezer. The dinner was delicious, but Red had to work till 10PM.
October 3, 1982 - Sunday. I went to 9:30 mass at Deerwood, had rolls and coffee in the basement and I washed clothes to get Mom's ready for Monday. Made 2 batches of zucchini bread and cake.
October 4, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Grace and I up to volunteer at Cedarbrook for 6 hours. I vacuumed out the car and shampooed the cushions and the floor in the back. I cut 2 heads of cauliflower apart and put them in salt water. I wrote to George at the Vet's hospital.
October 5, 1982 - Tuesday. I couldn't sleep, so I blanched the cauliflower for the freezer. I set some jello for Senior Citizens at Garrison. When we came home I finished washing the car and windows. Paul said it was too cold to wax the car so we'll take it along to Wisconsin. If the weather is fit, I'll do it. We played cards by Chet and Frieda. Boy, it sure stormed and rained before we got home and it rained on the way home, too.
October 6, 1982 - Wednesday. We got 3 1/2 inches of rain and it's supposed to rain all day today. I baked the pork chops and wild rice and stuffed the chicken and duck and baked them. I made a double batch of chocolate chips and made apple sauce cookies. I went to Auxiliary meeting with Dena and Red. I made my butterhorns.
October 7, 1982 - Thursday. I'm baking butterhorns to take along. Today is Ladies Aid held at George and Lorna Maghan. We went to Brainerd after the meeting to get pills and shop. Paul and Grace and us played dirty clubs. We paid $90.00 to Paul for work he done here this summer.
October 8, 1982 - Friday. George, Susan, Harland and I picked up Evelyn Oleson and Erma Bigowette for Pine Lake Golden Age. I made 2 batches of grape jelly before we went to Senior Citizens. Harland dropped me off at Cedarbrook while he went to Crosby for a haircut.
October 9, 1982 - Saturday. Evelyn and I went to church at Deerwood and helped with the bazaar from 8:30-4:30. Then we went to 5 o'clock mass. It was a huge success.
October 10, 1982 - Sunday. It's a year today Orville passed away. We were in Wisconsin ready to leave for home.
October 17, 1982 - Sunday. 25 years ago today, Carol and Bob got married. We have had a real busy week. Renee finished the garage and I have it painted. Now we're getting the garage cleaned out to put the car in.
October 27, 1982 - Wednesday. Franny Henkel called that his mother passed away. Chuck Elwood's step-father was buried today. We went to the funeral and then to Senior Citizens at Deerwood.
October 28, 1982 - Thursday. I made 7 apple pies for the freezer and one for us and Dena and Charlie Liane. We play cards by Paul and Grace tonite.
October 30, 1982 - Saturday. It was 28 degrees above this AM and the sun shining. I baked an apple pie, made potato sausage for dinner, a gift from Paul and Grace. It was good, but needed more seasoning. I went to mass at Deerwood.
October 31, 1982 - Sunday. It's 30 degrees above this AM and cloudy. I washed the car this AM and after lunch, we went to see George and Louise. After supper I helped with the Halloween party for about 75 kids.
November 1, 1982 - Monday. Today is a holy day. I'm going to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. I raked the ditch and Harland used the mower to mulch the leaves. Paul and Grace picked me up and we went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we had supper and we went to the funeral home to see Norm Meyerson. There sure wasn't a very big turn out. We played dirty clubs. Paul and Grace and us.
November 2, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd, bought another freezer for the house. $341.24. Came home, went to Senior Citizen at Garrison.
November 3, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 24 degrees above and we got 3 inches of snow. Harland and Paul went in to pick up the freezer. Webb Miller helped take the old one out and brought the new one in. I made lunch for them. Then I put everything back in the new freezer. After lunch, we went to Brainerd and finished our shopping. I baked a cake for Ladies Aid and a double batch of chocolate chip cookies for Harland to take along for deer hunting on Saturday. Susan picked Dena and I up and we went to V.F.W. Auxiliary meeting.
November 4, 1982 - Thursday. I had to serve at Ladies Aid. Grace Musil assisted. We left at 10:30AM. We got home around 4PM. Grace Musil was elected president. I am secretary and Susan is treasurer. Cec was supposed to come, but the weather up north was bad freezing rain and snow. She will call the county and see what the roads are in the AM. Marie called this AM and Hank is still in the hospital and has an infection, but he can't pass the kidney stone. We we'll have to wait and see. I washed Mom's clothes and some of our and Harland's woolen hunting pants. I finished our bird afghan tonite. Tuffy stayed in all nite last nite. Tonite he went out for awhile, but came back in. Roxanne Meyer Stewart expects her baby any day now. Annie, her mom, just came home from the hospital (13 days). She had a heart attack.
November 5, 1982 - Friday. Cec came this AM and at 3PM, Cec and I left for Henry's and marie's. We got there around 10 after 7PM.
November 6, 1982 - Saturday. We cleaned 38 roosters. We went up to see Hank at the hospital. We went to 5:15 mass.
November 7, 1982 - Sunday. We butchered 10 ducks and after lunch, Henry and us went to Stanley, Wisconsin shopping and then went to the hospital again.
November 8, 1982 - Monday. We went over by Henry again and butchered 2 geese. I bought one and Henry gave us 2 roosters, 2 ducks, pork and venison. Then we came home by Marie and got packed up and came home. I brought a bushel of apples for Susan and a 1/2 bushel for Louise. Harland got home around 3:30PM and Cec and I got home from Wisconsin. No one got a buck deer hunting at Hackensack. Susan and George came over, got their apples. We played cards and had apple pie and cheese after cards.
November 9, 1982 - Tuesday. I went over by Mom for 4 hours. I was really tired. After lunch, Cec and I went to Brainerd shopping.
November 10, 1982 - Wednesday. Cec gave me a permanent. Then Harland and I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Legion in Deerwood. Cec didn't go home because of 3 inches of snow and rain. After dinner we came home. We played sheepshead. Cec lost, which she couldn't afford.
November 11, 1982 - Thursday. We helped Cec pack up and she left about 10 minutes to 9AM. I cleaned the house and got ready for card club at nite. It started to snow by 7:30PM and our card club broke up after lunch at 10:45PM. Chet got stuck twice and left the car set and him and Frieda walked home.
November 12, 1982 - Friday. It was 14 above and we got about 10-12 inches of snow and real windy. I shoveled a path to the garage and brought Louise's apples in from the car. I finished one box of apples today for apple crisp. The rest I'm making for pies. It's 2 degrees above tonite. I made an apple crisp for Dena and Red. Larry and Louise came up last nite. It was rough going when they came. Senior Citizens was called off at Cutler.
November 13, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes this AM. The temp was -2. I filled the oven full of squash and baked. I made 8 apple pies for the freezer and cleaned up the kitchen.
November 14, 1982 - Sunday. I baked another oven full of squash. Larry blew the snow out of the driveway. It was zero degrees this AM. I went to church with Paul and Grace. I done my ironing today, about 3 weeks ironing. I picked out hickory nut meats tonite.
November 15, 1982 - Monday. Went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. Susan and I sold coffee and doughnuts for V.F.W. Auxiliary. Harland won $5.00 of Bingo.
November 16, 1982 - Tuesday. We had card club by Ann K with a delicious pot luck dinner. I took 2 pumpkin pies. Harland won 1st, George F booby. Elsie 1st and I won booby.
November 17, 1982 - Wednesday. Evelyn O, Margaret Abear, Dorothy Boucher and I went to Duluth shopping. It was a fun day.
November 18, 1982 - Thursday. Clara Holstein had 4 couples over for dinner (V.G.) and we then played 2 tables of "500". We then had lunch and came home. Cec was here.
November 19, 1982 - Friday. Harland, Cec and I went by Marie and we cleaned 2 huge turkeys, 2 geese, 1 guinea hen and 7 ducks. We came home on Saturday nite as the weather wasn't going to be good. It rained and turned colder and snow was predicted.
November 21, 1982 - Sunday. We took care of our meat and went to 9:30 mass. Had lunch and we made mincemeat out of the apples Marie sent home.
November 22, 1982 - Monday. It was 17 above. I canned 11 pints of mincemeat this AM. Cec packed up and took her ducks, goose, and her turkey. Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
November 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I went to Cedarbrook and gave Mom a permanent and then Margaret had her volunteer luncheon at 12:30. It was really beautiful, but kinda sad as it was a farewell as Cedarbrook will close after 30 years.
November 24, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -2 this AM. The lake froze over today. I washed clothes, made pie crust and a mincemeat for dinner. We fixed the top of Bill and Sharon's foot stools. I'm wrapping Christmas gifts.
November 25, 1982 - Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. 6 above. We're going over by Dena's. I'm fixing 2 pumpkin pies and squash.
November 26, 1982 - Friday. I cleaned house and washed my hair. Bertha and Evie picked up their ducks.
November 27, 1982 - Saturday. It was 6 degrees above this AM. We took the car into Wards at 8AM for repair. We had no heat and they have to order a heater switch. We finished our Christmas shopping. Got home at 3PM. After supper, we played cards by Frieda and Chet Hively.
November 28, 1982 - Sunday. We have 22 degrees above and rain or snow predicted. I baked our fruitcake this AM. I took Roxanne's gifts over for the baby this AM. I made the fudge and we made a batch of sea foam. I picked Susan up and we went over to see Roger and Delores Marks' baby. We came home by Susan, had supper and played cards. We won 4 - men 3. I packed the candy away and fixed a box for Gertie Hartman at Cedarbrook for her birthday. She'll be moving to Crosby.
November 29, 1982 - Monday. I left for Cedarbrook at 8:30AM. Mom was all upset. She didn't sleep last nite, only about 2 hours. I sorted out her clothes, etc and packer her things up and I done some mending. After dinner we got things packed in the cars and Margaret took Mom, as we didn't have heat in our car. We're waiting for a new heater switch. I packed Mom's things in her dresser and we got her settled in her new surroundings. When we left her, it bothered Margaret and I worse than her. She seemed quite contented. It is 28 degrees above, cloudy and windy, but the weather turned out beautiful.
November 30, 1982 - Tuesday. I'm washing some of Mom's clothes out this AM. It is 29 degrees above, cloudy, windy and misty. We went to Koop's Funeral Home and in to Brainerd. Stopped by Jake's and we stopped by Mom. She seems to be real contented. We played cards by Susan and George tonite. Grace had first, Susan booby. Harland had 1st and George booby. We had lunch and came home. I finished wrapping Christmas gifts.
December 1, 1982 - Wednesday. I canned 7 pints of cranberries, packed Mom's clothes that I washed and done some mending. I'ts real warm and foggy. We have no snow left either.
December 2, 1982 - Thursday. It is 40 degrees above and still foggy and breezy. Today is Ladies Aid. I made 2 apple crisps, one for us. After our meeting and gift exchange we came home with Paul and Grace and we played dirty clubs. Paul and I won.
December 3, 1982 - Friday. I cleaned house, went to Brainerd, too the rest of Mom's clothes along. She was really on her high horse. We finished our Christmas shopping.
December 4, 1982 - Saturday. It is 22 degrees above and no snow. I'm making a hot dish for the V.F.W. Christmas party tonite.
December 5, 1982 - Sunday. I went to 9AM mass. Paul and Grace picked me up. We stopped by Evelyn and Bertha, then came home. George and Susan picked us up and we went to Birchwood Restaurant for our Thanksgiving and Christmas brunch. It was V. good. We also picked up Erma Bigowette. We came home and the 4 of us played "500". Susan and I won 3 games out of 5.
December 6, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Frieda and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and our last time. It is sad for everyone connected with Cedarbrook after 30 years. We've been volunteering for over 7 years. It was sad.
December 7, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens and at nite we played cards by Hively's. It was -4 this AM.
December 8, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -6 this AM. We took the car in to get the heater fixed. No heat at all. We stopped by Mom and she is really adjusting compared to last Tuesday. She was really bitter. Paul and Grace stopped this afternoon and we played dirty clubs. Then we went to 5 o'clock mass. I'm writing out more Christmas cards.
December 9, 1982 - Thursday. It was -8 this AM. Susan picked me up and we went to the salad luncheon at the Alliance church. It was V. good as usual.
December 10, 1982 - Friday. The temp was 20 above. I made 2 apple pies for Cutler Senior Citizens, one for Golden Age bake sale, one for us. We exchanged gifts. Real nice. I'm putting an end to our Christmas cards.
December 11, 1982 - Saturday. The temp is -8 this AM. We'll go down to Community Center and help Santa hand out candy, etc for the kids. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood for mass.
December 12, 1982 - Sunday. I stirred Sally Ann cookies and sugar cookies last night. I washed my hair, made beef roast, carrots, potatoes for dinner. After dinner, I washed dishes and baked cookies. After supper George and Susan picked us up and we went to the cantata at their church. It was 4 above this AM. Still no snow.
December 13, 1982 - Monday. The temp was 18 above and the sun was shining. I washed clothes and hung it outside. We went to Deerwood to renew our CD that was due. We went to Pike's Point and had a hamburger, paid for storage of the fish house, etc, gas. I done the ironing, started to clean the closet out, so Paul can put our new doors on. Dena and I played Bingo.
December 14, 1982 - Tuesday. We picked George and Susan up and we went to Crosby, stopped at the nursing home and we had our pot luck by Elsie and Howard and played cards. We had light snow. I finished our Christmas cards tonite. It was 33 above this AM.
December 15, 1982 - Wednesday. It's 15 degrees above. Paul and Harland are working on the new doors for our closet. We had our Garrison Senior Citizens Christmas party at Myr Mar. Our meal was delicious. We exchanged gifts and they had music for dancing. We came home around 10PM. I painted the floor in the closet.
December 16, 1982 - Thursday. The temp is -2 this AM. I'm finishing washing walls etc. in the bathroom. I ironed the curtains and washed windows. We (Evelyn, I and Dena) went to Deerwood church and made 6 boxes for needy people. I brought 2 home, one for Webb Miller and for Terry Nelson and family.
December 17, 1982 - Friday. It was 24 above this AM. I'm roasting a turkey, dressing and baked an angel food cake, etc. Red, Dena, Debbie, Evelyn, Charley, Liane, and Grace and Paul are coming for dinner at 6:00PM. Today is Grace's birthday. She is a diabetic.
December 18, 1982 - Saturday. It was 28 degrees above and we had freezing rain and snow. Paul delivered the box to Webb and to Nelson's. They sure were grateful. I cleaned up the kitchen dishes after our big dinner last nite. After lunch I baked a double batch of frosted chocolate cookies. I stirred up mint surprise cookies. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass.
December 19, 1982 - Sunday. It's 21 years ago since Chick had his car accident. 21 degrees above this AM. We picked Evelyn up and went to K.C. Christmas party at Deerwood. It was V.G. Ham and pot luck.
December 20, 1982 - Monday. I cleaned up the house and we went and played Bingo. I won $13.00.
December 21, 1982 - Tuesday. Done odds and ends. Evelyn and Bertha came over and left gifts and we gave them theirs.
December 22, 1982 - Wednesday. Today is Christmas party at Woodland Acres. Mom was a little better Monday, but was sedated. The Christmas party was real good. We seen George with his new legs. He was doing quite good.
December 23, 1982 - Thursday. Our weather is unbelievable. It was 34 degrees above in Brainerd and we had fog and hardly any snow left. I fried onions and celery for hamburgers for dressing. I'm making dressing for Dena and dinner rolls for Christmas. Made lunch and Jim came around 1PM. He left at 5:10AM this morning, roads were good, only fog. They put the fish house out today.
December 24, 1982 - Friday. It was 30 degrees above and fog. Today is John's birthday. He will be up towards the middle of the week. Bill called and the car won't make it, so maybe Bill and Sharon, and kids will come up with John. It started to snow at 2:30PM. Real pretty, but we can't make it to mass. We had supper at Dena's. Chow mein. V. good.
December 25, 1982 - Christmas Day. I fixed dressing and dinner rolls, squash for Christmas dinner at Dena's and Red's. Charley stopped over and his snowmobile clunked out up the road. Jim pulled it back home. Charley will eat Christmas dinner over at Dena's and us. Larry, Har and Jim went fishing. 1 walleye and 32 perch.
December 26, 1982 - Sunday. It was 5 above and I made it to church. The weather was snowing and blowing, so we couldn't go Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I went to Brainerd, but only got 2 boxes of cards for 1/2 price. My ears still bother.
December 27, 1982 - Monday. It was 20 above, but cold weather on the way. I took one of Mom's antivert for dizziness.
December 28, 1982 - Tuesday. I didn't even get dressed today. I felt lousy.
December 29, 1982 - Wednesday. We went to see Mom today. I felt better. The dizziness left.
December 30, 1982 - Thursday. Jim left for home at 8AM. I changed bedding on his bed. Moved our flowers out and shut the door. The Christmas cactus is just beautiful. Jim called at 4:45. He was back in Horicon. The roads were good. No trouble.
December 31, 1982 - Friday. We are to go to Paul and Grace's for supper at 6:45PM. George, Susan, Evelyn, Harland and I and play cards - the old year out and the new year in.
January 13, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -7 this AM. We went to Brainerd, stopped by Louise. George came home last Wednesday. He'll be home till March 5th. Then he goes back and gets his permanent legs.
January 14, 1982 - Thursday. It was -32 this AM. I made a salad for Auxiliary. Will feed the Lion's Club dinner tonite at $4.00 a plate. Today Margaret Nierman is 80 years old. She's Dena's mother. We played cards tonite by George and Susan. Harland and I got booby, Oscar and Grace won 1st.
January 15, 1982 - Friday. It was -5 and snowing. I ironed and stamped a set of dish towels and hemmed 3 towels. Am working on 3 hot dish carriers. Have more material to cut more out.
January 16, 1982 - Saturday. It was -38 this AM. Wind chill is -68 to -80 below. That's cold, but we're warm.
January 17, 1982 - Sunday. It was -32 again, but it's supposed to warm up. The rest of the country is suffering, too. Snow, freezing rain, etc. I'm trying to finish the 1st set of dish towels for Dena's shop. Tuffy came home after being missing for 18 days. He looked kinda rough and real hungy and glad to be home the way he acted.
January 18, 1982 - Monday. It was -22. I didn't get to go to Cedarbrook as the car stopped on the road. Paul came over and started it and Harland put the charger on the battery. After supper, Paul and Grace picked us up and we went over to Millers and played 6 handed "500". The women won 5 and the men 4 games. It was fun.
January 19, 1982 - Tuesday. It was 10 above and snowing.
January 20, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 4 above and snowing. We had card club here. Susan and Howard won 1st. Harland and Ann K, booby. It snowed all day long. The Cities got 17.1 inches of snow. We got about 6 inches.
January 21, 1982 - Thursday. Done some sewing, made some peanut butter cookies to take over to Cedarbrook for birthday party tomorrow.
January 22, 1982 - Friday. I was going to Cedarbrook, but with our blizzard going on, I just stayed where it was warm.
January 23, 1982 - Saturday. Everything is closed. No mail, stores, everything are at a standstill. I made 8 pot holders. We got 12 inches of snow. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass and then we played cards.
January 24, 1982 - Sunday. It was -28 this AM. Fixed duck and dressing for dinner. I stamped another set of dish towels.
January 25, 1982 - Monday. It was -25 this AM. I went to Cedarbrook. Mom was working. It was cold, but beautiful. I went down by Bill Lybeck and got a permanent and haircut.
January 26, 1982 - Tuesday. -28 this AM.
January 27, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 18 above in Brainerd. We went shopping, I got material to make hot pads and pot holders. Got kitty litter.
January 28, 1982 - Thursday. -14 below. One day of January thaw.
January 29, 1982 - Friday. I washed clothes and cleaned the house. It was 4 above. Cec, Ray and Rusty came tonite.
January 30, 1982 - Saturday. It was -2 this AM and windy. Harland and Ray went on Mille Lacs fishing and got some small perch. We ate and then went back for walleyes, but nothing.
January 31, 1982 - Sunday. It was -42 at 7:30AM. I made breakfast and Ray, Cec and Rusty left at 10:30 to see George and Louise and Mom at Cedarbrook.
February 1, 1982 - Monday. It was -6 this AM. I gave Elsie and Susan a hot pad and 1 and 2 pot holders for their birthday. We're going to have a little party over at Cedarbrook today. Evelyn and Bertha came home from the Cities.
February 2, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Senior Citizen at Garrison. Evelyn, Bertha, Dena and Debbie had supper with us.
February 3, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -28 below. We went to Brainerd and went to the hospital to see Bessie Maghan. She fell and cracked a bone on the side of her pelvis.
February 4, 1982 - Thursday. It was -36 below this AM. George and Susan came over in the afternoon. We played cards, had supper and they went home.
February 5, 1982 - Friday. It was -40 below this AM. I'm working on 3 hot dish carriers. It's -10 below at noon. The Alter Society had the birthday party at Cedarbrook. Ice cream and cookies.
February 6, 1982 - Saturday. It was -27 below. I washed clothes and cleaned house and went to church. I went to 5 o'clock mass. I talked to Chick and he said Bill and Sharon were together last weekend. Stan Davis stopped over.
February 7, 1982 - Sunday. It was 2 above this AM. I made a batch of oatmeal scotchies, washed up the dishes and went to the Y for dinner where we met Frieda and Chet. After dinner, we went over by George and Louise. George is having some problems with the right stump.
February 8, 1982 - Monday. It is -18 below. I and Frieda went to Cedarbrook. She really enjoyed it.
February 9, 1982 - Tuesday. It was -25 this AM. I fixed turtle and chicken, had Frieda and Chet (he got the turtle), Paul and Grace for dinner. We played 6 handed "500". Women won 3 - men 2.
February 10, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -23 this AM. We went to Brainerd, we got an azalea for Marie for Mom and we got a box of cream candies for her for Valentine's Day. I'm hemming some dish towels. Today is Sharon's birthday. She's 27.
February 11, 1982 - Thursday. It was -1 this AM. I bleached the dish towels and hung them outside.
February 14, 1982 - Sunday. Today Bill is 33 years old. It was 10 above this AM. Harland and I went to the Y for dinner. V.G. I stamped 9 dish towels and I finished 4.
February 15, 1982 - Monday. I picked Frieda Hively up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours. We stopped at Ruttgers and Myr Mar and picked up application blanks for Tam for summer employment.
February 16, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes this AM and ironed most of it that was outside.
February 17, 1982 - Wednesday. I made cherry torte for our card club by Susan and George. Howard and I won 1st, Harland and Ann K won booby. We had a pot luck at noon, coffee and dessert when we were done playing cards. Howard, Elsie, Al, and Ann K went home. Harland and I stayed and we played more "500".
February 18, 1982 - Thursday. Harland went to Dr. Moran (eye), but there wasn't enough changes in his eyes to have them changed. In 6 months he'll have to go back, possibly for cataract surgery. Grace and Paul came over tonight and we played euchre and dirty clubs.
February 19, 1982 - Friday. I'm frying up the rest of the turkey legs and thighs. We gave Dena and Red 5 packages for putting our garbage in their dumpster. Tuffy went outside for the 1st time since he came home in January.
February 20, 1982 - Saturday. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5:00PM mass. I made supper for Harland and I, and then Paul picked us up again and we went over by Chet and Frieda and played "500".
February 21, 1982 - Sunday. Chet picked us up at 11:30 and we went to the Lion's pancake breakfast, then we taught them how to play Euchre. They went home for a couple hours and then came back for turtle and rabbit dinner along with us and Red, Dena, and Debbie. We had a good day. Frieda gave us a pint of maple syrup and some hubbard squash seeds.
February 22, 1982 - Monday. I put in 6 hours at Cedarbrook, put the head pad on my shoulder.
February 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I cleaned the upper part of the cupboards this afternoon. Evelyn and Bertha came over for awhile.
February 24, 1982 - Wednesday. Today is Senior Citizen at Deerwood. We have to get a new president or our club will fold up. Evelyn is 2nd vice president, but she won't be here all the time. We stopped by Mom and she was resting, but good.
February 25, 1982 - Thursday. Evelyn and Bertha went back to Minneapolis this AM. I postponed our 2nd card club because Harland will go to the doctor at 2:45. He had to go to the hospital for tests. He's on a liquid diet till he can have a B.M.
February 26, 1982 - Friday. Today they gave Harland a test and xray and he had good relief.
February 27, 1982 - Saturday. He had his 1st meal since Wednesday. He had a laxative and 2 B.M.s after dinner and he felt weak. I didn't stay too long then. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass. I finished crocheting around a pillow case.
February 28, 1982 - Sunday. I'm washing clothes today. Paul and Grace, Harland and I played euchre at the hospital.
March 1, 1982 - Monday. I spent 6 hours at Cedarbrook and then went to the hospital to see Harland. They took tests today again. 4 enema tests.
March 2, 1982 - Tuesday. I helped serve at Garrison Senior Citizen, then went to the hospital Harland had more tests today.
March 3, 1982 - Wednesday. Harland came home today. Everything is OK, but the doctor will check him in 3 weeks for kidney trouble.
March 4, 1982 - Thursday. Today is Ladies Aid. I'm taking cake. It was -22.
March 6, 1982 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass. Made dinner rolls and cinnamon rolls.
March 7, 1982 - Sunday. I shortened 3 pairs of slacks for myself.
March 8, 1982 - Monday. Today is Marty's birthday. He's 10 years old. It was really blizzard conditions, so I didn't go to Cedarbrook. I toasted 3 loaves of bread for dressing for Auxiliary.
March 9, 1982 - Tuesday. Today Chick is 40 years old. We went into Brainerd for Harland's foot doctor appointment.
March 10, 1982 - Wednesday. We had a meeting at the Goose for Auxiliary. Had George Forester over for dinner.
March 11, 1982 - Thursday. I made the dressing for our 4 large turkeys and Dena and I stuffed them and took them down to the Community Center and put them in the oven.
March 12, 1982 - Friday. We went to Aitkin, Harland and I. I got material to make a pad for the table and I cut out 3 hot dish carriers and 10 pot holders and 4 hot pads. Evelyn came this noon in amongst the rain and snow. We were all over to Dena and Red's for fish fry. It was V.G. I finished the pad for the table tonite.
March 15, 1982 - Monday. Frieda, Grace, Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook for 4 hours.
March 16, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and cleaned house.
March 17, 1982 - Wednesday. We picked George and Susan up and went to Brainerd, done some shopping, then went to Knutson's, had pot luck and played cards. I won 1st and Howard 1st. Al and Ann K. had booby. Then we went to Cedarbrook for St. Patrick's Day and had smorgasborg and then we came home.
March 18, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Senior Citizen Center, had our taxes made out and went back for dinner, finished our shopping and came home. Chet and Frieda came and picked up their meat we bought for them.
March 19, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and Westlands came and the 6 of us went to Aitkin for pot luck. It started to snow tonite.
March 20, 1982 - Saturday. It's still snowing. It's almost 4 inches of snow and still coming down. We signed up for Shriner's Circus on April 24th at Duluth. I shoveled out half of the driveway and we got 10 inches of snow also. It's still snowing and blowing. We didn't go to church tonite.
March 21, 1982 - Sunday. Evelyn and I went to 9:30 mass. I baked 2 loaves of zucchini bread and made a pan of brownies, made dinner and we picked up Dena, Red, Debbie and Evelyn and we went to the Y for a benefit for Riedds who burned out.
March 22, 1982 - Monday. Grace, Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
March 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I fixed a roasting chicken, dressing, potatoes, cauliflower. I volunteered 2 hours on the cheese giveaway. Harland went down and got a cheese. Our dinner turned out real good. Evelyn, Dena, Red, Debbie, Harland and I.
March 24, 1982 - Wednesday. I washed up all the dishes and baked a cake. Harland, I, Grace Musil, Howard and Elsie served at Senior Citizen today. Chuck and Helen served, too.
March 25, 1982 - Thursday. We're going to Brainerd for our taxes. We had dinner at Senior Citizen Center. Bertha (Evelyn's sister) came this afternoon. Paul and Grace came over and Paul check the car. We need new brushes. The alternator light stayed on while driving.
March 26, 1982 - Friday. Evelyn and Bertha got their new trailer today. I washed clothes, cleaned house and made dinner. Had Bertha and Evelyn over. At 5PM, Paul and Grace picked us up and we picked up Frieda and Chet and went to the fish fry at Legion at Deerwood. We went by Paul and Grace and played 6 handed "500".
March 27, 1982 - Saturday. I helped Evelyn and Bertha move things from one cabin to their new trailer for a couple hours. They picked me up for 5 o'clock mass. I planted our begonias out tonite and will water them in the AM.
March 28, 1982 - Sunday. I helped Evelyn and Berta move from the small trailer to the large one. I watered our begonias this AM. George and Susan picked us up and we went to the brunch at Birchwood in Aitkin. Then we played cards.
March 29, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked me up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
March 30, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed everything in the china cupboard and the sewing cabinet and will finish the front room tomorrow. We went shopping about 3PM and had something to eat and went to the show "On Golden Pond". It was real good, but the language was terrible.
March 31, 1982 - Wednesday. I finished house cleaning the front room, washed the car. After supper, I made peanut butter muffins.
April 1, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Ladies Aid at Edna Johnson's house. Doris was hostess and I assisted her. In the evening we played cards by George and Susan. Our 2nd card club, we added to the pot to go out to eat sometime.
April 2, 1982 - Friday. We went to Pine Lake Golden Age for pot luck, then Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for Mom's birthday party. Carl Johnson and Ken Price played the guitar and violin. Carl plays for dances on Saturday night, so we had it on Friday afternoon. She really had a nice time.
April 3, 1982 - Saturday. Mom is 92 today and we have the worst blizzard of the winter and they say spring is here.
April 4, 1982 - Palm Sunday. It was 2 above this AM. The wind went down. Chet and Frieda picked us up and we took dinner and went by Mabel and Elmer Anderson in Deerwood. It was a real nice visit.
April 5, 1982 - Monday. It was 12 degrees this AM. Susan drove and we had 6 hours at Cedarbrook. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. He put the part on the car.
April 6, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Senior citizens at Garrison. Then we stopped by Evelyn's. She gave us material for Harland's foot stool that matches his chair. Her and Bertha have a real nice place.
April 7, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 5 above. I'm washing clothes. Harland went to the doctor in Brainerd.
April 8, 1982 - Thursday. It was 15 above. I done the ironing and house cleaned our bedroom except bedding.
April 9, 1982 - Good Friday. It is 18 above and frosty out. I started some pear tomatoes, cauliflower and a crown of thorns for Frieda. Cec and Ray came this eve.
April 10, 1982 - Saturday. Cec and Ray went to Brainerd. I made hot cross buns and dinner rolls, 2 apple crisps, apricot salad, and an angel food cake for Debbie and Harland's birthdays.
April 11, 1982 - Easter Sunday. Harland, I, Evelyn and Cec went to 9:30 mass and then we had breakfast at the Legion. I made dinner and Cec and Ray left for Cedarbrook at 3 o'clock to see Mom. We went over by Red and Dena for birthday cake and ice cream.
April 12, 1982 - Monday. Harland is 73 today. I went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours. Had Musils, Millers, and Foresters and us for supper and we played cards. I and Paul won 1st. Susan and George got booby.
April 13, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd shopping. We got 4 packages of chicken and I put them in the freezer.
April 14, 1982 - Wednesday. We had our pot luck and card party by Howard and Elsie.
April 15, 1982 - Thursday. I washed, ironed and started to cover Harland's foot stool. After supper, we played cards by Chet. Bertha brought over Regina's sweeper. We finished Harland's foot stool.
April 16, 1982 - Friday. Harland and I took George and Susan to Aitkin for Golden Age. George drove.
April 17, 1982 - Saturday. We took George and Susan to the electric meeting. Harland won insulation for our hot water heater. Evelyn and Bert picked me up for church. After supper we went over by Chet and Frieda and played cards. Our snow is all gone.
April 19, 1982 - Monday. It's 29 degrees above and cloudy. Red and Dena bought our old kitchen chairs. Grace, Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and I drove. I done some hand washing and run the vacuum. We haven't heard from Sally and Metzie if they're coming. I have my tablecloth embroidered around. I have the inside to do yet. It's going to be pretty.
April 20, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and shopped and Harland got a blood test taken. Sally and Metzie came this afternoon.
April 21, 1982 - Wednesday. We had breakfast, played some cards and went to Brainerd shopping and we went to Bonanza for dinner. We played more cards. I called Marie for her birthday and she is in the hospital with bleeding ulcer.
April 22, 1982 - Thursday. We just cooled it and taught Sally and Metzie to play dirty clubs. I talked to Marie on the phone. She sounded pretty good.
April 23, 1982 - Friday. Sally and Metzie left about 20 minutes to 7 and I transplanted squash and swan planter and the round planter on the porch. I changed the beds, cleaned the house.
April 24, 1982 - Saturday. George and Susan picked us up at 8:45AM and we went to Aitkin where we took the bus to Duluth for the Shrine circus. We had a real good day, got home at 9PM. I transplanted cauliflower and yellow tomato plants for us and George and Susan.
April 25, 1982 - Sunday. I done some hand wash and went to 9:30 mass. Stopped to see Mom and I marked her new dress. Visited and then came home and made lunch. Washed dishes and started to rake lawn. I finished raking on the west side and south. Put a turkey in the oven to take along.
April 26, 1982 - Monday. We left home at 8AM. We arrived by Marie in the hospital at 11:30AM. We left her at 12:30 and went out by Hank. Before we left him, Marie called and said she could come home and we left for Katie's. I knew if we'd stay, she'd start making a big meal. We arrived by Katie and Willie at 6:45PM. It was 426 miles to Katie's. I called Judy and Jim. They were surprised we were in Wisconsin.
April 27, 1982 - Tuesday. Went shopping in Beaver Dam. Got kitchen curtains for $6.99 each. Went up to visit Alfred and we stayed for dinner. We went back by Katie and John and Jim came for turkey dinner. Then we played euchre.
April 28, 1982 - Wednesday. We went up to see Violet Kahelske. She is 75 years old. Walley was 80 when he passed away. We had lunch at the root beer stand and then we stopped by Lawrence and Alice Henkel. Had a real nice visit. We stopped by Birdie. Wayne was delivering gas, so we didn't see him. We stayed by Katie and Willie. When Chick came home from work, we waited till Judy and Tam came home. Then we went to Buckhorn to eat.
April 29, 1982 - Thursday. We went back to Shopko and Harland bought the padded boat seat for $39.99 + tax and we bought asparagus root and a pink mum. We went back by Katie. Harland took a nap and we went by Bill and Sharon and took them out for dinner at Sunset Hills. We played 5 games of "500". Jim came out and gave us some fresh bullheads to take home.
April 30, 1982 - Friday. I dropped Harland off at the Pyramid for his tour of John Deere and his dinner at the Pyramid. I picked Tam up and we went to Beaver Dam, shopping and had lunch. She found some sheet music she liked and then we went home and she played the piano. I picked Harland up at 3PM. We went out by Katie for supper. We gave John his saddle bags for his cycle. Jim brought the bullheads and 2 sticks of venison sausage.
May 1, 1982 - Saturday. We left for Marie's at 20 minutes to 9AM. We had a bite to eat and then I gave her a permanent and cut her hair. I had a good night sleep.
May 2, 1982 - Sunday. Had pancakes and sausages for breakfast, visited awhile and left for home. Arrived home at 2PM. We stopped at the Y and had dinner first. Paul came over and spread the manure on both gardens for us and hauled our hay bales away and we played cards and they went home at 9:30. He was tired.
May 3, 1982 - Monday. Susan and Doris picked Grace and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and then Harland and I went to Brainerd for pills. I got yarn for Mom and 11 skeins to make an afghan for Bertha for her birthday May 24th.
May 4, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens today. I came home and washed a couple loads and it started to rain. I started Bertha's afghan.
May 5, 1982 - Wednesday. I done more washing today, but the weather isn't V.G. I ironed the sheets, etc, run the vacuum and finished putting up our new kitchen curtains. We're going to pot luck at the Auxiliary.
May 6, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Allenspachs for Ladies Aid. The orioles arrived.
May 7, 1982 - Friday. I finished our washing today. The weather is clear and cool. We planted a maple tree on the cemetery. Fried fish for lunch, done dishes, washed my hair. I left for Cec's at 2:15PM, arrived around 4PM. Then her and I went to Deer River and had smelt fry. We played cards, sheepshead. I won $1.05.
May 8, 1982 - Saturday. We left, Ray, Cec and I, for Clocquet, around 8:45AM We had breakfast at Ruby's Restaurant and I went shopping for a hummingbird feeder and cough syrup. Ray came in 3rd in bowling and he treated us to dinner at Bridgeman's in Fleetwood.
May 9, 1982 - Sunday. Mother's Day. Cec and I went to church at 9AM, came home, had lunch and started for home. I stopped at Cedcarbrook by Mom on the way home. Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. We came home and I worked on Bertha's afghan.
May 10, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked me and Frieda up and we had 6 hours at Cedarbrook. I fried fish and Paul and Grace stopped and we went down by Bertha and Evelyn and we played cards till 10PM.
May 11, 1982 - Tuesday. Today we have our R.S.V.P. dinner at the Legion in Brainerd. I was V.G. Had 2 wonderful speakers.
May 12, 1982 - Wednesday. Card club is here today. Harland and I won 1st. Ann K and George F got booby.
May 13, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd shopping and got pills, etc. I got a blanket and 4 light bulbs for Dena's birthday tomorrow. We're going by Paul and Grace for supper and card club after.
May 13, 1982 - Friday. Susan and George picked us up and we went to Cutler to Senior Citizens. We were shown slides of Norway. It was very interesting.
May 14, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes and our bedding down to the mattress. I washed outside for the 1st time. After dinner, we mowed lawn where it wasn't too wet. We took a stick of venison sausage over by George, what Jim sent back. We (Evelyn, Bertha, Margaret and I) went to 5:00 mass.
May 16, 1982 - Sunday. I done my ironing. Paul put in a new flooring in the fish house. After supper we played dirty clubs.
May 17, 1982 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we spent 6 1/2 hours at Cedarbrook. There was a lot of clothes to mark and slacks to shorten. I finished Bertha's afghan tonite.
May 18, 1982 - Tuesday. I'm cleaning house today. Made the bed up on the porch for Chick and Mike.
May 19, 1982 - Wednesday. I washed my hair and we picked Grace and Paul up and went to Brainerd. Done some shopping and we met George, Susan, Get and Frieda. We all went out to Bonanza for dinner. Then we stopped by George and Susan, played more cards and we started another kitty for a fall dinner.
May 20, 1982 - Thursday. I went to church (Ascention Day) at Deerwood and Harland went over to Crosby and picked up our motor for the boat. I washed Mom's clothes and mowed lawn here and by Red's.
May 21, 1982 - Friday. I finished mowing lawn in the back. We went to Aitkin Senior Citizens. I got drapery material for our bedroom. We planted out our mums and 2 rose bushes and after supper, we planted our asparagus roots. Evelyn and Bertha brought our case of margarine. Bertha gave me a candy thermometer.
May 22, 1982 - Saturday. Chick, Mike, Jim and Dennis came around 1:30. They went fishing on Mille Lacs and they almost swamped the boat, it was so windy. I went to 5:00 mass, stopped by Mom before. Dianne is staying with Dilly and working.
May 23, 1982 - Sunday. I made breakfast, the guys went fishing. I baked a rhubarb cake, apple pie, double batch chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal scotchies. Made German potato salad and put 1/2 ham in the oven, 1 dozen eggs into deviled eggs, washed everything up. The guys got 104 perch and 7 walleyes. I sewed on our drapes for our bedroom.
May 24, 1982 - Monday. Evelyn picked Grace and I up for 6 hours at Cedarbrook.
May 25, 1982 - Tuesday. The guys went to Mille Lacs and got 205 perch and no walleyes.
May 26, 1982 - Wednesday. It was windy for Mille Lacs, so they put the 2 boats in Borden and fished, but not much luck. They picked George up and took him out, too. The kids took us out to eat at the Chicken Shack.
May 27, 1982 - Thursday. They (Chick and Jim) went over and got George and we all went to Mille Lacs. 193 perch and no walleyes in the AM. Har, Chick and Jim and Dennis went out at night and got 3 perch and 14 walleyes. I washed Jim's clothes today.
May 28, 1982 - Friday. I'm defrosting the big freezer in the garage as Marie is bringing us 1/2 beef today. Marie came this afternoon.
May 29, 1982 - Saturday. Cec came after dinner. She stopped by Mom. Marie took Cec, Margaret (Dena's mom) and I to the Viking. Harland, Jeff and Larry went to Turner. Had good luck. We went to church at Deerwood.
May 30, 1982 - Sunday. Bob would have been 52 years old.
May 31, 1982 - Monday. Susan and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
June 1, 1982 - Tuesday. Harland, I, Cec and Marie went to Senior Citizens at Garrison.
June 2, 1982 - Wednesday. The 4 of us went to Mille Lacs. We got 48 perch and walleyes. The walleyes were small.
June 3, 1982 - Thursday. Today I helped serve at Ladies Aid at Dorothy Boucher's home. We had a nice turn out and food was V.G.
June 4, 1982 - Friday. Marie, I, and Cec went to Brainerd shopping. We made lunch and we then went to Aitkin shopping.
June 5, 1982 - Saturday. We've only went fishing 2 X this week because of rain and 50 miles an hr wind. We stopped by Mom and then went to 5PM mass. We told her we'd take her out tomorrow.
June 6, 1982 - Sunday. We picked Mom up by 11:15AM and we all went to the Chicken Shack and then stopped by Annie Meyer. Mom really enjoyed the day. The weather turned out really nice after dinner, but plenty of wind. It was a V.G. day.
June 7, 1982 - Monday. I baked chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal. Took some to Cedarbrook residents. I'm 68 years old today. Marie and Cec went over by George and Louise to say goodbye. They brought a decorate cake over to Cedarbrook at noon for my birthday. Very thoughtful. We went down to the Viking for supper.
June 8, 1982 - Tuesday. Marie and Cec packed up and left at 20 minutes to 10AM. I changed the beds and we picked George and Susan up and we went to Deerwood for the insurance meeting and dinner. We came home and we mowed the lawn and I finished the drapes for our bedroom. Katie called and they're not coming for the 4th of July for vacation.
Jun 10, 1982 - Thursday. I washed clothes, fixed rhubarb for sauce and baked Chick's cake for card club tonite. Harland and Grace were high. George and Susan had booby.
June 11, 1982 - Friday. Susan and I served at Cutler's.
June 12, 1982 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass and after supper we went over by Paul and Grace and played "500" and dirty clubs.
June 13, 1982 - Sunday. I called Bill and he'll try and bring up a flag. I'm taking the other one back to Thrifty Drugs. In 2 weeks it frayed on the end and one eye pulled out.
June 14, 1982 - Monday. Went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
June 15, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and Nisswa for Jim's depth finder. $191.00. Harland had a blood test taken. We got 40 lbs of chicken legs and thighs for $17.99. We sold Dena 10 lbs. Went by Susan and George and played cards. Al and I won 1st. George and Ann, booby.
June 16, 1982 - Wednesday. I bagged up the chicken and fried some for when Bill and Sharon come. Defrosted the refrigerator freezer in the garage.
June 17, 1982 - Thursday. I frosted the freezer on the porch. Made potato salad, dessert for our cook out tonite. Austins, Virgil, Dena, Debbie, Evelyn, Harland and I. Red has to work.
June 18, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and we served at Aitkin Golden Age. I finished digging the weeds out of the lower /12 of the garden that was too wet in the spring. Harland run the tiller over it.
June 19, 1982 - Saturday. I'm washing clothes this AM and scrubbed the basement steps down, done my ironing. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass. It's raining. It was only 49 degrees in Aitkin at 3:30PM.
June 20, 1982 - Sunday. Harland and I went to the Y for dinner and then visited with George and Louise. We went by George and Susan and played cards in the evening.
June 21, 1982 - Monday. Grace drove and picked Grieda and I up for Cedarbrook. We spent 6 hours sewing and mending. Grace made a draft for the addition on the garage.
June 22, 1982 - Tuesday. I helped taking 31 residents over to Sherri Anderson's for a picnic. That was really work and tiring, but a beautiful day and good meal and enjoyed by all.
June 23, 1982 - Wednesday. Went to Deerwood Senior Citizens, stopped by Mom. The priest came for Anna Baker. Margaret, Har and I went over by Evelyn and Dora.
June 24, 1982 - Thursday. I went to the doctor. Got a shot for bronchitis and expensive pills. Harland is mowing over on the bank. We bought 10 lbs of seed potatoes and Harland planted them today.
June 25, 1982 - Friday. I washed clothes, ironed, run the vacuum, made the bed up on the porch and finished mowing lawn in the front.
June 26, 1982 - Saturday. Jim, Bill, Sharon, Marty and Collette are coming today.
June 27, 1982 - Sunday. Bill, Jim, Dad, Sharon, and Collette went fishing in the AM. They got 9 walleyes and 134 perch. Marty and I went to church and stopped by Great Grandma. I went along fishing in the eve and we got 35 perch and 1 walleye.
June 28, 1982 - Monday. The rest went fishing and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. We went to Turner with 2 boats, but didn't do much. I and Sharon took the kids roller skating at Nisswa.
July 1, 1982 - Thursday. Bill, I and Jim went to Mille Lacs. We got 143 perch and a couple walleye. We missed Ladies Aid. We had a cook out tonite. Dena, Red, Debbie, us, Alfred, Dorothy, Edward, and Lorene. Eric stopped before going to their motel.
July 2, 1982 - Friday. Jim and Bill went to Peterson. Got 3 black bass (nice ones) and 3 northern. Alfred and Dorothy stayed with us tonite. Edward, Lorene and Eric left for Montana.
July 3, 1982 - Saturday. Jim and Alfred left for Wisconsin. Bill, Sharon, Marty and Collette went on Mille Lacs and got 78 perch. We all went to the Chicken Shack. We stopped by Mom and then went to church at 5PM at Deerwood. Came home and warmed up our left over chicken. Then we played "500". The guys (Dad and Bill) took 4 games to our 3.
July 4, 1982 - Sunday. Bill, Sharon and the kids left around 9AM. I stripped the beds and cleaned house.
July 5, 1982 - Monday. I washed clothes, 9 sheets plus everything. I got the ironing done, too.
July 6, 1982 - Tuesday. Garrison Senior citizens met today. I read the minutes and took notes in absence of the secretary.
July 7, 1982 - Wednesday. I and Frieda went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and then I went to Brainerd. Harland went fishing with Larry and Gary to Ward Lake. Not much luck.
July 8, 1982 - Thursday. I'm fixing turtle, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple crisp for dinner with Dena, Red, Debbie, Evelyn, Larry, Louise, kids and us. The dinner was a success.
July 9, 1982 - Friday. Tam is 16 years old today. We had a fish fry. I fixed beer batter fish, cole slaw, cukes, Dena fried fish in eggs and crumbs. Linda and Garry brought dessert.
July 10, 1982 - Saturday. I cleaned the house and pulled weeds in the flower beds and garden. It's cool today. We went to Grand Rapids to the Northland Opera by bus from Aitkin.
July 11, 1982 - Sunday. I washed clothes, went to 9:30 mass, worked in the garden for an hour, made dinner and weeded the onions and carrots. Bill and Esther Allenspach stopped.
July 12, 1982 - Monday. Harland I went on the bus trip to see Congdon Mansion and on a boat trip on Lake Superior. We got back to Deerwood, had dinner at Roy's Cafe and came home.
July 13, 1982 - Tuesday. I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours, came home and picked up Harland and we went to Crosby where he got a haircut. We stopped around by Louise and George was home. He still has to wear his old legs as much as possible and he'll get another appointment in a month. We ate a bite, picked up George and Susan, went to Brainerd, done some shopping and then to Knutson's to play cards.
July 14, 1982 - Wednesday. Susan picked me up and we went down and washed chairs at the V.F.W. After dinner I mowed lawn. I tried to call Evelyn all day, but no answer. I called Bertha and she said she does it every so often. It's been 3 years since her last binge.
July 15, 1982 - Thursday. I finished mowing in the back and will have to rake it up. Susan picked me up and we went to a salad luncheon at her church. I took stew, strawberries muskmellon and pickled fish over by Evie. She cried and said, "Why does one do it?" but she'll be O.K.
July 16, 1982 - Friday. I raked the back lawn this AM and called Evie and later took her some stew and warmed up ham and lima beans. She's coming back good. After dinner I made a batch of strawberry and rhubarb jam.
July 17, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes, cleaned up the house, went to 5:00 mass.
July 18, 1982 - Sunday. I done my ironing and sewed a smock for myself and cut out another one. Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack and brought Evelyn home a cottage cheese salad and chicken dinner. Then I mowed her lawn and Harland raked it up. She wrote a check for us for $10.00.
July 19, 1982 - Monday. I picked Frieda up and went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
July 20, 1982 - Tuesday. We got the rinse and vac and shampooed our kitchen carpeting and Dena's kitchen carpet.
July 21, 1982 - Wednesday. Dena and I went to Brainerd and we got fruit, cukes, tomatoes, a 16 lb lug peaches for $6.99. I finished the kitchen when I came home. I put 30 lbs of strawberries in the freezer for Marie and I. $25.89. I picked our 1st sweet peas tonite.
July 22, 1982 - Thursday. I was real cool this AM. I fixed chicken and dressing for when Jim and 2 guys are coming tomorrow. I'm fixing supper for a cook out for Paul, Grace and us. Paul, Harland and Red went to pick up our metal shed.
July 23, 1982 - Friday. I finished the 2nd smock for myself. Made 3 holders for towels. Checked on Evelyn's place.
July 24, 1982 - Saturday. It's still hot and humid. I painted around the windows in the garage. Made supper together. Brats and fruit salad. Peaches, grapes, marshmallows. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.
July 25, 1982 - Sunday. Harland and Larry went to Turner fishing. I done some hand washing. Mom's dresses and my undies. I vacuumed out the car and washed the matts up and it started to rain. I brought the clothes in the house and took them out again when it quit raining. The guys got home at 1:30 with 58 pan fish and 2 northerns. I made a big batch of peach and pineapple jam.
July 26, 1982 - Monday. I and Susan went to Cedarbrook. Susan drove. 5 hours. Jim, Howie Seboe, Chris Henderson came about 3:15. They fixed corn on the grill and brats and wieners.
July 27, 1982 - Tuesday. The guys went to Turner. Got 58 pan fish. I made a package for Marie and froze the rest for a fish fry for Jim at Minocqua, Wisconsin.
July 28, 1982 - Wednesday. The guys done their laundry and went swimming in Mille Lacs Lake. I fixed the turtle Jim brought along. We had it for supper at night.
July 29, 1982 - Thursday. The kids left at 8AM for a few days in Wisconsin by friends. I stripped the 3 beds and after lunch, Harland and I went to the hospital to see Grace Musil.
July 30, 1982 - Friday. I washed 9 sheets, 2 mattress pads and the rest of the laundry and I got everything ironed and I was beat.
July 31, 1982 - Saturday. I canned 2 1/2 quarts of green beans, run the vacuum, but just took the rest of the day off. I went to 5:00 mass.
August 1, 1982 - Sunday. I just cooled it and finished my afghan to donate to church for our fall bazaar. Betty DeWitte pass away from cancer.
August 2, 1982 - Monday. I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
August 3, 1982 - Tuesday. Harland went to the foot doctor and we then went to Port Mille Lacs for our Garrison Senior Citizens.
August 4, 1982 - Wednesday. Harland and I went to Hayward, Wisconsin to Betty DeWitte's funeral. She was cremated. Got home in time for Auxiliary meeting. 389 miles round trip.
August 5, 1982 - Thursday. Today is our 49th wedding anniversary. Today is Ladies Aid by Foresters.
August 6, 1982 - Friday. I went along with Margaret to take residents for outings. We went to Nisswa and Pequot Lakes and circled around thru Crosby and back to Cedarbrook. I had 7 hours in all.
August 7, 1982 - Saturday. I started to wash and it looked like rain, so I didn't finish. Margaret, Estelle and I went to 5:00 mass.
August 8, 1982 - Sunday. I finished the laundry and fixed my hair. Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to Wahkon for a church dinner. They treated. We played Bingo, but none of us won anything. We came home and I canned 4 pints of Tumeric pickles and folded the wash, sprinkled my ironing. We went over by George and Susan. Then Frieda and Chet came over and we played 6 handed "500".
August 9, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Frieda, Grace and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 hours.
August 12, 1982 - Thursday. We had a pot luck with Unruhs, Jackman, and Jackmans. 13 all together.
August 13, 1982 - Friday. George and Susan picked us up and we went to Mrs. Hackason for our picnic.
August 14, 1982 - Saturday. I canned dills, blueberries, Turmeric pickles. Larry, Har and Jeff went to Turner in the AM, got 72 blues and we had a cook out I made a double batch of zucchini bread. Gave Margaret (Dena's mom) a bowl of ground zucchini.
August 15, 1982 - Sunday. Margaret and I went to 9:30 mass and we went to Ray's for breakfast. The guys went back to Turner, got 73 blues and 1 bullhead again. I picked beans and helped Margaret till my back wouldn't take it. I dug the quack out from around the blueberries. We had berries on all 4 plants.
August 16, 1982 - Monday. I spent 5 hours at Cedarbrook and then went by Dorothy Boucher's and got a permanent.
August 17, 1982 - Tuesday. I still have a backache.
August 18, 1982 - Wednesday. We played cards by Howard and Elsie. I and Harland got 1st place. Howard and Ann K got booby. It was so hot and sticky.
August 19, 1982 - Thursday. Harland went to the eye doctor and he will get glasses for a year. He isn't ready for surgery yet. Then we went to the Arboretum, had a nature food meal (yah!). We didn't take the tour as it was so hot. We came home then.
August 20, 1982 - Friday. Today was Senior Citizens at Aitkin. We didn't go because I washed clothes, ironed, baked an angel food cake and oatmeal cookies for our bake sale tomorrow.
August 21, 1982 - Saturday. Susan and I went to the Community Center at 8AM and set up the bake sale and flea market. We marched in the parade at 12:00 and then we went to the Viking, had dinner. Harland and I played Bingo at the V.F.W building. I won $3.00 the 1st game and we didn't win after that. Margaret (Dena's mom) and I went to 5:00 mass. I've been crocheting on my bird afghan in the evenings and spare time.
August 23, 1982 - Monday. I spent 5 hours at Cedarbrook. Mom was pretty good today. I finished painting the north end of the garage.
August 24, 1982 - Tuesday. I washed clothes, ironed and started painting on the east side of the garage between showers, which we needed.
August 25, 1982 - Wednesday. Today Jim is 29 years old. We stopped by Mom. She was really flushed and had thrown up. She didn't eat any dinner. We went to Senior Citizens at Deerwood, then we decided to move the club to Lion's Club as the speaker system is really lousy. We then went to Crosby and Harland got a haircut and then we went to Brainerd shopping.
August 26, 1982 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd and got Harland's glasses. No eye surgery for 6 months.
August 27, 1982 - Friday. Paul worked on the garage inside. I put contact on the refrigerator in the garage.
August 28, 1982 - Saturday. I started to put contact on the freezer in the garage and when I raised the cover, the freezer wasn't working. So we went to Brainerd at Wards and got a 15 cubic foot. Paul came and picked it up as Wards don't deliver on Saturday afternoon. We gave him $10.00 and 3 packages of beef. Some was thawed out that was on the bottom. Wards charged $15.00 for delivery. Evelyn came and we went to 5:00 mass.
August 29, 1982 - Sunday. I cooked up yellow tomatoes and made the zucchini and pineapple jam, made lunch. I fried bullheads Jim gave us. They were really good. I washed dishes and made oatmeal and peanut butter cookies, washed up the baking dishes and got ready and picked George and Louise up to go out to eat for Louise's birthday (63). We went to Jim's lunch at Ironton. It was good, but the chicken was really small. Marie called and she'll come the 2nd weekend in September. We played Bingo, but didn't win tonite.
August 30, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked me up for Cedarbrook. Today Ed would be 73 years old. We spent 8 hours over at Cedarbrook. Susan took her dog to be groomed and it wasn't done until later. Mom was pretty good today. Done sewing, etc.
August 31, 1982 - Tuesday. It rained again today. I finished the 1st strip of our bird afghan. I put up the curtains in the garage.
September 1, 1982 - Wednesday. Tonight is Auxiliary meeting. The sun is shining today.
September 2, 1982 - Thursday. Today is Ladies Aid. Harland and Paul are putting the metal shed together. I guess it's a real headache. I painted black trim on the garage windows. I washed clothes before Aid and mowed lawn. It was a full day.
September 3, 1982 - Friday. I made a beef and pork roast, dug some carrots. I finished painting the garage till they got a new overhead door on.
September 4, 1982 - Saturday. I'm painting the "little house". I got 3 sides done and I spent 2 hours over by Mom. Then went to 5 o'clock mass. I made me something to eat and I brushed the front off on the privy. Then it was too dark.
September 5, 1982 - Sunday. Boy, we got some much needed rain in the night. So no painting today. I'm cleaning house as it really needs it.
September 6, 1982 - Monday. I painted the 2 eagles and finished the little house and started the fish cleaning house. I have 2 sides done.
September 7, 1982 - Tuesday. Today is Garrison Senior Citizens.
September 8, 1982 - Wednesday. We had a farewell party for Father Brennan. He was in Garrison for 16 years. He is at Peirz, Minnesota.
September 10, 1982 - Friday. I finished digging potatoes up by Clem's. We have real good potatoes this year. Marie came around 3:30PM.
September 11, 1982 - Saturday. We went to Peterson fishing. Harland got a northern and I got a bass. Cec came today, too. We went to 9:00 mass at Deerwood.
September 12, 1982 - Sunday. After mass at 9:30, we picked Mom up and took her to the Chicken Shack between showers. It really rained on the way to church.
September 13, 1982 - Monday. Marie, Cec, Susan and I went to Cedarbrook. We spent 5 hours there.
September 17, 1982 - Friday. Marie, Cec, Har and I went to Aitkin Senior Citizens and then went to Grand Rapids for Cec's for the weekend.
September 20, 1982 - Monday. Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. Mom wanted to know where the skirt was we tried on her Sunday, but it's part of her Christmas present from Har and I.
September 21, 1982 - Tuesday. Marie went home yesterday. After she got her tired fixed and tail pipe, Paul sold her 2 snow tires for the rear. I'm washing clothes. It froze last nite. Our 1st frost, but only spotty. Our tuberous begonias didn't freeze and that's the 1st to go. I painted most of the floor in the shed. Sprinkled the ironing.
September 22, 1982 - Wednesday. I done half of my ironing, went out and painted the rest of the floor in the shed, the 1st coat. I made apple crisp for Senior Citizens and a pumpkin pie for us. We had $98.00 in quarters for Christmas shopping. I finished the ironing.
September 23, 1982 - Thursday. I finished painting the 2nd coat in the new shed floor. We played cards by Susan and George's. Our 2nd card club.
September 24, 1982 - Friday. We went to Deerwood, Crosby and Brainerd. We stopped by Louise and George has been measured up for his permanent legs. He'll be in the hospital for 2 weeks yet. Chet and Frieda, Harland and I met Elsie and Howard at the Legion for a fish fry. We then went by Elsie and Howard and played 6 handed "500". The men won 3 and we 2 games. It froze last nite. It was down to 28. Our 1st hard frost. Our flowers are still out.
September 25, 1982 - Saturday. I finished painting in the shed. I cleaned the house and got part of our houseplants in, went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.
September 26, 1982 - Sunday. Today Jack would be 72 years old. I finished digging potatoes and painted black around the window on the garage in back. I got the beets on cooking and am making zucchini bread, 2 batched bread, 1 zucchini cake. I made 9 pints of pickled beets, made dinner for Dena, Red, Debbie, Paul, Grace and us. After Red, Dena and Deb went home, Paul and Grace and us played dirty clubs. It was an enjoyable evening.
September 27, 1982 - Monday. Grace picked Frieda and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 5 1/2 hours. Susan and I sold coffee and doughnuts at Bingo. I played, but didn't win. Harland went down by George and Susan's brother and played cards. I crocheted till 1:45AM.
September 28, 1982 - Tuesday. It's raining and windy. I'm going to finish transplanting flowers and my African violets.
September 29, 1982 - Wednesday. We made 2 gallons sauerkraut today. I made pigs in a blanket and froze some. Cooked the pieces and froze them. Cec came this afternoon.
September 30, 1982 - Thursday. It was a beautiful day. I got all the windows washed outside. Cec went over by Mom. She finally got her small claims court settled. That's why she came down. We went into Brainerd this AM. She spent around $70.00 for groceries, baking, meat etc. We played cards and Cec won tonite which was good.
October 1, 1982 - Friday. Paul and Grace stopped and we visited and then Cec left for Cedarbrook. We ate dinner and Harland took a nap and now we're going to Brainerd. I covered a container with contact for the closet to put things into.
October 2, 1982 - Saturday. It's raining again. Today is Red's birthday. I cleaned the fish bowl out this AM. Made some jello for Red's birthday party. I made chicken noodle soup for lunch. I cleaned in the closet good. Put new curtains up last week. I cooked a large kettle of apples for sauce and put some in the freezer. The dinner was delicious, but Red had to work till 10PM.
October 3, 1982 - Sunday. I went to 9:30 mass at Deerwood, had rolls and coffee in the basement and I washed clothes to get Mom's ready for Monday. Made 2 batches of zucchini bread and cake.
October 4, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Grace and I up to volunteer at Cedarbrook for 6 hours. I vacuumed out the car and shampooed the cushions and the floor in the back. I cut 2 heads of cauliflower apart and put them in salt water. I wrote to George at the Vet's hospital.
October 5, 1982 - Tuesday. I couldn't sleep, so I blanched the cauliflower for the freezer. I set some jello for Senior Citizens at Garrison. When we came home I finished washing the car and windows. Paul said it was too cold to wax the car so we'll take it along to Wisconsin. If the weather is fit, I'll do it. We played cards by Chet and Frieda. Boy, it sure stormed and rained before we got home and it rained on the way home, too.
October 6, 1982 - Wednesday. We got 3 1/2 inches of rain and it's supposed to rain all day today. I baked the pork chops and wild rice and stuffed the chicken and duck and baked them. I made a double batch of chocolate chips and made apple sauce cookies. I went to Auxiliary meeting with Dena and Red. I made my butterhorns.
October 7, 1982 - Thursday. I'm baking butterhorns to take along. Today is Ladies Aid held at George and Lorna Maghan. We went to Brainerd after the meeting to get pills and shop. Paul and Grace and us played dirty clubs. We paid $90.00 to Paul for work he done here this summer.
October 8, 1982 - Friday. George, Susan, Harland and I picked up Evelyn Oleson and Erma Bigowette for Pine Lake Golden Age. I made 2 batches of grape jelly before we went to Senior Citizens. Harland dropped me off at Cedarbrook while he went to Crosby for a haircut.
October 9, 1982 - Saturday. Evelyn and I went to church at Deerwood and helped with the bazaar from 8:30-4:30. Then we went to 5 o'clock mass. It was a huge success.
October 10, 1982 - Sunday. It's a year today Orville passed away. We were in Wisconsin ready to leave for home.
October 17, 1982 - Sunday. 25 years ago today, Carol and Bob got married. We have had a real busy week. Renee finished the garage and I have it painted. Now we're getting the garage cleaned out to put the car in.
October 27, 1982 - Wednesday. Franny Henkel called that his mother passed away. Chuck Elwood's step-father was buried today. We went to the funeral and then to Senior Citizens at Deerwood.
October 28, 1982 - Thursday. I made 7 apple pies for the freezer and one for us and Dena and Charlie Liane. We play cards by Paul and Grace tonite.
October 30, 1982 - Saturday. It was 28 degrees above this AM and the sun shining. I baked an apple pie, made potato sausage for dinner, a gift from Paul and Grace. It was good, but needed more seasoning. I went to mass at Deerwood.
October 31, 1982 - Sunday. It's 30 degrees above this AM and cloudy. I washed the car this AM and after lunch, we went to see George and Louise. After supper I helped with the Halloween party for about 75 kids.
November 1, 1982 - Monday. Today is a holy day. I'm going to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. I raked the ditch and Harland used the mower to mulch the leaves. Paul and Grace picked me up and we went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we had supper and we went to the funeral home to see Norm Meyerson. There sure wasn't a very big turn out. We played dirty clubs. Paul and Grace and us.
November 2, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd, bought another freezer for the house. $341.24. Came home, went to Senior Citizen at Garrison.
November 3, 1982 - Wednesday. It was 24 degrees above and we got 3 inches of snow. Harland and Paul went in to pick up the freezer. Webb Miller helped take the old one out and brought the new one in. I made lunch for them. Then I put everything back in the new freezer. After lunch, we went to Brainerd and finished our shopping. I baked a cake for Ladies Aid and a double batch of chocolate chip cookies for Harland to take along for deer hunting on Saturday. Susan picked Dena and I up and we went to V.F.W. Auxiliary meeting.
November 4, 1982 - Thursday. I had to serve at Ladies Aid. Grace Musil assisted. We left at 10:30AM. We got home around 4PM. Grace Musil was elected president. I am secretary and Susan is treasurer. Cec was supposed to come, but the weather up north was bad freezing rain and snow. She will call the county and see what the roads are in the AM. Marie called this AM and Hank is still in the hospital and has an infection, but he can't pass the kidney stone. We we'll have to wait and see. I washed Mom's clothes and some of our and Harland's woolen hunting pants. I finished our bird afghan tonite. Tuffy stayed in all nite last nite. Tonite he went out for awhile, but came back in. Roxanne Meyer Stewart expects her baby any day now. Annie, her mom, just came home from the hospital (13 days). She had a heart attack.
November 5, 1982 - Friday. Cec came this AM and at 3PM, Cec and I left for Henry's and marie's. We got there around 10 after 7PM.
November 6, 1982 - Saturday. We cleaned 38 roosters. We went up to see Hank at the hospital. We went to 5:15 mass.
November 7, 1982 - Sunday. We butchered 10 ducks and after lunch, Henry and us went to Stanley, Wisconsin shopping and then went to the hospital again.
November 8, 1982 - Monday. We went over by Henry again and butchered 2 geese. I bought one and Henry gave us 2 roosters, 2 ducks, pork and venison. Then we came home by Marie and got packed up and came home. I brought a bushel of apples for Susan and a 1/2 bushel for Louise. Harland got home around 3:30PM and Cec and I got home from Wisconsin. No one got a buck deer hunting at Hackensack. Susan and George came over, got their apples. We played cards and had apple pie and cheese after cards.
November 9, 1982 - Tuesday. I went over by Mom for 4 hours. I was really tired. After lunch, Cec and I went to Brainerd shopping.
November 10, 1982 - Wednesday. Cec gave me a permanent. Then Harland and I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Legion in Deerwood. Cec didn't go home because of 3 inches of snow and rain. After dinner we came home. We played sheepshead. Cec lost, which she couldn't afford.
November 11, 1982 - Thursday. We helped Cec pack up and she left about 10 minutes to 9AM. I cleaned the house and got ready for card club at nite. It started to snow by 7:30PM and our card club broke up after lunch at 10:45PM. Chet got stuck twice and left the car set and him and Frieda walked home.
November 12, 1982 - Friday. It was 14 above and we got about 10-12 inches of snow and real windy. I shoveled a path to the garage and brought Louise's apples in from the car. I finished one box of apples today for apple crisp. The rest I'm making for pies. It's 2 degrees above tonite. I made an apple crisp for Dena and Red. Larry and Louise came up last nite. It was rough going when they came. Senior Citizens was called off at Cutler.
November 13, 1982 - Saturday. I washed clothes this AM. The temp was -2. I filled the oven full of squash and baked. I made 8 apple pies for the freezer and cleaned up the kitchen.
November 14, 1982 - Sunday. I baked another oven full of squash. Larry blew the snow out of the driveway. It was zero degrees this AM. I went to church with Paul and Grace. I done my ironing today, about 3 weeks ironing. I picked out hickory nut meats tonite.
November 15, 1982 - Monday. Went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours. Susan and I sold coffee and doughnuts for V.F.W. Auxiliary. Harland won $5.00 of Bingo.
November 16, 1982 - Tuesday. We had card club by Ann K with a delicious pot luck dinner. I took 2 pumpkin pies. Harland won 1st, George F booby. Elsie 1st and I won booby.
November 17, 1982 - Wednesday. Evelyn O, Margaret Abear, Dorothy Boucher and I went to Duluth shopping. It was a fun day.
November 18, 1982 - Thursday. Clara Holstein had 4 couples over for dinner (V.G.) and we then played 2 tables of "500". We then had lunch and came home. Cec was here.
November 19, 1982 - Friday. Harland, Cec and I went by Marie and we cleaned 2 huge turkeys, 2 geese, 1 guinea hen and 7 ducks. We came home on Saturday nite as the weather wasn't going to be good. It rained and turned colder and snow was predicted.
November 21, 1982 - Sunday. We took care of our meat and went to 9:30 mass. Had lunch and we made mincemeat out of the apples Marie sent home.
November 22, 1982 - Monday. It was 17 above. I canned 11 pints of mincemeat this AM. Cec packed up and took her ducks, goose, and her turkey. Frieda and I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.
November 23, 1982 - Tuesday. I went to Cedarbrook and gave Mom a permanent and then Margaret had her volunteer luncheon at 12:30. It was really beautiful, but kinda sad as it was a farewell as Cedarbrook will close after 30 years.
November 24, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -2 this AM. The lake froze over today. I washed clothes, made pie crust and a mincemeat for dinner. We fixed the top of Bill and Sharon's foot stools. I'm wrapping Christmas gifts.
November 25, 1982 - Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. 6 above. We're going over by Dena's. I'm fixing 2 pumpkin pies and squash.
November 26, 1982 - Friday. I cleaned house and washed my hair. Bertha and Evie picked up their ducks.
November 27, 1982 - Saturday. It was 6 degrees above this AM. We took the car into Wards at 8AM for repair. We had no heat and they have to order a heater switch. We finished our Christmas shopping. Got home at 3PM. After supper, we played cards by Frieda and Chet Hively.
November 28, 1982 - Sunday. We have 22 degrees above and rain or snow predicted. I baked our fruitcake this AM. I took Roxanne's gifts over for the baby this AM. I made the fudge and we made a batch of sea foam. I picked Susan up and we went over to see Roger and Delores Marks' baby. We came home by Susan, had supper and played cards. We won 4 - men 3. I packed the candy away and fixed a box for Gertie Hartman at Cedarbrook for her birthday. She'll be moving to Crosby.
November 29, 1982 - Monday. I left for Cedarbrook at 8:30AM. Mom was all upset. She didn't sleep last nite, only about 2 hours. I sorted out her clothes, etc and packer her things up and I done some mending. After dinner we got things packed in the cars and Margaret took Mom, as we didn't have heat in our car. We're waiting for a new heater switch. I packed Mom's things in her dresser and we got her settled in her new surroundings. When we left her, it bothered Margaret and I worse than her. She seemed quite contented. It is 28 degrees above, cloudy and windy, but the weather turned out beautiful.
November 30, 1982 - Tuesday. I'm washing some of Mom's clothes out this AM. It is 29 degrees above, cloudy, windy and misty. We went to Koop's Funeral Home and in to Brainerd. Stopped by Jake's and we stopped by Mom. She seems to be real contented. We played cards by Susan and George tonite. Grace had first, Susan booby. Harland had 1st and George booby. We had lunch and came home. I finished wrapping Christmas gifts.
December 1, 1982 - Wednesday. I canned 7 pints of cranberries, packed Mom's clothes that I washed and done some mending. I'ts real warm and foggy. We have no snow left either.
December 2, 1982 - Thursday. It is 40 degrees above and still foggy and breezy. Today is Ladies Aid. I made 2 apple crisps, one for us. After our meeting and gift exchange we came home with Paul and Grace and we played dirty clubs. Paul and I won.
December 3, 1982 - Friday. I cleaned house, went to Brainerd, too the rest of Mom's clothes along. She was really on her high horse. We finished our Christmas shopping.
December 4, 1982 - Saturday. It is 22 degrees above and no snow. I'm making a hot dish for the V.F.W. Christmas party tonite.
December 5, 1982 - Sunday. I went to 9AM mass. Paul and Grace picked me up. We stopped by Evelyn and Bertha, then came home. George and Susan picked us up and we went to Birchwood Restaurant for our Thanksgiving and Christmas brunch. It was V. good. We also picked up Erma Bigowette. We came home and the 4 of us played "500". Susan and I won 3 games out of 5.
December 6, 1982 - Monday. Susan picked Frieda and I up and we went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours and our last time. It is sad for everyone connected with Cedarbrook after 30 years. We've been volunteering for over 7 years. It was sad.
December 7, 1982 - Tuesday. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens and at nite we played cards by Hively's. It was -4 this AM.
December 8, 1982 - Wednesday. It was -6 this AM. We took the car in to get the heater fixed. No heat at all. We stopped by Mom and she is really adjusting compared to last Tuesday. She was really bitter. Paul and Grace stopped this afternoon and we played dirty clubs. Then we went to 5 o'clock mass. I'm writing out more Christmas cards.
December 9, 1982 - Thursday. It was -8 this AM. Susan picked me up and we went to the salad luncheon at the Alliance church. It was V. good as usual.
December 10, 1982 - Friday. The temp was 20 above. I made 2 apple pies for Cutler Senior Citizens, one for Golden Age bake sale, one for us. We exchanged gifts. Real nice. I'm putting an end to our Christmas cards.
December 11, 1982 - Saturday. The temp is -8 this AM. We'll go down to Community Center and help Santa hand out candy, etc for the kids. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood for mass.
December 12, 1982 - Sunday. I stirred Sally Ann cookies and sugar cookies last night. I washed my hair, made beef roast, carrots, potatoes for dinner. After dinner, I washed dishes and baked cookies. After supper George and Susan picked us up and we went to the cantata at their church. It was 4 above this AM. Still no snow.
December 13, 1982 - Monday. The temp was 18 above and the sun was shining. I washed clothes and hung it outside. We went to Deerwood to renew our CD that was due. We went to Pike's Point and had a hamburger, paid for storage of the fish house, etc, gas. I done the ironing, started to clean the closet out, so Paul can put our new doors on. Dena and I played Bingo.
December 14, 1982 - Tuesday. We picked George and Susan up and we went to Crosby, stopped at the nursing home and we had our pot luck by Elsie and Howard and played cards. We had light snow. I finished our Christmas cards tonite. It was 33 above this AM.
December 15, 1982 - Wednesday. It's 15 degrees above. Paul and Harland are working on the new doors for our closet. We had our Garrison Senior Citizens Christmas party at Myr Mar. Our meal was delicious. We exchanged gifts and they had music for dancing. We came home around 10PM. I painted the floor in the closet.
December 16, 1982 - Thursday. The temp is -2 this AM. I'm finishing washing walls etc. in the bathroom. I ironed the curtains and washed windows. We (Evelyn, I and Dena) went to Deerwood church and made 6 boxes for needy people. I brought 2 home, one for Webb Miller and for Terry Nelson and family.
December 17, 1982 - Friday. It was 24 above this AM. I'm roasting a turkey, dressing and baked an angel food cake, etc. Red, Dena, Debbie, Evelyn, Charley, Liane, and Grace and Paul are coming for dinner at 6:00PM. Today is Grace's birthday. She is a diabetic.
December 18, 1982 - Saturday. It was 28 degrees above and we had freezing rain and snow. Paul delivered the box to Webb and to Nelson's. They sure were grateful. I cleaned up the kitchen dishes after our big dinner last nite. After lunch I baked a double batch of frosted chocolate cookies. I stirred up mint surprise cookies. Paul and Grace picked me up for 5 o'clock mass.
December 19, 1982 - Sunday. It's 21 years ago since Chick had his car accident. 21 degrees above this AM. We picked Evelyn up and went to K.C. Christmas party at Deerwood. It was V.G. Ham and pot luck.
December 20, 1982 - Monday. I cleaned up the house and we went and played Bingo. I won $13.00.
December 21, 1982 - Tuesday. Done odds and ends. Evelyn and Bertha came over and left gifts and we gave them theirs.
December 22, 1982 - Wednesday. Today is Christmas party at Woodland Acres. Mom was a little better Monday, but was sedated. The Christmas party was real good. We seen George with his new legs. He was doing quite good.
December 23, 1982 - Thursday. Our weather is unbelievable. It was 34 degrees above in Brainerd and we had fog and hardly any snow left. I fried onions and celery for hamburgers for dressing. I'm making dressing for Dena and dinner rolls for Christmas. Made lunch and Jim came around 1PM. He left at 5:10AM this morning, roads were good, only fog. They put the fish house out today.
December 24, 1982 - Friday. It was 30 degrees above and fog. Today is John's birthday. He will be up towards the middle of the week. Bill called and the car won't make it, so maybe Bill and Sharon, and kids will come up with John. It started to snow at 2:30PM. Real pretty, but we can't make it to mass. We had supper at Dena's. Chow mein. V. good.
December 25, 1982 - Christmas Day. I fixed dressing and dinner rolls, squash for Christmas dinner at Dena's and Red's. Charley stopped over and his snowmobile clunked out up the road. Jim pulled it back home. Charley will eat Christmas dinner over at Dena's and us. Larry, Har and Jim went fishing. 1 walleye and 32 perch.
December 26, 1982 - Sunday. It was 5 above and I made it to church. The weather was snowing and blowing, so we couldn't go Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I went to Brainerd, but only got 2 boxes of cards for 1/2 price. My ears still bother.
December 27, 1982 - Monday. It was 20 above, but cold weather on the way. I took one of Mom's antivert for dizziness.
December 28, 1982 - Tuesday. I didn't even get dressed today. I felt lousy.
December 29, 1982 - Wednesday. We went to see Mom today. I felt better. The dizziness left.
December 30, 1982 - Thursday. Jim left for home at 8AM. I changed bedding on his bed. Moved our flowers out and shut the door. The Christmas cactus is just beautiful. Jim called at 4:45. He was back in Horicon. The roads were good. No trouble.
December 31, 1982 - Friday. We are to go to Paul and Grace's for supper at 6:45PM. George, Susan, Evelyn, Harland and I and play cards - the old year out and the new year in.
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