January 1, 1991 - Tuesday. Temp is 5 degrees above and cloudy. I finished a top for a lap robe for the Vets.
January 2, 1991 - Wednesday. It was -25 below this AM. I pinned 3 lap robes for the Vets today.
January 3, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 and sunny. I sewed 3 lap robes today.
January 4, 1991 - Friday. It's 4 degrees. I sewed another lap robe. I ground ham, pickles and onions for ham salad sandwiches.
January 5, 1991 - Saturday. It's 0 degrees and sunny. We served at Crosby today. I pinned 2 more lap robes together after the meeting.
January 6, 1991 - Sunday. It's -14 this AM. I went to 9:00 mass.
January 7, 1991 - Monday. It's -24. I took Grace along to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
January 8, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 14 degrees.
January 9, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 8 degrees. I finished the 8th lap robe.
January 10, 1991 - Thursday. It's 0 degrees. I fixed a quilt for a pad on the davenport on the porch.
January 11, 1991 - Friday. We got 3-4 inches of snow and it's 16 degrees. I had a check up for my colon and I'll need an xray. My next appointment is in June. Everything is OK, says the doctor. Our weather has moderated quite a bit in the last 4 days. I'm sewing and I cleaned house today.
January 16, 1991 - Wednesday. Our weather is still milk. Harland went to the doctor and had a protime. Gas is still $1.24.
January 19, 1991 - Saturday. It's 31 degrees and cloudy. Our January thaw will change by tonight. We had snow flurries and it really cooled off. Annie Meyer passed away Sunday night.
January 21, 1991 - Monday. It was -8. I drove alone to Woodland Acres. Grace was sick.
January 23, 1991 - Wednesday. It's -5 and northwest wind.
January 24, 1991 - Thursday. It was -20. We had card club by Paul and Grace. Harland and I won 1st. Susan and Paul, booby.
January 25, 1991 - Friday. It's -25 and sunny. I'm working on a pair of pillow cases for a Christmas gift.
January 26, 1991 - Saturday. It's 8 degrees and sunny. I cleaned house and made pork steak for dinner.
January 27, 1991 - Sunday. It's 12 degrees and sunny. I went to mass and made dinner and then we went to the show "White Fang" in Brainerd. It was a very good movie.
January 28, 1991 - Monday. It's -24 and we had 1-2 inches of snow. I picked Susan up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
January 29, 1991 - Tuesday. It is -22 this AM. I got my ironing ready for tomorrow. I pinned a lap robe together.
January 30, 1991 - Wednesday. It's -2 degrees. I finished crocheting around 1 pillow case and I started another one.
January 31, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 and sunny. I baked an apple crisp and a date cake. I started another lap robe.
February 1, 1991 - Friday. It's 8 degrees and sunny. It warmed up in the 30's.
February 2, 1991 - Saturday. It was 16 degrees and sunny. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens and the temp was 49 degrees on the bank. I finished crocheting on one pillow case and started the other one. Stamps will go up to $0.29 in the AM.
February 3, 1991 - Sunday. It's 28 degrees and sunny. I went to mass and after dinner I washed the car off.
February 4, 1991 - Monday. It's 21 degrees and sunny. I finished crocheting on the 2nd pair of pillow cases. I washed the car again with the wet or frosty weather and wet roads. The high was 49 degrees.
February 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 20 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
February 6, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 21 degrees and sunny. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood Alter Society. She drove.
February 7, 1991 - Thursday. It's 18 degrees and sunny. We took Evelyn and went to Crosby by Elsie for the Aid. We tied a quilt.
February 8, 1991 - Friday. It's 23 degrees and sunny. We went to Brainerd. Our temp was the same as Minneapolis.
February 9, 1991 - Saturday. It was 19 degrees and sunny. Red was putting our new rope flag up and the screw broke out of the pole and Red fell and got a nasty bruise. We told him to go to the doctor. They took xrays and nothing was broke.
February 10, 1991 - Sunday. The temp was 18 degrees and sunny. Paul and Grace took us out to eat for our Christmas gift.
February 11, 1991 - Monday. The temp is -4 and sunny. We went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I picked up Grace and Susan. We cut out door posters.
February 12, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 16 degrees and cloudy. We went to card club by George and Susan. George and I won high, Harland and Susan Low. Harland didn't feel good. He's been coughing and spitting for 2 weeks.
February 13, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 26 above and sunny. At 1AM, I took Harland in the car to emergency hospital in Brainerd. We're getting snow. I finished the bed cover and took them down to the club. I picked Evelyn up for church. At 4:30 we got a good 4 inches of snow.
February 14, 1991 - Thursday. It's 4 degrees, cloudy and breezy. Bill is 42 years old today. I took Paul and Grace and we went up by Harland and at 3:30 we went to Saint Francis School and volunteered for the soup kitchen.
February 15, 1991 - Friday.The temp is -22 degrees. I wrote 3 letters. One to Joan, who lost her husband January 12 and I wrote Chet and Frieda and Tam and Bill. I took the income taxes to have them made out at Ironton.
February 16, 1991 - Saturday. It was 10 degrees and partly cloudy. I washed and dried my hair and I went to the hospital. Harland was pretty good, but still spitting a lot.
February 17, 1991 - Sunday. I have the flu, coughing, etc. Grace called and she will go to the nursing home. I can't. I feel terrible.
February 18, 1991 - Monday. We got another 5 inches of snow. Gregg came and plowed out the driveway. Harland is supposed to come home. I'm going to the hospital.
February 20, 1991 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees and sunny. It really thawed, high 40's.
February 21, 1991 - Thursday. It's 22 degrees and cloudy. It's started to rain. I started out for Brainerd at 8:15AM, but I turned around and came home. They had more rain near Brainerd.
February 22, 1991 - Friday. It was 10 degrees. I started to put contact on the cupboard over the stove. Oscar Miller passed away at 4:30AM.
February 23, 1991 - Saturday. It's 5 degrees and snowing. We probably got 3-6 inches of snow.
February 24, 1991 - Sunday. It's -10 and sunny. I went to 9:00 mass. I made chili, sloppy joe's, pork chops, potato and carrots.
February 25, 1991 - Monday. It was -15 and sunny. I went to the laundromat, grocery store, gas and to the nursing home for 4 hours. Harland feels a little better today.
February 26, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 5 degrees and cloudy. I got my permanent this AM.
February 27, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 7 degrees. We served at Deerwood and then picked up our income taxes.
February 28, 1991 - Thursday. It's -02 this AM. We took Red's bills over to Aitkin for his accident putting up our flag.
March 1, 1991 - Friday. It's 25 degrees and foggy. Harland didn't feel so good after going out Wednesday.
March 2, 1991 - Saturday. It was -5 this AM. I was supposed to help at church for lunch after the triples girls were baptized. I was so dizzy when I got up, sick to my stomach and diaherrea.
March 3, 1991 - Sunday. It's -9 and sunny. I didn't feel up to going to mass.
March 4, 1991 - Monday. It was 8 degrees and sunny. I went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
March 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 25 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
March 6, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 6 degrees and cloudy. I'm crocheting a lap robe for Woodland Acres to use up some yarn.
March 7, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 degrees and sunny. We went to Ladies Aid by Paul and Grace.
March 8, 1991 - Friday. It's 25 degrees and cloudy. We got a dusting of snow. Marty is 19 years old today.
March 9, 1991 - Saturday. It was 10 degrees and sunny. I went to church in Garrison. Chick is 49 years old today.
March 10, 1991 - Sunday. It was 12 degrees. We went to the buffet in Aitkin at noon. I went to the laundromat. Harland didn't go along. I got more contact to finish our cupboard shelves.
March 11, 1991 - Monday. It's 26 degrees and sunny. I picked Susan up for Woodland Acres.
March 12, 1991 - Tuesday. The temp is 28 degrees and partly cloudy.
March 13, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 18 degrees and cloudy. Our snow didn't materialize. I'm making pot holders for Garrison and Pine Lake. Paul and Grace came over last night.
March 14, 1991 - Thursday. It was 13 degrees and sunny. We went by Elsie's for our card club. Harland and Susan got 1st. Lydia and Grace got booby.
March 15, 1991 - Friday. It's 10 degrees and sunny. I finished cleaning house. I went to Brainerd. We had a new rotor put on our TV. $133.90. Jim and Chick arrived at 11PM.
March 16, 1991 - Saturday. It's 20 degrees and a few snow flurries. The boys got 30 perch.
March 17, 1991 - Sunday. It was 23 degrees and so foggy. Harland went fishing with the boys. They got another nice bunch of perch.
March 18, 1991 - Monday. It is 20 degrees and partly cloudy. The boys had good luck. Grace took Susan and I to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
March 19, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 13 degrees and sunny. The boys left at 7:40. I stripped the beds. Harland and I went to Deerwood and bought 2 single mattresses. I went to Garrison laundromat and washed sheets, pillow cases and pads off the single beds.
March 20, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 22 degrees and partly sunny. Harland had a check up and he weighs 162 lbs. His lungs were good, but it takes a long time to clear up infection, etc, but his breathing is caused by his heart trouble.
March 21, 1991 - Thursday. It's 32 degrees, cloudy and rainy. We started to house clean in the spare bedroom. We're putting new casters on the one bed.
March 22, 1991 - Friday. It's 30 degrees and cloudy. We've been spring house cleaning in the spare bedroom other than windows and drapes. Washed walls, etc.
March 25, 1991 - Monday. Susan picked me up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I put a clean dresser scarf on.
March 26, 1991 - Tuesday. We went to Edna Reva's funeral in Garrison. I'm crocheting another lap robe for Woodland Acres. They furnished the yarn.
March 27, 1991 - Wednesday. I made a hot dish for Deerwood Senior Citizens. When we came home I washed 1/2 the paneling in our bedroom.
We've been cleaning up outside, raking, etc. I done a couple weeks of ironing, dress scarfs, etc.
April 6, 1991 - Saturday. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens. We went to Brainerd and Harland bought a battery for the riding mower.
April 7, 1991 - Sunday. We've had some beautiful weather and we reached 86 degrees, but we sure need rain. We went by Paul and Grace last night.
April 8, 1991 - Monday. Grace followed me in to have the car door fixed. The ice went out of the lake today.
April 9, 1991 - Tuesday. We woke up to 4 inches of wet snow again. I'm on a liquid diet today.
April 10, 1991 - Wednesday. The temp was 18 degrees and sunny. I went to the hospital for my colon xray. I didn't like it one bit.
April 11, 1991 - Thursday. I went to the laundromat in Garrison, hung everything out and ironed from the line.
April 12, 1991 - Friday. Harland is 82 years old today. We went to Pine Lake Senior Citizen.
April 13, 1991 - Saturday. Marty and Stacy and Nick came in the PM. Nick is a little chunk.
April 14, 1991 - Sunday. I went to mass in Garrison. At noon we went to the Chicken Shack and it really snowed. It was really rough coming home. We got about 4 inches of wet snow.
April 15, 1991 - Monday. We got more wet snow, so we stayed home instead of going shopping. We played "500".
April 16, 1991 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd shopping. We got Nick 3 new outfits and the kids (Marty and Stacy) picked out a kitchen set and davenport and we brought home Kentucky Fried Chicken and then the kids went home. Collette is 18 years old.
April 17, 1991 - Wednesday. I went to Deerwood salad luncheon. I won a red geranium.
April 18, 1991 - Thursday. I raked the east side lawn of the house and in the front of the house.
April 19, 1991 - Friday. I raked by the driveway.
April 20, 1991 - Saturday. We went to REA electric meeting. Won nothing.
April 21, 1991 - Sunday. I went to mass and after, I called Marie. She is 79 years old today. I talked to Ruth and Ginger. Ginger wants more little detergent aprons.
April 22, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I cut out 13 little aprons.
April 23, 1991 - Tuesday. I washed more paneling in our bedroom and cleaned under the bed.
April 24, 1991 - Wednesday. It's usually freezing in the AM and warms up in the day. We went to the state hospital for our volunteer dinner. It was V.G.
April 25, 1991 - Thursday. I baked butterhorns and chocolate chip cookies, planted our sweet peas.
April 26, 1991 - Friday. I went to church and helped Evelyn with the bake sale.
April 27, 1991 - Saturday. I helped with the bake sale and rummage sale.
April 28, 1991 - Sunday. Marty and Stacy and Elmer came Saturday afternoon and we went to the furniture store and they picked out a davenport and recliner.
April 29, 1991 - Monday. We went to Brainerd and loaded up the furniture and they left for home.
May 1, 1991 - Thursday. I went to a volunteer brunch at Woodland Acres. V.G.
May 2, 1991 - Friday. I hung our sheets, etc. out and we have Ladies Aid by Mabel and Elmer. I'm hostess.
May 4, 1991 - Saturday. We left for Wisconsin at 6:40 and we stopped by Marie. She is good and we got by Katie at 3:30.
May 5, 1991 - Sunday. We went to Pat and Len's surprise 25th anniversary. Len said the biggest surprise was to see Harland and I standing there. We all had a good time. We visited with Edward and Lorene Schumann. Then we visited with Dorothy Schumann. She is 88 years old and her mind is real good.
May 8, 1991 - Wednesday. We went by Bill and Karen. They have a real nice place. We had a nice visit.
May 9, 1991 - Thursday. Harland went to the John Deere retiree's party.
May 10, 1991 - Friday. We left for home at 6AM. We got home around 4:30PM. the traffic was heavy with the fishing season opener tomorrow. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
May 12, 1991 - Sunday. Mother's Day. We went out to eat at Twin Pines. We had a nice day.
May 13, 1991 - Monday. I went to the nursing home and we had a style show for the residents. It turned out real nice.
May 14, 1991 - Tuesday. I got the flu and was sick for 2 days. It came both way.
May 15, 1991 - Wednesday. I went to the Auxiliary meet and got an award for my sewing for the Vets.
May 16, 1991 - Thursday. I raked the ditch of leaves and mowed the bank and mowed in the low part in the back and I wrenched my knee. It's really sore.
May 17, 1991 - Friday. Today is Katie's birthday. She is 57 years old.
May 18, 1991 - Saturday. I changed our bedding and went to the laundromat and hung everything out. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken.
May 19, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9 o'clock mass. I put Miracle Gro on the roses, peonies, etc and cleaned around them.
May 20, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 4 hours for Woodland Acres. I called Tam and Bill. Today is Bill's birthday.
May 21, 1991 - Tuesday. I planted the tuberous begonias and the 4 o'clock seed from Woodland Acres and marigold seed. I made glorified rice for Deerwood Senior Citizens.
May 22, 1991 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and then we came home and I painted the hedging for around the tuberous begonies. I got my fishing licenses.
May 23, 1991 - Thursday. We had card club here. I made stew. Inna and Elsie had 1st. Harland and Grace, booby. I started digging around the roses, but had to quit because of mosquitos. It really rained.
May 30, 1991 - Thursday. John, Michelle, Nicki and Natalie came. We went to the Chicken Shack.
May 31, 1991 - Friday. Chick, Bill, Jim came at 11:30PM.
John M. and kids stayed in the big cabin and took their meals with us. The boys really worked getting everything fixed and cleaned up outside. They all had good luck fishing.
June 8, 1991 - Saturday. Chick, Bill and Jim left at 7:30. Katie and Willie arrived after noon. Nicki and I went to 5:00 mass. The rest went fishing.
June 13, 1991 - Thursday. I went to the bank for the driver's ed. George and Susan took Harland along for Cutler Senior Citizens.
June 17, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. Maxine and Warren came at 4:30PM. We all had good luck fishing.
June 21, 1991 - Friday. Warren and I went to Brainerd and picked 2 boxes of strawberries. $7.00 a box.
June 22, 1991 - Saturday. Maxine and Warren left at 7:30AM. I stripped all the beds and went to the laundromat and hung everything out. I got my ironing done and clean bedding on the 3 beds.
June 23, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass and we got the lawn mowed.
June 24, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres alone for 4 hours. We put new webbing on one chair.
June 25, 1991 - Tuesday. We finished the webbing on the 2nd chair. I fixed a pork roast for when the kids come. Jim called and him and Kim won't come now as Kim's dad is being buried today. He had cancer.
June 29, 1991 - Saturday. Bill and Karen came in the afternoon.
They had a fairly good fishing week, but the weather was showerly. Bill cleaned our bank and sawed off some sprouts by the tree by the lake. It really looks nice.
July 4, 1991 - Thursday. We went to Turner in the AM, got 60 blues, cleaned fish, had lunch and at 6PM, Bill, Karen and I went to Mille Lacs and fished perch. We got 30. Not overly big ones and we stayed and watched the fireworks. They were beautiful.
July 5, 1991 - Friday. The kids went to Brainerd shopping and got an electric started for the Weber grill and after supper we really had a storm and hail stones as large as golf balls. A big pine tree fell over by Clem's yard. George Forester came home from the hospital.
July 6, 1991 - Saturday. The kids left at 7:45. I went to the laundromat, hung everything out. I went to 5:00 mass, had supper and we went over by Chet and Frieda's.
July 7, 1991 - Sunday. We took Chet and Frieda, Paul and Grace and went to Birchwood Restaurant at Aitkin. Chet and Frieda's treat.
July 8, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up and Frieda went along. She had a nice day. We mended.
We've been picking raspberries, making jam. It's really been hot.
July 14, 1991 - Sunday. We went to Bulldog Lake Church for dinner. I finished my 3 weeks ironing, thanks to the air conditioner.
July 17, 1991 - Thursday. We're going to pick blueberries this AM. They won't open the blueberry patch till Saturday.
July 18, 1991 - Friday. I cleaned house today.
July 19, 1991 - Saturday. We had card party here for Chet and Frieda who moved to Rhinelander 5 years ago. We had 3 tables of "500". I made apple crisp and deviled eggs and we had a picnic dinner. V.G.
July 20, Sunday. I baked an apple pie, donated fudge and seafoam, 2 pints of watermellon pickles for the bake sale at church. I'll help, too. We made $146.00.
July 21, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked Susan and I up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
July 22, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to the laundromat in Garrison. Grace picked beans and gave most of them to me. I made green beans for Deerwood Senior Citizens and I canned 5 pints and gave one to Grace to see if they would like them canned that way.
July 25, 1991 - Thursday. We went over by Hively's. George, Susan and us played 6 handed "500". They're going to go to Rhinelander Sunday.
July 26, 1991 - Friday. I washed my hair and took a bath. Susan Forester was killed in a car accident. She was alone.
July 28, 1991 - Sunday. Chet stopped and dropped off some things before they left for Rhinelander. Barb and Ray came to drive them home. Jim and Kim came.
July 29, 1991 - Monday. Susan's funeral was at 11AM. I baked a cake.
July 30, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to Brainerd and I stopped and picked up George's mail. Jim, Kim and Harland went to turner, but not good.
July 31, 1991 - Wednesday. the four of us went to the casino last night for supper and a little gambling. Jim and I mowed some lawn last night.
August 1, 1991 - Thursday. We had our Ladies Aid picnic down at the rest area in Garrison. Jim and Kim went to Mille Lacs and caught 61 perch.
August 2, 1991 - Friday. We took the kids out to eat at Twin Pines.
August 3, 1991 - Saturday. Harland, Jim and Kim went fishing on Borden. They got 8 bass and 1 northern. I baked 2 blueberry cakes, zucchini bread, pan of lemon zucchini bars and chocolate chip cookies.
August 4, 1991 - Sunday. I went to church and at 11:00AM we went to the brunch at Birchwood. Thanks to Kim for our 58th anniversary.
August 5, 1991 - Monday. Today is our 58th anniversary. I went to Woodland Acres. The kids left at 8AM. I done the laundry after Woodland Acres. I baked a cake for Garrison Senior Citizens picnic.
August 6, 1991 - Tuesday. We had our Garrison Senior Citizen picnic V.F.W. Very good.
August 8, 1991 - Thursday. We had our card club over by Elsie. We picked George up as he doesn't have a car as yet.
August 9, 1991 - Friday. We had Pine Lake picnic at Aitkin Park.
August 10, 1991 - Saturday. I took Harland to Crosby for a haircut. After lunch I got a perm at 2PM.
August 11, 1991 - Sunday. After mass I picked Evelyn, Paul and Grace up and we went to Wahkon for their church dinner, roast beef and ham. V.G.
August 12, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
August 13, 1991 - Tuesday. We took George Forester to the doctor in Brainerd and went to the laundromat. George's daughter stopped and said we should go get the beets.
August 15, 1991 - Thursday. I canned 5 pints of beet pickles.
August 17, 1991 - Saturday. We went to Dr. Polands beef roast dinner. V.G. I went to 5:00 mass.
August 18, 1991 - Sunday. We went to George and Lorna's 64th wedding anniversary.
August 19, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours, then I canned 7 quarts of dill pickles. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. Paul will check the leak in the roof.
August 20, 1991 - Tuesday. Natalie is 3 years old today.
We still have a leak in the roof over the kitchen. I'm cleaning out the 2 raspberry bushes. I'm painting the smoke butt houses for the boys. I finished both raspberry patches and finished painting the butt houses.
August 25, 1991 - Sunday. Jim is 38 years old today. We went to Crosby for the jamboree.
August 26, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. the high was 92 degrees and humid and we're supposed to have a hot and humid week. I picked cukes and cut off the broccoli.
August 28, 1991 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and there isn't much relief from the heat.
September 1, 1991 - Saturday. Evelyn picked me up and we went to Little Falls on the bus thru the bank in Brainerd for the craft show. I bought a sweatshirt with loons on. It rained and we came home before because of the downpour.
I'm still cleaning out the garden, weeds, etc.
September 8, 1991 - Sunday. We got 3 inches of rain. I went to 9:00 mass
September 9, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
September 10, 1991 - Tuesday. I and Grace went to Woodland Acres for the monthly birthday party.
September 11, 1991 - Wednesday. I cleaned both bedrooms today.
September 12, 1991 - Thursday. I cleaned the front room today. At 3:30 we picked Evelyn, Paul and Grace up and we went to the Platte Lake Church chicken dinner. V.G.
September 15, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass.
September 16, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres. Harland cleaned the grapes out and I cooked them and drained them out. I made a batch of tomato preserves. Evelyn is 73 years old today and Judy is 46.
September 17, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to the laundromat in Brainerd and done shopping. I hung most of it out and it started to rain again. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. A fun evening.
September 18, 1991 - Wednesday. I transplanted some slips from the flowers outside as frost is predicted tonight. I'm making stew for our card party tomorrow.
September 19, 1991 - Thursday. It didn't freeze last night, but it's expected tonight. Mayme and George got 1st, Melvin and I, booby.
September 20, 1991 - Friday. I got all the flower slips in and planted for me and Grace. We got the garden cleaned up other than the few carrots.
September 21, 1991 - Saturday. The docks came out and the guys, Larry and Steve, took out the air conditioner. I washed the window.
September 24, 1991 - Tuesday. We went by Marie for a couple of days. She is doing real good. We went to Stanley shopping.
September 25, 1991 - Wednesday. We went up to see Hank and he has really failed. We took Marie out to eat.
September 26, 1991 - Thursday. We came home.
September 30, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours and had the oil changed in the car. I got a case of bacon for John.
October 1, 1991 - Tuesday. I made 3 large apple pies and 4 small ones.
October 2, 1991 - Wednesday. Today is Red's birthday. He's 63 years old.
October 4, 1991 - Friday. We left for Wisconsin for a week. It was a good week and tiring.
We are working on the windows and cleaning up the leaves.
October 18, 1991 - Friday. We had card club by Mayme's. Paul and Grace won 1st. George and Mel got booby. I got 1/2 of my ironing done and got our bedroom draped up. I had them dry cleaned. $14.00 + tax.
October 19, 1991 - Saturday. I got all the windows done except the bathroom and kitchen. Harland is working on the leaves, but it seems like a losing battle. He's went over the lawn 3 x. We got an exchange on the davenport.
October 25, 1991 - Friday. I cleaned house today.
October 30, 1991 - Wednesday. We had the kitchen carpeting and the porch runner cleaned. $25.00. I got my permanent today.
October 31, 1991 - Thursday. It started to snow and we really got it. We're supposed to get 12 inches before it's over. Wind 15-25 mph. We had no trick or treaters.
November 3, 1991 - Sunday. It was 6 degrees and stormy. All church services were postponed.
November 4, 1991 - Monday. It was -8 and sunny. I took Harland to the eye doctor and he got a new contact. The roads were really snow packed to Brainerd.
November 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It was -7 this AM. I'm running the vacuum.
November 7, 1991 - Thursday. The temp is -6, sunny and breezy.
November 11, 1991 - Monday. I made 7 large apple pies and 3 little ones. I didn't go to Woodland Acres because of freezing rain.
November 12, 1991 - Tuesday. It's cloudy and foggy and poor driving conditions. Icy roads. I made 7 large apple pies and 3 small ones. We went to Brainerd shopping and the laundromat.
November 13, 1991 - Wednesday. I made 3 apple pies, one for Chick, Bill, and Dena and Red. Then we had card club by Elsie. December 11 is the dessert meeting by Paul and Grace.
November 14, 1991 - Thursday. Our weather is really thawing the snow. I'm doctoring with the clots in my thighs. I went to the doctor and had a blood test at the hospital and am waiting for the results. Jim got two 4 point bucks with bow and arrow.
November 19, 1991 - Tuesday. I baked our fruitcake.
I made 3 lap robes for Woodland Acres and cut out 2 nightgowns for myself. I'm sewing one together now. I made our fudge and now we'll make seafoam and peanut butter cookies for Ladies Aid and we'll fix 6 plates of cookies and candy for former members in nursing homes, etc.
December 14, 1991 - Wednesday. We had -25 this AM. I baked peanut butter cookies and 2 batches of seafoam.
December 15, 1991 - Thursday. It was -5 and snowing. I cleaned the walk off and I shoveled snow off the roof. The 2nd time this year and winter isn't even here.
We have had a mild December so far. Low 20's and highs in the 30's. We had Ladies Aid over by Carl and Edna Johnson's. We wrapped Christmas presents for the state hospital, exchanged gifts, fixed 6 plates of cookies for former members. We had a Christmas party at Pine Lake, calloped potatoes, ham and the trimming. Very good and gift exchange.
December 17, 1991 - Saturday. We had Garrison Senior Citizens at the V.F.W. club, Swiss steak, gift exchange. Today is Grace's birthday.
December 21, 1991 - Tuesday. The boys came for a week of ice fishing. They had good luck. 11 northern on Borden and got perch and walleyes on Mille Lacs.
December 27, 1991 - The boys went home today. We had a very good Christmas. We took the tree and trimmings down and put them away for another year.
January 2, 1991 - Wednesday. It was -25 below this AM. I pinned 3 lap robes for the Vets today.
January 3, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 and sunny. I sewed 3 lap robes today.
January 4, 1991 - Friday. It's 4 degrees. I sewed another lap robe. I ground ham, pickles and onions for ham salad sandwiches.
January 5, 1991 - Saturday. It's 0 degrees and sunny. We served at Crosby today. I pinned 2 more lap robes together after the meeting.
January 6, 1991 - Sunday. It's -14 this AM. I went to 9:00 mass.
January 7, 1991 - Monday. It's -24. I took Grace along to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
January 8, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 14 degrees.
January 9, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 8 degrees. I finished the 8th lap robe.
January 10, 1991 - Thursday. It's 0 degrees. I fixed a quilt for a pad on the davenport on the porch.
January 11, 1991 - Friday. We got 3-4 inches of snow and it's 16 degrees. I had a check up for my colon and I'll need an xray. My next appointment is in June. Everything is OK, says the doctor. Our weather has moderated quite a bit in the last 4 days. I'm sewing and I cleaned house today.
January 16, 1991 - Wednesday. Our weather is still milk. Harland went to the doctor and had a protime. Gas is still $1.24.
January 19, 1991 - Saturday. It's 31 degrees and cloudy. Our January thaw will change by tonight. We had snow flurries and it really cooled off. Annie Meyer passed away Sunday night.
January 21, 1991 - Monday. It was -8. I drove alone to Woodland Acres. Grace was sick.
January 23, 1991 - Wednesday. It's -5 and northwest wind.
January 24, 1991 - Thursday. It was -20. We had card club by Paul and Grace. Harland and I won 1st. Susan and Paul, booby.
January 25, 1991 - Friday. It's -25 and sunny. I'm working on a pair of pillow cases for a Christmas gift.
January 26, 1991 - Saturday. It's 8 degrees and sunny. I cleaned house and made pork steak for dinner.
January 27, 1991 - Sunday. It's 12 degrees and sunny. I went to mass and made dinner and then we went to the show "White Fang" in Brainerd. It was a very good movie.
January 28, 1991 - Monday. It's -24 and we had 1-2 inches of snow. I picked Susan up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
January 29, 1991 - Tuesday. It is -22 this AM. I got my ironing ready for tomorrow. I pinned a lap robe together.
January 30, 1991 - Wednesday. It's -2 degrees. I finished crocheting around 1 pillow case and I started another one.
January 31, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 and sunny. I baked an apple crisp and a date cake. I started another lap robe.
February 1, 1991 - Friday. It's 8 degrees and sunny. It warmed up in the 30's.
February 2, 1991 - Saturday. It was 16 degrees and sunny. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens and the temp was 49 degrees on the bank. I finished crocheting on one pillow case and started the other one. Stamps will go up to $0.29 in the AM.
February 3, 1991 - Sunday. It's 28 degrees and sunny. I went to mass and after dinner I washed the car off.
February 4, 1991 - Monday. It's 21 degrees and sunny. I finished crocheting on the 2nd pair of pillow cases. I washed the car again with the wet or frosty weather and wet roads. The high was 49 degrees.
February 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 20 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
February 6, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 21 degrees and sunny. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood Alter Society. She drove.
February 7, 1991 - Thursday. It's 18 degrees and sunny. We took Evelyn and went to Crosby by Elsie for the Aid. We tied a quilt.
February 8, 1991 - Friday. It's 23 degrees and sunny. We went to Brainerd. Our temp was the same as Minneapolis.
February 9, 1991 - Saturday. It was 19 degrees and sunny. Red was putting our new rope flag up and the screw broke out of the pole and Red fell and got a nasty bruise. We told him to go to the doctor. They took xrays and nothing was broke.
February 10, 1991 - Sunday. The temp was 18 degrees and sunny. Paul and Grace took us out to eat for our Christmas gift.
February 11, 1991 - Monday. The temp is -4 and sunny. We went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I picked up Grace and Susan. We cut out door posters.
February 12, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 16 degrees and cloudy. We went to card club by George and Susan. George and I won high, Harland and Susan Low. Harland didn't feel good. He's been coughing and spitting for 2 weeks.
February 13, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 26 above and sunny. At 1AM, I took Harland in the car to emergency hospital in Brainerd. We're getting snow. I finished the bed cover and took them down to the club. I picked Evelyn up for church. At 4:30 we got a good 4 inches of snow.
February 14, 1991 - Thursday. It's 4 degrees, cloudy and breezy. Bill is 42 years old today. I took Paul and Grace and we went up by Harland and at 3:30 we went to Saint Francis School and volunteered for the soup kitchen.
February 15, 1991 - Friday.The temp is -22 degrees. I wrote 3 letters. One to Joan, who lost her husband January 12 and I wrote Chet and Frieda and Tam and Bill. I took the income taxes to have them made out at Ironton.
February 16, 1991 - Saturday. It was 10 degrees and partly cloudy. I washed and dried my hair and I went to the hospital. Harland was pretty good, but still spitting a lot.
February 17, 1991 - Sunday. I have the flu, coughing, etc. Grace called and she will go to the nursing home. I can't. I feel terrible.
February 18, 1991 - Monday. We got another 5 inches of snow. Gregg came and plowed out the driveway. Harland is supposed to come home. I'm going to the hospital.
February 20, 1991 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees and sunny. It really thawed, high 40's.
February 21, 1991 - Thursday. It's 22 degrees and cloudy. It's started to rain. I started out for Brainerd at 8:15AM, but I turned around and came home. They had more rain near Brainerd.
February 22, 1991 - Friday. It was 10 degrees. I started to put contact on the cupboard over the stove. Oscar Miller passed away at 4:30AM.
February 23, 1991 - Saturday. It's 5 degrees and snowing. We probably got 3-6 inches of snow.
February 24, 1991 - Sunday. It's -10 and sunny. I went to 9:00 mass. I made chili, sloppy joe's, pork chops, potato and carrots.
February 25, 1991 - Monday. It was -15 and sunny. I went to the laundromat, grocery store, gas and to the nursing home for 4 hours. Harland feels a little better today.
February 26, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 5 degrees and cloudy. I got my permanent this AM.
February 27, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 7 degrees. We served at Deerwood and then picked up our income taxes.
February 28, 1991 - Thursday. It's -02 this AM. We took Red's bills over to Aitkin for his accident putting up our flag.
March 1, 1991 - Friday. It's 25 degrees and foggy. Harland didn't feel so good after going out Wednesday.
March 2, 1991 - Saturday. It was -5 this AM. I was supposed to help at church for lunch after the triples girls were baptized. I was so dizzy when I got up, sick to my stomach and diaherrea.
March 3, 1991 - Sunday. It's -9 and sunny. I didn't feel up to going to mass.
March 4, 1991 - Monday. It was 8 degrees and sunny. I went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
March 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 25 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
March 6, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 6 degrees and cloudy. I'm crocheting a lap robe for Woodland Acres to use up some yarn.
March 7, 1991 - Thursday. It's -8 degrees and sunny. We went to Ladies Aid by Paul and Grace.
March 8, 1991 - Friday. It's 25 degrees and cloudy. We got a dusting of snow. Marty is 19 years old today.
March 9, 1991 - Saturday. It was 10 degrees and sunny. I went to church in Garrison. Chick is 49 years old today.
March 10, 1991 - Sunday. It was 12 degrees. We went to the buffet in Aitkin at noon. I went to the laundromat. Harland didn't go along. I got more contact to finish our cupboard shelves.
March 11, 1991 - Monday. It's 26 degrees and sunny. I picked Susan up for Woodland Acres.
March 12, 1991 - Tuesday. The temp is 28 degrees and partly cloudy.
March 13, 1991 - Wednesday. It's 18 degrees and cloudy. Our snow didn't materialize. I'm making pot holders for Garrison and Pine Lake. Paul and Grace came over last night.
March 14, 1991 - Thursday. It was 13 degrees and sunny. We went by Elsie's for our card club. Harland and Susan got 1st. Lydia and Grace got booby.
March 15, 1991 - Friday. It's 10 degrees and sunny. I finished cleaning house. I went to Brainerd. We had a new rotor put on our TV. $133.90. Jim and Chick arrived at 11PM.
March 16, 1991 - Saturday. It's 20 degrees and a few snow flurries. The boys got 30 perch.
March 17, 1991 - Sunday. It was 23 degrees and so foggy. Harland went fishing with the boys. They got another nice bunch of perch.
March 18, 1991 - Monday. It is 20 degrees and partly cloudy. The boys had good luck. Grace took Susan and I to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
March 19, 1991 - Tuesday. It's 13 degrees and sunny. The boys left at 7:40. I stripped the beds. Harland and I went to Deerwood and bought 2 single mattresses. I went to Garrison laundromat and washed sheets, pillow cases and pads off the single beds.
March 20, 1991 - Wednesday. It was 22 degrees and partly sunny. Harland had a check up and he weighs 162 lbs. His lungs were good, but it takes a long time to clear up infection, etc, but his breathing is caused by his heart trouble.
March 21, 1991 - Thursday. It's 32 degrees, cloudy and rainy. We started to house clean in the spare bedroom. We're putting new casters on the one bed.
March 22, 1991 - Friday. It's 30 degrees and cloudy. We've been spring house cleaning in the spare bedroom other than windows and drapes. Washed walls, etc.
March 25, 1991 - Monday. Susan picked me up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I put a clean dresser scarf on.
March 26, 1991 - Tuesday. We went to Edna Reva's funeral in Garrison. I'm crocheting another lap robe for Woodland Acres. They furnished the yarn.
March 27, 1991 - Wednesday. I made a hot dish for Deerwood Senior Citizens. When we came home I washed 1/2 the paneling in our bedroom.
We've been cleaning up outside, raking, etc. I done a couple weeks of ironing, dress scarfs, etc.
April 6, 1991 - Saturday. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens. We went to Brainerd and Harland bought a battery for the riding mower.
April 7, 1991 - Sunday. We've had some beautiful weather and we reached 86 degrees, but we sure need rain. We went by Paul and Grace last night.
April 8, 1991 - Monday. Grace followed me in to have the car door fixed. The ice went out of the lake today.
April 9, 1991 - Tuesday. We woke up to 4 inches of wet snow again. I'm on a liquid diet today.
April 10, 1991 - Wednesday. The temp was 18 degrees and sunny. I went to the hospital for my colon xray. I didn't like it one bit.
April 11, 1991 - Thursday. I went to the laundromat in Garrison, hung everything out and ironed from the line.
April 12, 1991 - Friday. Harland is 82 years old today. We went to Pine Lake Senior Citizen.
April 13, 1991 - Saturday. Marty and Stacy and Nick came in the PM. Nick is a little chunk.
April 14, 1991 - Sunday. I went to mass in Garrison. At noon we went to the Chicken Shack and it really snowed. It was really rough coming home. We got about 4 inches of wet snow.
April 15, 1991 - Monday. We got more wet snow, so we stayed home instead of going shopping. We played "500".
April 16, 1991 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd shopping. We got Nick 3 new outfits and the kids (Marty and Stacy) picked out a kitchen set and davenport and we brought home Kentucky Fried Chicken and then the kids went home. Collette is 18 years old.
April 17, 1991 - Wednesday. I went to Deerwood salad luncheon. I won a red geranium.
April 18, 1991 - Thursday. I raked the east side lawn of the house and in the front of the house.
April 19, 1991 - Friday. I raked by the driveway.
April 20, 1991 - Saturday. We went to REA electric meeting. Won nothing.
April 21, 1991 - Sunday. I went to mass and after, I called Marie. She is 79 years old today. I talked to Ruth and Ginger. Ginger wants more little detergent aprons.
April 22, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. I cut out 13 little aprons.
April 23, 1991 - Tuesday. I washed more paneling in our bedroom and cleaned under the bed.
April 24, 1991 - Wednesday. It's usually freezing in the AM and warms up in the day. We went to the state hospital for our volunteer dinner. It was V.G.
April 25, 1991 - Thursday. I baked butterhorns and chocolate chip cookies, planted our sweet peas.
April 26, 1991 - Friday. I went to church and helped Evelyn with the bake sale.
April 27, 1991 - Saturday. I helped with the bake sale and rummage sale.
April 28, 1991 - Sunday. Marty and Stacy and Elmer came Saturday afternoon and we went to the furniture store and they picked out a davenport and recliner.
April 29, 1991 - Monday. We went to Brainerd and loaded up the furniture and they left for home.
May 1, 1991 - Thursday. I went to a volunteer brunch at Woodland Acres. V.G.
May 2, 1991 - Friday. I hung our sheets, etc. out and we have Ladies Aid by Mabel and Elmer. I'm hostess.
May 4, 1991 - Saturday. We left for Wisconsin at 6:40 and we stopped by Marie. She is good and we got by Katie at 3:30.
May 5, 1991 - Sunday. We went to Pat and Len's surprise 25th anniversary. Len said the biggest surprise was to see Harland and I standing there. We all had a good time. We visited with Edward and Lorene Schumann. Then we visited with Dorothy Schumann. She is 88 years old and her mind is real good.
May 8, 1991 - Wednesday. We went by Bill and Karen. They have a real nice place. We had a nice visit.
May 9, 1991 - Thursday. Harland went to the John Deere retiree's party.
May 10, 1991 - Friday. We left for home at 6AM. We got home around 4:30PM. the traffic was heavy with the fishing season opener tomorrow. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
May 12, 1991 - Sunday. Mother's Day. We went out to eat at Twin Pines. We had a nice day.
May 13, 1991 - Monday. I went to the nursing home and we had a style show for the residents. It turned out real nice.
May 14, 1991 - Tuesday. I got the flu and was sick for 2 days. It came both way.
May 15, 1991 - Wednesday. I went to the Auxiliary meet and got an award for my sewing for the Vets.
May 16, 1991 - Thursday. I raked the ditch of leaves and mowed the bank and mowed in the low part in the back and I wrenched my knee. It's really sore.
May 17, 1991 - Friday. Today is Katie's birthday. She is 57 years old.
May 18, 1991 - Saturday. I changed our bedding and went to the laundromat and hung everything out. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken.
May 19, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9 o'clock mass. I put Miracle Gro on the roses, peonies, etc and cleaned around them.
May 20, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 4 hours for Woodland Acres. I called Tam and Bill. Today is Bill's birthday.
May 21, 1991 - Tuesday. I planted the tuberous begonias and the 4 o'clock seed from Woodland Acres and marigold seed. I made glorified rice for Deerwood Senior Citizens.
May 22, 1991 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and then we came home and I painted the hedging for around the tuberous begonies. I got my fishing licenses.
May 23, 1991 - Thursday. We had card club here. I made stew. Inna and Elsie had 1st. Harland and Grace, booby. I started digging around the roses, but had to quit because of mosquitos. It really rained.
May 30, 1991 - Thursday. John, Michelle, Nicki and Natalie came. We went to the Chicken Shack.
May 31, 1991 - Friday. Chick, Bill, Jim came at 11:30PM.
John M. and kids stayed in the big cabin and took their meals with us. The boys really worked getting everything fixed and cleaned up outside. They all had good luck fishing.
June 8, 1991 - Saturday. Chick, Bill and Jim left at 7:30. Katie and Willie arrived after noon. Nicki and I went to 5:00 mass. The rest went fishing.
June 13, 1991 - Thursday. I went to the bank for the driver's ed. George and Susan took Harland along for Cutler Senior Citizens.
June 17, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. Maxine and Warren came at 4:30PM. We all had good luck fishing.
June 21, 1991 - Friday. Warren and I went to Brainerd and picked 2 boxes of strawberries. $7.00 a box.
June 22, 1991 - Saturday. Maxine and Warren left at 7:30AM. I stripped all the beds and went to the laundromat and hung everything out. I got my ironing done and clean bedding on the 3 beds.
June 23, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass and we got the lawn mowed.
June 24, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres alone for 4 hours. We put new webbing on one chair.
June 25, 1991 - Tuesday. We finished the webbing on the 2nd chair. I fixed a pork roast for when the kids come. Jim called and him and Kim won't come now as Kim's dad is being buried today. He had cancer.
June 29, 1991 - Saturday. Bill and Karen came in the afternoon.
They had a fairly good fishing week, but the weather was showerly. Bill cleaned our bank and sawed off some sprouts by the tree by the lake. It really looks nice.
July 4, 1991 - Thursday. We went to Turner in the AM, got 60 blues, cleaned fish, had lunch and at 6PM, Bill, Karen and I went to Mille Lacs and fished perch. We got 30. Not overly big ones and we stayed and watched the fireworks. They were beautiful.
July 5, 1991 - Friday. The kids went to Brainerd shopping and got an electric started for the Weber grill and after supper we really had a storm and hail stones as large as golf balls. A big pine tree fell over by Clem's yard. George Forester came home from the hospital.
July 6, 1991 - Saturday. The kids left at 7:45. I went to the laundromat, hung everything out. I went to 5:00 mass, had supper and we went over by Chet and Frieda's.
July 7, 1991 - Sunday. We took Chet and Frieda, Paul and Grace and went to Birchwood Restaurant at Aitkin. Chet and Frieda's treat.
July 8, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up and Frieda went along. She had a nice day. We mended.
We've been picking raspberries, making jam. It's really been hot.
July 14, 1991 - Sunday. We went to Bulldog Lake Church for dinner. I finished my 3 weeks ironing, thanks to the air conditioner.
July 17, 1991 - Thursday. We're going to pick blueberries this AM. They won't open the blueberry patch till Saturday.
July 18, 1991 - Friday. I cleaned house today.
July 19, 1991 - Saturday. We had card party here for Chet and Frieda who moved to Rhinelander 5 years ago. We had 3 tables of "500". I made apple crisp and deviled eggs and we had a picnic dinner. V.G.
July 20, Sunday. I baked an apple pie, donated fudge and seafoam, 2 pints of watermellon pickles for the bake sale at church. I'll help, too. We made $146.00.
July 21, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked Susan and I up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
July 22, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to the laundromat in Garrison. Grace picked beans and gave most of them to me. I made green beans for Deerwood Senior Citizens and I canned 5 pints and gave one to Grace to see if they would like them canned that way.
July 25, 1991 - Thursday. We went over by Hively's. George, Susan and us played 6 handed "500". They're going to go to Rhinelander Sunday.
July 26, 1991 - Friday. I washed my hair and took a bath. Susan Forester was killed in a car accident. She was alone.
July 28, 1991 - Sunday. Chet stopped and dropped off some things before they left for Rhinelander. Barb and Ray came to drive them home. Jim and Kim came.
July 29, 1991 - Monday. Susan's funeral was at 11AM. I baked a cake.
July 30, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to Brainerd and I stopped and picked up George's mail. Jim, Kim and Harland went to turner, but not good.
July 31, 1991 - Wednesday. the four of us went to the casino last night for supper and a little gambling. Jim and I mowed some lawn last night.
August 1, 1991 - Thursday. We had our Ladies Aid picnic down at the rest area in Garrison. Jim and Kim went to Mille Lacs and caught 61 perch.
August 2, 1991 - Friday. We took the kids out to eat at Twin Pines.
August 3, 1991 - Saturday. Harland, Jim and Kim went fishing on Borden. They got 8 bass and 1 northern. I baked 2 blueberry cakes, zucchini bread, pan of lemon zucchini bars and chocolate chip cookies.
August 4, 1991 - Sunday. I went to church and at 11:00AM we went to the brunch at Birchwood. Thanks to Kim for our 58th anniversary.
August 5, 1991 - Monday. Today is our 58th anniversary. I went to Woodland Acres. The kids left at 8AM. I done the laundry after Woodland Acres. I baked a cake for Garrison Senior Citizens picnic.
August 6, 1991 - Tuesday. We had our Garrison Senior Citizen picnic V.F.W. Very good.
August 8, 1991 - Thursday. We had our card club over by Elsie. We picked George up as he doesn't have a car as yet.
August 9, 1991 - Friday. We had Pine Lake picnic at Aitkin Park.
August 10, 1991 - Saturday. I took Harland to Crosby for a haircut. After lunch I got a perm at 2PM.
August 11, 1991 - Sunday. After mass I picked Evelyn, Paul and Grace up and we went to Wahkon for their church dinner, roast beef and ham. V.G.
August 12, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.
August 13, 1991 - Tuesday. We took George Forester to the doctor in Brainerd and went to the laundromat. George's daughter stopped and said we should go get the beets.
August 15, 1991 - Thursday. I canned 5 pints of beet pickles.
August 17, 1991 - Saturday. We went to Dr. Polands beef roast dinner. V.G. I went to 5:00 mass.
August 18, 1991 - Sunday. We went to George and Lorna's 64th wedding anniversary.
August 19, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours, then I canned 7 quarts of dill pickles. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. Paul will check the leak in the roof.
August 20, 1991 - Tuesday. Natalie is 3 years old today.
We still have a leak in the roof over the kitchen. I'm cleaning out the 2 raspberry bushes. I'm painting the smoke butt houses for the boys. I finished both raspberry patches and finished painting the butt houses.
August 25, 1991 - Sunday. Jim is 38 years old today. We went to Crosby for the jamboree.
August 26, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours. the high was 92 degrees and humid and we're supposed to have a hot and humid week. I picked cukes and cut off the broccoli.
August 28, 1991 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and there isn't much relief from the heat.
September 1, 1991 - Saturday. Evelyn picked me up and we went to Little Falls on the bus thru the bank in Brainerd for the craft show. I bought a sweatshirt with loons on. It rained and we came home before because of the downpour.
I'm still cleaning out the garden, weeds, etc.
September 8, 1991 - Sunday. We got 3 inches of rain. I went to 9:00 mass
September 9, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.
September 10, 1991 - Tuesday. I and Grace went to Woodland Acres for the monthly birthday party.
September 11, 1991 - Wednesday. I cleaned both bedrooms today.
September 12, 1991 - Thursday. I cleaned the front room today. At 3:30 we picked Evelyn, Paul and Grace up and we went to the Platte Lake Church chicken dinner. V.G.
September 15, 1991 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass.
September 16, 1991 - Monday. Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres. Harland cleaned the grapes out and I cooked them and drained them out. I made a batch of tomato preserves. Evelyn is 73 years old today and Judy is 46.
September 17, 1991 - Tuesday. I went to the laundromat in Brainerd and done shopping. I hung most of it out and it started to rain again. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards. A fun evening.
September 18, 1991 - Wednesday. I transplanted some slips from the flowers outside as frost is predicted tonight. I'm making stew for our card party tomorrow.
September 19, 1991 - Thursday. It didn't freeze last night, but it's expected tonight. Mayme and George got 1st, Melvin and I, booby.
September 20, 1991 - Friday. I got all the flower slips in and planted for me and Grace. We got the garden cleaned up other than the few carrots.
September 21, 1991 - Saturday. The docks came out and the guys, Larry and Steve, took out the air conditioner. I washed the window.
September 24, 1991 - Tuesday. We went by Marie for a couple of days. She is doing real good. We went to Stanley shopping.
September 25, 1991 - Wednesday. We went up to see Hank and he has really failed. We took Marie out to eat.
September 26, 1991 - Thursday. We came home.
September 30, 1991 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours and had the oil changed in the car. I got a case of bacon for John.
October 1, 1991 - Tuesday. I made 3 large apple pies and 4 small ones.
October 2, 1991 - Wednesday. Today is Red's birthday. He's 63 years old.
October 4, 1991 - Friday. We left for Wisconsin for a week. It was a good week and tiring.
We are working on the windows and cleaning up the leaves.
October 18, 1991 - Friday. We had card club by Mayme's. Paul and Grace won 1st. George and Mel got booby. I got 1/2 of my ironing done and got our bedroom draped up. I had them dry cleaned. $14.00 + tax.
October 19, 1991 - Saturday. I got all the windows done except the bathroom and kitchen. Harland is working on the leaves, but it seems like a losing battle. He's went over the lawn 3 x. We got an exchange on the davenport.
October 25, 1991 - Friday. I cleaned house today.
October 30, 1991 - Wednesday. We had the kitchen carpeting and the porch runner cleaned. $25.00. I got my permanent today.
October 31, 1991 - Thursday. It started to snow and we really got it. We're supposed to get 12 inches before it's over. Wind 15-25 mph. We had no trick or treaters.
November 3, 1991 - Sunday. It was 6 degrees and stormy. All church services were postponed.
November 4, 1991 - Monday. It was -8 and sunny. I took Harland to the eye doctor and he got a new contact. The roads were really snow packed to Brainerd.
November 5, 1991 - Tuesday. It was -7 this AM. I'm running the vacuum.
November 7, 1991 - Thursday. The temp is -6, sunny and breezy.
November 11, 1991 - Monday. I made 7 large apple pies and 3 little ones. I didn't go to Woodland Acres because of freezing rain.
November 12, 1991 - Tuesday. It's cloudy and foggy and poor driving conditions. Icy roads. I made 7 large apple pies and 3 small ones. We went to Brainerd shopping and the laundromat.
November 13, 1991 - Wednesday. I made 3 apple pies, one for Chick, Bill, and Dena and Red. Then we had card club by Elsie. December 11 is the dessert meeting by Paul and Grace.
November 14, 1991 - Thursday. Our weather is really thawing the snow. I'm doctoring with the clots in my thighs. I went to the doctor and had a blood test at the hospital and am waiting for the results. Jim got two 4 point bucks with bow and arrow.
November 19, 1991 - Tuesday. I baked our fruitcake.
I made 3 lap robes for Woodland Acres and cut out 2 nightgowns for myself. I'm sewing one together now. I made our fudge and now we'll make seafoam and peanut butter cookies for Ladies Aid and we'll fix 6 plates of cookies and candy for former members in nursing homes, etc.
December 14, 1991 - Wednesday. We had -25 this AM. I baked peanut butter cookies and 2 batches of seafoam.
December 15, 1991 - Thursday. It was -5 and snowing. I cleaned the walk off and I shoveled snow off the roof. The 2nd time this year and winter isn't even here.
We have had a mild December so far. Low 20's and highs in the 30's. We had Ladies Aid over by Carl and Edna Johnson's. We wrapped Christmas presents for the state hospital, exchanged gifts, fixed 6 plates of cookies for former members. We had a Christmas party at Pine Lake, calloped potatoes, ham and the trimming. Very good and gift exchange.
December 17, 1991 - Saturday. We had Garrison Senior Citizens at the V.F.W. club, Swiss steak, gift exchange. Today is Grace's birthday.
December 21, 1991 - Tuesday. The boys came for a week of ice fishing. They had good luck. 11 northern on Borden and got perch and walleyes on Mille Lacs.
December 27, 1991 - The boys went home today. We had a very good Christmas. We took the tree and trimmings down and put them away for another year.
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