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Sunday, June 8, 2014


January 1, 1984 - Sunday.  It's 5 degrees above this AM.  I fixed 2 tame rabbits from Bill and Sharon, fixed salad, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple crisp.  Dena fixed green beans.  Ray came over and wanted to go fishing, but we had him stay for supper.  Evelyn was here and I fixed a plate for Bertha and Jim and Ray.  Dee called up and we went over and played "500".  There were 2 tables.  

January 2, 1984 - Monday.  Today is Alfred's birthday.  82 years.  It was -5 this AM.  Sunny.  I washed up the dishes after our rabbit dinner last night.

January 3, 1984 - Tuesday.  We had 25 degrees above this AM.  The roads were slippery, but just sanded.  Harland had a 9AM foot doctor appointment.  We went to get Mom for her 10:30AM skin doctor appointment.  There wasn't anything he could so as the home has tried every kind of medicine and lotions.  It's a matter of age and Mom's scratching.  She has no rash, it's just from her scratching.  We stopped by H&R Block and we have to send in an estimate every 3 months of $420.00 (interest and John Deere retirement).  Our high for today was 38 degrees and sunny.  Beautiful.

January 4, 1984 - Wednesday.  We had 24 degrees this AM.  I picked Grace up and we picked Evelyn up and we went to Pierz where I wanted to get a coat, but nothing.  I got 2 pairs of slacks.  Evelyn bought us lunch.  I dropped Evelyn off and Grace and I came home and washed the car.  It was nice out.  It was just white from salt when we went to Brainerd Tuesday AM.

January 5, 1984 - Thursday.  It was 25 above at 6AM.  We went to Ladies Aid today.  Paul and Grace picked us up.  I took the ice off the roof.  It's all clear now.  Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to V.F.W. and played "500".  There were 5 tables.  No prize, but enjoyable.

January 6, 1984 - Friday.  It was 22 degrees and cloudy.  Harland, Paul and George went on Mille Lacs for perch.  Not much luck.  I went to Brainerd shopping.  Got Bill and Sharon a Bible for their birthday.  We just turned 73,000 miles on the car when I came by Pamida.  Ray stopped by last nite before he went bowling to Crosby.  I stopped by Louise and she was going to the hospital for xrays.  Her arm is all black and blue.  She got a letter from George and they took his right leg off again 6 inches above the knee.  When will it all stop?  Before, it was below the knee.  Hank is 81 years old.

January 7, 1984 - Saturday.  It was 20 above this AM.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens at noon, so Harland got a haircut 1st.  We seen Harold and he took Louise to Crosby hospital for xrays where she fell.  Her arms is all black and blue.  John called tonite, thanked us for his Christmas present.  Willie retired January 4th and Katie took him to the hospital.  It wasn't a heart attack.  They think it's gall stones in the bile duct.

January 8, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass.  I made Spanish rice and fried fish.  I washed dishes and cleaned most of the stove except grates and bottom grill.  I washed windows and mirror in the front room.  I wrote out the minutes of the last Ladies Aid.  I called Katie and Willie is still in the hospital.  He passed a stone from his bile duct.  Very painful.  The temp was 3 above this AM.  The high was 11 degrees and cloudy.

January 9, 1984 - Monday.  Temp was 4 above.  Susan picked up Frieda, Grace and I for volunteering at Woodland Acres.  We spent 6 1/2 hours doing mending and making pot holders and pillows.  Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs and then euchre.

January 10, 1984 - Tuesday.  Temp is -29.  I fixed the meat for our stew for Thursday pot luck and our 1st card club.  It was still -5 at noon.  I finished cleaning the oven.  I washed my hair.

January 11, 1984 - Wednesday.  -8 this AM and snow flurries.  It snowed almost all day very fine snow, cold and windy.  Wind chill -28.  Harland seen Dr. Musty today.  It's just zero at 8PM.

January 12, 1984 - Thursday.  The temp was 8 this AM.  Harland seen Dr. Moran and got his eyes tested and got a good report.  In the right eye, he has perfect 20/20 vision.  The left is 20/30.  We had card club here.  I made stew.  I baked a cake for Auxiliary.  We served 56 people.  I was home at 4:15PM and tired.

January 13, 1984 - Friday.  Temp was 8 above and sunny.  I put stuff away after card club and done the dishes.  I cleaned the snow off the roof over the kitchen and porch.

January 14, 1984 - Saturday.  -8 this AM.  I washed clothes, fixed a duck for tomorrow and baked a blueberry pie.  Harland and Larry went fishing accrossed the road.  Larry got a 4 lb northern.   They went again after supper for crappies, but got none.

January 15, 1984 - Sunday.  It was -6 this AM and frosty.  Light snow.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Harland and Larry fished for northerns accrossed the road after dinner, but not even a bite.  I'm embroidering a pair of pillow cases.

January 16, 1984 - Monday.  It was just 0 this AM.  It didn't get above 5 above.  Grace picked me up and we spent 6 1/2 hours at the home.  Mom was feeling like she was going to faint.  They were calling the doctor.  I called Marie tonite and told her.

January 17, 1984 - Tuesday.  -28 this AM and sunny.

January 18, 1984 - Wednesday.  -30 this AM.  I picked Grace up and we went by Susan and sewed the quilt blocks together for Ladies Aid.  It's really beautiful.  Ray came over in the afternoon.  We played cards, ate supper and played more cards.

January 19, 1984 - Thursday.  -20 this AM.  Harland fed the birds and burned papers.  George and Susan picked me up and we went by Hivelys and tied a quilt for Frieda and one for Susan.  Harland and George came down at 5PM and we had dinner and played 6 handed "500".  It was -25 when we came home and the car stopped.  Harland put heat in and it started again.

January 20, 1984 - Friday.  It was -35 this AM.  After dinner we went to Brainerd, but Harland's glasses weren't ready yet.

January 21, 1984 - Saturday.  It's -13 this AM.

January 22, 1984 - Sunday.  It's -4 this AM.  Saturday nite it was -14 when Harland went to bed.  I went to 9:00 mass.  At 11:30 we picked Evelyn up and we went to the Chicken Shack for dinner.  Evelyn treated.  I finished the pillow cases and started Bertha's shades of blue afghan for her birthday.  We went by Paul and Grace, played dirty clubs.

January 23, 1984 - Monday.  It was 10 above and frosty.  I picked up Grace and Susan and we went to Woodland Acres.  We sold $24.00 of doughnuts and coffee.

January 24, 1984 - Tuesday.  Temp was 8 above and cloudy.  We played cards by Paul and Grace.  George and Grace had high.  Susan and Harland low.

January 25, 1984 - Wednesday.  6 above and cloudy.  Today is Deerwood Senior Citizens.  I take over the secretary job for 1 year.  Paul Musil is treasurer.  I cleaned the closet with blankets, etc.

January 26, 1984 - Thursday.  6 above.  I covered the medium size suit case and I finished the bottom shelf in the closet.  Paul and Grace picked us up and we went over by Ed and Dorothy Boucher, played dirty clubs.  I made $0.95.  It's -6 at 1PM.

January 27, 1984 - Friday.  -14 this AM.  We went to Brainerd, but Harland's glasses still weren't there.  I went over by Dena and picked up my handiwork as she had to give up the shop as insurance was out of reach.  I'm working on a shaded blues afghan for Bertha's birthday in May.

January 28, 1984 - Saturday.  It was - this AM and windy.  I cleaned house and worked on the afghan.

January 29, 1984 - Sunday.  -11 this AM and no wind.  I went to 9:00 mass and I made a rhubarb upside down cake, fixed dinner.  Harland and I went to the show, "In Search of a Golden Sky".  Very good.  No cussing and no sex.  We stopped by Louise and George was home after his surgery on his leg.  6 inches off above the knee.  He has quite a lot of pain.  George and Susan came over and we played cards.  It's 18 above tonite at 11PM.

January 30, 1984 - Monday.  5 above.  Grace picked us up, Frieda and I.  We spent 6 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres.  Alice called tonite.  Cec is in the hospital  The tests show she has 2 vertebrae not being together and she could have a pinched nerve.  She's anemic and she's a borderline diabetic.  The doctor will put her in traction.  Mom was so good today.  I'm working on the afghan tonite.

January 31, 1984 - Tuesday.  Temp was 8 above.  I made salad, jello, browned turtle and frosted a rhubarb cake.  Paul came and him and Harland went fishing on Borden.  They didn't get a bite.  Bertha and Evelyn was here for supper, which they sure enjoyed, they said.

February 1, 1984 - Wednesday.  8 above this AM.  I washed clothes this AM and Harland and Paul went fishing on Mille Lacs, they got 1 perch.  They brought everything home out of the house.  We went to Brainerd.  Harland got his new glasses after his eye surgery.  We sent Bill and Sharon's birthday gift.

February 2, 1984 - Thursday.  It's 20 above.  Feels like lite mist out.  We went to Ladies Aid at Mabel Anderson's home.  It was lite rain and turned into snow.  We got a couple of inches.  We had card club here.  2 tables.  Oscar and Frieda won 1st.  Chet and Hazel had low.  Grace was sick, so Oscar and Hazel took their place.

February 3, 1984 - Friday.  The 6 couples had a birthday party by Howard and Elsie's home.  Elsie and Susan had their birthdays February 1-5.  Elsie made the hot dish and we all took the rest of the meal.  We still had lite snow.

February 4, 1984 - Saturday.  11 above this AM.  I washed all the dishes and house cleaned the upper part of the cupboard.  Took a hot dish to Crosby Senior Citizens.  They had a real nice program after the meeting.  Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs.  Alice called.  Cec has cancer of the colon.  Sharon called.  Bill passed out in the men's bathroom and he's in ICU in Beaver Dam hospital.

February 5, 1984 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace picked us up and Harland and I went to church and then to Lion's pancake breakfast. It was -20 and windy.  It was still -6 at noon.  I made a tote bag for Deerwood Senior Citizens books.

February 6, 1984 - Monday.  -20 this AM.  I picked Frieda and Doris up for Woodland Acres.  6 1/2 hours.  I called Sharon and Bill came home, but he has to stay awake all nite and go as an out patient in the AM.

February 7, 1984 - Tuesday.  -20 again.  I washed dishes, washed my hair and made apple crisp for Senior Citizens at Garrison.

February 8, 1984 - Wednesday.  We went to Brainerd, had our income taxes made out.  I got Mom an artificial flowers from us and a box of candy for Marie.  I took some body lotion to Mom today.  Hers was all gone.  We put carpeting on the clothes rack pole as Tuff was really scratching on it.  I finished Bertha's afghan tonite.  It was -11 this AM.  We run the car thru the car wash.

February 9, 1984 - Thursday.  The temp is 10 above and foggy.  I'm cleaning the cupboards on the lower half.  Susan picked me up and we helped serve at the V.F.W.  It was so foggy coming home.  Clara Holsten called and we're supposed to go by her for Sunday dinner.

February 10, 1984 - Friday.  It was 22 above, foggy and frosty and beautiful.  I'm still cleaning cupboards.  The one over the stove.  We went over by Chet and Frieda and played cards and discussed our Washington D.C. trip.  It's 26 degrees at 11:30PM.  Today is Sharon's birthday.  She's 30 years old.

February 11, 1984 - Saturday.  I served at church for Polly McCallop's husband's funeral.  It was a big funeral.

February 12, 1984 - Sunday.  We went over to Clara Holsten for Sunday dinner.  I took cake along.  There was 8 of us and we played "31".  Mabel and Elmer Anderson won.  We had cake, coffee, etc and came home.  It was raining and we were afraid of freezing rain.

February 13, 1984 - Monday.  The weather is cloudy and the temp hovers around freezing.  Doris was going to drive, but she was stuck in her driveway as the snow was loose.  I went to Woodland Acres alone.  Mom loved her flowers from us and candy from Marie.

February 14, 1984 - Tuesday.  It's 28 degrees.  Bill is 35 years old today.  I made cherry torte to take for our card club by George and Susan's at noon.  I washed my hair and dried it.  There were 7 squirrels here yesterday eating.  4 black and 3 grey.  Harland and Ann K won 1st.  Elsie and Howard low.  We went to the Alliance Church banquet and message in song by Ray Hope.  It was beautiful.

February 16, 1984 - Thursday.  It's still in the 30's and snow is predicted.  We went to Brainerd and picked up our income tax.  Paul and Grace came home last nite from North Carolina.  Tuffy got his nose scratched last nite.  Paul and Grace came and we played dirty clubs.  I finished painting in the bathroom and spring house cleaning.  Next, the kitchen.

February 17, 1984 - Friday.  George and Susan came this far and we drove and we picked Erma up and went to Senior Citizens at Aitkin.  We went to the fish fry at the V.F.W.  It was V.G.  Our weather is still mild and party cloudy.

February 18, 1984 - Saturday.  I washed clothes, run the sweeper and baked a cake.  After dinner, I went down to church and helped with and for Ray Tegue funeral.

February 19, 1984 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace picked me up and we went to 9:00 mass.  After dinner, they picked us up and we went to Deerwood Auditorium for Country Western.  We left there at 5:30 and they were still going strong.  We went to Ray's and had supper.  We treated, but Evelyn paid her own.  We played dirty clubs.  I won $0.35.

February 20, 1984 - Monday.  It's 22 above.  Our snow is really going.  I took Susan and Doris.  They came this far and Paul brought Grace up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  I went to the doctor and he said, "If I was in the emergency room, he'd put me in the hospital".  I was real good for 7 weeks and now it's "congestion" and cough is back again.  I worked at V.F.W., sold doughnuts and coffee.  I won $5.00 in Bingo.

February 21, 1984 - Tuesday.  Another beautiful day and sunny.  After dinner I ripped the old tape of the kitchen ceiling and put on new stripping.  We went over George and Susan and had our 2nd card club.

February 22, 1984 - Wednesday.  I made apricot salad for Deerwood Senior Citizens.  We went to Crosby.  Harland got a hair cut.  I painted the ceiling over the refrigerator and washed walls and cleaned everything off and we moved it back.  I'm getting tired.  Our weather was more like an April day.

February 23, 1984 - Thursday.  It's partly cloudy and quite nice out.  Evelyn picked Grace and I up for the salad luncheon at Catholic church at Deerwood.  It was unbelievable, the salads and hot dishes, etc.  V.G.

February 24, 1984 - Friday.  It was 23 degrees this AM.  I finished painting the kitchen and washed walls today.

February 25, 1984 - Saturday.  I cleaned the house real good and after dinner I sewed 11 detergent aprons up on the sewing machine.  We watched bowling on TV and I ironed the kitchen curtains and put them up.  I fixed hamburgers with mushroom soup.

February 26, 1984 - Sunday.  It's 10 above, a few snow flurries are predicted, but it's clear this AM.  I went to 9:00 mass with Paul and Grace and made dinner and sewed 3 laundry bags for Vet's hospital.  Paul and Grace came, got the ice auger to take Chet's fish house off.  We then played dirty clubs, had supper.  Then Stan Davis, Jr Bilke, 2 other guys stopped on their way home to Wisconsin.

February 27, 1984 - Monday.  We spent 6 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres, sewing, then we done some shopping.  I finished the 5 laundry bags.  I'm working on 6 tote bags now.  It was 2 above and frosty.

February 28, 1984 - Tuesday.  I'm sewing the tote bags now.  I'm working on the closet next, painting, etc.  I finished the tote bags.  Now to the closet.

February 29, 1984 - Wednesday.  Leap year.  Temp is 8 degrees above and sunny.  There is really a snow storm in Chicago, moving out east.  23 killed from storm and 70 mile an hr winds.  I'm working on the closet next.

March 1, 1984 - Thursday.  Today is Ladies Aid.

March 2, 1984 - Friday.  It's still clear and cold, dry.  We went to Brainerd.  I went to the doctor and my congestion is almost cleared up.

March 3, 1984 - Saturday.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens and then stopped by Louise.  George is in the Vet's hospital.  Don't know what they've done (doctors), if more surgery was needed.

March 4, 1984 - Sunday.  Evelyn called this AM and said Bertha passed away.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Chet and Frieda came this far and we drove to Aitkin to the 11AM brunch.  V.G.  It was snowing all morning.  When we got home, we played "500" - 9 bid.  We each won one game.  Chet, Harland, Frieda and I.

March 5, 1984 - Monday.  We got 3 inches of snow.  24 above.  Susan picked me up and we finished the quilt top at Woodland Acres.  We were there 6 1/2 hours.

March 6, 1984 - Tuesday.  It was -18 this AM.  I called Evelyn.  Bertha's funeral is at 11AM tomorrow.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizen after the meeting.  Dorothy and Ed Boucher, Paul and Grace came over and Dorothy put my permanent in and the rest played dirty clubs.  We had supper and everyone went home.

March 7, 1984 - Wednesday.  Today is Ash Wednesday.  The temp is -14.  Paul and Grace picked us up at 7AM and we went to Minneapolis for Bertha's funeral.  The weather was cold, but beautiful.  Bertha's kidneys failed and her blood pressure was 33 over 1.  An autopsy was taken.  Will know the results later. We all went to Bishoff's for buffet dinner.  We done some grocery shopping.  A case of margarine for $0.79 a lb.  We got home in time to go to 5:00 mass and receive ashes.  We made a sandwich and Paul and Grace went home.  Susan picked up Dena and I and we went to Auxiliary meeting.

March 8, 1984 - Thursday.  Marty is 12 years old today.  It was -6 this AM.

March 9, 1984 - Friday.  It is still cold and beautiful.  Chick is 42 years old today.  We went to Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  We, Paul, Grace, George and Susan served.  We got a letter from George and he may need more surgery as he still has so much pain.

March 10, 1984 - Saturday.  It's 3 above, cold and windy.  Wind chill is 50 below.  I washed clothes today.  I finished a bed cover for Auxiliary Vet's hospital, 40 x 60.  I'm starting another one.

March 11, 1984 - Sunday.  It's -16 this AM.  I went to 9:00 mass.

March 12, 1984 - Monday.  There were snow flurries.  We went to Woodland Acres for 6 1/2 hours.  Susan drove.  I'm sewing on the 40 x 60 inch bed throws for Vet's hospital. We had our 1st card club at Knutsons.

March 13, 1984 - Tuesday.  It's real windy yet.  Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs.

March 14, 1984 - Wednesday.  I fixed pork chops and sauerkraut and I finished the 2nd bed throw and made 7 pillows for Woodland Acres nursing home.

March 15, 1984 - Thursday.  We had freezing rain last nite.  Evelyn came home.  I took her up some vegetable soup.  She gave me 7 pair of Bertha's shoes.  I done 3 weeks ironing and the new kitchen curtains.  I had to sew the headings on the curtains.

March 16, 1984 - Friday.  -2 below and sunny.  Ray came over this AM.  He has his foot in a cast.  He hurt it at the bowling alley.  We played sheepshead.  Ray and I won.  I made lunch and Ray left.  I washed dishes.  We went to Brainerd.  Harland had a blood test taken at the hospital.  We then went to the nursing home where they had a very nice St. Patrick's Day program.  We picked up our kitchen clock (new motor) and Harland got a new watch.  We went down to the fish fry, but it wasn't as good as the 1st one.

March 17, 1984 - Saturday.  We cleaned the humidifier up this AM.  It was really limed up.  It was 6 above this AM.  I fixed chicken and baked an apple pie for noon.  I made chicken rice soup this afternoon and cut out the last of the blocks.  I called Judy and we'll go down for Tam's graduation May 23rd.  I dyed my hair and fixed it.

March 18, 1984 - Sunday.  I baked peanut bars for coffee and bars and breads after 9:00 mass.  We went over and talked with Dena and Red.  I bought Marie a frog for soap pads on the sink.  We took Dena and Red to the Chicken Shack for supper.  Had a real good meal and visit.

March 19, 1984 - Monday.  Grace drove to Woodland Acres.  Frieda and I went along and we finished the 49th quilt.  I took the 8 pillow tops to Woodland that I made for residents in their wheelchairs.  I made 3 pot holders for use at the church.

March 20, 1984 - Tuesday.  The 1st day of spring.  It was 14 above, cloudy.  I made 6 hot pads and 1 more pot holder for church.

March 21, 1984 - Wednesday.  It was 27 above and partly cloudy and windy.  I washed clothes and run the sweeper.  Made dinner and went to the Guild at church.  We played cards by Musil's.  Our 2nd card club tonite.  I sewed lace on 9 little detergent aprons.

March 22, 1984 - Thursday.  I'm sewing on the bed throws for Vet's hospital.

March 23, 1984 - Friday.  We went over by Oscar and Hazel's for dinner and we had 3 tables of cards, George and Susan, Paul and Grace, Chet and Frieda, Oscar and Hazel, and us.  It was a real nice day.

March 24, 1984 - Saturday.  I finished the 3rd throw for the Vets.  I'm cutting out some double knit to get ride of them.  We - Chet, Frieda, Paul and Grace - went to Green Lantern for "500".  We drove.

March 25, 1984 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace picked me up for 9:00 mass.  It was 26 degrees and sunny, beautiful.  We went to the open house at the St. Joseph hospital.  $10.1 million addition.  We stopped by George and Louise.  George's stump really looked ugly and he's still in a lot of pain.  We all talked to him about doctor, hospital or nursing home.  He doesn't eat or sleep. He's losing weight.

March 26, 1984 - Monday.  I picked up Grace, Frieda, and Susan.  We went to the nursing home and we got our T.B. tests.  We done mending and played cards for 6 1/2 hours.  In 48 hours we'll get our test checked.

March 28, 1984 - Wednesday.  I feel lousy with head cold, sore throat.  I'm not going to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  Grace will take the notes and read the minutes.  My TB test turned out OK.  I just laid around for 3 days.

March 31, 1984 - Saturday.  We went to Brainerd and I got Mom a dress from us and a floral arrangement from Marie.  Harland and I got rain coats for our trip and I got a purse.  I made 2 pillows for our bus trip.  Ray was here last nite and he's moving back to Grand Rapids from Aitkin.  He has a prospect of a gravel truck driving job after road restrictions are lifted.  George is back in the Vet's hospital again.  He says he'll go along with whatever the doctors think is best for him.  He said anything to stop the pain.  He's had 2 years of sheer hell.

April 1, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass with Paul and Grace.  I baked a cake to take to Deerwood Methodist Church.  They had a pot luck for "Spring Fling" and 95th birthday for Emma Elmore.  We went with Paul and Grace.  We came home and played dirty clubs.  Paul won $2.05.  Harland and I lost.

April 2, 1984 - Monday.  Grace, I and Susan went to Woodland Acres.  Grace drove.  I got 2 pails of ice cream for Mom's birthday.  The weather was beautiful.  It reached mid-50's today.  We put in 6 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres.  I called Margaret Abear and they are back from Texas.  I baked Sally Ann cookies and frosted them tonight.  I planted tuberous begonias.  Evelyn called tonight.

April 3, 1984 - Tuesday.  We served Senior Citizen at Garrison today and we left at 1PM as I was giving the birthday party for Mom as she's 94 today.  I got her a dress and something to brighten her room from Marie.  It was a real good party and worth it.

April 4, 1984 - Wednesday.  I washed clothes and we went to Crosby.  Harland got a hair cut and we took in  jug full of pennies and there was $51.35 in the brown jug and a gallon.  I went to Auxiliary and I'm chaplain.  Before the meeting and after the close, I read the prayer.

(This is Ann Schumann's VFW Auxiliary book and the prayer from p. 13.)

April 5, 1984 - Thursday.  We (Paul, Grace and us) served at Ladies aid in the Echo school.  We served on our quilt.  We met Evelyn at Schmitty and she bought our chicken dinner tonite.  Our weather is still just beautiful.  We visited by Evelyn till almost 9PM.

April 6, 1984 - Friday.  I cleaned house and Harland had an eye doctor appointment at 9:30 and then we went by Evelyn and we went with her to Pierz.  We had dinner at the old bank.  It was our treat.  We had card club by us tonite.

April 7, 1984 - Saturday.  We washed up our dishes from lunch last nite and I made jello for Crosby Senior Citizens.  I done some mending and got our suit cases out.

April 8, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and came home, done my ironing.  Then I mended a couple of my bras.  Evelyn picked us up and took us to Waterfall Inn  for smorgasborg for dinner for Harland's birthday as we'll be on our way to Washington D.C. trip.  I got Collette's and Val's and Marie's birthday cards ready to send.

April 9, 1984 - Monday.  I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 1/2 hours.  I came home and washed clothes.  The temp is in the 30's and rain predicted.  I made blueberry torte for card club.

April 10, 1984 - Tuesday.  Paul followed us over to Pine Center, to leave the car for somebody for work.  George and Susan picked us up to go to Elsie for card club.  Our suitcases are packed for our trip.  Ray came over and he'll rake the lawn while we're gone.

April 11, 1984 - Wednesday.  33 degrees and rain.  Bill and Betty Larson picked us up at 7:10AM.  We went down and picked up Chet and Frieda.  Henry and Rose Hoff were already in the van.  They're from Bagley, Minnesota. We stopped at Rogers, Minnesota for coffee and rolls.  We had a 15 passenger van and it was very comfortable.  Population of Rogers is 57,855.  We reached the Iowa border at 1:35PM.  Dubuque, Iowa is the oldest town in Iowa.  It is really a historic town.  Population was 98,300.  We had a smorgasbord in Davenport, Iowa where we stayed overnight.

April 12, 1984 - Thursday.  Today Harland is 75 years old.  We left Motel 6 at 6:45AM.  We rode 479 miles our 2nd day.  We played Bingo and I won a 1st aid kit.  Frieda won a visor mirror.  We're in Illinois now and it's really raining.  Iowa was really dry.  We stopped in Farmer City, had coffee and sweet roll.  Thanks to Bill, he got Harland's card and everyone signed.  We went thru 4 states today.  Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.  We had supper at Tee Jaye's.  We treated for Harland's birthday.  520 miles today.

April 13, 1984 - Friday.  All had a good nite's sleep.  We started off with our "Traveler's Prayer".  Left at 7:25AM.  I was "instigator" today (count hands, etc, ready to go).  Chester was instigator yesterday.  We had rain most all day Thursday.  It's 50 degrees in Columbus, Ohio.  We had strawberry shortcake on our coffee break at Bob Evans.  Our next stop was New Stanton, Pennsylvania at a McDonald's at 1PM.  Then on to Pennsylvania Turnpike, 100 miles, we went thru the Allegheny Mountains and an enclosed tunnel.  Just crossed the Mason Dixon Line into Maryland.  Arrived in Washington D.C. around 4:30PM.  The traffic was very heavy, 8 lanes.

April 14, 1984 - Saturday.  We left our motel at 9AM, had breakfast at Roy Rogers Restaurant.  Bill and Betty dropped us off at the Smithsonian Institute.  We seen planes, starting with Orville Wright thru our space and moon landing and the astronauts.  Bill and Betty went to see Betty's sister and family.  Then we walked over to the 'National Museum of Natural History'.  It was really interesting.  Bill and Betty picked us up at 4PM.  Chet, Frieda, Henry, Rose, Harland and I ate dinner at the Chinese restaurant.  Henry treated.  We came home and played 9-bid "500".  Chet and I won 3.  Harland and Frieda won 1.  I done some laundry (undies and nylons).

April 15, 1984 - Palm Sunday.  Bill dropped Betty, Harland and I, Henry and Rose off at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  It was really breathtaking.  So much marble interior, very beautiful.  Bill went back and picked up Chet and Frieda.  After church we went sight seeing.  After breakfast, our 1st stop was Alexandria, Virginia.  It's an old town, 1790.  We took a tour bus to Arlington National Cemetery.  We seen J.F. Kennedy's grave, Robert Kennedy's grave.  We seen changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Very impressive.  We seen Custer Lee's mansion who donated this land for the cemetery, etc.  We then went to Alexandria, Virginia where we were treated to a delicious dinner including peanut soup.  This was at Mount Vernon Inn.  I bought cards to send and 2 scarfs.  One for me and Grace for feeding the cat and watering the flowers. I wrote out 12 cards.

April 16, 1984 - Monday.  It's still raining.  We had a good breakfast at a Chinese restaurant.  They are sure some independent people.  It's an effort to wait on you.  We're leaving Washington D.C. at 10:15AM.  It stopped raining and the sun is shining.  We had a coffee break at Aunt Sarah's.  We went sight seeing in Williamsburg, Virginia.  The buildings are 200 years old and are all preserved.  The shops are very expensive.  A cotton blouse was $65.00.  We had a super smorgasbord and nite at George Washington Inn.  Harland went to bed and I watched TV awhile.  Turned it off at 11PM.

April 17, 1984 - Tuesday.  It's 54 degrees and sunny in Williamsburg, Virginia.  We had breakfast at Martha's plantation.  We left for Jamestowne.  It was very scenic.  We went to the Old English settlement.  We seen a movie at 10:30AM about when the English men settled at Jamestown in 1605.  We're in the Chesapeake Bay Area and we're only 10 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.  At 5PM we seen the Fife and Drum Corps in action.  It was very impressive.  At 6:30PM we went to the Washington Inn for a smorgasbord, came home, cleaned up and watched TV.  (The ice went out of Borden today.)

April 18, 1984 - Wednesday.  We're leaving Jamestowne for Charleston, West Virginia.  We had breakfast (Country Cafe) in Gum Springs, VA.  It's sunny and in the 50's.  We're in the Blue Ridge Mountains of VA.  Stopped for a coffee break.  We're entering the Allegheny Mountains.  Very pretty scenery and flowering trees.  We followed the Jackson River for miles.  At 12 noon we stopped at Burger King in Covington VA.  We're coming into West VA.  We followed the Monongahela River for miles.  This is really hillbilly living on one side and the other side of the tracks are beautiful homes.  This is really a winding road, 20-40 miles per hr.  There's quite a manufacturing of coal and oil.  We followed the railroad tracks for miles.  Arrived at our motel (Red Roof Inn) in Charleston.  We had dinner at Shoney's.  We played cards, Frieda and I won 2 out of 3, the guys were $25.00 in the hole.

April 19, 1984 - Thursday.  It's 32 degrees in Charleston, West VA.  All had a good nite's sleep.  We're having breakfast at Shoney's at 7:15AM off the fruit bar.  V. good.  About 430 miles to Champagne, Illinois.  Stopped at Waverly, Iowa for coffee break.  We played Bingo.  Chet and Frieda won the 1st prize.  Harland and I won a mirror for the advisors.  Just bypassed Chillcothe, Ohio.  Had catfish for dinner at Bob Evans.  It's really raining.  We're leaving Dayton, Ohio for Champlain, Illinois.  We just left Ohio and into Indiana.  It's 2PM.  Having April showers on and off.  We turned our watches back 1 hour to standard time in Indianapolis.  Crossed the Illinois border from Indianapolis at 4:30PM on Thursday.

April 20, 1984 - Friday.  Temp was 42 degrees.  Another beautiful day.  We stayed at Regal 8 Motel in Champlain, Illinois.  We had breakfast at Bob Evans.  I'm instigator for today.  We had lunch at Amana, Iowa.  Lunch was on Bill.  We ate at Bill Zuber's in Amana Village.  We had macaroni and cheese, fried potatoes, corn and home made bread.  We bought a loaf of rye.  At nite, we had dinner at Bishop in Des Moines, Iowa.  We stopped at a drug store and I got a Thank You card for Bill and Betty.  I bought Mom a box of candy and Kleenx.  We played cards, but we were all in the hole.

April 21, 1984 - Saturday.  Marie is 72 years old today.  It's cold and windy today.  We left Des Moines, Iowa at 6:30.  We had breakfast at Boon Dock, Iowa.  Had our coffee break at Bridgeman's.  Ice cream and coffee and on our last miles home.  We got home at 3:35PM.  Dena and Red had us over for Easter supper.  Larry, Louise, kids, Mary Ann, Margaret Nierman, Evelyn Oleson.  V.G.

April 22, 1984 - Easter Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison and just took it easy and rested up after our trip.  We covered 3,350 miles to our driveway.  All in all it was a beautiful trip.

April 23, 1984 - Monday.  I went to Woodland Acres alone.  Mom wasn't too good.  Tired, I stopped by Louise and George wants to come home, but I don't know how Louise can take care of him without water.  Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.  I won $0.50.  Paul $1.15.

April 24, 1984 - Tuesday.  I washed all our clothes from our trip and made dinner.  Ray came and helped rake lawn.  I raked on the east side and we finished the back.  We had coffee, played sheepshead and Ray left at 3:15.  After supper, I planted our hanging planters and swan.

April 25, 1984 - Wednesday.  The nursing home called and they're taking Mom to the hospital as she has fluid build up, breathing difficulties and heart palpitations.  She is in intensive care.

April 26, 1984 - Thursday.  We went by Chet and Frieda this AM and Bill Larson came, gave us more info on the American Safari tours.  Very interesting.  I went by Mom after dinner and she was really uptight.  She pulled the IV out of the left hand and they put it back in the right.  They tied her hands down so she couldn't reach the other hand and IV.  We played cards by George and Susan.  We have $38.00 in the pot.  We sure had a rain storm, lightning and thunder.

April 27, 1984 - Friday.  I baked a cake.  George and Susan picked us up and we went to Aitkin Golden Age.  I went up to see Mom and she was highly sedated.  I picked out our 5 lbs of pecans I bought on our trip.

April 28, 1984 - Saturday.  I swept the basement up and scrubbed the steps down.  We got the machine and I shampooed the kitchen and porch carpeting.  We're going along with Paul and Grace to play cards at the Green Lantern.  It's put on by the Mother's Club.  George, Susan, Chet, Frieda are going together, too, to play cards with us.  Cec called.  They're moving to Marshfield, Wisconsin after May 1st.  We had winds up to 45 mph and our 2 bird houses blew down last night.

April 29, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and after dinner we went to see Mom in the hospital.  She was real good, but tired and she was real clear.

April 30, 1984 - Monday.  Grace picked I and Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 1/2 hours.

May 1, 1984 - Tuesday.  Today is R.S.V.P. dinner in Brainerd.  I drove and Frieda, Susan, Grace and Dorothy rode along and I stopped, picked up Lillian Bedare to go to the Legion for dinner.  They served Swiss steak.  Last year it was chicken.

May 2, 1984 - Wednesday.  I went up to the hospital to see Mom after dinner.  I made a dessert to take to V.F.W. Auxiliary pot luck and installation of officers.  There was so much food and so good.

May 3, 1984 - Thursday.  I helped Grace serve for Ladies Aid at Echo school house.  It went real good.

May 4, 1984 - Friday.  We picked Cec up at the bus depot, so she'll be with us for a month.  They were going to move to Marshfield, Wisconsin, but nothing to rent so Cec came here and the rest went back to Kentucky.  Last nite Ray brought us 17 crappies.

May 5, 1984 - Saturday.  We didn't do much of anything as we are to go by Red and Dena for supper. We took hamburgers, green beans, cauliflower with cheese and I made an apple crisp.  The guys put the docks in and our boat on the trailer.

May 6, 1984 - Sunday.  Cec and I went to 9:00 mass and I made potato salad, beans and I made a blueberry pie and we had Dena, Red and Debbie over a fish fry at 6PM.  Thanks to Ray for the crappies.  Ray came over after we were done eating.  So he ate left overs.  They brought Mom back to Woodland Acres yesterday.  She was in the hospital 10 days.

May 7, 1984 - Monday. I dropped Harland off at the doctors and I and Cec went by Mom.  I didn't stay long, but Cec spent the day there and Grace brought her home.  We paid our taxes $161.42 for the year.  Harland and I took Susan and George and we went to 40 Club for a 2:30 luncheon.  We had our 1st card club tonite.  Harland and Elsie won 1st.  George and Susan won booby.  He then had lunch.  We signed up to go to Winnepeg in July 19-22.

May 8, 1984 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes today.  It was cold and windy, up to 40 mph.  I didn't hang too much out.  I transplanted 28 cauliflower, 14 cabbage and 6 yellow tomato plants and washed my hair.  We had our 1st hummingbird this AM.

May 9, 1984 - Wednesday.  We really had a beautiful day and not too much wind like the last few days.  We planted our 3 rose bushes out this afternoon.  It was real muddy and water standing in the hole.  Grace picked I, Dorothy, Frieda and Susan and we went to Woodland Acres for our volunteer dinner and award.  It was very good and rewarding.

May 10, 1984 - Thursday.  I went to Dr. Hanske and we stopped by George as he's home now.  He'll spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair as he can't be fitted with a new limb as he only has 2 inches left on his right leg.  It sounds like he might have the shingles.  Susan picked I and Frieda up and we helped clean up after feeding about 90-100 Lions and Lioness.  The last one till next fall.

May 11, 1984 - Friday.  We picked Grace up and we went to Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  Cec washed her hair and I set it.  It sure made a difference in her appearance.  Paul and Grace came over and the 5 of us played dirty clubs.  Paul won again.

May 12, 1984 - Saturday.  I run the sweeper and we went down to see how many fish were taken on opening day and Cec and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.

May 13, 1984 - Sunday.  We left home at 9:30AM to go by Mom at Woodland Acres to have dinner with her.  Cec, Ray, Harland and I.  George and Louise came over after dinner to see Mom.  George is really in rough shape.  The right leg is off 2 inches below the hip so they can't cut any further.  The left leg is amputated below the knee.

May 14, 1984 - Monday.  I and Cec picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres.  Mom was in bed.  After dinner there was Mother and Daughter program at 2PM.  Mom wasn't feeling good so she was put to bed and they put oxygen on her.  Susan and I sold coffee and doughnuts at the V.F.W.  Cec and I didn't win, but Margaret won $15.00.

May 15, 1984 - Tuesday.  I washed our bedding down to the mattress and cleaned the bedroom real good.  The weather was beautiful for drying bedding, rugs, etc.  Paul came over and fixed the hood on the car and we had him and Grace stay for dinner.  I planted the sweet peas and big yellow marigolds.

May 16, 1984 - Wednesday.  We had lite rain early this AM.  I've been cleaning in the spare bedroom.  Grace picked me up for Guild meeting at church at 1PM.  I took 1/2 gallon pennies to the bank.  $21.43.  I mowed lawn down in the back.  I painted the posts white by the driveway and below the windows where Tuffy tries to get in while we were on our trip.

May 17, 1984 - Thursday.  Harland, I and Cec went to Brainerd.  Harland got a blood test and I signed for my driver's licenses and Cec checked on her bus scheduled.  We made dinner and I defrosted the big freezer in the garage.  I fixed hamburgers and mushroom soup.  I fixed gizzards for when the kids come.  I took chicken out and made dressing.  We played cards by Chet and Frieda.  I and Harland won 1st.

May 18, 1984 - Friday.  I fried chicken and Cec put in a permanent for me and I made 6 loaves of zucchini bread.

May 19, 1984 - Saturday.  I baked Sally Ann cookies and chocolate chip cookies.  Susan picked me up and we sold poppies for 1 hour.  Cec and I went to Deerwood to church at 5PM.  I planted 4 mums and dug around the rest of the mum and peonies.

May 20, 1984 - Sunday.  I took cookies and zucchini bread to the bake sale at church.  We took Paul and Grace, Evelyn, Cec and we went to Waterfall in brunch.  V. good.  We stopped at the nursery and I got a geranium white trimmed leaf and red flower.

May 21, 1984 - Monday.  Cec is 68 years old today.  I took Grace and Cec and we went to Woodland Acres.  Mom was real tired and sleeping today.  I brought the rose home Marie and I bought for her.  I just doesn't pay to take live flowers in there.  We played Bingo.  Cec won $5.00 and I, $3.00.

May 22, 1984 - Tuesday.  I baked cookies and zucchini bread and we planted 6 tomato plants and got ready to leave on our trip.

May 23, 1984 - Wednesday.  We left at 8:15AM.  Cec stayed here.  We stopped by Marie and had dinner and left at 1:30.  We got by Chick and Judy about 6:45PM.

May 24, 1984 - Thursday.  Harland and I went over by Bill and Norma Spiegelberg.  After lunch we went along with Judy out by the stables and she rode horseback.  She sure has improved since last fall.  We went out by Bill and Sharon for bar-b-q chicken supper and we played "9 bid 500".  The guys won 5 and we, 4.

May 25, 1984 - Friday.  We went to Beaver Dam shopping and then up by Alfred's and we had dinner there.  Went out by Katie, had supper there and we went over by Johnny's new place.

May 26, 1984 - Saturday.  We just cooled it by Chick and Judy's and we had dinner at the root beer stand where Tam works.  She's a good waitress.  Judy and I went to 5:15PM mass and then we had a cook out.

May 27, 1984 - Sunday.  Judy and Tam went to church and Chick blew up the balloons and I tied most of them.  Then Tam and Judy made 4-balloon bouquets.  We then took pictures of Tam and Dori Johnson in their gowns.  Chick made dinner and Jim and I washed dishes and we then went to Dodge Center and decorated the hall.  We left at 1:15 to go to school at Fond du Lac.  Graduation was over around 4PM.  Tam said her goodbyes and we came back to the Dodge Center for her party.  It was a huge success.

May 28, 1984 - Monday.  Marty came home with us.  There was really traffic coming home.  The next 3 days we concentrated on lawn, garden and getting things finished in the house.

June 2, 1984 - Saturday.  Chick, Bill, Jim, and Mike Oechsner got her around 1:30AM and then we went to bed.  The guys went on Mille Lacs, got 87 perch and 16 walleyes.

June 3, 1984 - Sunday.  The guys went back on Mille Lacs, got 80 perch and 13 walleyes.  Cec, I and Marty went to 9:00 mass.  It's still raining on and off.

June 4, 1984 - Monday.  The guys got 19 perch.  It's windy and rain.

June 5, 1984 - Tuesday.  Mike left for home today.  The kids went to Peterson Lake, got 6 northern and 1 black bass.  Chick took us all down to Levin Pines.  Marie came this AM.

June 6, 1984 - Wednesday.  The guys went to Turner and got 105 pan fish.

June 7, 1984 - Thursday.  I'm 70 years old today.  Today is Ladies Aid at Ed and Dorothy Boucher's.  I'm assisting.  The guys went to Turner.  Marie went fishing with them.

June 8, 1984 - Friday.  We took Cec to the bus depot in Brainerd for her trip to Kentucky.  The guys went to Turner and got 156 pan fish.  It was real windy.

June 9, 1984 - Saturday.  Chick, Bill, Jim and Marty left at 7:45AM.

June 10, 1984 - Sunday.  We went to 9:00 mass and then Evelyn, Marie, Harland, Ray, Paul, Grace and I went to Waterfall Inn for dinner.  We stopped by the nursery and I got some flowers to plant by the fish cleaning house.

June 11, 1984 - Monday.  Grace and I went to the nursing home and Marie fried some fish and brought it up to Mom.

June 12, 1984 - Tuesday.  Marie left for home at 9:20AM.  She called around 2PM.  There was water accrossed the road by Milaca.

June 13, 1984 - Wednesday.  I washed all the bedding and it was too wet to use the rider mower.  So I mowed it all except accrossed the road.

June 14, 1984 - Thursday.  We went on our bus trip to Betty Crocker and the Apple Valley Zoo.

June 15, 1984 - Friday.  I took George, Susan and Erma to Aitkin.  Harland had a backache so he stayed home.  We had our card club by Paul and Grace.

June 17, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Ironed 6 dish towels for a wedding gift for Donna Austin.  Paul and Grace picked us up to go to the Waterfall Inn for smorgasbord for Father's Day.  We met George, Susan, Chet and Frieda there.  We used our card club money.

June 18, 1984 - Monday.  We have a beautiful day and no rain so far.  I'm picking up Grace, Frieda and Susan for Woodland Acres.  I had car trouble and had a gas filter put in at Champion.  We had 5 hours at Woodland Acres.  I planted our 3 tire planters tonight.  It's late, but it was so wet before.

June 20, 1984 - Wednesday.  I mowed all the lawn on this side of the road as it was too wet for the rider mower.

June 21, 1984 - Thursday.  I didn't do much today.  Too much mowing yesterday.  I finished the 3 dish towels I stamped Tuesday for myself.  Paul, Grace, Har and I played cards tonite.

June 22, 1984 - Friday.  Harland went to the foot doctor at 10AM.  I fried 2 fish filets and took them to Mom for dinner.  We have card club (no. 2) here tonite.  Chet brought over a turtle this afternoon.

June 24, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and at 2PM, Grace picked me up and we went to Minneapolis by Evelyn.  We had a real nice time and done some shopping and visiting.

June 26, 1984 - Tuesday.  Grace and I left for home at 9:30AM.

June 29, 1984 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd, got pills, done our shopping, paid for the Dispatch for another year.  Henry called.  Hank is in the hospital.  He had a severe stroke.  His left side and throat is paralyzed.  There isn't no more the doctors can do for him.

June 30, 1984 - Saturday.  Jim, Collette and Mark Krieger came at 3:30PM.  Harland and Ray went fishing at Peterson, didn't get anything, so they went to Turner.  They go a few bass.  They're putting in a new road and loose gravel and they got stuck.  Had to be pulled out.

July 1, 1984 - Sunday.  Collette and I went to 9:00 mass.  I made potato salad, fruit salad, and fixed beans.  Chris Henderson and his dad, 3 other guys fixed lake trout on the grill.  It was real good.  Maxine and Warren, Al and Mary Schultz came with their house trailer.  We visited and then played dirty clubs.  We went to bed at 11:30PM.  I woke up at 1AM and couldn't sleep, so I got up.  I talked to Marie and there's no change in Hank.  The kids were called home as his condition is serious.  Not much hope, but his heart is good.

July 2, 1984 - Monday.  Susan picked Frieda and I up and we spent 5 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres.  Mom was a little better.  Not sleeping all the time.

July 4, 1984 - Wednesday.  I, Collette, and Maria went to Brainerd shopping and we stopped to see Mom.  She was real bright, sorry to hear about Hank, but she said maybe Marie could spend more time with us.  We're having a cook out tonite.  There will be 21 of us.

July 6, 1984 - Friday.  Jim, Collette and Chris left at 7:35AM.  I stripped the 3 beds and washed clothes.  6 sheets, etc and I got the ironing all done.  I went by Evelyn and bought an iron from her as mine went out.  She had an extra one.  Never been used.

July 7, 1984 - Saturday.  I washed my hair, made jello for Crosby Senior Citizens as Harland and I served.  We stopped by George.  He really looks good.  He got a new wheelchair.  $1800.00 from the Vets.

July 8, 1984 - Sunday.  I hoed in the garden down below, got that one all cleaned out.  We had Dena, Red and Maria over for fish.  I fixed cauliflower, squash, jello, salad, apple crisp and dinner rolls.  Dena made baked potatoes.

July 9, 1984 - Monday.  Tammy is 18 years old today.  Grace picked me up and we spent 6 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres.  Mom was pretty good.

July 10, 1984 - Tuesday.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.

July 11, 1984 - Wednesday.  Paul made new steps for us down to the lake.  I started cleaning the bank off of weeds, grass, etc.  Susan, I, and Dena went to Auxiliary meeting.

July 12, 1984 - Thursday.  I wacked on the bank more and made deviled eggs for Ladies Aid at Elwoods.  I got 5 quarts of ice cream and cones for our picnic.

July 13, 1984 - Friday.  I made more deviled eggs and cut up watermelon for our Senior Citizen meeting at Pine Lake.  We played Bingo and then we went to Brainerd and got paint and I painted the steps down to the lake.  I browned 2 turtles for Saturday nite supper.

July 14, 1984 - Saturday.  I made a banana cake (2 small pans), a batch of peanut butter cookies for the bake sale at church tomorrow.  I made a blueberry torte for dessert tonite, us, Dena, Larry, Louise, family, Paul and Grace.  Marie called and Hank has pneumonia and he has tubes for removing fluid and his whole left side is paralyzed.

July 15, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and we then picked up Chet, Frieda, Paul and Grace and we went to Bulldog Lake Church for chicken and ham dinner. V. good.   We then went by Frieda and Chet's and played 6 handed "500".  We both won 2 games.

July 16, 1984 - Monday.  It's cool this AM.  I sent for the cutlery set for Christmas present for Tam.  I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 1/2 hours.  We had 1/2 inch of rain.

July 17, 1984 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes today and cleaned house.  At 4:30PM we picked George and Susan up and went to Charlie's restaurant for supper.  We treated for storing our potatoes over winter.  Then we went by Knutson's and played cards.  Gladys and Clarence Henson took Elsie and Howard's place as Howard is in the hospital.  Al and Ann had 1st.  Harland and Susan, low.  We sure couldn't sleep after having coffee.

July 18, 1984 - Wednesday.  We packed our suitcase and I got a permanent at 11:30AM by Lois.  I painted the underside of the steps and the new boards for our picnic table.

July 19, 1984 - Thursday.  George and Susan picked us up to meet the bus at Aitkin to go to Winnipeg, Canada.  We arrived in Winnipeg at 2:30PM.  When we were assigned our rooms at 4PM and freshened up, we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for supper.

July 20, 1984 - Friday.  We played cards this AM with George and Susan and then went shopping.  Ate lunch at 11AM.  Then went back to our room to meet the bus at 1PM to leave for the Royal Canadian Mint which was very interesting.  They make coins for all different countries.  Then we went to the zoo till 5PM.  We left for the races and dinner on the club.  We bet $2.00 on each race, 10 races in all.  Harland won the 1st race.  I won 6 races out of ten.  $22.90.

July 21, 1984 - Saturday.  We had breakfast in our room, then boarded the bus at noon to tour "Fort Garry National Park".  Very interesting.  We stopped at St. Andrews Church, built in 1849.

July 22, 1984 - Sunday.  We boarded the bus at 8AM for mass at St. Boniface Church which was in French.  We stopped for breakfast at Country Kitchen and back to the hotel for our luggage and left for home at 12 noon.  We arrived in Aitkin at 9:30PM.

July 23, 1984 - Monday.  I washed clothes and after dinner I worked on the lake shore and we put the steps back and Harland put a hand rail on.

July 24, 1984 - Tuesday.  We went to St. Cloud to the dermatologist for Harland's rash.  Then after lunch we went to Brainerd to pick up Harland's medication.  Harland got a blood test at the hospital.

July 25, 1984 - Wednesday.  I done my ironing this AM for 2 1/4 hours.  After supper we took Chet and Frieda and we went to see Howard and Elsie.  Howard was in the hospital for 11 days.  Heart and fluid on the lungs.

July 26, 1984 - Friday.  We took Susan, George and Erma B to Aitkin for pot luck.  We played cards at night by Susan.  I hoed the garden by the house and picked stones.

July 27, 1984 - Saturday.  Grace picked me up and we went to Pine Lake "Christmas in July".  Harland worked on the picnic table and I painted the frame.  I went to 5:00 mass.

July 28, 1984 - Sunday.  I canned peaches, made a salad for our steak fry with Dena, Red, Debbie, Mary Ann and Grace.  Paul had to work so Grace took his later.

July 29, 1984 - Monday.  Grace picked me, Frieda and Susan up and we spent 6 1/2 hours at Woodland Acres.  We are making matts to set water glasses on.  Mom was wide awake this AM.  1st time in about 6 weeks.  Howard is back in the hospital.  I finished weeding the garden tonight.  Harland finished the picnic table.  It really looks nice.

July 31, 1984 - Tuesday.  I canned 5 pints of green beans and made a large batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam.

August 1, 1984 - Wednesday.  We went to St. Cloud for Harland to see the doctor about his rash and it's getting better.  I run the sweeper in the bathroom, kitchen and porch.  Made venison steaks for supper and green beans from Grace.  Tonite is Auxiliary meeting.

August 2, 1984 - Thursday.  Today is Ladies Aid by George and Susan.  Howard Craggs is back in intensive care.

August 3, 1984 - Friday.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizen picnic.  The club paid for chicken.  We had a real nice picnic.  We stopped at the hospital to see Howard.  His heart is irregular.  When it stabilizes, they'll dissolve the blood clot in his side.

August 4, 1984 - Saturday.  Today is Linda Wille's birthday.  I canned peaches and then washed clothes.  I dried them in the drier.  I went to 5:00 mass.

August 5, 1984 - Sunday.  Today we're married 51 years.  Carol would be 48 years old today, too.  I fixed my hair and finished the peaches and we went to Onamia, Crosier for the annual chicken and ham dinner.  V.G.  We went over by George and Louise.  They're both good.  We played cards by Paul and Grace.

August 6, 1984 - Monday.  Susan picked Grace and I up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 1/2 hours.  I made supper and baked a cake.  It's really hot and dry.  Harland watered the garden.

August 7, 1984 - Tuesday.  I baked a cake for our picnic at Port Mille Lacs Senior Citizens picnic.  The weather was cloudy and windy.  I started to paint the dock, got half done and it started to sprinkle.  We did get a lite shower.

August 9, 1984 - Thursday.  Harland had a doctor appointment to see Dr. Musty.  We took the end table in to have it stripped.  Harland don't go back to see Dr. Musty for 6 months.  V. good.

August 10, 1984 - Friday.  Us and Musils helps Susan and George with the Pine Lake annual picnic at their home.  It really turned cool.  I came home afterwards and finished painting the dock.

August 11, 1984 - Saturday.  The weather is real cool.  I painted the black on the front of the garage, fixed turkey thighs for dinner and done dishes and cleaned the car inside and out.  It is really clean.  I and Margaret went to 5:00 mass.

August 12, 1984 - Sunday.  I done the ironing and got ready and Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to Wahkon church dinner (beef and ham).  It was real good.  We came home and played dirty clubs.  We had a cook out, brats and hamburgers with Unruhs and Bushmans from the big cabin.

August 13, 1984 - Monday.  We went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  Mom was sleeping on and off all day.

August 15, 1984 - Wednesday.  Harland had a doctor appointment in St. Cloud.  I went to 5 o'clock mass.

August 17, 1984 - Friday.  I canned 4 quarts of dill pickles and 1 1/2 quarts of green beans.  Harland had a doctor appointment with Dr. Moran.  His eye isn't ready for surgery yet.  He checks back in 4 months.  We went down by Chet and Frieda tonight.  We picked up our end table that we had stripped.

August 18, 1984 - Saturday.  I cleaned house and went to 5 o'clock mass.  Margaret went along.

August 19, 1984 - Sunday.  I went down in the basement and wiped off and sorted our canned stuff.  I at least got started on cleaning the basement.  At 11:30 we took Evelyn, Chet, Frieda and we went to Waterfall Inn, had dinner and then went to open house at Woodland Acres retirement apartments.  Very nice.  $585.00 a month for 2.  Main meal furnished, all utilities except telephone.

August 20, 1984 - Monday.  Susan picked Frieda and I up and we spent 7 hours at Woodland Acres.  We had a bite to eat and George and Susan picked up up and we went to see Howard and Elsie.  I took them sweet peas, 1 red rose and 4 yellow ones.  Howard is really failing.  We stayed an hour and then went to Senior Citizens Center in Crosby and played "500".

August 21, 1984 - Tuesday.  I canned 3 quarts dill pickles and put 10 ears of corn in the freezer and stirred up Sally Ann cookies.  At 9AM I picked Grace up and went over by Margaret Abear, Dorothy Boucher was there also and we really had a good old visit.  Brought back Cedarbrook memories.  I baked our Sally Ann cookies and made frosting.  George and Susan stopped and we went down by the Blue Goose for a picnic supper for a benefit for Russell Pelarski who was hurt in a car accident.  He's been in a coma since June and today he said 3 words and is gradually coming around.  Then we went by Oscar and Hazel Miller's and played 6 handed "500".  We had 1/4 inch of rain last nite.

August 22, 1984 - Wednesday.  Our weather is cooler.  51 degrees.  Today is Deerwood Senior Citizens.  I took a banana cake and got 1/2 gallon of ice cream and after our meeting, we went by Howard and Elsie for Howard's 84th birthday.  He isn't good at all.

August 23, 1984 - Thursday.  It was 45 degrees this AM.  We had the car lined up and 2 new tires on the front.  We played cards by Chet and Frieda tonight.  We took 6 Sally Ann cookies.

August 24, 1984 - Friday.  I baked our Sally Ann cookies.  Made a hot dish for Senior Citizens at Aitkin.  It was 57 degrees and cool this AM.

August 25, 1984 - Saturday.  Jim is 31 years old today.  Evelyn picked me up at 8:15 AM.  We went to St. Joe's church at Deerwood for our annual bazaar.  We came home at 2:30.  I and Margaret went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.  We went by Susan and George, played cards.  She gave us some cukes.

August 26, 1984 - Sunday.  I and Margaret picked their beans and I canned 6 quarts.  I picked our beans and cukes.  I canned 5 quarts of dill, so I got everything canned.  I put some zucchini in the freezer, 3 packages and I made lemon zucchini bars, put them in the freezer for our trip to Bagley, Minnesota September 14,  Harland and Ray went to Turner, got nothing so they went to June Lake, got 1 nice northern and pan fish.

August 27, 1984 - Monday.  I was really hot.  91 degrees.  We spent 6 hours by Mom.  No cards as it was too hot.

August 28, 1984 - Tuesday.  Another hot and humid day.  I washed clothes, made a boiled dinner and defrosted the refrigerator freezer in the garage.

August 29, 1984 - Wednesday.  I defrosted the freezer on the porch.  We went over to take Louise and George out for her 65th birthday and George had trouble breathing and chest pains.  So Harland and I went into Crosby to get a new shower head and had supper and stopped to see Howard and Elsie.  Howard looks a lot better.  We went to St. Cloud to the doctor.  Harland don't have to go back.

August 30, 1984 - Thursday.  Ed would have been 75 today.  I defrosted the big freezer in the garage.  Marie will bring our beef today.  She called today and the meat isn't ready till Friday.  She was sick all night, her ulcer was kicking up.

August 31, 1984 - Friday.  I cleaned house, made lunch and Marie came at 1:15.  She was really loaded down.  388 lbs of meat, apples and 10 dozen eggs.  She is still throwing up, even water.  We went up by Mom after 2PM and Marie says she's really failing.  After supper I made 4 pumpkin pies and 3 small ones for Jim.  We're getting a little rain which is badly needed.  I got Jim's Christmas present today - a set of luggage.

September 1, 1984 - Saturday.  Marie was sick, couldn't keep anything down, even water.  We went to see Mom and we then took Marie to the doctor.  She has bronchitis and her ulcer is kicking up.  I went to 5:00 mass.

September 2, 1984 - Sunday.  I took our bake stuff to church.  2 pumpkin pies, 1 dozen Sally Ann's and 15 zucchini lemon bars.  Then we took Marie into the hospital where she stayed.  We went by Mom, but she was sleeping so we came home and I picked cukes and canned 4 quarts.  I called Ginger, told her about Marie's bleeding ulcer.

September 3, 1984 - Monday.  I went up to see Mom and told her about Marie and I took frozen meat by George and Louise and then went by Marie till 3 o'clock.  Marie brought us a black angus for the processing.  I called Cec and she will spend the winter with Marie.  I sent her a $90.00 check to come on.

September 4, 1984 - Tuesday. I cleaned the inside of Marie's car and we put the new matts in that we bought.  I made zucchini lemon bars for Garrison Senior Citizen.  We went up to see Marie and she was a little better and I stopped by Mom.

September 5, 1984 - Wednesday.  I washed clothes and after dinner I went up by Marie.  George is in intensive care.  Guess it's his heart and infection in his lungs.  He can't get air.

September 6, 1984 - Thursday.  I ironed 2 dish towels for Ladies Aid.  I made apple crisp, 1 apple pie, 2 pumpkin.  I took apple crisp to Ladies Aid.  After the meeting we went to Brainerd.  Marie came home from the hospital.  She's got to take it easy.  Jim Sybers came to see her for a couple hours.  Then he went back to Tony, Wisconsin.  I finished embroidering one dresser scarf for Evelyn for Christmas.

September 7, 1984 - Friday.  We went to see Mom, Marie and I.  We got 2 lugs of pears, one each.

September 8, 1984 - Saturday.  Marie trimmed my hair up and I cut her hair.  Harland and I went to Espeland's 50th anniversary at the Waterfall Inn, then we stopped by Slim and Bernie's 50th anniversary.  Paul and Grace picked Marie and I up and we went to 7:30PM mass at Deerwood.  We're on our winter schedule in Garrison.  Then the 5 of us played dirty clubs.  I won the 1st game, $0.95.  Paul won the next one.

September 9, 1984 - Sunday.  We left at 12:30 to pick Cec up at the bus.  We then went out to Waterfall Inn, had dinner, went up to the hospital to see George and then to the nursing home to see Mom.

September 10, 1984 - Monday.  Marie, Cec and I went to Woodland Acres to take Mom to the doctor for the lump on her face.  I stayed at the nursing home and Marie and Cec came home at 5PM.  We had Evelyn, Hilda, Gil, Paul and Grace over for turtle and rabbit dinner.  Paul, Marie and Cec done the dishes and Susan picked me up to go down and sell coffee and doughnuts at the V.F.W.  We sold $32.95, 112 cups of coffee.

September 11, 1984 - Tuesday.  I wrote to Katie last night to see if Michelle would like to wear Carol's wedding dress November 17, 1984.  Marie and Cec went to see Mom and I washed clothes.  After lunch we went by Grandpa Butlers.  Marie got her 2 slacks and a blouse.

September 12, 1984 - Wednesday.  We took Mom to Dr. Hennberg.  He removed the growth on her face.  I'll take her back Monday AM.

September 13, 1984 - Thursday.  Marie, Cec and I went to the hospital to see George and then Mom, then we came home and Marie and Cec packed up and left for Wisconsin at 9:45AM.  I made pie crust, made 5 apple pies, made lunch, cut up the last of the apples and canned 8 quarts of apple sauce.  I and Susan went down to V.F.W. to help serve Lions and Lioness dinner and wash dishes.

September 14, 1984 - Friday.  I washed my hair and dried it.  Got ready to go to Bagley.  We left at 20 after 10.  We picked up Chet and Frieda.  We got to Bagley at 2:15PM.  We stopped at Walker and had roast pork dinner on Chet and Frieda.  V.G.  A little confusion about our motel, but we got it straightened out.  It was too cold to have our cook out outside, so we went to the Senior Citizen Center.  We had such a nice visit with Rose Hoff.  After pot luck and meeting we went to our motel.

September 15, 1984 - Saturday.  We had breakfast by Rose and Henry.  Pancakes, sausage and bacon and we visited some more.  She showed us all the quilts and tops she has made.  They were just beautiful.  We left at 10:15AM, got home at 1:15.  296 miles.

September 16, 1984 - Sunday.  Today is Judy's and Evelyn's birthdays.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Ray came and I made dinner, washed dishes and we went by George at the hospital.  Ray went to Crosby.  George and Susan came over and we played "500".

September 17, 1984 - Monday.  I canned 3 quarts of tomato juice and I picked Grace and Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  I took Mom to the doctor, he took the stitches out.  She has melanoma (cancer) on her right cheek.  Marie called tonight.

September 18, 1984 - Tuesday.  I canned 1 quart of dills and 3 pints of refrigerator cukes and made our red tomato preserves.  It is really warm and dry.  The high was 91 degrees.

September 19, 1984 - Wednesday.  I washed clothes today and cut out most of the squares for bed throw for Vet's hospital in St. Cloud.  We went by Evelyn tonite.

September 20, 1984 - Thursday.  It really cooled off today.  I done the ironing and planted out some of the plants.

September 21, 1984 - Friday.  I cleaned out 3 dresser drawers and washed some house dresses I never wear and will take them over to church to send to Poland.  I took Susan and Erma to Aitkin to help serve at the pancake feed and bake sale.  We worked 4 hours.

September 22, 1984 - Saturday.  I finished bringing in all the house plants and run the sweeper.  After dinner I ironed some drapes and Evelyn and Margaret went along with me to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  I took over 2 bags of clothes for Poland.

September 23, 1984 - Sunday.  We planted out the orange tea rose and cleaned out the gardens.  I fixed chicken for dinner.  After supper Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs and Euchre.  We had our first good rain storm, thunder and lightning since last spring.  We got 2 1/2 inches of rain.

September 24, 1984 - Monday.  It was 36 degrees.  Lots of snow out west.  It's still lite rain today.  Grace picked me up and we spent 7 hours at Woodland Acres.  Mom wasn't feeling good so she laid down.  We had a lot of sewing to do.  I wrapped Christmas gifts to take to Wisconsin.

September 25, 1984 - Tuesday.  I put 5 packages of cauliflower in the freezer and 2 big bags (quart) of green pepper in the freezer.  I looked over a big pile of books I had saved and got rid of what I didn't want.

September 26, 1984 - Wednesday.  It was 22 degrees this AM.  Jack would be 74 years old today.  I baked a cake for Deerwood Senior Citizens at the Legion and Elsie called when we were ready to eat that Howard was back in the hospital and they called Jack home from Florida and she wanted us to come over.  She needed moral support.  She was wondering if we could pick Jack up from the plane in Brainerd and if I would shorten a new coat she bought.

September 27, 1984 - Thursday.  I worked on Elsie's coat and after 3 o'clock we took it over to the hospital for her.  There isn't much change in Howard.  We went to Brainerd, done the shopping, got medicine and went to the nursing home.

September 28, 1984 - Friday.  23 degrees this AM.  I washed clothes and hung them in the back as they took our clothesline down and cut the 3 tires down between Red and us.  Red was using the chainsaw, him and Harland were cleaning up the brush.  I sent for a maroon velvet jacket and top for John's wedding.

September 29, 1984 - Saturday.  I cleaned house, washed my hair.  It was 24 degrees this AM and beautiful.

September 30, 1984 - Sunday.  I made a blueberry torte and went to 9:00 mass and I took the vacuum in the basement.  Harland fixed the window and I'll paint around them.  I got most of it done, but the inside of the window.  We fixed steak, brats and hamburgers for supper with us and Dena, Red and Debbie.  I set the alarm for our trip in the AM.

October 1, 1984 - Monday.  We left at 6AM, met the bus at Country Kitchen.  When we got to Bagley, Minnesota we had rolls and coffee and then left for Fargo, North Dakota where we ate at Burger King.  We went to Bonanzaville.  It was really something to see.  We left Bonanzaville at 3:30 and stopped at a shopping center, but very expensive.  $37.50 for a pair of Mom's pajamas.  We then went to Royal Fork for a buffet dinner.  It was really delicious.  Got back to Bagley at 8:30PM and left 22 people off there.  We got home at midnight.

October 2, 1984 - Tuesday.  Today is Garrison Senior Citizen.  I took the secretary job for Susan and we then played Bingo.  I started to paint windows in the basement, also screens and storms.

October 3, 1984 - Wednesday. I went to Brainerd to see Mom.  I told her about John's wedding and shower and she said, "Take me along".  I told her we would gladly if she could help herself and she said, "I know you would".  I painted the black trim in the back and washed the windows.

October 4, 1984 - Thursday.  Today is Ladies Aid at George Maghan's home.

October 7, 1984 - Sunday.  Marie and Cec came today and went to the Chicken Shack for dinner.  We went to Brainerd shopping.

October 8, 1984 - Monday.  We took Mom to the doctor for the cancer on her lip.  When we came home, we packed up for the trip to Wisconsin.

October 9, 1984 - Tuesday.  Marie and Cec left at 7:30AM and we left at 8AM.  We didn't stop by Marie as they stopped at the nursing home to see Hank.  We arrived by Chick's at 5:15PM and Jim and Bill came over and picked up their stuff.  Then we went by Katie and Willie.  John stopped after work and we visited till 20 after 4AM.

October 10, 1984 - Wednesday.  Katie, Willie and I went and picked up hickory nuts.  We then went by Alfred and Dorothy and we shopped at Shopko.  I got 40 dish towels at $0.59 each.  We (Marie and Cec) bought a G.E. Space Saver coffee pot for John and Michelle's shower gift.  We went by Pat and Len's for a goose supper and we took chicken and dressing along.  It was all delicious.

October 11, 1984 - Thursday.  We went over by Judy and we went to Appleton to see Tam at Lawrence University.  She is real happy.

October 12, 1984 - Friday.  We, Katie, Willie, Harland and I went to Country Kitchen for dinner, fish and chicken.  Katie was home because of a knee sprain.  We had a nice visit.  We took Bill, Sharon and kids to Rock River Hills for supper.

October 13, 1984 - Saturday.  We went to 5:30 mass at St. Peter's church.

October 14, 1984 - Sunday.  Katie, Pat, Mary Lee Fanshaw gave the shower for John and Michelle.  They got really nice gifts.  We were going to put the cat in the garage, but it wouldn't start.  We had all the Christmas gifts for us from Chick, Judy and Tam.

October 15, 1984 - Monday.  Willie pulled our car to the garage in Beaver Dam.  We didn't pick it up till 4:30PM.  We then went back to Country Kitchen for supper.

October 16, 1984 - Tuesday.  We left Katie's at 6AM, arrived by Marie and Cec at 20 to 12:00.  We had dinner and left Marie's at 12:30.  I drove over 200 miles in downpour with the wipers on high.  We got home at 5PM.  Tuff was sure glad to see us.

October 17, 1984 - Wednesday. We got our 1st snowfall, but it didn't last.  We unloaded the car and Paul and Harland took the motor to the pump to Brainerd to get it fixed.  Grace and I went to the Guild meeting.

October 18, 1984 - Thursday.  The motor is fixed and we picked it up and went to see Mom.  She's just the same.  Paul and Harland fixed or put the motor on so we have water again.  It's still raining and cold.

October 20, 1984 - Saturday.  I washed clothes and filled the oven with squash.  When it was done, I cleaned it out.  I dried the clothes in the dryer.  Chet brought Frieda and her and I went to help in the kitchen for a 50th wedding.  I came home at 3:30 and Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  When we came home Harland and I went down and had chicken dinner at V.F.W.  Very good.  Then we went by Chet and Frieda and played 9 bid "500".  George called, he's in the hospital.

October 21, 1984 - Sunday.  I put the last of the squash in the oven and then I cleaned bathroom, kitchen and porch.  I finished scooping out the squash and got ready.  Went to see George.  When he stabilizes, they will take him to the Vet's hospital in Minneapolis.  Paul and Grace followed us over to Bob's to get the rust spots removed and the car painted.  So we're without a car.  We then went to the Chicken Shack for dinner.  We then came home and played dirty clubs.  Paul and Grace both won.  We had supper and they left.  Paul has to work tonite and then they'll close the park down for winter.

October 22, 1984 - Monday.  Grace picked I and Frieda up for Woodland Acres.  7 hours.

October 23, 1984 - Tuesday.  It's still cloudy and raining.  I got all the windows done inside.

October 24, 1984 - Wednesday.  We got the invitation for John and Michelle's wedding.  I washed clothes, dried them inside.  We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  Paul and Grace picked us up.  Eileen Mirau will take the secretary job.  1 down and 1 to go.  We had card club here and our 2nd one.  I'm picking out hickory nuts for Orrsie and Marie.

October 26, 1984 - Friday.  I washed clothes and run the sweeper and fixed chicken and dressing for dinner.  After dinner I ironed and made the bed.  I washed the mattress pad, sheets, etc.

October 27, 1984 - Saturday.  I washed 19 new dish towels, bathroom curtains, our blanket and bed spread.  I raked leaves to put on the new bulbs we planted this fall.  I'm picking out hickory nut meats and it's windy and raining this PM.  I made 4 bibs for Vet's hospital in St. Cloud.  I have 2 more to go.  The temp was 70 in the Cities.  It was real warm here.  60 degrees but tonight, 10 PM, it's down to 29 degrees.

October 28, 1984 - Sunday.  It was 24 degrees.  I ironed 19 dish towels and our bathroom curtains.  I finished my 6 bibs for Vet's hospital in St. Cloud.  I have 2 containers of nuts picked out, what Harland cracked.  I sewed the side seams up on the bathroom curtains.  I made dressing to put into an old hen.

October 29, 1984 - Monday.  I was 18 degrees this AM and windy.  I put the bathroom curtains up and put the chicken in the oven.  Harland will watch it.  Grace and I left for Minneapolis at 2:45PM after 5 hours at the nursing home.

October 30, 1984 - Tuesday.  We 3 went shopping.  I got a winter coat and a blue dress for John's wedding.  We went back to Evelyn's and rested, had supper and then went to Rainbow and Cubs Food store.

October 31, 1984 - Wednesday.  We had breakfast and left for home as it started to rain.  We run into freezing rain and snow.  We were glad to get home.  Paul and Grace picked me up for 5:00 mass at Deerwood.

November 1, 1984 - Thursday.  It was 10 above.  I made 5 apple cobblers for the freezer and 1 for Ladies Aid.  I finally got rid of the secretary job at the Aid as of January 1st.

November 2, 1984 - Friday.  It was 4 above this AM.  We went to the foot doctor at 9:45.  We got Marie a CD and 1 for us.  We went over to Aitkin and I got material for 7 hot dish carriers.  4 for the Aid.  We missed Ray after work to get our house key.

November 3, 1984 - Saturday.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens

November 4, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to mass at 9AM and made 9 quarts of sauerkraut.

November 5, 1984 - Monday.  The temp was 32 degrees.  We went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  I'm working on 7 hot dish carriers.  Our weather is beautiful.

November 6, 1984 - Tuesday.  It was 15 degrees this AM, cool and crisp.  We took our potatoes over by George and Susan and then went to vote.  We then went to Crosby.  Harland got a hair cut and I visited with Elsie Craggs.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens afterwards.

November 7, 1984 - Wednesday.  Reagan was re-elected as president.  I washed clothes this AM.  We had a few sprinkles.

November 8, 1984 - Thursday.  It is 32 degrees and sunny.  We're having above normal temps.  I done the ironing.  Harland put plastic on the back door.  I made dinner, done the dishes and went by Dorothy Boucher and she put my permanent in for me.  The high was 59 degrees in Minneapolis.

November 9, 1984 - Friday.  It was 29 degrees this AM, cloudy and northeast wind.  We shampooed the kitchen carpet.  George picked us up for our Thanksgiving dinner at the 40 Club for Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  At nite we took George and Susan, Chet and Frieda to the Log Cabin for a Moose feed, then the 6 of us played "500" at George and Susan's house.

November 10, 1984 - Saturday.  We put the kitchen back in place.  It was 12 degrees above this AM.

November 11, 1984 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Paul called and asked us to go along to the Waterfall Inn.  He treated.  We then stopped by Louise and she hasn't heard a word from George since they took him to the Vets in Minneapolis two weeks ago.  We then played dirty clubs here till 4:30.  I finished the 8 hot dish carriers tonite.

November 12, 1984 - Monday.  Susan picked Frieda and I up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.

November 13, 1984 - Tuesday.  I done baking, zucchini bread for us and Tam and I made zucchini lemon bars for Tam and a pan for church Sunday after mass.  It was a beautiful day.  I washed some good slacks and pants and my grey coat.

November 14, 1984 - Wednesday.  It was 38 degrees at 6:30AM and cloudy.  We had our Deerwood Senior Citizens dinner (Thanksgiving) at the American Legion in Deerwood. Evelyn picked Harland and I and we got Elsie to go to the dinner, the 1st time since Howard's death.  We had turkey and all the trimmings.  V.G.

November 15, 1984 - Thursday.  It is windy, 21 above and light snow.  We went to Brainerd, done our shopping and stopped by Mom.  Harland had a blood test taken at the hospital.  We had dinner at Perkins and came home.  I fixed my hair, made some applesauce and chocolate chip cookies for Mom and John.  We took the key over by Grace as she will feed Tuff while we're gone.

November 16, 1984 - Friday.  The weather is beautiful.  We left for Marie's to pick her and Cec up for the wedding.  We're staying by Katie and Willie's.

November 17, 1984 - Saturday.  John and Michelle's wedding day.  They were married at 2PM.  The reception was at the Pyramid and a dance followed.  A very beautiful wedding.  It was warm and cloudy, no rain.

November 18, 1984 - Sunday.  The weather is just beautiful.  We went to mass, had breakfast and went over by Michelle's mom and step-dad and the kids opened their gifts and cards.  Almost $2,000.00 in cash and such beautiful gifts, crystal lamp, etc.  We left then for Marie's after we had cake, ice cream, coffee.  We left at 20 to 3, got to Marie's at 8PM.

November 19, 1984 - Monday.  Harland, Marie, Cec and I went over by Henry's and we butchered 2 turkeys, 5 ducks, 1 goose and 17 roosters.

November 20, 1984 - Tuesday.  We went over by Henry's and brought home 2 turkeys, a goose and 3 ducks.  Marie kept the smallest turkey.  The one we brought home weighed 25 lbs, so we cut it in half.

November 21, 1984 - Wednesday.  I sure feel lousy with cold and sore throat.  We were having company for Thanksgiving, but called it off.

November 22, 1984 - Thursday.  I put a duck, dressing in the oven for Harland and I and cooled it.

November 23, 1984 - Friday.  I took Mom to the doctor for the sore on her lip.  He froze it with liquid nitrogen.

November 24, 1984 - Saturday.  Dena and I took our stuff by the V.F.W. for our craft sale.  I sold $41.70.  Evelyn picked me up and we went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  I made a batch of fudge.

November 25, 1984 - Sunday.  It is 40 degrees this AM and sunny.

November 26, 1984 - Monday.  I picked Grace up and spent 7 hours at Woodland Acres.  Mom was real restless.  We got 1 1/2 inches of snow last nite.

November 27, 1984 - Tuesday.  I worked for a funeral at Deerwood.  We served around 160 people.

November 28, 1984 - Wednesday.  I made a dessert for Elsie's card party at noon.

November 29, 1984 - Thursday.  It was 13 degrees above this AM.  I washed clothes and cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and porch.  We played cards by Hively's.  I and Chet had 1st.

November 30, 1984 - Friday.  I sprinkled my ironing and put the rest of the clothes away.  Harland went down by Paul to put thermostat in our car.  Some gal called Thursday at 2:30AM and asked for Ray.  I couldn't get back to sleep.  I had 2 1/2 hours.

December 1, 1984 - Saturday.  We had our Crosby Senior Citizens Christmas dinner.  We've had better and more flavorable.

December 2, 1984 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace picked me up for 9:00 mass.  We had dinner, went to the show "Places in the Heart".  Sally Field, V.G.  We stopped by George and Louise, they want a hospital bed so he can get some sleep.

December 3, 1984 - Monday.  It was -8 this AM.  Our 1st below 0 this fall.  Grace picked Susan and myself up for 7 hours at the nursing home.  I'm making Mom 3 warm slips.

December 4, 1984 - Tuesday.  Paul, Grace, Harland, I and Ione Ramacher served at Senior Citizens in Garrison.  I'm writing out Christmas cards.  28 more to go.

December 6, 1984 - Thursday.  We had Ladies Aid at Elwood's.  It was really a nice program and day.  The weather is just beautiful.

December 7, 1984 - Friday.  I took Susan and Frieda and we went to R.S.V.P. Christmas party at the Senior Center. It was a real nice party. We got up to 42 degrees today and sunny.

December 9, 1984 - Sunday.  We had coffee and goodies after 9:00 mass.  The bishop was here for mass and a very good sermon and very friendly.

December 10, 1984 - Monday.  Today is Chick and Judy's 19th wedding anniversary.  I took Mom's Christmas tree and crib over to the nursing home.  We spent 5 hours, Grace and I.  We had our Christmas party at the 40 Club.  It's Golden Age of Aitkin.  We bought Mom a new sweater and house coat for Christmas at Butler's.

December 11, 1984 - Tuesday.  We had 30 degrees this AM.  We had our Garrison Christmas party at Myr Mar.  I won 1/2 gallon of Rhine wine.  We had a choice of beef or turkey.  We took turkey and we paid $7.00 and the club, $7.00.  We exchanged gifts and I got a nice dish towel and cologne.

December 12, 1984 - Wednesday. I called Ann Miller last night and Albert is real bad.  I cleaned our bedroom, closet and front room real good today.  It was 1 degree above this AM, a real big change, but it's sunny today.

December 13, 1984 - Thursday.  I went to the luncheon at the Alliance church.

December 14, 1984 - Friday.  I took Mom to the doctor for her lip.  Paul and Grace picked Harland up and they went to Cutler for our Christmas meeting and dinner.  When I came home, I went to Cutler for dinner.  We exchanged gifts.

December 15, 1984 - Saturday.  Susan picked me up and we helped at V.F.W. Children's Christmas party.  It started to rain and freeze.  When we came home, we ended up in the ditch, turning on County 10.  We were supposed to go to the V.F.W. Auxiliary Christmas party, but it was still raining and freezing, so we stayed home.

December 16, 1984 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace picked me up for church.  The ice was gone.  It warmed up to 38 degrees and we got over 1 inch of rain and the temp dropped in mid morning and it started to snow.  So we didn't go to Woodland Acres Christmas party.  I made Mom a warm lap robe.

December 17, 1984 - Monday.  I went to the nursing home for 4 hours.  I done some shopping.  We got 2 inches of snow.

December 18, 1984 - Tuesday.  It was -16 this AM.  Paul and Har took our washing machine to Brainerd.  The dasher is froze.  I stirred up our butter cookies.

December 19, 1984 - Wednesday.  It was -6 and windy, sunny.  I went to Guild meeting at church.  We played cards by Paul and Grace tonite.  It was 23 years ago that Chick had his car accident.

December 20, 1984 - Thursday.  Just getting ready for Christmas.

December 22, 1984 - Saturday.  Jim came alone.  Collette has a virus, so the kids didn't come with him.

December 24, 1984 - Monday.  Margaret Nireman, Jim, Paul and Grace, Harland and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood and we spent Christmas Eve by Red and Dena.  We had a real nice Christmas.  We went by Mom, she told Jim not to get old.
...Harland, Jim, Larry are fishing on Borden.  They've been getting some nice crappies and northern.  Jim went home on Saturday, December 29th.  The other 6 guys that were fishing on Mille Lacs went home also.

December 31, 1984 - Monday.  I'm fixing turkey and all the trimmings for our 2nd card club.  We then washed dishes and played cards.  We played 10 games and very poor scores.

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