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Tuesday, June 3, 2014


January 1, 1990 - Monday.  We took the Christmas tree and trimmings down and put things away.

January 2, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is real good.  It reached 32 degrees for the high.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens today.

January 3, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 22 degrees and cloudy.  We went to Brainerd, checked out Harland's doctor bill.  I cooked up our corn beef cabbage and we had some for supper.  V.G.  I froze some.  We didn't get our S.S. checks today.

January 4, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 10 degrees and sunny.  We went to Ladies Aid at Elmer Anderson's.

January 5, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 14 degrees and cloudy.

January 6, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 2 degrees and sunny.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens.

January 7, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  The temp reached 40 degrees for the high.  I went to 9:00 mass.

January 8, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 29 degrees and sunny.  I picked Susan up and we spent 5 hours at the nursing home.  I finished the pickled fish.

January 9, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 22 degrees.  Harland had a doctor (eye) appointment.  He has fluid build up and swelling which causes the pain at times.

January 10, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is 15 degrees, cloudy and breezy.  I finished 2 hot dish carriers and one more for the Ladies Aid.

January 11, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 25 degrees, cloudy and windy.  40-60 mph, a lot of wind destruction in the Cities and Brainerd.  I finished the 3rd hot dish carrier.

January 12, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 7 degrees and cloudy.  Grace picked Dorothy and I up and we went to Milaca shopping and then Harland and I went to Deerwood Legion for a smorgasbord.  It was V.G.

January 13, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 4 degrees and sunny.  Not so windy.  I done some cleaning and we fixed brats on the grill.

January 14, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp is 15 degrees and sunny.  I went to 9 o'clock mass and at noon we went to Hasse's, a Christmas gift from Paul and Grace.  After we came home, Harland took a nap and I done my ironing and shortened my new nightgown.

January 15, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 15 degrees.  Harland kept his appointment with Dr. Musty. He'll still have to take the stress test to see if his heart can take it.  Doc seems to think it's quite risky. So I'll cancel the appointment in Minneapolis and we'll have to take it from there.

January 16, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 21 degrees.  We stopped at the laundromat yesterday and I hung my ironing outside.  I made a dessert for our card club today.  We didn't go to the card party.  I took Harland to see Dr. Weaver because of his eye and pain in it.

January 17, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 23 degrees and cloudy.  We had freezing rain and snow in the night.  Harland seen Dr. Weaver today and they removed the eye patch and put in a contact in the bad (right) eye.  There is an improvement.  No pain and watering.

January 18, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 14 degrees and clear.  We went to see the eye doctor and Harland has put the surgery off as he has more comfort with the contact lens.  I filled 4 sofa pillows and stamped 3 dish towels for Ladies Aid.

January 19, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 16 degrees and clear.  I finished 1 dish towel.

January 20, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 9 degrees and cloudy.  I cleaned house today.  We went down for chicken at the V.F.W.  

January 21, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 19 degrees.  Harland and I went to 9:00 mass and Paul and Grace came also and then we took them out for dinner at Seguchie and then we played cards.

January 22, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 24 degrees.  We had snow flurries yesterday.  I went to the nursing home alone for 4 hours.

January 23, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp was 25 degrees and cloudy.  Harland and I covered the foot stool for Jim.  It's the last one Harland made.

January 24, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  Harland went in for a (protime) and I took an insurance paper for the doctor to fill out and then we went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and to the bank and post office.  Paul came over and he and Harland put 2 new posts (braces) in the basement.

January 25, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 6 degrees and sunny.  I'm covering my rocking chair with new material.  We went by Foresters tonight.  Susan and I won 3 games and guys, none.

January 26, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 16 degrees and cloudy.  I worked on the cover on my rocking chair.  We went over for chicken in Deerwood.  I'm sewing on 4 hot dish carriers.

January 27, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp is 26 degrees and snowing.  We got 2 1/2 inches of snow.  We went to Chanhassen Theatre and dinner show "Kiss Me Kate".

January 28, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp is 12 degrees and clear.  I went to 9:00 mass, made lunch and changed bedding and went to Brainerd to the show "Always".  It was very good and then I went to the laundromat.  

January 29, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 6 degrees and clear.  I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  I run the car thru the wash as it's going to get colder.  

January 30, 1990 - Tuesday.  Winter has returned after our unusual above normal temps in January. We now have -9.  We finished covering my rocking chair.

January 31, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is 4 degrees.  We've had the warmest January in 100 years. I made my mobiles for the state hospital.  I done my ironing.

February 1, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was -9 and clear.  I took my 3 dish towels for my gift to the Ladies Aid.  We worked on a quilt to donate for a fire victim.

February 2, 1990 - Friday.  It was -6 and clear.  I cleaned the house and we cleaned out our junk drawer.

February 3, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp is 12 degrees.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens.

February 4, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass, made dinner and we (Har and I) wen to the show ("Always").  Very good.

February 5, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 10 degrees and sunny.  I picked up Hazel Miller and took her to the hospital  Oscar had a stroke and Hazel don't drive.  I went to the nursing home.  I made a cake for Garrison Senior Citizens.

February 6, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp 4 degrees.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.

February 7, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  I run the vacuum in the front room, kitchen, bath and porch.  Evelyn picked me and Dorothy up and we went to Doots Restaurant for our Alter Society meeting.  

February 8, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was 24 degrees and cloudy.  We went to Brainerd.  Harland had his contact cleaned and put back in again.  We went to the hospital and seen Oscar.  He had a stroke and his heart was beating faster.  He is a diabetic, but he was supposed to come home today. We ordered boat licenses today.  I'm working on the shirts for the Vets.

February 9, 1990 - Friday.  The temp was 28 degrees.  I've been taking Dena to work every night.

February 10, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was -2 and clear.  I finished the 2nd bed shirt for the Vets.

February 11, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 16 degrees and sunny.  We got a little sweeping snow last night.  We went to the Lions pancake breakfast and Evelyn picked me up for Bishop Schweitz get together at the new armory in Brainerd.  It was real nice.

February 12, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 26 degrees and cloudy.  I went to the laundromat, post office and drug store and then to the nursing home at 9:45AM for 4 hours.

February 13, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp was -5 and sunny and windy.  Wind chill is -22 below. I went to Deerwood, got a permanent and picked up our income taxes.  We pay $69.00 to federal and $21.00 to the state.

February 14, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is -11 and sunny.  I finished the night shirts for the Vets. We went over to see Oscar since he's home from the hospital.  We picked Dena up from work and I went to the Auxiliary meeting.

February 15, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 4 degrees and snow is predicted.  Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.  It was really snowing.

February 16, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 10 degrees and we got 12 inches of snow.  I shoveled the roof on the kitchen, porch and the bath.

February 17, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp is -24 this AM.  I done my ironing and we went to the V.F.W. for chicken.

February 18, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 10 degrees.  I went to mass, made dinner and I shoveled the snow off the bedroom.

February 19, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 12 degrees.  I went to Woodland Acres.

February 20, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp was 9 degrees and sunny.  The high was 41 degrees.

February 21, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 34 degrees and sunny.  We went to Brainerd.  Harland got a protime and we went thru to Deerwood where we served at Senior Citizens.  I finished 3 hot dish carriers and 2 pot holders.

February 22, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 15 degrees and cloudy.  We went to the Legion for appreciation dinner.  I finished all 4 hot dish carriers.

February 23, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 24 degrees and cloudy.  It's really snowing.  I shoveled off the driveway and the kitchen and porch roof and now it started snowing again.  We got 7 inches of snow.  We were supposed to go for chicken at the Legion and treat Elsie for her birthday and George and Susan, but because of the weather, we all canceled out.

February 24, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was -12 and north wind.  I started the 2 sets of place mats.

February 25, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was -27 this AM and sunny.  I didn't go to mass this AM.

February 26, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 6 degrees.  I went to the laundromat and Woodland Acres for 4 hours.

February 27, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp was 4 degrees and sunny.  We went by Elsie's for our monthly card party.

February 28, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 8 degrees and sunny.  The high will be in the 30's.

March 1, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was 26 degrees and sunny.  We had our 1st annual yearly birthday party at 40 Club.  Very good.  I washed the car when we came home.  It was 64 degrees and sunny.

March 2, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 24 degrees and sunny.  I went to Brainerd and shopped.

March 3, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was just 0 and sunny.  I washed my hair and fixed it and then made a wild rice hot dish for Crosby Senior Citizens.  We played Bingo.  I finished my 2 sets or 12 place mats.  Real nice.

March 4, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp is 15 degrees.  I went to 9:00 mass.  We went by Millers and played 3 games of "500".  We won 2, men 1.

March 5, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 6 degrees and cloudy.  I spent 4 hours at Woodland Acres.

March 6, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 5 degrees and sunny.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.

March 7, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is 15 degrees.  I painted one side of the spare bedroom door. Then we went to Brainerd and the meeting of America Safari at Bonanza.  I went to the eye doctor for my itching and watering eyes.

March 8, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 25 degrees and snowing.  Last night we had freezing rain.  I finished painting the spare bedroom door.  We're having rain and snow showers.  Marty is 18 years old today.

March 9, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 29 degrees and foggy.  Chick is 48 years old today.  I cleaned the kitchen, bath and porch.

March 10, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp is 25 degrees and raining.  I cleaned the front room and the 2 bedrooms and dusted.  Butch Pick called.  Warner passed away today.  He was 78.

March 11, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 29 degrees and sunny.  I went to mass and then we went to Brainerd to the laundromat and we ate at Hasse Restaurant and came home.  Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.

March 12, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 39 degrees and rain.  I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours and then to the doctor for a check up.  After supper I done my ironing.

March 13, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 29 degrees and light rain. We got meat and squash out of the freezer for our card club and when the boys come.  I made meatballs and sloppy joes.

March 14, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 35 degrees, cloudy and lite fog.  The boys, Chick, Bill and Jim came at 11:30PM.  I went to the Auxiliary meeting.

March 15, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was 30 degrees and rain.  We had card club here. Oscar and I won 1st.  Harland and Susan low.  The boys didn't do very good on Mille Lacs.

March 16, 1990 - Friday.  It's 25 degrees and lite snow.  The boys gave up on fishing.  It was too windy and cold to go to Turner.

March 17, 1990 - Saturday.  It's 22 degrees and snowing.  Bill set up our microwave yesterday. $136.00.

March 18, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 12 degrees and snow showers.  The boys left at 7:15AM.  I put clean bedding on their beds.  I went to 9:00 mass and at 11:15 Evelyn picked us up and we went to Nisswa for America Safari 2nd spring fling.

March 19, 1990 - Monday.  It's 2 degrees and sunny.  I took the laundry along to Brainerd and then 4 hours at Woodland Acres.

March 20, 1990 - Tuesday.  The 1st day of spring and it's 24 degrees and sunny.  I hung our sheets, pillow cases, etc outside.  2 tables cloths.  I ironed everything and started to paint the woodwork in the kitchen.  We're getting lite rain.

March 21, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 31 degrees and cloudy.  I painted one window and 1 door in the kitchen.  At noon or 1 PM I went to the Guild meeting.

March 22, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 24 degrees and cloudy. I picked up government surplus.

March 23, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 3 degrees and sunny.  I started to paint the ceiling in the kitchen.  I run the sweeper in the kitchen, porch and bathroom.

March 24, 1990 - Saturday.  It's 8 above and sunny.  I painted over the refrigerator.  We went down to the V.F.W. for beef dinner benefit of the volunteer firemen.

March 25, 1990 - Sunday.  Nicki is 5 years old today.  It's 24 degrees, sunny and breezy.  I went to mass, made dinner and Evelyn came over.

March 26, 1990 - Monday.  It's 4 degrees and sunny.  I went to the laundromat, Kmart, Super One and went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  I hung my ironing out and it dried. After supper I done my ironing.

March 27, 1990 - Tuesday.  It's 12 degrees and sunny.  I finished painting in the kitchen and got the curtains up.  I shortened 1 pair of slacks and a top.

March 28, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 28 degrees and lite snow flurries.  We went to Brainerd.  Harland got a protime, we done shopping and went to Crosby, picked up a suit and pants from the cleaners and took my good green sweatshirt to be cleaned and then we went to Deerwood Senior Citizens.

March 29, 1990 - Thursday.  It's 22 degrees and cloudy.  I'm cleaning the front room and 2 bedrooms.

March 30, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 24 degrees and sunny.  I painted the ceiling in the bathroom. Paul and Grace came over after dinner and he fixed the cellar door and we went to church and confession and then we made a bit to eat and then we played cards till 8 o'clock.

March 31, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 34 degrees and sunny.  We uncovered the tulips and roses yesterday.  I cleaned up the kitchen where Paul shaved the door off.  I finished the top for a lap robe for Vets.

April 1, 1990 - Sunday.  It's 32 degrees and cloudy.  I finished Evelyn's 2 pair of slacks last nite and I pressed them and the lap robe cover.  I went to 9:00 mass, made dinner and sewed more lap robe tops.

April 2, 1990 - Monday.  The temp is 18 degrees and clear.  Susan picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  I made a hot dish for Senior Citizens.  I planted our tuberous begonias.

April 3, 1990 - Tuesday.  It was 29 degrees and sunny.  We went to Crosby and Harland got a haircut. I sewed 1 lap robe and pinned another together, then we went to Garrison Senior Citizens.  After the meeting we went by Millers and played "500".  I sewed the 1st lap robe and got another one ready to sew.

April 4, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is 24 degrees and sunny and breezy.  We went shopping in Brainerd.  We bought kitchen carpeting.  The price was $144.16 and $70.11 for installing it.

April 5, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 16 degrees, windy and sunny.  Today is Ladies Aid at Carl and Edna Johnson's home.  I made a hot dish.

April 6, 1990 - Friday.  It's 6 degrees and we had some snow last night.  I made a dessert for Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  I finished the 5th lap robe, changed our bedding and painted the cellar door on the inside.  After the meeting, I finished the door.

April 7, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp is 12 degrees and frosty and sunny.  I painted the inside of the bathroom (outside) door.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens.  Susan, Elsie and I served.

April 8, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp is 24 degrees.  I went to mass and I painted the bathroom door. We cleaned up some things in the garage, smashed cans and burned trash.

April 9, 1990 - Monday.  It was 32 degrees and cloudy.  We had a shower in the night. I picked Susan up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours.

April 10, 1990 - Tuesday.  It's 26 degrees and cloudy.  We moved everything, what we could, out of the kitchen to lay the carpeting.  I sewed some blocks, waiting for the guys to come.

April 11, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 18 degrees.  They brought our carpeting and he would of had to patch in to places and, after a lot of talking, I canceled out.  They wanted $90.02 to lay the rug and $180.00 for the rug.  We're having the old one cleaned.

April 12, 1990 - Thursday.  It's 18 degrees and sunny.  We have card club today.  Harland is 81 years old today.  Tammy called tonight.

April 13, 1990 - Good Friday.  It's 16 degrees and partly cloudy.  I left at 6:45AM to pick up Marie. We ate a sandwich and went over by Henry and dropped off some things and picked up some eggs and started for home.  Arrived at 5:30.  402 miles in all.

April 14, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 20 degrees and sunny.  I baked hot cross buns, fixed fish for supper and we had the kitchen carpeting cleaned this eve.

April 15, 1990 - Easter Sunday.  It's 21 degrees and sunny.  I went to mass, made a ham dinner.  We just cooled it the rest of the day.

April 16, 1990 - Monday.  It's 29 degrees and snowing.  The ground is covered.  Today Collette is 17 years old.  I went down to Wisconsin and took care of Marty when Collette was borned.

April 17, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 16 degrees and sunny.  I stripped our bed down to the mattress and went to the laundromat in Brainerd and done some shopping.

April 18, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 32 degrees and sunny.  I'm painting the ceiling in the shower and will finish running the vacuum.  I finished the shower and Red came over with the tractor and hauled our bags of leaves and hay away for us.

April 19, 1990 - Thursday.  It's 44 degrees, cloudy and breezy.  The ice is almost out, by night the ice is gone in Borden.

April 20, 1990 - Friday.  It's real foggy.  I took Harland to the eye doctor and Marie to the foot doctor. I finished the front room.  Paul stopped and we raked lawn and Harland used the tractor and picked up the debris on the back lawn.  I bagged up more pine cones for Julia's grandma.  Bill and Karen came at midnight.  I went to bed at 1:45AM.

April 21, 1990 - Saturday.  Marie is 78 years old today.  It was 36 degrees and sunny.  I made breakfast and Bill and Karen went for a ride by Mille Lacs Lake.  Bill rode the tractor and picked up the remaining leaves, etc.  I'll have to rake the bank and the culverts out.  The kids took us to Twin Pine for Marie's birthday.  I baked a sour cream coffee cake for church.  There is 1st communion for 8 kids and a reception after mass.  Karen (Bill's friend) is real nice.

April 22, 1990 - Sunday.  It was 57 degrees and sunny.  The kids and Marie left at 8AM.  I got ready for mass at 9:00.  I washed the dishes.  We made a lunch and we cooled it for the rest of the day.

April 23, 1990 - Monday.  It's 56 degrees and sunny.  The ice went out of Mille Lacs Lake today.  I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  I dug the parsnips up and took some over by Evelyn.  It's storming tonight and we're getting a nice shower.

April 24, 1990 - Tuesday.  It's 59 degrees, cloudy and breezy.  I start my liquid diet today for my colonoscopy tomorrow at 9AM.

April 25, 1990 - Wednesday.  It was 60 degrees and sunny.  We went to Brainerd for my appointment at the hospital.  I didn't have any polyps.  We went to the state hospital for our R.S.V.P. dinner.  Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables, dark bread, angel food cake.  V.G.  We went over by Oscar and Hazel and played cards.

April 26, 1990 - Thursday.  It was 62 degrees and cloudy.  We've receive 1 inch of rain so far this week.  I took the laundry to Brainerd and then went to the armory for our volunteer luncheon.

April 27, 1990 - Friday.  It's 39 degrees, cloudy and rainy.  I went to church and helped with the sale till noon.  Then I done my 3 weeks of ironing.

April 28, 1990 - Saturday.  It was 35 degrees and rain.  I picked up our food share and went and helped with the sale again till noon.  George and Susan picked us up for a smelt fry at V.F.W.  We played cards.  Susan and I won 4, and Harland and George won 1.

April 29, 1990 - Sunday.  It's 30 degrees and lite snow.  The ground is covered.  It snowed on and off all day.  Nice big flakes.  Paul and Grace came over this afternoon.  We played dirty clubs and then switched to euchre.

April 30, 1990 - Monday.  It's 22 degrees.  The snow is almost gone.  Susan picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  I took 6 lbs of onions and 2 bags of oranges to the food kitchen in Brainerd.  I went to the style show at the Blue Goose tonight.  It's 28 degrees tonite.

May 1, 1990 - Tuesday.  It's 27 degrees and sunny.  I run the sweeper in the kitchen, bathroom and the porch.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens and I transplanted my African violets and the swan planter.  I made a salad for Deerwood luncheon.

May 2, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 29 degrees and sunny.  I took Hazel and Susan to the salad luncheon at Deerwood.  V.G.

May 3, 1990 - Thursday.  It's 36 degrees and sunny.  We went to Doous's for Ladies Aid.  I wrote Karen and Bill, Chick and Judy, Tam and Bill.

May 4, 1990 - Friday.  It's 44 degrees and cloudy.  I done some cleaning and dusting.

May 5, 1990 - Saturday.  It's 32 degrees and sunny.  I had some flowers out and went out at 5AM and covered them up.  They didn't freeze.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens.  They put the docks in and we all had a picnic supper by Dena and Red.

May 6, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 31 degrees and lots of sun.  I went to 9:00 mass.  I dug around 3 of our peony plants.

May 7, 1990 - Monday.  It's 42 degrees and sunny.  I picked Susan up to go to Woodland Acres.  We (9) went to Kmart shopping for clothes for their "Mother's Day" style show.  The volunteers modeled the clothes.

May 8, 1990 - Tuesday.  It's 42 degrees and rain.  I dug up for my sweet peas and glads and planted them later.  Our dahlias are all dried up.  We've been putting Miracle Gro on trees, flowers, etc.

May 9, 1990 - Wednesday.  It was 43 degrees, cloudy and north wind.  I made a new dessert for card club and then we went to Brainerd.  Harland got a blood test, we renewed a CD and paid our taxes.

May 10, 1990 - Thursday.  It's been cold and in the 30's in the AM.

May 11, 1990 - Friday.  It was 36 degrees and sunny, north wind.  I made deviled eggs for Cutler Senior Citizens.  I cleaned off some of the Creeping Charlie from the lower garden.

May 12, 1990 - Saturday.  It was 44 degrees. I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen and porch.  We got a service for 8 Corell dinnerware.  Will put the others on our sale in July.  I went to 5:00 mass.

May 13, 1990 - Sunday.  It was 52 degrees and sunny.  I fixed a turkey and dressing and ironed the shirts for the boys, what I got at the sale at church.  Paul, Grace and Evelyn went with us to Brainerd for Mother's Day.  We ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken.  V.G.  We stopped at Landsbury Mercury and Acorn Nursery.  I planted asters on the side of the garage and a free tomato plant.

May 14, 1990 - Monday.  It's still cool.  Grace picked Susan and I up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres where we modeled clothes from Kmart.  I bought my 3 pieces that I modeled.

May 15, 1990 - Tuesday.  We left for Wisconsin at 7:25AM.  We stayed by Katie and Willie.  It was raining and cool all the time we were there.

May 17, 1990 - Thursday.  I took Harland over to Juneau for his John Deere retiree party.  Maxine and Cindy went shopping for a dress for Tam's wedding.  Katie is 58 years old.  I fixed turkey and dressing to take along and we had it for supper.  I bought a decorated cake for Katie's birthday.  Jim, Gary, Greg and Bev came over for supper. V.G.

May 19, 1990 - Saturday.  We left for home at 7:25AM.  We stopped by Marie. Harley and Ruth were there.  It rained all the way home.  Wind was 15-30 mph.  We made 963 miles.

May 20, 1990 - Sunday.  I didn't go to mass.  I mowed some lawn and I really got sick, threw up and diaherrea.

May 21, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 42 degrees.  I had the flu, cramps, throwing up and diaherrea. I planted out a couple of flowers. Paul worked up the garden by the house.

May 23, 1990 - Wednesday.  I finished digging up for the mum and I planted 7 new ones and 6 pansies.  We got my mower fixed.  Paul took it down and picked it up for us from Lingwall's Garage.

May 24, 1990 - Thursday.  We picked our potatoes up from Foresters and she gave us some extra dahlia bulbs, so I dug out the dead roses and planted the dahlias and 3 cannas roots.  Harland had a new contact put in.

May 26, 1990 - Saturday.  It was just a downpour mostly all day. I went to 5 o'clock mass on Saturday night.

May 27, 1990 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace took Harland and I out to Mr. Steaks for their 40th wedding anniversary and we played dirty clubs.  I got my ironing caught up Sunday AM.

May 28, 1990 - Monday.  Today is Decoration Day.  Paul worked up our garden and we planted most of it by the house.

May 29, 1990 - Tuesday.  It was 41 degrees, breezy and sunny.  We got our cabbage and broccoli plants to set out today.

May 30, 1990 - Wednesday.  Paul worked up the lower garden and we planted potatoes and squash.  I defrosted the refrigerator in the garage.

May 31, 1990 - Thursday.  We planted our cabbages out.  I fixed chicken for next week when Jim, John, Michelle, Nicky and Natalie come.  I finished planting out all the house plants outside.  I got my permanent at 2:00 in Deerwood.

June 1, 1990 - Friday.  When we got up, John and Michelle were parked in Clem's driveway with the camper.  Jim and Chick came after work, they each drove their own truck as Chick went home on Wednesday.  Fishing wasn't very good all week.

June 2, 1990 - Saturday.  We got 2 1/2 inches of rain today.

June 3, 1990 - Sunday,  It rained on and off all day.  Michelle, I and the kids went to the laundromat in Brainerd and then we went to Kmart shopping for the girls.

June 7, 1990 - Thursday.  I'm 76 years old today.  The kids took us to eat at the Chicken Shack.  It was really good.

June 8, 1990 - Friday.  John, Michelle, Nicky, Natalie, Grandpa and I went to Lumbertown and we had dinner at Bonanza.  We took the boat and motor in.  The motor needed to get fixed.  It almost slipped off the trailer on the highway after the sloppy work they done at the marina on the trailer before.

June 9, 1990 - Saturday.  Jim left at 7:45 and John and Michelle left about 9:30 for Stevens Point to see Michelle's dad.  I went to mass.

June 10, 1990 - Sunday. We went to Brainerd with our laundry, 8 sheets, etc and done our shopping.  I hung everything out.  It was a good drying day.

June 11, 1990 - Monday.  It is really raining again.  I took Paul and Susan to Woodland Acres.

June 12, 1990 - Tuesday.  I got my ironing all caught up.  I mowed my part of the lawn around the flowers, etc.

June 13, 1990 - Wednesday.  I cleaned our bedroom and finished the lawn.  George and Susan picked us up and we went to Marge V's funeral at Aitkin.  I went to the V.F.W. meeting.  The lawn really looks nice.

June 14, 1990 - Thursday.  Today is Flag Day.  I finished my Friday cleaning and dusting, made dinner and then vacuumed out the car.  I started to clean out the 1st raspberry patch.

June 15, 1990 - Friday.  I went to Brainerd and finished some last minute shopping for our Montana trip.  I baked peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies and washed up the dishes.

June 16, 1990 - Saturday.  I'm getting the suitcases out and packed some things in.  I changed our bedding, will do the laundry tomorrow.  Evelyn called and Agatha Perry passed away from cancer.  We both had cancer surgery in April of '89.  I thank God for my health and strength.  I wrote Lucille tonite.

June 17, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and then we went to the laundromat in Brainerd and we had dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken for Father's Day.  We got a money belt at Fleet Farm and I looked for white shoes again and no luck.  The dress slippers are pointed and pencil thin heels and pointed so I gave up.  I baked up 5 loaves large and 2 small ones from the Amish starter.  Chocolate chips, pineapple and raisin.

June 20, 1990 - Wednesday.  Bill and Karen arrived after midnight and we left at 20 minutes to 7AM. We drove 575 miles to Miles City, Montana the 1st night.

June 21, 1990 - Thursday.  We left Miles City headed for Great Falls.  We arrived at the Sheraton Hotel at 1:30.  Made 473 miles today.

June 22, 1990 - Friday.  We went sight seeing to the Falls and fish hatchery.  Harland and I went to the church for practice and then to the Officer's Club for dinner.

June 23, 1990 - Saturday.  We met at church for pictures at 10:30AM and the ceremony was 1PM. The temp was 90 degrees and sunny.  The reception was held at the Rainbow Hotel and we all went back to Bill and Tam's home for visiting and cook out and back to the hotel.  The kids drove to Seattle, Washington and then California and they flew to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

James Schumann, Ann Schumann, Chick Schumann, Judith Schumann, Bill Schumann, Tammy Schumann, Harland Schumann - June 23, 1990, Great Falls, Montana

Ann Schumann, Tammy Schumann, Harland Schumann - June 23, 1990

Bill Schumann, Chick Schumann, Ann Schumann, Harland Schumann, Jim Schumann - June 23, 1990

June 24, 1990 - Sunday.  We went for a boat ride on the Missouri River.  Very interesting.  Mountains and mountain goats.  I bought a multi colored sweatshirt there.

June 25, 1990 - Monday.  We left for Missoula and visited with Georgia and she took us out to Kings Row for dinner and we left for our trip home.  We had car trouble.  We stayed 2 more nights on the road home.

June 28, 1990 - Thursday.  We arrived home in the afternoon tired.

June 29, 1990 - Friday.  Bill and Karen, Harland, went fishing at Turner.

June 30, 1990 - Saturday.  Bill and Karen left for home.  Jim and Kim came after work on Friday.  It was a busy week, fishing and picking strawberries.  I made a batch of jam.

July 5, 1990 - Thursday.  The kids took us to Lonesome Pine for dinner.  We picked berries.

July 7, 1990 - Saturday.  Jim and Kim left at 8AM.  I stripped all 3 beds and run the sweeper.  We got a nice rain.  I went to mass.

July 8, 1990 - Sunday.  We went to the laundromat in Brainerd and I hung everything up and I ironed right from the line.  So I'm all caught up with washing and ironing.

July 9, 1990 - Monday.  Today is Tam's birthday, 24 years old.  I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours and went to Dr. Hanske and got a good report.

July 10, 1990 - Tuesday.  A woman came and checked for shrubbery planting and gave an estimate of $400.00, which we think is high. Harland went to Brainerd for a protime at B.M.C.

July 11, 1990 - Wednesday.  We played cards by Elsie.  I and Paul won 1st.  Grace and Lydia won low.

July 12, 1990 - Thursday.  We had the oil changed in Deerwood.  We're trying to clean the weeds out of the garden.  I made a top for a doll quilt for Nicki.  I'll make one for Natalie.  Her birthday is August 20, 2 years old.

July 13, 1990 - Friday.  We served at Cutler Senior Citizen.  I changed our bedding.  We got the garden all cleaned of weeds.

July 14, 1990 - Saturday.  Harland worked up some ground int he garden and planted 19 hills as the 1st ones were rotten in the ground.  I went to 5:00 mass.

July 15, 1990 - Sunday.  We went to chicken and ham dinner at Bulldog Lake Catholic Church.  V.G.  Ray R. stopped.  Had a real nice visit.

July 16, 1990 - Monday.  I went to the laundromat and then to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  A guy was here from Eagle Landscaping.

July 17, 1990 - Tuesday.  I hung up our wash and ironed right from the line.  Bob Kokesh took our dead pine tree down.  $75.00.

July 18, 1990 - Wednesday.  I started sewing the quilt together for the Ladies Aid.  Paul and Grace came over and we visited and played cards.  

July 19, 1990 - Thursday.  I finished sewing the quilt top together for Ladies Aid.  I would like to buy it when it't put together.  I cleaned out more of the raspberries.

July 20, 1990 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd to see about shrubs.  We're waiting to hear from Eagle Landscaping.

July 21, 1990 - Saturday.  I cleaned house and I went to 5 o'clock mass and then we went to V.F.W. for the chicken fry.

July 22, 1990 - Sunday.  Rose Kennedy is 100 years old today.  It is cool again today.

July 23, 1990 - Monday.  Grace picked I and Susan up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.

July 24, 1990 - Tuesday.  I dug around the mums and cleaned out the bleeding heart.

July 25, 1990 - Wednesday.  We went to Deerwood Senior Citizen and we took our laundry along, but that place isn't any better than Garrison laundromat.

July 26, 1990 - Thursday.  We went to Brainerd and checked on kitchen carpeting at Fleet Farm.  It rained almost all day.

July 27, 1990 - Friday.  I cleaned the 2 bedrooms and front room.

July 28, 1990 - Saturday.  Still more rain.  I finished the cleaning and washed my hair and went to 5 o'clock mass.

July 29, 1990 - Sunday.  I started the double impatience for our bazaar at Deerwood on October 6th.  I've embroidered 7 dish towels for the bazaar also.  I mowed some grass around the planters and the sheds.  I was really bushed.

July 30, 1990 - Monday.  Susan picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  I'm making butterhorns for the bake sale at church in Garrison on Sunday.

July 31, 1990 - Tuesday.  I baked the butterhorns and Amish chocolate chip nut bread for the bake sale at church.

August 1, 1990 - Wednesday.  We went to Brainerd to the laundromat and finished our shopping and we went to a meeting at the Atrium, had lunch.  We went to Fleet Farm and picked out our kitchen carpet.

August 2, 1990 - Thursday.  Paul and Harland went and picked up the carpeting.  Then we went to Ladies Aid at Anderson's.

August 3, 1990 - Friday.  The guy from Eagle Landscaping came and done our landscaping and then Dick McKay came and layed our kitchen carpet.  They moved our refrigerator back and connected up the stove and he lit the hot water heater.  I washed the refridge out and cleaned the new carpeting and we moved the table, etc and tried to get back to normal.

August 4, 1990 - Saturday.  I made raisin bars for Crosby picnic which was held at Kraft Mine.  I took my bake stuff to church tonight and went to 5 o'clock mass.

August 5, 1990 - Sunday.  We were married 57 years ago today.  We went to eat at noon to Izaty's Golf and Yacht Club.  It was very good.

August 6, 1990 - Monday.  I went to Woodland Acres alone.  I done some shopping before, got a piece of screen for Harland and a gallon of floor paint for myself for the front porch.  I scrubbed the basement steps down and swept the walls and floors down. I took care of 60 lbs turkey wings for us and the boys.

August 7, 1990 - Tuesday.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens at the V.F.W. building.

August 8, 1990 - Wednesday.  I'm painting the floor on the porch.  I took Dad to Ironton to get a haircut.  He went to Dr. Bohannen.  We took the laundry in.

August 9, 1990 - Thursday.  I finished painting the porch floor and run the sweeper in the kitchen, bathroom and the front room.  I got my hair fixed at 2:30.

August 10, 1990 - Friday.  We left on a 3 day trip to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  It was a good trip, but a lot was crammed into 3 days.

August 13, 1990 - Monday.  I made a 3 bean dish for a memorial service for Bud and Ione Ramacher who were killed in a car accident near Barron, Wisconsin.  All 5 lost their lives.

August 14, 1990 - Tuesday.  We had card club here.  I made meatballs and chicken wings.  I and Tillie Smith won 1st.  Paul and Grace had low.

August 17, 1990 - Friday.  We took George and Susan along and we checked on the blueberries.  The crop was over as they had freeze out last winter so it was a short crop.  After lunch we went to Brainerd.

August 18, 1990 - Saturday.  I canned 4 pints of pickled beets and 3 quarts of garlic dill.  It was cold and windy.  We went on the bus to Dr. Polands beef roast dinner and game farm.  I went to 5:00 mass.

August 19, 1990 - Sunday.  We had Paul and Grace over for dinner and we played cards.  He done a few odd jobs for Harland.

August 20, 1990 - Monday.  Natalie is 2 years old today.  I went to the laundromat and then spent 4 hours at Woodland Acres.

August 21, 1990 - Tuesday.  I dried the clothes and put them away.  I picked cukes and fixed them for our fish fry with Bordwines and I made the blueberry torte for dessert.

August 22, 1990 - Wednesday.  I mowed close to the buildings, garden, berries, and burn barrel.  I sewed a little on Natalie's doll quilt.

August 23, 1990 - Thursday.  I fixed bar-b-q pork ribs, carrots, mashed potatoes.  Wednesday we went to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  I made apple crisp.  I finished Nat's doll quilt and started some zucchini for sweet pickles.  They checked our furnace and they have to order a part that's burned out.

August 24, 1990 - Friday.  I put manure around the flowers, grapes and some raspberries till I run out. Harland cleaned out the boat and we put the cover on.  I finished one doll blanket and pinned the other one together.

August 25, 1990 - Saturday.  We had a nice shower of rain last night.  Jim is 37 years old today.

August 26, 1990 - Sunday.  We put manure around all the flowers, grapes, etc.  I picked the cukes and made 2 quarts Russian dill.

August 27, 1990 - Monday.  I painted 1/2 of the fish cleaning house floor.  Grace picked me up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  We got 1 1/2 dozen sweet corn, we had some for supper and I put the rest in the freezer on the cob.  We have no T.V.

August 28, 1990 - Tuesday.  We washed dishes and I finished painting the fish cleaning house floor.

August 29, 1990 - Wednesday.  I cooked up the jelly apples and drained them.  I've been taking slips off our plants for Dena and us.

August 30, 1990 - Thursday.  Ed would have been 81 years old today.  I made 2 batches of apple jelly. It's very pretty and delicious.  I run the vacuum in all the rooms.

August 31, 1990 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd and got tar for the kitchen roof, went to the laundromat and hung them out when we came home and I sprinkled all my ironing, about 4 weeks of it.  We picked more jelly apples.  We got our checks today.  The chicken fry at Deerwood was awful.

September 1, 1990 - Saturday.  I really had a big ironing, but got it done anyway.  We got a letter from Judy and they had to put Radar to sleep which is so hard to do, but better for the cat.  I went to 5 o'clock mass.

September 2, 1990 - Sunday.  I fixed a blouse for Dena and we went to Harding for a delicious chicken and ham dinner.

September 3, 1990 - Monday.  Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres for 4 hours.

September 4, 1990 - Tuesday.  I'm sewing on a baby quilt for Marty and Stacey's baby.

September 5, 1990 - Wednesday.  I finished all the apple jelly and canned 1 quart of juice.  I cooked up some of our sour apples for pectin to put in the grape jelly and I froze it.

September 6, 1990 - Thursday.  Harland had a protime and we took the car in and had the timing checked.  It shuts off now.

September 7, 1990 - Friday.  We went by Edna J. as she had cukes she couldn't use any more.  I made 3 quarts of refrigerator pickles and 6 pints of relish.

September 8, 1990 - Saturday.  I done some cleaning, washed my hair and planted more of the flowers for int he house.

September 9, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass.  We went to Carl Johnson's 75th birthday party.  It was a real nice get together.  I embroidered on the baby quilt.

September 10, 1990 - Monday.  I went to the laundromat first and then 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  I hung everything out and it really dried.

September 11, 1990 - Tuesday.  I made 4 quarts of refrigerator pickles.  I've been sewing on lap robes for the C. nursing home.

September 12, 1990 - Wednesday.  I finished 2 lap robes and then cleaned up some of the garden.  I went to the Auxiliary meeting.  They sure liked the lap robes.  They were really pretty.

September 13, 1990 - Thursday.  I finished the center of the baby quilt (Mary and lamb) and then I stamped 4 lambs, one on each corner.  I made 2 1/2 quarts of dill pickles.  I run the sweeper.  We took Ron and Ada Austin to Platte Lake chicken dinner.  We left here at 3:30 and we ate at the 1st table.

September 14, 1990 - Friday.  We went to Pine Lake Senior Citizen.  I made a hot dish.

September 15, 1990 - Saturday.  I finished planting out all my flowers outside.

September 16, 1990 - Sunday.  Today is Judy's and Evelyn's birthdays.  Judy is 44.  Evelyn is 72 years old.  We were invited over by Jeanne Kain for a dinner birthday party for Evelyn.  I finished embroidering the top of the baby quilt.  Mary had a little lamb.

September 17, 1990 - Monday.  I went to the laundromat and then 4 hours to Woodland Acres.  I hung the clothes out and then got a permanent by Lois.

September 19, 1990 - Wednesday.  We went to the free walleye fish fry at Isle V.F.W.  We cleaned the windows on the north side.  I ironed the top of the baby quilt and ironed it and pressed 3 pair of pants, 2 for me and 1 for Marty.  I sewed the quilt (baby) together.

September 20, 1990 - Thursday.  We had card club by Paul and Grace.

September 21, 1990 - Friday.  I've got 2 lap robe tops sewed together and the bottoms.  I started a silk lap robe and it's hard to sew on.  It's slippery.

September 22, 1990 - Saturday.  Evelyn took Paul, Grace and us to a polka mass in Aitkin at 5PM.  I set butterhorns for our bake sale in Deerwood.

September 23, 1990 - Sunday.  I changed our bedding and baked butterhorns.  We went over by Clara Holsten for dinner.  There were 8 of us.  It was delicious.  I done my ironing when we came home.

September 24, 1990 - Monday.  I went to the laundromat and then 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  I hung our clothes out and then ironed right from the line, so I'm all caught up on my ironing.

September 25, 1990 - Tuesday.  I took Harland for a haircut and then we started washing the windows.  Henry called.  The apples are ready to be picked.

September 26, 1990 - Wednesday.  We washed 3 more windows and we went to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  We took care of 2 more windows.  I fixed squash and made blueberry torte for Saturday dock party.

September 27, 1990 - Thursday.  We're going to Wisconsin to pick apples.  We arrived by Marie at 1PM.

September 28, 1990 - Friday.  We met Henry and had a very scenic drive to the apple orchard.  We picked 11 bushels, but brought 3 bushels and 2 pails full of windfalls.

September 29, 1990 - Saturday.  We took Marie out for breakfast and then took her home and we left for Minnesota and arrived at 1PM.  Larry and the gang had all the docks, etc out.  We had a delicious cook out.

September 30, 1990 - Sunday.  We have yet to have a killing frost.

October 1, 1990 - Monday.  I went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  I made an apple cake for Garrison Senior Citizens.

October 2, 1990 - Tuesday.  Another beautiful day and no frost.  I made 2 batches of grape jelly and we went to Garrison Senior Citizens and Harland got a flu shot.

October 3, 1990 - Wednesday.  We went to the bank and after dinner Evelyn picked me up for the last meeting before the bazaar on Saturday at Deerwood.  I made 7 mobiles for state hospital.

October 4, 1990 - Thursday.  We went to Ladies Aid, Mabel, Elmer Anderson's and then we went to Dr. Moran.  Harland got a new contact in.  We went to the hospital to see Susan and Edna R. and then the laundromat and home.

October 5, 1990 - Friday.  I made 8 apple pies and 2 small ones for Jim.  I gave one to Dena and Red, 1 to Ron and Ada and baked 3 up for Henry and put 3 in the freezer for us.

October 6, 1990 - Saturday.  I took Evelyn and we went to help at Deerwood bazaar.

October 7, 1990 - Sunday.  We went to church at Deerwood and I bought a baby quilt for Mary M and husband Darrell.  I got all the squash ready for the oven.

October 8, 1990 - Monday.  I went to Woodland Acres alone.  4 hours.

October 9, 1990 - Tuesday.  I made 5 pies.  3 apple for Henry.  2 for Marie.  2 small ones for Jim. Dena and I went to Mae Nirheim's funeral.  14 of us in uniform.  We had our first hard frost.

October 10, 1990 - Wednesday.  It was a beautiful day.  We took George and Susan and Elsie.  We went to Isanti to see Oscar and Hazel Miller.  We had a nice visit.  163 miles.

October 11, 1990 - Thursday.  I vacuumed all the rooms and dusted.

October 12, 1990 - Friday.  It was 26 degrees and sunny.  We went to Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  We had the oil changed in the car.  So Jeanne picked us up.  I vacuumed the car out when we came home.

October 13, 1990 - Saturday.  I got my hair fixed at 10AM.  I made chili and then we dug out our flower bulbs.  I made a pumpkin pie for John and an apple cake to take along to Wisconsin.

October 16, 1990 - Thursday.  We left for Wisconsin at 7AM.  Stopped by Marie and then arrived by Chick and Judy around 4:30.  We had a bar-b-q chicken supper and then went out by Katie at 7:30PM. Marty and Stacy got married in South Dakota.

October 17, 1990 - Friday.  John and Willie went goose hunting and it snowed.  No geese, only cold. We picked up our onions from Maxine and Warren and had supper and played cards. We were out by Bill and Karen to meet Marty's wife, had supper and visited.  Judy drove home in the rain.  Collette was along also.  We had a good week, but never got back to Horicon.  We seen Jim on Wednesday night. We went to 8 o'clock mass and out for breakfast.

October 22, 1990 - Monday.  We left for home at 7AM.  Stopped by Marie for awhile and we got home at 5PM.

October 23, 1990 - Tuesday.  We had card club by Susan.

October 24, 1990 - Wednesday.  I put 11 containers of apple sauce in the freezer.  We went to Deerwood Senior Citizen.  Paul brought 6 bales of hay to cover the grapes and he trimmed the box elder tree up.

October 25, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was 21 degrees and sunny.  Mary M. had a little girl the 25th. 7 lbs 10 oz.  We went to Minneapolis to the Moscow Circus.  It was really nice.

October 26, 1990 - Friday.  I finished all the windows inside and out.  Harland is cleaning up the leaves.

October 27, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 22 degrees.  We went to Brainerd shopping and to the laundromat.  The wind was 35-45 mph.

October 28, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to 9 o'clock mass and then hung out the wash.  Harland finished picking up the leaves.

October 29, 1990 - Monday.  I and Grace went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.

October 30, 1990 - Tuesday.  Harland had a foot doctor appointment at 10:30.  Tammy called and they're planning to come December 27th and I got a mammogram at the hospital at 11:20.

October 31, 1990 - Wednesday.  Grace, Dorothy and I went to Milaca shopping.  Harland finished the leaves and covered up the grapes.  We got the carrots dug and put away.

November 1, 1990 - Thursday.  All Saints Day.  Dr. Hanske's nurse called and my mammogram was fine.  We went to Ladies Aid by George and Lorna Maghan.  I bought a quilt and Lorna quilted it.  She said it was her therapy after her foot surgery.  I paid $50.00.  I went to 5 o'clock mass.  I got 2 kettles full of apples ready for sauce in the AM.  We put the swing away and the picnic table.

November 2, 1990 - Friday.  I canned 4 pints of apple sauce.

November 3, 1990 - Saturday.  I run the sweeper in 4 rooms and fixed peas and carrots for Crosby Senior Citizens.  We went by George and Susan and played "500".

November 4, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp was 15 degrees and sunny.  I went to mass and I planted a hibiscus.  Susan gave me 2 slips.  Then I raked the leaves off the bank by the road and at 5 o'clock we burned.  I peeled a kettle of apples for pies.  We brought everything in from the fish cleaning house. Apples and cabbage.  I peeled a kettle full of apples for pies.

November 5, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 28 degrees and sunny.  I made 5 apple pies and a cabbage hot dish for Garrison Senior Citizens.

November 6, 1990 - Tuesday.  Today is election.

November 7, 1990 - Wednesday.  I made Danish apple bars.  I made another one and froze it for the Christmas meeting at Pine Lake.  Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.  The temp was 15 degrees.  I pinned the 3rd lap robe together.  I made a salad for Workman's funeral in the AM.

November 8, 1990 - Thursday.  We served 135 people after the funeral.

November 9, 1990 - Friday.  I made 5 large apple pies and 6 small ones for Jim.  So far I've made 29 large ones and 9 small ones.

November 10, 1990 - Saturday.  I went to Brainerd early to the laundromat and the grocery store.  I hung everything outside.  I took Evelyn to Ruttger's for the Lioness style show.  I won a real soft teddy bear for a gift.  I took the clothes off the line and put them away.  I have such a pain in my right knee and leg, I could hardly walk.

November 11, 1990 - Sunday.  I didn't go to mass because of my leg.

November 12, 1990 - Monday.  I didn't go to Woodland Acres.  I went to the doctor instead.  She xrayed my leg.  I'm taking a stronger pill to eliminate the inflammation.

November 13, 1990 - Tuesday.  I finished the 3rd lap robe and mended 2 pair of pants pockets for Harland.  My leg is getting better.

November 14, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp is 38 degrees and cloudy.  We're having our 2nd Pine Lake Senior Citizen thanksgiving dinner at Deerwood Legion.  We then had our card club by Elsie. Paul and Elsie won 1st and Ina and I got booby.

November 15, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp was 29 degrees and sunny.  Harland got a protime at 9:15 and an eye doctor appointment at 10:30.  We done some grocery shopping and came home.  We went by George and Susan, picked up our commodities and played cards.

November 16, 1990 - Friday.  The temp was 26 degrees and sunny.  I finished the apples.  We went to Deerwood smorgasbord at the Legion.

November 17, 1990 - Saturday.  I cleaned house to the front room.  We went down to V.F.W. for chicken.

November 18, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to mass and cooled it the rest of the day.

November 19, 1990 - Monday.  I picked Susan up for 4 hours at Woodland Acres.  We fixed the urns up on the cemetery.

November 20, 1990 - Tuesday. I'm washing the walls in the front room.  Harland spray painted the (chuabs?) picture frames, etc.

November 21, 1990 - Wednesday.  We got some rain last night and this AM.  We went to the laundromat, done some shopping and I went to the doctor at 1PM and we came home.  I made 2 pumpkin pies.  One for tomorrow by Dena and Red.  I'll bake an apple pie in the AM.  We are really enjoying this November weather.  The temps are 10 to 15 degrees above normal.  It was 59 degrees in Brainerd.  It seemed more like spring this AM than November 21st.

November 22, 1990 - Thursday.  Our weather was beautiful, in the 40's, but windy.  I done 2 weeks ironing and fixed squash for dinner today.  I stamped a set of towels for a Christmas present for Stacy.

November 23, 1990 - Friday.  It's 15 degrees, cloudy and breezy.  I talked to Judy and Marie yesterday.  I washed another part of the front room paneling.  It sure needed it.  I started writing out our Christmas cards.

November 24, 1990 - Saturday.  I run the sweeper in the kitchen, bath and porch.  I washed another part of paneling.

November 25, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to mass and then we went to Aitkin for Sunday brunch and then went to Brainerd to the show ("Home Alone"), a real family show.  We finished our Christmas shopping at Kmart.

November 26, 1990 - Monday.  Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres.  We got freezing rain.  It was slick coming home, 25 mph.

November 27, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp is 22 degrees.  It's just one sheet of ice.

November 28, 1990 - Wednesday.  The temp was 6 degrees and sunny.  I got a permanent by Lois.  At 1 o'clock I went to the Guild meeting.  Henry Oberg brought over a 24 lb turkey to roast for Crosby Senior Citizens.  Paul and Grace came over and we had a good time.

November 29, 1990 - Thursday.  Temp was 8 degrees and sunny.  I went to Brainerd shopping and the laundromat.  George and Susan came over.  Nice visit.

November 30, 1990 - Friday.  The temp is 27 degrees.  We got 3 inches of snow.  I put the turkey in the oven.

December 1, 1990 - Saturday.  I sliced the turkey breast and got dressing in the oven and I made gravy.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizen and the dinner was delicious.  The temp was 18 degrees and sunny.

December 2, 1990 - Sunday.  The temp is 11 degrees and sunny.  I went to mass at 9:00.  I baked our fruitcake and Sally Ann cookies.

December 3, 1990 - Monday.  Temp is 8 degrees and sunny.  I took Grace and we went to Woodland Acres for 4 hours.  I made dinner for Paul and Grace, George and Susan and us.  We had leftover turkey, etc.  V.G.

December 4, 1990 - Tuesday.  It was just 0 and sunny.  I made apple crisp for Garrison Senior Citizens.  I finished ironing the quilt pieces.  I started our mobiles for state hospital.

December 5, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's 18 degrees.  I finished our mobiles for state hospital.

December 6, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 8 degrees and sunny.  I baked 2 pies for Ladies Aid.

December 7, 1990 - Friday.  Temp is 28 degrees and sunny.  I got my hair fixed by Lois.

December 8, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 26 degrees and sunny.  It was in the 40's.  The snow was melting and dripping off the roof.  We had our V.F.W. Christmas party tonite.

December 9, 1990 - Sunday.  Temp was 34 degrees and the high was 52 degrees and sunny.  I went to mass, then we made a batch of seafoam, made lunch, Evelyn picked us up, went to Deerwood Kid's Christmas party and pot luck.  We went to the cantata at Salem Church.

December 10, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was 28 degrees.  I took Grace and Susan to the nursing home.

December 11, 1990 - Tuesday.  The temp was 29 degrees and cloudy.  Grace picked us up and we went to Woodland Acres for the monthly birthday party paid for by V.F.W. Auxiliary.  I got our laundry ready for AM.

December 12, 1990 - Wednesday.  Temp is 28 degrees and snowing.  Done our laundry, shopping, went to the bank, dinner at 12:15.

December 13, 1990 - Thursday.  The temp is 6 degrees.  We went to the V.F.W. Christmas party.  I won a bottle of wine.  Harland got $5.00.

December 14, 1990 - Friday.  The temp was 20 degrees and sunny.  We went to Pine Like Christmas dinner and gift exchange.  Very nice.

December 15, 1990 - Saturday.  The temp was 15 degrees and sunny.

December 16, 1990 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and helped with the bake sale and we had coffee.

December 17, 1990 - Monday.  Temp is 3 degrees and sunny.  We had card club here.  Today Grace is 71 years old.

December 18, 1990 - Tuesday.  Temp is 6 degrees.  We went to Brainerd on business and laundromat. I wrapped Christmas gifts and dried the clothes.

December 19, 1990 - Wednesday.  Temp is 15 above and snow.

December 20, 1990 - Thursday.  It's really snowing.

December 21, 1990 - Friday.  Temp is 6 degrees, getting last minute things done.  Stacy and Marty had a 9 lb 15 oz baby boy.  Everything is fine.

December 22, 1990 - Saturday.  Temp is 28 below and sunny.  The kids arrived at 2:30.

December 23, 1990 - Sunday.  We are really in a cold snap.  The kids went ice fishing every day.

December 24, 1990 - Monday.  I'm getting our Christmas dinner going.  Bill brought a turkey duck.  I baked a pie (apple).

December 25, 1990 - Tuesday.  We had dinner around 2PM.  V.good.

December 26, 1990 - Wednesday.  It's -26 and breezy.  The boys are still fishing.  I fixed some fish up for Marie.  I think her speech as improved.

December 27, 1990 - Thursday.  We're still in a deep freeze.  Tam and Bill came around 2:30.  We're having a real good visit.

December 28, 1990 - Friday.  It's 21 degrees above 0.  The boys are fishing in front of Red's.  All tolled, they got 17 northern and 40 crappies.

December 29, 1990 - Saturday.  The cold really holds on.  Bill, Jim and Marie left at 8:00.  Tam and Bill left about 9:45AM for Minneapolis where they'll stay over nite and their plane leaves at 7AM.  I stripped all the beds and picked up everything and went to the laundromat in Brainerd.

December 30, 1990 - Sunday.  It was -29 and clear.  I didn't go to mass.  I dried the clothes and sprinkled my ironing.

December 31, 1990 - Monday.  The temp was -6 and sunny.  We took the tree down and put everything away.  After dinner I done my ironing.  I watched 1990 out and welcomed 1991.

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