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Saturday, June 7, 2014


January 1, 1985 - Tuesday.  I washed up the rest of the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.  I finished the bed throw 40 x 60 inches and 4 stocking caps for Vet's hospital.  We went by Mom.  She was the same, but George will go to the hospital, possibly more surgery.  The stump is all black.

January 2, 1985 - Wednesday.  It's -28, cold and sunny.

January 3, 1985 - Thursday.  Marlyn Benson brought Louise over and George passed away in his sleep.  He was in so much pain when we stopped Tuesday.  We went to Ladies Aid 1st so I could get rid of the secretary job.  We then picked Louise up and went to the funeral home.  We helper her pick out the casket and then we ordered flowers and took Louise home.  She didn't want anything to eat.  We offered.

January 5, 1985 - Saturday.  Marie and Cec came for the funeral.

January 6, 1985 - Sunday.  We went to 9:00 mass and we then went to Schmitty's for dinner and Harland and I went Brainerd to pick Lucille and Jerrald and Cheryl up from the bus.  Marie and Cec picked Mom up from the nursing home and we went to view George.  It was light snow all day.

January 7, 1985 - Monday.  We went to the funeral home to view George and for the funeral at 10AM.  We took him to Fort Snelling for burial.  Paul drove.  There was I, Grace and Louise.  Harland rode with the hearse.  Albert Miller passed away.  He had cancer.

(George F. Heid, 1923-1985, buried at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis)

January 8, 1985 - Tuesday.  Albert was buried today.  I baked a cake.  I've been sewing on another bed throw for the Vets.

January 10, 1985 - Thursday.  Cec and I went into Brainerd.  We stopped by Mom and she was really nervous.  I think she thought Marie, Lucille, and everyone was still by us.

January 13, 1985 - Sunday.  We went to 9:00 mass and then we went to the Lions pancake breakfast at noon.  I finished the bed throw today.

January 14, 1984 - Monday.  It's 2 degrees and wind chill is -29.  We finally got heat in the car. It was the heat core.  Grace, Cec and I went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.

January 15, 1985 - Tuesday.  I started another bed throw for Vets hospital.

January 16, 1985 - Wednesday.  It was 10 degrees above this AM.  I sewed more strips on.

January 19, 1985 - Saturday.  I cleaned part of the house, made chili as the weather was good for chili.  At 6PM it was -23 and wind chill is -77.  We had -38 this AM.

January 20, 1985 - Sunday.  The wind chill was -90 this AM.  We didn't go to church.  Cec and I sewed another bed cover top for Vets hospital.  Just cooled it otherwise.

January 21, 1985 - Monday.  Cec and I picked up Grace and we went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  It wasn't so cold today.  Above 0.

January 22, 1985 - Tuesday.  I finished the 6th bed cover top.

January 23, 1985 - Wednesday.  I baked a cake for Deerwood Senior Citizens.  Harland got a hair cut at Crosby.  I got rid of my 2nd secretary job.  We played cards and came home.

January 24, 1985 - Thursday.  I sewed on a filling for the bed cover, we run the sweeper.  Harland went fishing. He got 10 crappies.  I picked Grace up and we went to Crosby Hospital to see Margaret Abear.  It really snowed when we came home.  We stopped by Elsie awhile also.

January 25, 1985 - Friday.  Harland went to see Dr. Musty at 11:15 and at 1:00 he went to see Dr. Moran.  He will get a new lens for his good eye.  

January 26, 1985 - Saturday.  Evelyn picked Cec and I up and we went to Deerwood for 5:00 mass.  I had some masses said for George.

January 27, 1985 - Sunday.  I roasted the last 1/2 of the turkey for our card club Wednesday.  I made apricot salad for the car club at church and apple crisp and hot dish.  Cec won 1st playing "500".  George Forester had such a cold.

January 28, 1985 - Monday.  I picked Grace up and Cec and I went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  Mom was good.  We all went down to V.F.W.  Frieda and I sold coffee and doughnuts.

January 29, 1985 - Tuesday.  I sliced the turkey and got my cleaning done.  I sure is cold.  Wind chill is 55 below.

January 30, 1985 - Wednesday.  We had our turkey dinner here at noon and then we played "500".  I and George won 1st.   Harland and Elsie low.  George should have stayed home with his cold and flue, his eyes were bloodshot and swollen and he was still blowing.

January 31, 1985 - Thursday.  I got a relapse of the cold and flue.  I went back to bed and laid on the davenport.

February 1, 1985 - Friday.  It was really cold.  34 below.  After lunch we went to Brainerd.  Harland got his new lens and we done our shopping, etc.  It was really cold.   I wore my insulations.

February 2, 1985 - Saturday.  We went to Senior Citizens at Crosby and we stopped by Elsie and gave her her birthday cards.

February 3, 1985 - Sunday.  It was 28 below.  We didn't go to church.  I washed clothes, run the sweeper, made ham, scalloped potatoes for dinner.  I fixed my hair and Cec washed hers and I rolled it up.  She used the hair dryer as she can't shake her cold.

February 4, 1985 - Monday.  Grace picked me up and spent 7 hours there and I finished our shopping for our Florida trip.  Cec done my ironing and I fried fish for supper and packed our suitcases.  It was 24 below this AM.  Tonite at 10:30 it's -12.  Mom was real good today, but her weight is now 110 1/2 lbs.  She was real bright and sang a couple songs.

February 5, 1985 - Tuesday.  We picked up Hively's and went to Brainerd to catch the bus.  Left McDonald's at 10:30AM.  Cec brought the car home. We had supper at Bishoff in Des Moines, Iowa.

February 6, 1985 - Wednesday.  9 degrees in Des Moines this AM.  Left at 7:30AM for Peducah, Kentucky.  Had a fruit breakfast.  Chet lost his billfold with $500.00 in, but Bill called and the manager found it.  We left Illinois, went thru Kentucky and now in Tennessee.  We ate at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Nashville.  We run out of snow 50 miles from Chattanooga, Tennessee.  We're staying in the Red Roof Inn in Atlanta, Georgia.  It's 36 degrees at 8PM.

February 8, 1985 - Thursday.  Got up at 5:10 and left at 6AM.  Had breakfast at the Waffle House in Atlanta.  We arrived in Orlando, Florida at 4:30.

February 9, 1985 - Friday.  We had breakfast at Denny's and left for Disneyland.  It was a very interesting day.

February 10, 1985 - Saturday.  We went to Epcot Center.  Another very good day.  Bought T-shirts for Marty and Collette.

February 11, 1985 - Sunday.  I'm writing out cards, getting ready to leave Orlando for Tampa.  We didn't go to Busch Gardens because it rained.  I had diahrrea and I'm sick.

February 12, 1985 - Monday.  It's 52 degrees and sunny.  Low for tonite is 32 degrees.  We had coffee and rolls in our room.  I feel good this AM.  High was 50 degrees.  We went to Clearwater, Florida to the Kapok Tree Inn.  Very beautiful place.  Dinner on Bill and Betty.

February 13, 1985 - Tuesday.  We left Tampa at 6:30AM to Pensacola.  Drove 550 miles.  We gained an hour, had a smorgasbord.  We played 9 bid, Frieda and I lost.

February 14, 1985 - Wednesday.  52 degrees in Pensacola, leaving for the ocean and Sherman Air Museum.  Then on to see USS Alabama and the submarine.  I got some sand for Dorothy Boucher from the Atlantic Ocean.  We stayed at the Best Western, had cheese, crackers, wine at 5PM.  Had supper.  We could have free mixed drinks and ice cream sundaes to make ourselves.

February 15, 1985 - Thursday.  We had a free breakfast at the motel.  We then went to Bellingrath Gardens and home.  It was really beautiful.

February 16, 1985 - Friday.  Had a free breakfast at the motel.  Left for Nashville at 7:45.  410 miles.  We drove by Elvis Presley's home and plane and then on to St. Paul's Catholic Church for 5:30 mass.  A big beautiful church.

February 17, 1985 - Saturday.  We're headed for Kansas City, Missouri.  Bill and Betty took us out for supper, 5 course meal at Stephenson's Apple Restaurant.  V. good, but too much food.  Hickory nut pie for dessert, also free apple cider.

February 18, 1985 - Sunday.  We're headed for Minneapolis, our last nite in a motel.  Budgetel before heading for Garrison.

February 19, 1985 - Monday.  Got to Garrison at 10AM.  Cec was there to pick us up.  Our toilet didn't work.  I called Ed Elmer.  He pumped the tank and used steam.  Cost $60.00, but it works OK.  Food for our trip was $212.17.

February 20, 1985 - Tuesday.  We went to Brainerd, got Cec's bus ticket to Cameron, Wisconsin.  I washed all our clothes up from the trip.

February 21, 1985 - Wednesday.  We played cards by Susan and George, our 1st card club.  Cec and Harland won 1st and George and Susan, low.  It rained last nite.  Our temp this AM was 32 degrees.  I baked a cake for Golden Age Friday at Aitkin.

February 22, 1985 - Thursday.  George and Susan picked us and Erma up for Golden Age at Aitkin.  Our weather is beautiful.  I took Cec to the bus for Marie's house at 8:15AM.

February 23, 1985 - Saturday.  I cleaned the house, took turkey thighs out and apple cobbler from the freezer.

February 24, 1985 - Sunday.  I went to Garrison to church and just cooled it the rest of the day.  We had lite snow last nite.

February 25, 1985 - Monday.  Harland had a doctor appointment (Musty) for his check up for eye surgery (10:30-12:30).  I stopped by Mom.  She didn't want me to go.

Feburary 26, 1985 - Tuesday.  Harland went to the foot doctor and then got his protime (blood) test from Dr. Musty for his upcoming eye surgery.  I washed clothes after lunch.

February 27, 1985 - Wednesday.  The temp is -5, but it's supposed to reach 30 degrees this afternoon.  Harland had his surgery on the left eye this AM.  He left the hospital at 10:30AM.  I got up at 5AM and we left her at 6:15AM.

February 28, 1985 - Thursday.  It's 28 degrees and sunny, windy.  Harland had a rough night.  We went in to see Dr. Moran (eye).  We had 53 degrees at 4PM and sunny.

March 1, 1985 - Friday.  It was 28 degrees and sunny.  We went to see Dr. Moran.  He took the eye patch off during the day, on at nite.  He needs it for protection at nite. It was 38 degrees at 4PM.  Paul and Grace picked me up for church.

March 2, 1985 - Saturday.  It's 9 degrees and cloudy.  I'm cleaning house.  Paul and Grace went along with me to Deerwood 5:00 mass.  We then had turkey soup, sandwiches and then played dirty clubs.  I and Harland won.  There's a storm coming.

March 3, 1985 - Sunday.  It's 24 degrees above and snowing and windy.

March 4, 1985 - Monday.  It's still snowing and blowing.  Everything is closed down.  Nothing moving.  Bill called and Sharon is in the hospital with seizures.  Their plant was shut down, so Bill was going to the hospital this AM.  I shoveled the porch off and there was 3 feet of snow on the porch.  I made a pillow to go with the baby quilt.

March 5, 1985 - Tuesday.  The plow went thru and Red will get the ladder so I can shovel off the roof.  Paul came up and plowed out the driveway.  Red shoveled the roof partly off and after dinner I finished it over our bedroom.  I fixed meatloaf, meatballs and Swiss steak.  The weather was beautiful and sunny.

March 6, 1985 - Wednesday.  I talked to Bill last nite and Sharon had 4 grand mal seizures and she has 3 crushed vertabraes.  It's 10 degrees above and partly cloudy.  Grace and I will go to Woodland Acres.  Senior Citizens was called off yesterday because of weather.  Sharon came home from the hospital.  She has epilepsy.

March 7, 1985 - Thursday.  It was 28 degrees this AM.  I made beef stew for Ladies Aid.  We cut out quilt pieces and sorted them out.  We went down by Chet and Frieda.  She made Harland a pecan pie.  The snow settled a foot today.

March 8, 1985 - Friday.  Today is Marty's 13th birthday.  It's 20 above.  Harland had a 10AM eye doctor appointment.  Then we went to Golden Age at Cutler.  Then we went to Aitkin.  I got a blanket to put in the baby's quilt.

March 9, 1985 - Saturday.  It's 20 degrees and sunny.  Chick is 43 years old today.  I really cleaned house today, fixed my hair and cut out a pillow for Mom's wheelchair.

March 10, 1985 - Sunday.  I put the baby quilt together and went to 9AM mass.  The weather is beautiful.  The snow is really going.

March 11, 1985 - Monday.  It's 19 degrees and light snow.  Grace picked I, Susan and Frieda up for Woodland Acres.  Mom was good.  She asked if we heard from Cec and I said, "No".  She said, "Hasn't she got any paper and pencil?"  Dorothy Schumann called and the doctor said Alfred could last only 1-2 days.

March 12, 1985 - Tuesday.  It was 11 degrees this AM.  I got a permanent by Lois this AM.  After dinner we went to Brainerd.  Harland got a white shirt.  I finished the baby quilt also.

March 13, 1985 - Wednesday.  It was 24 degrees.  I washed clothes and run the sweeper. I stamped a set of dish towels.  We had our card club by Chet and Frieda.  We made plans for all of us to go out to eat.  I embroidered when we came home.  I went to bed at 1AM.  I can't sleep when I eat late at night.

March 14, 1985 - Thursday.  It's 22 degrees and sunny.  I done more sewing, baked a cake and oatmeal cookies.  Susan and I worked at the V.F.W. and I took a cake.

March 15, 1985 - Friday.  We went to H&R Block and had our income tax checked.  Finished our shopping.  I finished the 5th bed throw and pinned the last one together for this winter.  It was 15 degrees this AM and partly cloudy.  Dorothy Schumann called and Alfred passed away this AM at 11:00.

March 16, 1985 - Saturday.  I run the sweeper, made a double batch of zucchini bread and lemon zucchini bars and took them along for Chick, Judy and T.J.  I washed my hair and washed the car.  I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.

March 17, 1985 - Sunday.  We left at 7:30AM for Wisconsin.  We stopped by the nursing home for awhile and then continued on to Chick and Judy's.  It was 4:20PM when we arrived.  Jim came over and picked up his frozen stuff.  We went by Katie and Willie and stayed.

March 18, 1985 - Monday.  We were by Maxine before dinner.  We came home and changed clothes for the funeral.  We had services at the funeral home and then went to church for lunch.  I drove 442 miles.

March 19, 1985 - Tuesday.  The remains were taken to Lowell Cemetery at 10AM and we then left for Ladysmith.  We stayed by Marie overnite.  Her porch is really nice and a good improvement.

(Alfred Schumann, 1902-1985, buried in Lowell Cemetery)
Dorothy Schumann, ? - 2006)

March 20, 1985 - Wednesday.  We left Marie and Cec at 8:10AM before the driveway thawed up.  We got home at 12:20PM.  We made 944 miles round trip.

March 21, 1985 - Thursday.  The weather is really beautiful and the snow is almost gone.  It was in the 50's.  I baked a cake for our card party by Knutson's in Brainerd.  I'm reading Cristy Lane's life story to Harland.  His eyes are very slow in improving.  I'm embroidering a set of dish towels.

March 22, 1985 - Friday.  It was 32 degrees this AM.  We went to Deerwood to the bank.  If no money is added to a trust fun in 5 years, it is automatically turned over to the state.  We added $1.00 to Jim's savings as it was dormant also.  Now it's good for another 5 years.  I went to Stations of the Cross with Paul and Grace and we played dirty clubs after church.

March 23, 1985 - Saturday.  I fried chicken for dinner and fixed a beef roast for later and I cleaned house.  Evelyn came over and we had a real nice visit.  We are having wet snow.  The ground is covered.

March 24, 1985 - Sunday.  We got 1 inch of snow.  I went to 9:00 mass at Garrison.  At 11AM we picked up Chet and Frieda, Paul and Grace and we met George and Susan over at Aitkin for brunch.  It was our 2nd card club treat.  We then played "500" by Chet and Frieda.  We had jello and birthday cake (Frieda was 79).

March 25, 1985 - Monday.  Grace and I went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  I fixed beef roast, carrots, potatoes, had Evelyn, Paul and Grace over for supper.  John called and Michelle had a little girl, 6 lbs+, Nicole Lynn.  After supper, Dena and I sold coffee and doughnuts.  The rest played Bingo, but no one won.

March 26, 1985 - Tuesday.  It was 30 degrees and cloudy, but reached in the mid 50's.  I washed clothes today.  Washed Mom's housecoat and ironed it.

March 27, 1985 - Wednesday.  It's 32 degrees and cloudy.  I'm making apple crisp for Deerwood Senior Citizens.  Paul and Grace and us got ice cream.  Elsie Napp will bake a birthday cake.  Emma Elmore is 95 years old.  I'm sewing on 3 more hot dish carriers and I finished a set of dish towels.

March 28, 1985 - Thursday.  I sewed on the carriers.  We got 3 inches of really wet snow.

March 29, 1985 - Friday.  Harland went to Dr. Moran (eye).  We got a pink dress for Nicole and a dress for Mom for her 95th birthday.

March 30, 1985 - Saturday.  It was 21 degrees this AM.  I cleaned house, washed my hair.  Evelyn picked me up and we went to Deerwood.  She looked at a davenport and we stopped at the rabbit show at the auditorium, then went to 5 o'clock mass.  Palm Sunday and reading of the Passion.  I finished 2 hot dish carriers.

March 31, 1985 - Sunday.  It's 27 degrees and cloudy.  Twin Cities is getting snow, up to 8 inches.  So far we're just cloudy.  I done my ironing.  We, Evelyn, Har and I went to the Y for dinner and we spent the afternoon with Evie.  Had a nice visit.

April 1, 1985 - Monday.  Grace picked me up and we spent 7 hours at Woodland Acres.  Mom's looking forward to her birthday, her 95th.

April 2, 1985 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes and we're going to Garrison Senior Citizens.  I made a hot dish.  I went to confession.

April 3, 1985 - Wednesday.  I washed dishes and baked applesauce cookies, some for Mom.  I took her dress up and stopped and got her a plant from Marie and Cec.  I fed her her dinner, spent 5 hours with her.  She was good and she said, "Thank God for her beautiful daughter".  She really made my day.  I'm going to Auxiliary meeting.

April 4-5, 1985 - Thursday & Friday.  I cleaned part of the house, went to church at 3PM.  We went to Aitkin to see about a John Deere lawn mower.

April 6, 1985 - Saturday.  We went to Patrick Sales about a lawn mower.  They're more expensive than Aitkin is.  We got 1/2 dozen red and white carnations.  We gave 3 to Dena and saved 3 for Mom.  We were over by Dena for Easter dinner at 5PM.

April 7, 1985 - Sunday.  Debbie is 30 years old today.  Harland and I went to 9:00 mass.  I made ham dinner and we went by Mom and then stopped by Louise.  Louise is getting things straightened out.  There were snow showers this afternoon.  Louise's sister called, wondered why she doesn't write.  She asked if she was drinking!  I made an angel food cake for Betty Johnston's 85th birthday.

April 8, 1985 - Monday.  I cleaned the shower, made frosting and then we went to Betty's 85th birthday party at V.F.W.  I painted the ceiling in the shower when we came home.

April 9, 1985 - Tuesday.  I went in to see Mom and she was real good.  The weather is beautiful, but windy.  I painted the shower ceiling, 2nd coat.  We started to rake lawn.  What a job.

April 10, 1985 - Wednesday.  It was 34 degrees this AM, sunny.  I washed the walls, etc in the bathroom and the woodwork in the kitchen.

April 11, 1985 - Thursday.  I washed clothes and ironed and put the curtains up in the bathroom.  I baked a cake for V.F.W. and fixed chicken for dinner.  I helped cleaned up at V.F.W. tonite.

April 12, 1985 - Friday.  It is 40 degrees and cloudy and windy.  Harland is 76 years old today.  We went to Cutler Senior Citizen.  The wind was really cold.  We went down by George and Susan.  Her and I won 3 games to 2.

April 13, 1985 - Saturday.  It was 32 degrees and damp and cold.  We got some rain.  We went with Paul and Grace to the electric meeting.  Paul won a book, otherwise no one won.

April 14, 1985 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass and at noon, Musils and us went to eat at the Korner Restaurant.  Then we went to Pierz's and stopped and shopped.  Came back and stopped at Dairy Queen and came home.

April 15, 1985 - Monday.  It's 36 degrees and sunny.  Mom was uptight.  I started raking on the east side.  I'm trying to get the raking done, but it was so windy.

April 18, 1985 - Thursday.  It is 30 degrees and sunny.  I baked an apple pie and fixing a turtle dinner for Musils and Evelyn and Hively's and us.  I've finished raking the bank and driveway.  The ice went out of Borden today.

April 19, 1985 - Friday.  Harland had an eye doctor appointment.  His left eye will have 20/20 vision with the new lens.  I done more raking.

April 20, 1985 - Saturday.  It was so windy.  I couldn't rake, so I painted the little house on the outside.  I washed my hair and Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.

April 21, 1985 - Sunday.  Today Marie is 73 years old.  We picked up the leaves I raked before in the ditch and I raked in the back.  We had a cook out by Red.  We furnished the steaks, had baked potatoes, salad, hot vegetables and apple crisp.  We're really getting some severe weather.  Rain, winds up to 70 mph and strong lightning.

April 22, 1985 - Monday.  Grace picked Frieda and I up and we went to Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  Mom was sleepy all forenoon.

April 23, 1985 - Tuesday.  I went back to Woodland Acres for the monthly birthday party.  Mom is 95.  I painted the privy on the outside.

April 24, 1985 - Wednesday.  We went to Deerwood Senior Citizen.  Harland got a hair cut at Crosby.  I stopped at the bowling alley for Ray's stuff, but it was locked.  It sure is wet out.

April 25, 1985 - Thursday.  I washed clothes today and ironed 5 dress shirts, etc.

April 26, 1985 - Friday.  It is 30 degrees, snow showers.

April 28, 1985 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass.  Changed my clothes and painted 3 docks.  We picked Evelyn and Lena up and we went to the smelt fry at the Y.

April 29, 1985 - Monday.  We left at 11AM for Bagley, Minnesota.  We stayed in a motel at night.  Left at 6:35AM for home.  We stopped at Fleet Farm, got a battery, 2 seat cushions for the boat, etc.  Stopped by Mom.  She wasn't good at all.  We dug weeds out of the garden and spread manure.

May 1, 1985 - Wednesday.  The temp is 52 degrees and sunny.  I finished painting the docks.  I finished spreading the 1st pile of manure and we cleaned up behind the sheds.

May 2, 1985 - Thursday.  We went to Ladies Aid and I painted when we came home.  Put the oriole feeder up.  The yellow finches are here.

May 3, 1985 - Friday.  Grace picked me up and we went to Minneapolis by Evelyn.  We went shopping.  I bought myself a spring jack and a winter coat.

May 4, 1985 - Saturday.  We went to 5:00 mass at Holy Family.  We came home, ate supper and relaxed.

May 5, 1985 - Sunday.  We left Evelyn's at 9AM, went to Cub Foods and done some shopping.  Got strawberries, watermelon.  Will take some watermelon to Mom.  I planted out our mums and I planted 5 over by Dena's.  I painted the tree stumps and the stand for the swan.

May 6, 1985 - Monday.  Grace and I went to Woodland Acres.

May 8, 1985 - Wednesday.  Grace took Har, I, Marie and Cec into Brainerd.  We left for West Bend, Iowa and the Grotto.  It was just beautiful.

May 9, 1985 - Thursday.  We went to Pella, Iowa to the Tulip Festival.  It was really hot and windy.  84 degrees and sunny.  There was a lot of sunburned faces, etc.  Cec passed out before we boarded the bus, but was OK after we ate supper.  It was a real nice trip.  Marie is ready to go again.

May 11, 1985 - Saturday.    Marie and Cec left for home.

May 14, 1985 - Tuesday.  We had card club here at noon.

May 21, 1985 - We had R.S.V.P. dinner at the Elks.  Over 400 people in attendance.

May 25, 1985 - Saturday.  Jim, Chick, Larry Schaus got here about 1:30AM.  They left after work last night. They got beautiful blues at Turner.  The biggest ever.  Mille Lacs didn't produce too many perch though.

May 29, 1985 - Wednesday.  Marie came

June 1, 1985 - Saturday.  The kids left at 8:45AM and Marie left at 8:30AM.  I washed all 8 sheets and ironed them.  At 1:30, Katie and Willie came.  They sure had a lousy week.  Only 4 packages of fish and cold weather.  Rain and windy.  Willie worked up the garden and we set out plants and they went home.

June 6, 1985 - Thursday.  We finished planting everything.  Katie and Willie went home.  Thank god for their help.  They gave us $100.00.

June 7, 1985 - Friday.  I cleaned the kitchen, porch, bathroom and Harland had a doctor appointment with Dr. Musty for his rupture.  No surgery yet.  I washed 6 sheets and everything else.  I'm 71 today and tired.

June 10, 1985 - Monday.  Grace picked I and Frieda up for Woodland Acres.  6 hours.  No card club today.  Movie instead.

June 11, 1985 - Tuesday.  It's cold and a good rain.  We had a cook out for Ron and Ada Austin from Indiana.  Evelyn was here, too.  We went to the insurance meeting.  Evelyn, Har and I.  At noon, Ada took Dena and I out for lunch at the Viking.

June 12, 1985 - Wednesday.  It was 44 degrees and sunny.  I fixed 5 pair pants for myself (new elastic) and sewed 2 hot dish carriers.

June 13, 1985 - Thursday.  Harland had a 9AM eye doctor appointment and a 10:00 hospital appointment for his stress test.  He came out at 11:30 and we got something to eat, done our shopping and went to Crosby and he got his hair cut.  Then we went to see Louise.  She is doing real good.

June 14, 1985 - Friday.  I cleaned most of the house, made 2 pumpkin pies and a beef roast.  John and Michelle and Nicole came around 2PM.  She is a real doll.  So tiny, 10 weeks old and weighs 10 lbs.  Smiles and makes noises already.

June 16, 1985 - Sunday.  Margaret Nierman and I went to mass last nite.  After breakfast we went to Paul Bunyan.  John wanted Michelle to see it.  Then later we went and seen Grandma and we then went to Perkins for supper for Father's Day.  We played poker at night.

June 17, 1985 - Monday.  I picked up Grace, Frieda and Susan for Woodland Acres for 7 hours.  John and Michelle and baby left at 7:20AM.  John had to work at 8PM.

June 18, 1985 - Tuesday.  We played cards by Susan and George.

         (*Anna's journal takes a break for a period of time.  Please start reading the next entry.*)

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