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Friday, June 6, 2014


February 6, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 15 degrees and sunny.

February 7, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 24 degrees and sunny.  We went to Crosby Senior Citizens.  Elsie left for Florida today.  Evelyn picked me up for 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  Our high was 52 degrees and we broke a record.

February 8, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 12 degrees and sunny.  Not so windy as yesterday.  It was 50 mph.  Paul fixed the brushes in the alternator in the car.  We sprayed Tuff for fleas again.

February 9, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 21 degrees and cloudy.  It cleared up before noon and another beautiful day.  Dorothy and I made mint candies hearts and roses for Woodland Acres for their Valentine Party on Saturday.  Harland and Paul went fishing.  No luck.

February 10, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 11 degrees and sunny.  Evelyn and I went to Minneapolis.  Harland and Paul went fishing.  No luck.  I guess they'll hang it up.

February 11, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 22 degrees and party cloudy.  I put clean bedding on and washed clothes.  I hung my ironing outside.  The weather is unbelievable.

February 12, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 25 degrees and cloudy.  We went to Brainerd and picked up our income tax and pills.

February 13, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 21 degrees and cloudy.  I fixed duck and dressing for dinner.  I cleaned kitchen, bath and porch and I wrapped the baby gift and made 2 baby bibs for the shower.

February 14, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 16 degrees, north wind and flurries.  I finished the rest of the cleaning and washed my hair.

February 15, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 4 degrees and windy.  I went to 9:00 mass at Garrison.  We had a pot luck and card party at church at 5PM.  

February 16, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 10 degrees and cloudy.  Susan picked Grace and I up.  We spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  I started another bed cover for the Vets.

February 17, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 7 degrees and sunny.  I sure couldn't sleep last nite.  I started another bed cover 48 x 60 inches and worked on 3 more hot dish carriers.

February 18, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 2 degrees and sunny.  Evelyn picked me up and we went to St. Joe's for our salad luncheon.  I finished a bed cover and started another one.  I can get three 48 x 60 inch covers out of 2 bundles of blocks.  Harland has the flu, in the chest and throat.

February 19, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 6 degrees and partly cloudy.  No snow yet.  I could rake in the front that's cleared off.  I finished the 2nd top bed cover and started the 3rd.

February 20, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 14 degrees and cloudy.  It cleared later in the day.  The temp was in the 40's.  I cleaned kitchen, bath and porch.  Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to Brainerd for a fish fry.

February 21, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 25 degrees and we had light snow, but there's more coming.  We got a dusting of snow and by night it was gone.

February 22, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 24 degrees and snowing, by night it was gone.  I went to 9:00 mass and made a hot dish for night.  Evelyn, Paul, Grace, Ed and Dorothy came over.  We made decorations for St. Patrick's Day where we'll all serve March 4th for Garrison Senior Citizens.

February 23, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 21 degrees and cloudy.  I picked Grace up to go to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.

February 24, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 26 degrees and cloudy.  Harland has a foot doctor appointment this AM.

February 25, 1987 - Wednesday.  The is 22 degrees and cloudy.  The snow that was predicted never came.  We're going to take our dimes and quarters to the bank, then go to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  We went down by Paul and Grace, played dirty clubs.

February 26, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 19 degrees and cloudy.  We reached temps in the low 40's.  I made another bed cover and run the needle in my finger, a fear I always had when I was P.G. with Jim.

February 27, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 21 degrees and cloudy.  The snowstorm didn't materialize, but we could get rain.  My finger is dark and swollen.  I finished another bed cover.

February 28, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 18 degrees, cloudy and windy.  I done cleaning in kitchen, bath and porch.  Evelyn and I went to 8:00 mass at Deerwood.

March 1, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 25 degrees and partly cloudy.  We got about 2 inches of snow last night.  I finished my cleaning this AM.  I made chicken, etc. for dinner.  I talked to Marie and they got 5 inches of snow.

March 2, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 8 degrees and sunny.  Grace picked me up to go to Woodland Acres.

March 3, 1987 - Tuesday.  Te temp was 6 degrees and sunny.  Dorothy and Ed Boucher, Evelyn O, Paul and Grace, and Harland and I served at Garrison.  The Community Center was just filthy.  It was a tiring forenoon.

March 4, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 30 degrees and foggy.  I had another dizzy spell.

March 5, 1987 - Thursday.  Today is Ladies Aid and Auxiliary meeting.  Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, so our Auxiliary meeting is tonight.

March 6, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 36 degrees and sunny.  I washed clothes and hung them out.  It was beautiful.  Our high was 66 degrees and 25 mph wind.  I defrosted the refrigerator in the garage and swept the garage out, put in the margarine in the freezer.

March 7, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 36 degrees and sunny.  I washed my hair and we went into Brainerd at noon.  We went over to Crosby Senior Citizen and we came home.  Evelyn picked me up for 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  Our high for today was 74 degrees, an all time high.  I cleaned out the fish bowl.  We got 4 guppies in Brainerd.

March 8, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 32 degrees and cold north wind.  I planted my foliage that I rooted and put more dirt on some other flowers.  Marty is 15 years old today.  I cleaned kitchen, bath and porch.  I baked 3 loaves of bread and an apple crisp.  The sun is out now.

March 9, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 4 degrees above and sunny and breezy.  Chick is 46 years old.

March 11, 1987 - Wednesday.  It was cloudy and windy.  I made a chiffon cake and an angel food cake from scratch with turkey eggs.

March 12, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 15 degrees and sunny.  I changed our bedding, run the vacuum.

March 13, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 20 degrees and snowing.  The Legion in Deerwood gave the Senior Citizens a pheasant dinner.  We played Bingo from 2-4, then had wine, fruit salad, dinner rolls, and the pheasant dinner and sherbert.  I donated the cake mixes, eggs, frosting and Dorothy Boucher baked the birthday cake for Elmer Anderson's "80th birthday".  We got a covering of snow.

March 14, 1987 - Saturday. The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  I started sewing another bed cover top.  Dena came over and got more drinking water.  Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood.  The temp is 17 degrees and sunny, but cloudy will move in later today.  We picked Evelyn up and went to the Chicken Shack for dinner.  Delicious.  Harland came home and then Evelyn and I went to Brainerd and done some shopping.

March 16, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 22 degrees this AM.  I picked Susan up and went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I baked an angel food cake for our card club tomorrow and took strawberries for topping.

March 17, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 25 degrees and sunny and breezy.  We're going to Miller's for card club.  I finished another bed cover top today.

March 18, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 27 degrees and sunny.  I went to Deerwood church for a retreat.  I left at 1:00 PM to attend Virgil Joiner's funeral at Alliance church at 2PM.

March 19, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 37 degrees and cloudy and windy.  I got a permanent this AM.  Made dinner and then washed clothes.

March 20, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 30 degrees, sunny and not quite so windy.  Harland went to Dr. Musty at 2PM.  We got our car licenses.

March 21, 1987 - Saturday.  Today is the 1st day of spring.  Windy and cold.  I done my cleaning.  Went to 5:00 mass and had Paul and Grace for supper and played cards.  We had a little rain, but it's dry.

March 22, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 26 degrees and sunny with a south wind.  I'm fixing dinner, a rabbit from Evelyn and a pheasant from Jim, a Christmas present for Musil's, Evelyn and us.  We're working on the hangings for the state hospital.

March 23, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 24 degrees and rain.  We could use a lot more.  Grace picked me up for volunteering at Woodland Acres.

March 24, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 36 degrees and sunny.  Grace picked Dorothy and I up and we went to Milaca shopping.  We had a real nice day.  I bought 2 pillow tops to embroider.

March 25, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 34 degrees and sunny.  I finished our 3 weeks ironing and we went to Deerwood Senior Citizens.  I started crocheting on my pillow tops.

March 26, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 29 degrees and cloudy.  Usually the Cities get 50 inches of snow in a winter, but so far has received 17 inches.  This is the brownest winter I can ever remember.

March 27, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 29 degrees and cloudy.  Harland had an appointment for a blood test and at 1PM he seen Dr. Brown for his hand.  Then he had to have another blood test, so we wait for the outcome.

March 28, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 11 degrees and sunny.  The wind chill is -11.

March 29, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is 7 degrees and cold.  I went to 9:00 mass at Garrison.  Made dinner, cleaned up the kitchen and transplanted some 16 flowers in the big pots and planted all our tuberous begonias.  Evelyn stopped in awhile.  I dyed and washed my hair.

March 30, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 6 degrees and sunny.  I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  After supper we went by Paul and Grace.

March 31, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 14 degrees.  I made another bed cover for the Vets and pinned another one together.  I fixed a pair of white slacks for Dena as they're going on their cruise soon.

April 1, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 24 degrees and we got a few snow flurries and it's windy.  I finished the 5th bed cover.

April 2, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 16 degrees and sunny.  We had Ladies Aid at Paul and Grace.  I was hostess and Evelyn assisted.

April 3, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 12 degrees and sunny.  I cleaned the house.

April 4, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 32 degrees and sunny.  Just beautiful.  I started raking the lawn in the front and up to the roses.  Evelyn picked Margaret Nierman and I up for 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  We went over by George and Susan.  The ice went out of Borden Lake.  It's unbelievable for so early.

April 5, 1987 - Sunday.  I finished raking on the east side of the house.  We moved all the leaf bags on the west side.  Harland put some of the leaves on the raspberry bushes.  We went to communal confessions and then we had pot luck at church.

April 6, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  I went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I came home, raked our bank clean and cleaned out the culverts.  Harland helped Margaret clean out Red's lilac bush.

April 7, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 26 degrees.  We're still working outside.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.  I cleaned up more rakings, what Margaret raked up.

April 8, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 28 degrees and sunny.  I'm washing clothes this AM and Evelyn picked me up for the Alter Society in Deerwood.  I took care of the laundry and put all the clothes away.

April 9, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 33 degrees and sunny.  I finished most of the raking and we went to a "Thank You" dinner at the Elks in Brainerd for volunteering for the state hospital.

April 10, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 30 degrees and sunny.  We went to Cutler Senior Citizens.  Earl Emstad picked up the bed cover I made for him.

April 11, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 34 degrees and cloudy.  I've been watering the daffodils, tulips and roses and I finished another hot dish carrier.

April 12, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is 32 degrees.  Harland is 78 years old today.  Today is Palm Sunday.  Margaret and I went to mass in Garrison.  Harland, Margaret and I went to Carlsons Beach for dinner at 5PM.  Very good.  Cecilia Meyer called and Lucille is in intensive care as she had a heart attack in Fort Atkinson.

April 13, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 41 degrees and cloudy.  Grace picked me up and we made 81 Easter favors for the resident's trays.  I made fish, had Margaret over for supper as she's going home tomorrow.  I made my salad for tomorrow and washed up my dishes.

April 14, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 40 degrees and there's a north wind.  We went to Brainerd to get some insurance papers corrected in regards to Harland's hearing aids.  Then we went to Elsie's for our card club.  I finished 3 more hot dish carriers.

April 15, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 35 degrees and sunny.  I went to Guild at church.

April 16, 1987 - Thursday.  Collette is 14 years old today.  The temp was 42 degrees and sunny.  I washed clothes and our bedding down to the mattress.  We planted our 2 red climbers by the window on the porch.

April 17, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 45 degrees and sunny.  The temp is 45 degrees and sunny.  We ttok the car in for a complete muffler, went to the medicine shop and Johnson's Green House and got our bulk seeds.  I went to Good Friday services.  The passion of Jesus.

April 18, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 45 degrees and sunny.  Harland worked up the garden by the house and planted sets of onions and lettuce.  I washed kitchen, bathroom curtains and rugs and 3 winter jackets, etc.  Margaret, Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass at Garrison.  Margaret and I met Dena, Larry, Louise, Nicky and Maria at the V.F.W. for chicken.  It was really windy and still no rain.

April 19, 1987 - Easter Sunday.  The temp is 52 degrees, still windy and dry.  There's a chance of rain tomorrow.  We went to Deerwood to 9:30 mass, went to the Legion for breakfast and came home.  We planted our sweet pea seed.  I finished the ironing.

April 20, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 65 degrees and cloudy and not much wind.  Yesterday the wind was clocked at 53 mph.  I went along to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I planted 3 dahlia bulbs from Marie.

April 21, 1987 - Tuesday.  Today Marie is 75 years old.  The temp is 34 degrees.  We picked Paul and Grace up at 7:15AM and left for Jump River Rosie's and we had dinner with Marie and then we left for Rhinelander.  Chet and Frieda are good.  Frieda started dinner and then we played 6 handed "500".

April 22, 1987 - Wednesday.  We had a tour thru the paper mill and then we done some shopping at Woolworths and had a sandwich and came home, played more "500".  When Barb's husband, Ray, came from work, we went to a nice night club, "The Wood Duck Inn" on the lake.  It was real good.  We had walleye.  We then went out by Ray and Barb's place and it rained which we really need.

April 23, 1987 - Thursday.  Everything looked so nice and green.  We had breakfast and played more "500" and we left around 10AM.  We stopped by Wally and Dorie Henkel.  Wally has lost a lot of weight.  Dorie still looks the same, weight wise.  We left around 11AM for Marie's.  We arrived around 12:30.  Marie wasn't home yet so we just looked around and she came a few minutes later.  We ate dinner and then left for home.  We stopped at Dairy Queen in Milaca and arrived home at 7:15PM.  Tired.

April 24, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 45 degrees and cloudy and still no rain.  I went down to church and helped with the rummage sale.

April 25, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 46 degrees and sunny.  We got a few drops of rain last nite.  Paul and Grace picked us up to go to R.E.A. electric meeting.  The meal was a disaster.  Wild rice, etc.

April 26, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 60 degrees and sunny.  I went to church to help with the rummage sale.  We made over $450.00 and took the remaining rummage by Barb Paige on consignment.  Paul, Grace, Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass.

April 27, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 43 degrees and sunny.  There's no rain in sight.  Grace picked Susan and I up for Woodland Acres.  At 2PM, Woodland Acres had a volunteer luncheon for us.

April 28, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 27 degrees this AM and sunny.  I washed clothes this AM, run the sweeper and made dinner.  I planted our glads by the fish cleaning house.  George and Susan came over and we played "500".

April 29, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 50 degrees and sunny and breezy.  I left our house plants out over nite.

April 30, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 33 degrees and cloudy.  I done my ironing and the T-shirts I bought for Marty from our sale at church.

May 1, 1987 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd and checked on the boat motor and the boat lift.  The temp was 45 degrees and a couple sprinkles.

May 2, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 35 degrees, sunny and breezy.  20 mph east wind.  The guys are putting the docks in today.  I fixed chicken, dressing and squash for dinner.  At 6:30PM by Dena and Red, there were 15 all tolled.

May 3, 1987 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass, made dinner and at nite we set out 6 tomato plants.  Paul and Grace came over for cards.

May 4, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 45 degrees, sunny, no rain yet.  I picked Grace and Susan up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  I'm trying to get all the material cut into 7" x 4" blocks.  I'll sew them this summer.

May 5, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 40 degrees and sunny.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens and then I painted the 3 lawn planters and the 4 posts white.  Harland and I put up our new glaf and I pulled all the cats paws on our lawn and then I started digging out the creeping charley from the 1st rose bush and peony.  I have more to do.

May 6, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 46 degrees and sunny.  I washed clothes today and dug more creeping charlie out of the roses and peonies.  George and Susan picked us up for a pot luck at the V.F.W. building and installation of officers.

May 7, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 42 degrees and sunny.  We had Ladies Aid at Roy's Cafe in Deerwood.  Evelyn and I worked for a funeral in Deerwood.

May 8, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 33 degrees and sunny, but it didn't freeze last nite as our tomatoes weren't covered and I had house plants on the front porch.  We went into Brainerd to pick up the boat and motor, but it wasn't quite ready so we came home and went to Pine Lake Senior Citizens.  I finished cleaning out one set of roses and peonies.  We then went back to Brainerd and we picked up the boat and motor.  I washed dishes and baked a cake for Crosby Senior Citizens as Susan, George and us served.  The high for today was 84 degrees.

May 9, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 60 degrees and sunny, breezy.  I washed my hair and then we planted 5 lbs potatoes, parsnips, carrots and beets.  We're serving at Crosby today.  George, Susan, Elsie, Harland and I went to the Senior Prom in Brainerd given by the Brainerd high school students.  They'll be an asset to our country.

May 10, 1987 - Sunday.  Mother's Day.  The temp is 50 degrees.  It really cooled off.  It's cloudy, hope we get some rain.  Yah, we did about 20 drops.  We went to Waterfall Inn for dinner and stopped at Landsberg Nursery, got two mums to replace the two that winter killed.  I planted the mums and worked the ground around them.  I started to clean around the roses, but it's too hot.

May 11, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 52 degrees.  I called the doctor as Harland was having stomach pains.  I went to the nursing home for 5 hours.  When I came home I took Harland to the doctor in Brainerd for a 3:00 appointment.  I made my stew for tomorrow.

May 12, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 50 degrees and windy and sunny.  No rain yet.  We had card club here.  Oscar and Hazel won high.  Harland got low.

May 13, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 60 degrees and windy.  Evelyn and I went to the Alter Society meeting at Sportsman Club.  We then stopped to see Margaret Abear.  She had gall bladder surgery and the doctor removed 75% of her stomach that was cancerous.  We went to Twin Pines for supper.  Tomrrow is a clear liquid diet for Harland's xrays.

May 14, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 50 degrees and sunny and a north wind.  Harland planted squash seed last night.  We planted 5 Colorado blue spruce trees.  Harland is on a jello, liquid diet today for his tests tomorrow at the hospital.  Paul and Grace came over.  Paul greased the trailer wheels and one is froze, so I'll get the parts tomorrow.

May 15, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 56 degrees and sunny.  We left for Brainerd at 7:45AM to the hospital for xrays, etc.  I done some of the shopping.  When Harland was thru, we went to Perkins for breakfast.  We mowed lawn when we got home.  I dug around the rose bush and in front of the steel shed and, after supper, I painted the front side of the fence around the sweet peas to keep the cat out.

May 16, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 63 degrees and sunny.  The temp reached 94 degrees.  I backed lemon zucchini bars, 2 loaves of zucchini bread and I baked a batch of tea rolls for the bake sale at church.  I sold poppies for 1 1/2 hours.  It was so hot.  We went to the V.F.W. for chicken.  I painted the fencing by the sweet peas.

May 17, 1987 - Sunday.  It really cooled off.  We made $108.00 at our bake sale.  Harland put the fencing up.  Hopefully, it'll keep Tuff out.

May 18, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 40 degrees and rain.  Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.

May 19, 1987 - Tuesday.  I planted our swan planter and round one.  We went to Aitkin, got insurance on the boat motor and trailer.  At 11:00AM, I went down and we counted the money we collected on poppy sales.  Almost $700.00.  We defrosted the big freezer in the garage, made room for the kids and their fish.  I'm fixing meat for next week.

May 20, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is in the 40's, cloudy and rainy.  I made 2 batches of rhubarb and cherry jam.  I fixed a pan of hamburgers and cooked up the gizzards.  Paul and Grace stopped and gave me some flowers to plant.  Very different, but pretty.

May 21, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 56 degrees and rainy.  I washed clothes and dried them in the house and dryer.  I cleaned the basement and scrubbed the steps down.  I made another batch of rhubarb and cherry jam for us and the kids.  Cec would have been 71 years old today.

May 22, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 37 degrees, but we covered everything up anyway.  the boys got here at 1:50AM.

May 23, 1987 - Saturday.  The boys and Dad went to Mille Lacs.  They got some nice perch, 1 walleye and 1 northern.  I mowed lawn in the front bank and on the sides.  Dad mowed in the back.  I went to church at 5PM in Garrison.

May 24, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is in the 50's and sunny.  The guys went fishing at Mille Lacs. I planted the 3 tire planters and hoed in the garden, onions, etc.

May 25, 1987 - Monday.  It's cool and misty and east wind.  The guys went to turner.  They got northern and blues.  It's still raining.  They went out on Borden tonite.  Got a lot of crappies and northern.

May 26-27-28, 1987 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.  Rainy (not much), but plenty of wind. The guys got quite a few fish.  Wednesday night we had a cook out with Tony Hoffman, Chris Henderson, Mark Kreger and the boys.  We had hamburgers, brats and steaks.  Marie came Wednesday for fishing.

May 30, 1987 - Saturday.  Bob would have been 57 years old today.  The boys packed up and left at 8AM.  Katie and Willie came at 12:30PM.  Marie put clean bedding on for me.  We went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.

May 31, 1987 - Sunday.  Marie, Katie, Willie, Harland and I went to Turner.  We didn't do too bad.  I washed the car, mowed lawn and raked the dead grass till dark.  The rest went on Borden fishing.  They didn't do too bad.

June 1, 1987 - Monday.  Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres.  Marie, Katie, Willie and Har went to Turner.  Then we all went to the Chicken Shack before Marie would go home.  We all played dirty clubs.  It was fun.  Marie took us to Twin Pines for my birthday.

June 2, 1987 - Tuesday.  Marie went home this AM and Har, I, Willie and Katie went to Mille Lacs and we got small walleyes.

June 3, 1987 - Wednesday. I done my ironing, washed and cut my hair and went to the Auxiliary meeting.  Har, Katie and Willie went to Turner.  They did pretty good.  After supper they went out on Borden.

June 4, 1987 - Thursday.  Harland, Katie and Willie went to Turner.  I made hot dish for Ladies Aid.  They didn't do too good, but it was hot and sunny.

June 5, 1987 - Friday.  Katie and Willie left at 6:20AM.  I changed the beds and then we went to Brainerd to see Dr. Musty.  Then Dr. Musty sent him over to see Dr. Brown about his hand.  He will have surgery on the 22nd.  He'll be in the hospital overnight.

June 6, 1987 - Saturday.  I washed all the sheets (8) and everything else, including a blanket off the spare bed.  Then we went to Crosby Senior Citizens.  I took care of the clothes and sprinkled the ironing.  Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.

June 7, 1987 - Sunday.  I'm 73 years old today.  I done my ironing and run the vacuum.  Planted the petunias from Susan.  Joe, John, Michelle, Nicky came after supper.

June 8, 1987 - Monday.  The guys went to Turner and Michelle, Nicky and I went to Brainerd shopping.

June 9, 1987 - Tuesday.  The guys went to Turner again, but didn't do too much.  We had a cook out, steak and brats.  The guys went out on Borden and got 6 crappies.

June 10, 1987 - Wednesday.  We went into Brainerd to see Tam and her bus was re-routed thru Motley to county road 10.  We only got 1/4 inch of rain.

June 11, 1987 - Thursday.  The guys went out on Borden, got 2 black bass.  It's really hot.  83 degrees.  Just cooling it.  Joe took us out to the Chicken Shack.  We really had a good time.

June 12, 1987 - Friday.  The kids left at 9AM.  I changed all 4 beds.

June 13, 1987 - Saturday.  I washed 8 sheets and all bath towels, etc.  I made 2 batches of blueberry and rhubarb jam.  Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.

June 14, 1987 - Sunday.  I got my ironing done, put everything away and done some mending.  The high was 95 degrees, but not quite as hot as Saturday.

June 15, 1987 - Monday.  I picked Grace and Susan up to go to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  We watered everything again.  It was in the 90's again.

June 16, 1987 - Tuesday.  The low was 58 degrees this AM.  I weeded out the carrots this AM.  We played cards by George and Susan.  Harland and Hazel had 1st.  Susan and Vivian had low.

June 17, 1987 - Wednesday.  Harland had a doctor appointment for pre-operation, but Dr. Musty is more concerned about his stomach pains and rupture.  We're waiting for the doctor to call.  Evelyn picked us up and we picked up 3 boxes of strawberries tonight.

June 18, 1987 - Thursday. I made 3 batches of strawberry jam and put 6 cartons in the freezer.  I got a permanent by Lois today.

June 19, 1987 - Friday.  Evelyn picked up Harland and I, George and Susan for our bus trip to Grand Forks, North Dakota, for our boat ride up the Red River.  We'd all enjoyed it more if we'd got a good night sleep, but there was a wedding reception at the lodge and the power was off for 35 minutes and no air conditioner and we had to be ready at 6AM to get on the boat.

June 20, 1987 - Saturday.  We stayed at Crookston, North Dakota. It was so hot, even on the boat.  We stopped at Hardees for supper and came home.  We arrived home at 1:15AM.  Our suitcase was taken by mistake.  So we all came home hot and tired.

June 21, 1987 - Sunday. 1st day of summer.  I took Harland to Carlson's for dinner for Father's Day.

June 22, 1987 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  We went out for lunch for Dorothy's birthday.

June 23, 1987 - Tuesday.  I done the laundry and at 5:30 Paul and Grace picked us up to go to the Chicken Shack.  We treated because of Paul's birthday and all he helps us with.

June 24, 1987 - Wednesday.  I cleaned the bedrooms real good and I took a cake to Deerwood Senior Citizens picnic in Crosby.  We had a new hose put on the car.  When we came home, I done the ironing and pressed a new pair of pants for Harland.

June 25, 1987 - Thursday.  Harland and I picked 2 boxes of strawberries.  I finished house cleaning.

June 26, 1987 - Friday.  I put the rest of our strawberries in the freezer.  I fixed turtle till Jim, Marty, Collette come tomorrow.  Betty Larson called and I can pick up the suitcase.  I went to Brainerd, done our shopping, came home, made lunch and washed clothes.  I was bushed.

June 27, 1987 - Saturday.  George and Susan picked me up (Harland wasn't up to going.) to go to Chisholm to the Ironworld U.S.A.  Jim, Marty and Collette came around 12:30.  I got home around 7:30PM.

June 28, 1987 - Sunday.  Marty, Collette and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.  The guys fished for bass on Borden and got 9 bass and some blues.  Harold Peterson brought Louise over.  She was in the hospital. She had an asthma attack and a heart attack.  She was so uptight.  She wanted to stay here overnight.  She was going to the laundromat, so I told her I would do it.

June 29, 1987 - Monday.  It's real cool this AM.  I didn't go to the nursing home as we were waiting for a call from Dr. Monda, the surgeon.  I washed Louise's good clothes and then got clean water for her towels, etc. that the mice peed on over winter when she was in Illinois.  After dinner I took her home so she could pack up the things she wanted to take along.

June 30, 1987 - Tuesday.  It's sunny and cool this AM.  Harland and Jim are on Borden fishing.  We took the rest of Louise's clothes over and now she'll be living in Mattoon, Illinois.

July 1, 1987 - Wednesday.  I went to Auxiliary meet and the rest went out on Borden.

July 2, 1987 - Thursday.  Harland went to the hospital for a stress test. We all went to Turner at night and got blues, a few crappies and 68 bullheads.

July 3, 1987 - Friday.  I cleaned all the fish and fried bullheads for breakfast.  We had a cook out, steak, hamburgers and brats.  Everyone is resting up today from fishing.

July 4, 1987 - Saturday.  I ripped all the beds apart, then made breakfast, ham, pancakes.  Then Jim, Marty and Collette left at 7:40AM.  We washed up the dishes and we took our stuff down tot he V.F.W. for bake sale.  I then washed clothes, etc, 9 sheets.  I scrubbed on the porch, put it back to normal since May 18th.  I got clean water and washed up everything (material, blanket, etc) that Louise gave me for sewing.

July 5, 1987 - Sunday.  I went to church in Garrison, made dinner and getting my ironing out of the way.  I ironed 2 1/2 hours.

July 6, 1987 - Monday.  I went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I bought a birthday card for Tam.

July 7, 1987 - Tuesday.  We went to Crosby so Harland can get a hair cut, then we went into Brainerd so Harland could get things to take to Dr. Rogers and Abbott Northwestern Hospital.  We also picked up a letter from Dr. Musty.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizen at the school.

July 8, 1987 - Wednesday.  I canned 6 pints of watermelon pickles, got ready to go to Minneapolis to Abbott Northwest hospital.  Grace will pick us up at 10:30.  Arrived at Abbot Northwest at 2:30.

July 9, 1987 - Thursday. Tam is 21 years old.  Harland had his check up with Dr. Rogers, blood test, EKG.  We got a room at the "Wasic Center" accrossed the road, had something to eat.  At 2PM we went to see Dr. Weinberg about Harland's stomach pains.  Then he had his tests, got back to our room at 7PM.

July 10, 1987 - Friday.  We had to go over to out-patient clinic for more tests, especially blood.  The nurse started IV and the blood tests showed he was dehydrated, low potassium, so they took the IV out, gave him some breakfast and we could go home.  I called Grace and she picked us up.  At 2:30 we were on our way home.  Got home at 6PM.  It sure was hot and muggy.  Harland picked raspberries and I got the laundry ready for AM.

July 11, 1987 - Saturday.  It really rained this AM.  I made salad for Crosby Senior Citizens picnic.  I called Chick and told him Dad didn't have the angiogram, he should let Jim, Bill and Katie know.

July 12, 1987 - Sunday.  It rained in the night.  I went to 9:00 mass and came home and washed up our good clothes, etc.  There's still a chance of rain.

July 13, 1987 - Monday.  Grace and I both drove.  She picked me up at the garage.  We went to the nursing home for 5 hours and I came home, took Harland back to see Dr. Musty.   I mowed in the front and side of the house and cleaned out part of the flower beds.  We sure need more rain.

July 14, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 53 degrees and breezy.  I finished cleaning the weeds out of the begonias and blueberries and the lower garden.

July 15, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 54 degrees.  Harland has to have xrays at the hospital on the lower intestines and then see Dr. Monda (surgery).  The tests took longer at the hospital (2 1/2 hours), so they canceled Dr. Monda's appointment.  We had something to eat and came home.  Grace and I went to the Guild meeting in Garrison at 1 o'clock.

July 16, 1987 - Thursday.  It was cool this AM.  I washed clothes, 2 blankets and some tops for bed covers.  Harland picked raspberries. I cleaned the blue room, washed the curtains and sprayed for flues.

July 17, 1987 - Friday.  Harland has an 8:30 appointment for Dr. Monda (surgeon).  If the angiogram is good of his heart, Harland could have his hernia surgery.  Otherwise, he'll have to learn to live with it.  We got a boat cover from Fleet Farm.  Harland used the vacuum on the boat and I used it in the car and then I washed the car.  I made a batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam.  Evelyn came over, brought us 4 ears of corn and a pint of blueberries.

July 18, 1987 - Saturday.  I washed my hair, cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and porch.  Evelyn picked me up for 5:00 mass at Deerwood and we stopped at the cemetery and watered the 2 planters.  Harland is fixing rafters for the boat to hold the cover up so the rain will run off.  We got 1/2 inch of rain tonite which we badly needed.  It's at least a start for the drought.

July 19, 1987 - Sunday.  I cleaned the front room and dusted.  At 12:15 we picked Evelyn up and went to Bulldog Lake Church for dinner.  The temp is in the 90's.  On the garage, it was 105 degrees.  Marie called and she's coming next Friday.

July 20, 1987 - Monday.  We got more rain early AM.  I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  Harland picked berries and after supper I put them in the freezer.

July 21, 1987 - Tuesday.  We had rain last night.  We cut half of the thistles in Clem's garden so the seed doesn't blow.  I made blueberry torte for the card club by Oscar and Hazel's.  I and George won 1st.  Harland and Hazel got low.

July 22, 1987 - Wednesday.  The low was 68 degrees and humid.  We finished cutting the thistles out of Clem's garden.  I washed and dired my hair and we went to Deerwood Senior Citizen.  The temp was 91 degrees at 2:30PM.

July 23, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 72 degrees and humid.  It sprinkled a little and thunder.  Evelyn picked Harland and I up and we went to Brainerd.  We got a real nice rain.  The Cities really had the worst storm ever.  Over 10 inches of rain.  We just got a little thunder and a nice rain.

July 24, 1987 - Friday.  It cooled off and is real nice.  I washed clothes and run the sweeper.

July 25, 1987 - Saturday.  Marie and I went to Brainerd.  We came home, picked raspberries and beans, made dinner and I gave her a permanent.

July 26, 1987 - Sunday.  It was cool this AM.  Marie and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.  We picked Evelyn up and the four of us went to Aitkin for the Sunday brunch.  Then we put the black dirt that Marie brought along on the flowers all around the house.

July 27, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 68, cloudy and breezy.  Marie left at 7AM.  I changed her bed, washed up the dishes.  Grace picked me up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.

July 28, 1987 - Tuesday.  I canned 5 pints of beans and done 2 weeks ironing.  It is really hot.  In the 90's.

July 29, 1987 - Wednesday.  It was 72 degrees and sunny.  I cleaned in the blue room again and I sprayed in the basement for spiders.  I picked beans and hoed weeds in the garden and roses.

July 30, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 68 degrees and cloudy.  I canned 9 pints of beans.  The high was 93 degrees in Brainerd.  I sewed another bed cover top and a filler.

July 31, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 69 degrees and cloudy and breezy.  We got a few showers, didn't even settle the dust.  We went to Brainerd, got Dena and Red's Christmas gift.  I washed clothes when we came home.  I picked the beans and got them ready for canning.  Harland picked our 1st ripe tomatoes.

August 1, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 80 degrees at 5AM.  I picked the cukes, run the sweeper in the bath, kitchen and porch.  I went down to the V.F.W. and 9 of us peeled 200 lbs of potatoes for a wedding.  At 1:30 I went back and helped serve chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw and dinner rolls.  We served over 275 people.  Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood and we stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters.

August 2, 1987 - Sunday.  We had the fan on all night last nite.  Today it was a little less humid, but the temp was 94 degrees and hot.  I canned 9 more pints of beans, 1 quart dills and started some refrigerator pickles.  I picked the green beans and cukes again tonight.

August 3, 1987 - Monday.  We had rain int he night.  The temp is 68 degrees and cloudy.  I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I wrote to Louise, hope she's holding her own.

August 4, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 62 degrees, cloudy and livable.  I baked 2 apple pies and peanut butter bars.  I fixed green beans for Garrison Senior Citizen picnic.  We went over by Dena's for a cook out.

August 5, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 57 degrees and cool.  Today is our 54th wedding anniversary.  We ate dinner in Brainerd and done some shopping.  Stopped at the fair till Harland's 3:15 doctor appointment.  I went to the Auxiliary meeting.

August 6, 1987 - Thursday.  It is still cool and comfortable.  I made the blueberry cake for Ladies Aid.  Evelyn and I made 11 hangings for the state hospital.  Put clean bedding on.  We enjoyed Ladies Aid and visiting.  The blueberry cake was delicious.

August 7, 1987 - Friday.  I washed clothes, made 2 quarts of dill pickles, and mowed most of my part of the lawn till I run out of gas on the mower.

August 8, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 64 degrees.  I cleaned house and made a cake using pineapple.  I didn't have any more blueberries.

August 9, 1987 - Sunday.  It was nice and cool this AM.  I picked cukes and made 2 quarts of dill and a jar of refrigerator pickles for Chick and Judy.  We went to Twin Pines.  Thanks to Marie for our 54th wedding anniversary.  I pinned another bed cover together.

August 10, 1987 - Monday.  I picked Susan up and we spent 6 hours at the nursing home.

August 11, 1987 - Tuesday.  I made apricot salad for card club over by Elsie's.  I washed my hair and I painted the bird house pole.

August 12, 1987 - Wednesday.  It cooled off and we got 1 3/4 inches of rain.  I made 5 quarts of sweet stick pickles and picked our cukes.

August 13, 1987 - Thursday.  I canned 3 quarts of dill and 6 more of sweet sticks.

August 14, 1987 - Friday. Harland had stomach pains this AM so he didn't go with me to Pine Lake picnic.  He laid down and it seems to help the pain to ease up.  It's drizzling on and off tonight.

August 15, 1987 - Saturday.  I run the sweeper and done my cleaning.  Made a pork roast and sauerkraut for dinner.  We picked up our bushel of tomatoes from Jeanne Kain and I cut up the ripe ones and Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison.  Then Harland and I went down to the V.F.W. for chicken.  It was delicious.

August 16, 1987 - Sunday.  I canned 8 quarts of tomato juice and 7 pints of pear sauce.  I picked the cukes and gave them to Dena.  Larry and Louise came today for a week's vacation by Dena and Red.  I started the baby blanket for Mary Ann and Carl.

August 17, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is in the 50's.  Harland and Larry went to Turner.  Got about 60 blues and some bass.  Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I cut up the ripe tomatoes for chili for Chick and Judy.

August 18, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 52 degrees.  We had a shower around midnight.  I canned 4 more quarts of tomato juice and 1 quart of pear sauce.  I went to Brainerd for my doctor appointment because of pimples and breaking out some, blistered.  I made the 3 bean pot dinner and the blueberry dessert for supper by Dena and Red.

August 19, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 47 degrees.  I picked cukes this AM and washed clothes, canned 3 quarts of sweet dills.

August 20, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 48 degrees.  Harland went to Pickerel again and got 17 bass and 1 northern.  Yesterday they got 15 bass.  I ironed clothes for 2 3/4 hours and mowed lawn till I run out of gas.  I started to clean up the garden.  The cabbages are splitting.

August 21, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 68 degrees and cloudy.  I cleaned house today.  It was real humid and in the 80's.  I finished 1/2 of the baby quilt for J.P.

August 22, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 50 and clear.  It was only 64 degrees at noon.  I peeled the yellow tomatoes and made jam.  We dug the red potatoes, they're pretty good.  So are the carrots.  I made meatloaf and baked potatoes for dinner.  I made 2 blueberry cakes from scratch and pie crust and baked a small blueberry pie.  I went to 5 o'clock mass in Garrison.

August 23, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is 41 degrees at 7AM.  I washed my hair and set it, then I cut up the tomatoes for jam.  Then I washed the car and we went to Headquarters for dinner.  Elsie stopped this afternoon.  I finished mowing the lawn.

August 24, 1987 - Monday.  the temp was 37 degrees and sunny.  I picked Grace up for Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I made one batch of tomato preserves and then made supper.  After supper I made the 2nd batch of tomato jam.  I canned 3 pints of tomato juice and washed everything up.  I picked cukes after supper.

August 25, 1987 - Tuesday.  Jim is 34 years old today.  Mom passed away 2 years ago today.  The temp is 54 degrees and cloudy.  I defrosted the freezer in the garage and refrigerator in the garage.  We had a neighborhood dinner.  We had like a Thanksgiving dinner.  Very good.

August 26, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 54 degrees.  Harland went fishing with Ron and Jan Bordwine.  They're strictly casting bass fishermen.  I finished the baby quilt for J.P. Jason Paul, Mary Ann and Carl's son (Dena and Red's daughter).

August 27, 1987 - Thursday.  We went to Brainerd at 7:30AM.  I had a blood test taken.  We went to Jake's and then to Perkins for breakfast.  Then we shopped at Kmart.  We visited by Ann and Al Knutson and came home.  I wrapped the baby quilt and took it over by Dena.  Mary Ann called after her nap and she was thrilled.  She said it was gorgeous.

August 28, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 55 degrees and sunny.  I canned 2 quarts of sweet dills, ground up 10 cups of zucchini for the freezer, cleaned house.

August 29, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 52 and sunny.  I finished one bed cover and a lap robe and pinned another bed cover together.  I made dinner and washed dishes.  I baked a blueberry cake for the freezer.  I made chicken and dressing for Sunday dinner.  Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood and I stopped at the cemetery and watered the flowers.  They look real nice, but dry.  I finished a dish towel for the bazaar at Deerwood on October 10th.  It rained and hailed at 11:30PM.

August 30, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 54 degrees, sunny and cool.  I made 2 pies, one blueberry and 1 cherry for the pie social at church in Garrison.  I made 2 pumpkin pies for us and 6 little ones for Jim and Tam.  Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs until Harland got abdominal pains and we quit.  We had pie and coffee and they went home.  Harland went to bed and the pain got worse and I called the doctor and I took him into emergency at the hospital.  They took a blood test and xrays.  The pain left and we came home.  Got home at midnight.

August 31, 1987 - Monday.  Grace picked me up to go to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  The temp was 39 degrees, sunny and breezy.  We fixed 12 crappies for smoking.

September 1, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 52 degrees and partly cloudy.  I canned 3 quarts of sweet dill and a batch of yellow tomato jam.  Grace picked Evelyn, I and Susan up for our yearly R.S.V.P. dinner.  It was real good and a nice program.  I stamped a set of dish towels.  I started to embroider one.  We cleaned up some of the garden by the house tonight.

September 2, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 42 degrees.  I washed clothes today, made pumpkin bars for V.F.W. Auxiliary at nite.

September 3, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 55, windy and cloudy.  I made 2 apple crisp, one for Ladies Aid and us.  We dug the white potatoes this AM.  I finished one dish towel and started another one.

September 4, 1987 - Friday.  Marie came in the afternoon.  We had supper, played sheepshead.  Harland had pain, so we quit early and he laid down.  At 8:45PM, I called 911.  Had the ambulance come and take him to St. Joe's hospital.  He really had so much pain.  Dr. Musty worked both ruptures in and they gave him a hypo and adjusted his truss and we came home at midnight.  We all went to bed.

September 5, 1987 - Saturday.  Harland was sore, but felt alright, so we went to Little Falls to the Auction of Everett Pearson.  Marie bought lots of crochet thread.  I bought ribbon $1.00 and I bought a box of sheets, 12 in all, 6 pair of pillow cases and we bought Everett's '84 Buick for $8,200.00.  Paul drove it home.  We stopped at Perkins, had something to eat.  Marie and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  I had my picture taken for the directory at church.

September 6, 1987 - Sunday.  I baked 2 batches of banana bread.  Marie peeled some tomatoes and I canned 3 pints.  Harland and I picked the grapes and Marie cooked them and we strained the juice for jelly.  I washed Harland's rupture belt, 6 sheets, etc.

September 7, 1987 - Monday.  Labor Day.  Marie left at 7:20AM.  I packed a suitcase and run the sweeper.  Marie called.  She got back to Ladysmith at 11:10.  She stopped at the nursing home and came home.  Grace took us to Minneapolis.

September 8, 1987 - Tuesday.  Harland had his angiogram this afternoon.  We set around from 7:15AM and I went back to our room at 6:30.  I had a bite to eat, took a bath and went to bed.

September 9, 1987 - Wednesday.  I went back to the hospital and waited for instructions.  Harland was released at 2PM.  Grace was there at 2:00 to bring us home.

September 10, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 55 degrees and sprinkles.  I made 3 batches of grape jelly and ground up the zucchinis and made lemon zucchini bars and zucchini bread.

September 11, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 44 degrees.  We went into Brainerd and we both had blood tests taken.  Went to Tanner Motors to check on the value of the old car.  Bill and Sharon will buy it.  I mowed part of the lawn.

September 12, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 42 degrees.  I finished ironing of 6 sheets, etc.  Stamped 2 more dish towels.  Paul and Grace picked us up and we all went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood and went to Ray's Cafe for supper.  We played dirty clubs.

September 13, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 41 degrees and foggy.  I washed clothes including the last 6 sheets I bought at the auction where we bought our '84 Buick for $8,200.00.  I peeled apples and put 5 gallon bags in the freezer for apple crisp.  I mowed more lawn after it dried off.  Hazel called and we went over and played cards.

September 14, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 48 degrees and sunny.  I picked Grace and Susan up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  I finished mowing the lawn.  I started to embroider a pair of pillow cases.

September 15, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 46 and sunny.  We got the spray and vac and shampooed the kitchen carpeting and after lunch, I finished my ironing and the last 6 sheets.  Paul brought us some sheep manure for the raspberries and garden.

September 16, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was in the 50's and sunny.  I made Swiss steak for card party tomorrow and I straightened up the kitchen and washed windows on the porch, kitchen and bathroom.

September 17, 1987 - Thursday.  We had cards here.  Harland won 1st, Clara low.  Hazel high and Susan low for the women.

September 18, 1987 - Friday.  Harland had an 8:30AM appointment at Dr. Musty's and at 10AM by Dr. Monda, the surgeon.  We went to Aitkin, got insurance for the Buick, got home at 4PM.  Paul came over and checked the Matador and he took it home and the next day put a set of spark plugs in.

September 19, 1987 - Saturday.  Bill, Sharon and the kids came as they bought the Matador.  I made 5 apple pies.  We took the kids, Paul and Grace to the V.F.W. for the chicken dinner.

September 20, 1987 - Sunday.  The kids left at 8AM with the Matador.  I hated to see it go.  I went to 9:00 mass, came home and washed dishes, made dinner.  After dishes, I peeled apples and made 6 apple pies for the freezer.  The sun came out, on and off.

September 21, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 37 degrees and sunny.  I picked Grace up and we spent 6 hours at the nursing home.  I canceled the insurance on the Matador.  Henry called around 9:30PM and Marie was on her way to Marshfields Hospital with a stroke.  We're waiting to hear how she is.

September 22, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 41 degrees and sunny.  I washed clothes today.  Louise's sister called again at 9:30AM and Louise passed away.  Her ashes will be buried by her dad.  I made a pork roast, potatoes, peas, and pie for supper.  Harland had to eat light because of the surgery tomorrow.  I planted all my plants before frost.  Henry called tonight and Marie's vital signs are real good, but she can't talk.  The recovery will be a long one, doctor says.  I finished one pair of pillow cases that I bought at the auction.

September 23, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 46 degrees and sunny.  Harland had his double hernia surgery at 12:45 noon.  He was back in his room at 4:30.  The surgery went good.  He had quite a lot of pain and they gave him a hypo.  His heart was being monitored.  I came home at 7:30PM.

September 24, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 40 degrees.  Everything must be all right because I didn't get a call in the night.  I went, done some shopping and then went up by Harland.  His color was good and the pain wasn't so severe until they got him up and he walked.  So at 4PM they gave him a hypo.  Paul and Grace came up to see Harland and they took me out for dinner.  Then I came home and mowed till dark.  Henry called at 10PM and he was up to see Marie and she spoke 3 words: "OK, yah, no".  It sure is encouraging.

September 25, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 33 degrees and sunny.  I pulled out the cukes and the squash in the lower garden.  I went to Brainerd to the license bureau to pay the sales tax, but the form wasn't complete, so we sent it back to Little Falls.  I went up to the hospital and the doctors released Harland.

September 26, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 51 degrees and sunny.  Jack would be 76 years old today.  I helped Harland and he went back to bed and I went over to help Elsie Cragg move into an apartment.  I finished crocheting around the 2nd pair of pillow cases.

September 27, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 58 degrees and sunny.  I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.  I made meatloaf, baked potatoes, coleslaw and apple pie.  I washed dishes and mowed lawn and leaves up by the asparagus.  Oscar and Hazel stopped over to see Harland and then Evelyn came.  I'm working on another pillow case.  The high today here was 81 degrees, sunny and windy.  Still no frost.  It was more like July weather.

September 28, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 52 degrees and sunny.  I done some hand washing and transplanted all my African violets.  I finished the 3rd pair of pillow cases and crocheted around them.

September 29, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 50 degrees, sunny and breezy.  North wind.  Evelyn came over and we made 9 hangings for state hospital.

September 30, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 46 degrees and sunny.  Ed Burcke's funeral is today.  I donated pickles and then we went to Brainerd, got the sales tax, etc straightened out on the car.

October 1, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 50 degrees, sunny and windy.  I made Danish apple bars to take to Ladies Aid.  I was hostess and we had it by Elmer and Mabel Anderson's country home.  I went to Brainerd after the meeting.  We had 40 mph winds.

October 2, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 32 degrees and sunny.  The wind blew the cover off the Weber grill.  I found it down by the lake.  The wind was gusting from 40-60 mph.  John, Michelle and Nicky came about 8:30 this AM.  We went to Deerwood bank to renew a CD and then we went to the Sundown restaurant for supper and we played euchre.  Michelle and I won 3-2 games.

October 3, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 24 degrees.  Everything is froze now.  I can't dig the bulbs out till next spring.  We went to Brainerd shopping.  I got Nicky a red and white top and pants and an extra sweatshirt and a PJ for Christmas.  We went to the Chicken Shack for supper.

October 4, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 45 degrees and sunny.  We went to church in Garrison.  Then we went to Aitkin, ate brunch at Birchwood.

October 5, 1987 - Monday.  The kids took a nap and then they picked up leaves.  The temp was 45 degrees and sprinkles.  The kids left at 9:10AM.  I dug out the tuberous begonia bulbs, took the squash out and dug the last of the potatoes.

October 6, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 44 degrees, misty and windy.

October 7, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 26 degrees and sunny.  The high was 51 degrees.  I washed clothes today.  At 9AM, I got a permanent by Lois.  Came home, hung out the rest of the wash.  Paul is putting up our car port to put the boat under.  I got the ironing sprinkled for tomorrow.  I went to the Auxiliary meeting.

October 8, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 38 degrees, sunny and windy.  Paul finished the car port for the boat.

October 9, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 32 degrees and cloudy.  The temp never got out of the 30's.  Harland went to Dr. Weinberg and he says everything is good, but the burning is from the nerves. It should clear up in 4 weeks.  I made lemon zucchini bars for the bake sale in Deerwood.  We went to Cutler Senior Citizens and we'll have our Thanksgiving dinner at Carlson's.  For our December meeting, we'll have a Christmas dinner and gift exchange also.

October 10, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 32 degrees and cloudy.  Evelyn picked me up at 8:15AM and we went to Deerwood at St. Joe's for our annual bazaar.  We came home at 3PM, tired, but it was a huge success.  I went to 5 o'clock mass with Paul and Grace.  I went out and dug the carrots.  I fell coming in the back door with the carrots and hurt my right leg.  I put cold applications on.  It is swollen and blood set.

October 11, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  I done my ironing, put everything away and made lunch.  I called the hospital and the doctor said to put hot applications on.  It sure feels better now.

October 12, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 24 degrees and sunny.  The high temp was 61 degrees.  I took the car in and had the front end lined up, reverse the tires and new windshield wipers put on.

October 13, 1987 - Tuesday. The temp is 45 degrees and sunny.  We went to Brainerd and took care of a CD for Marie and bought 2 bird feeders.  I started to paint the boat port.

October 14, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 34 degrees and cloudy.  I washed my hair and dired it and then finished painting the boat port.  Evelyn picked me up and we went to Alter Society meeting at Deerwood.  We made $1,958.75 on our bazaar.

October 15, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 41 degrees and misty.  We had card club by Foresters and at 3:30 we left as I went to the doctor with my leg.  I have an infection in it.  I have antibiotic pills and keep the heat on and keep the leg elevated.

October 16, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 44 degrees and cloudy and misting.  I'm keeping my leg elevated.  Doctor's orders.  I'd sooner be doing something else.

October 17, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 37 degrees and the sun is trying to come out.  I finished crocheting around the last pillow case, the purple ones.  Paul put the plastic on the back door and some insulation by the pipes in the sink on the outside.  Harland went to V.F.W. and got 2 chicken dinners.

October 18, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 34 degrees and sunny.  We were supposed to go by Clara Holsten for dinner before she moves.  I kept my leg elevated most all day and worked on my last pair of pillow cases from the auction.

October 19, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 26 degrees and sunny.  I went to the doctor for my leg.  It's a little better.

October 20, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 28 degrees.  We had our 1st snowfall in the night.  The ground is covered. We went to Crosby.  Harland got a flu shot at the hospital in Crosby.  We fixed the urns on the cemetery.  Then we went to see Elsie and we played 7 games of "500".  Harland and Ina and Elsie and I.  Harland and I won 4 games.  Elsie and I won 3.  It really snowed in Crosby.  The doctors etc. had consultation about Marie.

October 21, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 28 degrees.  Henry called and Marie will be at the hospital 2 more weeks because she's really doing good at her therapy. I washed clothes today.  We had the septic pumped out.  I called for gas this AM.

October 22, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 30 degrees and snowing (flurries).  I took the clothes off and put them away.  I run the sweeper in the bathroom, kitchen and porch.  I went to the doctor for my leg and he opened it up to release the old blood.  Harland had a doctor appointment at 4PM and he's coming along fine.

October 23, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy.  We had a few snow flurries.  I wrapped Christmas gifts to take to Wisconsin.  I'm still putting heat on my leg.  We went down to Twin Pines for dinner.  I made a batch of chocolate chips to take to Wisconsin.

October 24, 1987 - Saturday.  the temp was 30 degrees and sunny.  We left at 7:15AM for Wisconsin.  We seen all the kids, John, Michelle, Nicky and Joe.  We had dinner with Pat and Len on Monday and supper with Chick, Judy, and Jim.  So we cut our visit short because I had work to do at home now that my leg is better, but not the way it's supposed to be.

October 29, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 34 degrees and sunny.  I done some raking.

October 30, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 35 degrees and sunny.  I got the windows all taken care of.  Paul bagged up the rest of the leaves.

October 31, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 36 degrees, sunny and breezy.  I stripped our bedding down to the mattress and went to the laundry matt.  I'd sooner wash at home.

November 1, 1987 - Sunday.  I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.

November 2, 1987 - Monday.  I picked Susan up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  I cleaned up all the squash and got them ready for the oven.  The temp was 44 degrees and foggy.

November 3, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 51 degrees and foggy.  I filled the oven with squash.  We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.  After the meeting, I put the last of the squash in the oven and I put 7 packages of squash in the freezer.  I raked some leaves and put on the tulips till it rained.

November 4, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 40 degrees and clear.  We have about 16 packages of squash in the freezer.  We're cutting off the mums and raking leaves to put on the mums and tulips, etc.  I'm picking out hickory nut meats.  Harland cracks them.  We got most of the leaves raked up and flowers covered.

November 5, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 22 degrees and sunny.  I made mashed potatoes, gravy and dressing for our Ladies Aid meeting.  Evelyn furnished the turkey.  I picked out more hickory nuts, wrote out the minutes of the meeting.  Henry called and Marie will be home Saturday or Sunday.  She can walk 50 feet with a 3-pronged walker.

November 6, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 28 degrees, clear.  I'm cleaning house.

November 7, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 22 degrees and sunny.  I baked 2 apple pies and 4 little ones for Jim and Tam.  We went to Crosby Senior citizens for the Halloween party.  It was really nice.

November 8, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 25 degrees, sunny and northerly wind.  The temp will only be in the 30's for a high.  Paul and Grace came over and we played cards and had supper.

November 9, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 22 degrees and sunny.  I went to the nursing home alone for 6 hours.  Henry called and Marie took her 1st solid food since her stroke, September 21, 1987.

November 10, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 12 degrees and sunny.  I finished cleaning in the front room after neglecting cleaning with the heat pad on my leg.  It still isn't the way it's supposed to be.

November 11, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 18 degrees and sunny.  I went to the laundromat.  Our washer didn't work.  I picked out hickory nuts and cut out more 4 inch blocks.

November 12, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 36 degrees and sunny.  I fixed chicken for dinner.  Harland and Paul took the washer into Brainerd.  I finished a 3 weeks ironing.  I raked the leaves from the bank and ditch and Harland covered up the grapes.  We got a burn permit and burned the rest of the leaves and the pile by the lake.

November 13, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 30 degrees and partly cloudy.  I made beef stew and apricot salad before we went to Carlson for Pine Lake Senior Citizen Thanksgiving dinner.  It was delicious.  When we got home I made pumpkin bars to take by Marie along with the stew and salad.  Marie will be home on a weekend pass from Marshfield rehab, but she'll have to go back.

November 14, 1987 - Saturday.  We left for Wisconsin to see Marie.  She uses a 3-pronged walker, but is really wobbly on her feet.  Her speech isn't too much better.  She was really interested in certain things and enjoyed her home stay for 2 days.

November 15, 1987 - Sunday.  Marie seemed real glad to be home, but it didn't seem to bother her that she had to go back to rehab in Marshfield.  We don't know how much longer she'll be there, but she better take advantage of it.  We left for home at 1:30.  It really rained from Taylor Falls to Onamia.  I counted 601 cars from where the double highway ended to Hwy 18.  It was bumper to bumper and we got home at 5:45PM.

November 16, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 42 degrees and very foggy and lite rain.  I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.  I made supper and then I wrapped Christmas presents and planted slips from Marie's shrimp plant.  I went to the doctor at 11:25AM last time.

November 17, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp is 32 degrees, cloudy and windy.  We got a good 1 inch of snow.  Evelyn picked me up and we went to the Alter Society meeting at Deerwood.   When I came home, I wrapped Christmas gifts.

November 18, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 15 degrees and sunny.  I done some hand wash.  We went to Deerwood Legion for our Thanksgiving dinner for Deerwood Senior Citizens.  It was V. good.  I finished wrapping Christmas gifts.  Ruth Sybers will call later today.  Marie was discharged Saturday, but she has to have someone stay with her.  We're still cracking and picking out hickory nuts.

November 19, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 27 degrees and cloudy.  The sun shone and then snow shower.  I fixed a white blouse for myself from Cec.  I made a pillow for Harland in the car.  The front seat is so low.  We went to Brainerd to see about our washing machine.  It needs a motor for the spinner.

November 20, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 9 degrees and sunny.  I'm cleaning house.

November 21, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 20 degrees.  I put another bed cover together.  We went into Brainerd shopping.  We went to V.F.W. for chicken and then went to Millers where we played 6 handed "500".  George and Susan were there also.  The guys won.

November 22, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 25 degrees and sunny.  I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.

November 23, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 30 degrees.  Susan picked Grace and I up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres.  We had snow flurries.

November 24, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 10 degrees and sunny.  I picked Dorothy Boucher up and we went to Crosby and bought all the Christmas gifts for the state hospital.

November 25, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 28 degrees and cloudy all day.  I finished 2 bed covers and sewed around the quilt.  After dinner I started sewing on the 10 red vests for the school.

November 26, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 12 degrees and clear.  Today is Thanksgiving Day.  Evelyn picked us, Paul and Grace and we went to Log Cabin for dinner.  We came home and I sewed on the red vests.

November 27, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 26 degrees and cloudy.  We went to the laundromat.  I made dinner and sewed some more on the 10 vests for Brainerd school system.

November 28, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 26 degrees and cloudy.  I run the sweeper this AM. Made jello for dessert for card club by Millers.  Oscar and I won 1st.  George and Elsie, low.  It is freezing rain tonight.

November 29, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 26 degrees and freezing rain.  The road is one glare of ice.  I sewed on the vests today.  I have 2 left to finish.  The humming in my head is aggravating and it is louder today and nerve racking.

November 30, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 24 degrees and cloudy.  The trees look like glass from the freezing rain.  I finished the 10 red vests for Brainerd School District. Took them to Senior Citizen Center.  I checked on our washer.  They're working on it.  I got another CD.  7.25% interest for 30 months.  I went to the doctor for the buzzing.

December 1, 1987 - Tuesday.  We left here at 6:15AM to pick Evelyn up and then to Deerwood to pick up Lydia Rogers and then we went to Brainerd to catch the bus by Bill Larson's home.  We left at 8AM for Winnipeg.  Arrived at the Westin Hotel at 4PM.  We went to our rooms, changed clothes and went to the "International Inn" for a delicious dinner, theatre: "Showboat" by Jerome Kern.

December 5, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 16 degrees and sunny.  I washed dishes, run the sweeper to pick up the cat hair.  Tuff was in the house while we were in Winnipeg.  We went to the Sportsman Club at Deerwood for our Christmas party.  We all took 1 dozen cookies.

December 6, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is 24 degrees and snowing.  I shoveled out the driveway.  I'm writing out Christmas cards.  It sure is time consuming.

December 7, 1987 - Monday.  The temp is 28 degrees and cloudy.  I picked Susan up for 6 hours at the nursing home.  The roads weren't too bad by 1:00.  Can't drive 55 mph.  Ray and Shirley stopped on their way back to Grand Rapids.  Shirley works in a bakery.  She goes in at 2AM.

December 8, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 30 degrees and freezing rain.  I washed walls, etc in the bathroom and the white woodwork in the kitchen.  Harland is getting the oil changed in the car. We made a batch of seafoam last night.

December 9, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy.  I washed my hair and dried it.  Evelyn picked us up at 10:30 and we went to Brainerd to Bonanza.  Had dinner and a meeting and slides on a train trip.

December 10, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is 24 degrees and cloudy.  I made our peanut balls and chow mein noodles and cashew candy.  We picked Evelyn up and we went to Garrison Senior Citizens Christmas party at the V.F.W.  Harland and I both won apple juice and cheese spread.

December 11, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 28 degrees and sunny.  We had our Christmas party at Pine Lake Church.  We took squash and Harland got mixed nuts and I got either a napkin holder or Christmas card holder.  I'm still working on Christmas cards.  It turned colder and we had snow flurries.

December 12, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp is 19 degrees and cloudy.  I wrote out more cards. George and Susan picked us up for our Christmas party at the V.F.W.  We played "500".  Guys won 4 and we 3.

December 13, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp is 15 degrees.  I went to church in Garrison and then Evelyn and I went into Brainerd and wrapped Christmas presents for the Senior Center on the West Gate Mall.  After supper we went over by Paul and Grace.  He's getting better of his pneumonia.

December 14, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 11 degrees. I didn't go to Woodland Acres.  I dipped our peanut butter balls and made some peanut butter cups and I wrote out 11 more cards.

December 15, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 11 degrees.  I went to the doctor (eye, ear, nose, throat) for the ringing in my ears.  We done our shopping, paid up some doctor bills.  At noon, Grace picked me and Evelyn up and we went to the Lutheran Church luncheon.  Then we went to the Lonesome Pine pot luck.  The food was delicious.  We didn't get the storm the rest of the states got.  Borden Lake is still opened in the middle.  The temp tonight is 17 degrees and north wind.

December 16, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp is 8 degrees.  I took a cranberry salad to Elsie's for our card party.  Harland put up the tree and we decorated the house and I changed the bedding.  I finished our Christmas cards tonight.

December 17, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 3 degrees at 1AM.  I baked our Sally Ann cookies, baked chocolate chips and then made frosting for the Sally Anns.  After dinner we went to Brainerd and done our laundry and straightened our a doctor bill we got. We then got our car licenses.  After supper I fixed a box for John and Michelle of candy and cookies.

December 18, 1987 - Friday.  The temp is 18 degrees.  I done party of my Friday cleaning and made beef roast, hamburger patties for when Jim comes.  We took Grace's birthday gift down.  When we came home, Tuff had knocked the tree over and the book stand on the porch.

December 19, 1987 - Saturday.  The temp was 11 degrees.  I fixed 4 boxes for 4 favorite residents at Woodland Acres, made lunch and Jim and Bill came around 12:30.  We're having lite snow.  The boys got minnows and went out in front of Red's.

December 20, 1987 - Sunday.  The temp was 18 degrees and sunny.  I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. The boys went out fishing over by the point.  Bill got a 13 lb 37-inch long northern and they got 4 other northerns.

December 21, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 11 above this AM.  I went to the nursing home.  Grace called this AM and she took Paul to the hospital at 2AM.  He's in intensive care.  Paul thinks he has heart trouble so maybe with the tests, they'll find out.  The boys and dad went fishing.  They got 8 northerns and a lot of crappies.  The boys filled the wood box up for Grace.

December 22, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 10 above and cloudy.  The boys got 11 northern.  Dad got 6 crappies.

December 23, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 11 degrees.  I done some cleaning.  After lunch we went into Brainerd and got the port for the stove in the fish house.  The guys got 6 northern and 7 crappies.

December 24, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp was 16 degrees and snowing.  I went to Brainerd and got Jim a shirt for Christmas and pills for Harland.  I made pie crust and took care of the fish.  John is 24 years old today.  We exchanged gifts by Red and Dena.

December 25, 1987 - Friday.  The temp was 4 degrees and clear.  Bill and Jim went ice fishing. Harland didn't go.  He had the diaherrea.  I baked 3 pies - pumpkin, lemon, zucchini bars and 3 loaves of zucchini bread.  I put the turkey in the oven and we ate around 2PM.  I made 3 TV dinners for Jim, washed dishes, the guys all took a nap.  I baked chocolate chip cookies, got some packed up for the kids to take back.

December 26, 1987 - Saturday.  the temp was 3 degrees above.  Jim and Bill left for home at 7:45AM. Larry and Harland went fishing.  I stripped all 3 beds and I went to the laundry mat.  Larry and Harland and Nick got 35 crappies and 2 northern.  Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.  Harland and I cleaned the fish as Larry went home.  Harland took a nap.

December 27, 1987 - Sunday.  Harland fixed his side of the bed.  I cleaned good and checked some boxes under the bed.  We had turkey leftovers at noon.  We went to Kmart after Harland's nap. Stopped at the laundry mat and grocery store.  I cut out more 4 inch squares.

Decmeber 28, 1987 - Monday.  The temp was 23 degrees.  Grace picked me up for Woodland Acres.

December 29, 1987 - Tuesday.  The temp was 19 degrees.  The battery was dead in the car, so I called Grace and she took me into the clinic for some tests of the ringing in the ears.  I painted part of the mop board in our bedroom, back of my dresser.  I finished cutting the cotton prints from Louise into 4 inch squares.

December 30, 1987 - Wednesday.  The temp was 11 degrees.  Harland and Paul went fishing, but didn't get much.  I finished painting the mop board in our bedroom.  I cut out white and blue 4 inch squares and sewed a few blocks.

December 31, 1987 - Thursday.  The temp is -4 degrees.  We got about 3 inches of snow.  Paul plowed out the driveway.  I finished cleaning the house and we took the tree, etc down.  Paul and Grace came over and we played "500".  The guys won 4 - we, 22.  Then we played euchre.  Grace and I won 6 games and the guys, 1. 

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