January 1, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -18 degrees and clear. We just cooled it today.
January 2, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -4 and sunny. I made a stew for Crosby Senior Citizens. I went into Brainerd and exchanged the shirt we got for Jim for Christmas. Paul and Grace picked us up for Crosby Senior Citizens. Afterwards we went by Elsie and played "500". Harland and Elsie won 1st. I and Melvin low.
January 3, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was -8 degrees. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. I made turkey soup for dinner. I sewed 1 lap robe, pinned a bed cover together and sewed more blocks together. I have 19 so far and I need 28 for a 40" x 60" bed cover.
January 4, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -24 degrees. I picked Grace up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours. I got a 30 lb box of turkey wings.
January 5, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was -27 degrees and sunny. I put the turkey wings in the freezer and defrosted the big freezer on the porch. The wind chill factor today was -30.
January 6, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was -35 degrees. Our cold water was froze in the sink in the kitchen. It was opened up before noon. Evelyn picked me up and we went to Alter Society meeting in Deerwood. I went to Auxiliary meeting and took 3 bed covers and 1 lap robe. They will take a picture of me and my sewing.
January 7, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -16 and wind chill -34. We had Ladies Aid by Elmer and Mabel's. After the meeting, Evelyn and I went into Brainerd and got turkey wings. I put 30 lbs each in the freezer for Chick and Bill. I cut them apart and soaked them out.
January 8, 1988 - Friday. The temp was -14 and sunny. I finished the turkey wings, washed the dishes and washed my hair. After dinner Harland had a foot doctor appointment. I picked up my rings from the jeweler. Done 3 loads of wash at the laundromat.
January 9, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is -30 and sunny. I run the sweeper, dried the clothes in the drier and hung my ironing in the basement. Paul, Grace, and Evelyn went with me to 5:00 mass in Deerwood. The temp is still -12 at 10PM.
January 10, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was -11 this AM. I made a batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam, washed the dishes. After dinner I sewed more blocks. I have 40 blocks so far.
January 11, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -8 and sunny. Susan picked me up for Woodland Acres. I made 10 more blocks. We're getting some now and wind.
January 12, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 8 degrees and snowing and blowing, windy. I ironed this AM. There were so many closings because of the blizzard. I made meatballs for card club tomorrow.
January 13, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is -21 and no wind. We had card club here. I made meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans. I and Harland won 1st. George and Elsie got low.
January 14, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -6. It was -20 when we went to bed. I called the clinic for myself. We went to Brainerd. Harland had a doctor appointment. He says he should have surgery on his hand.
January 15, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 2 above. The trees were real frosty, just beautiful. I went to the doctor and I have a kidney infection.
January 16, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees and cloudy, later sunny. I sewed a 40 x 60 bed cover top and 1 lap robe top. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken dinner.
January 17, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 9 degrees and sunny. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. We're having a January thaw. I started the 2nd bed cover.
January 18, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 8 degrees and frosty. Grace picked Susan and I up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I sewed a few more blocks on the bed cover tonight.
January 19, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 24 degrees. The trees are a beautiful picture postcard. We went to Crosby. Harland got a hair cut and we had a blizzard. 6 inches of snow. Paul plowed us out.
January 20, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 19 degrees and windy. I finished a lap robe. I shoveled the roof off. There was 1 inch of ice under the snow.
January 21, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -14 and sunny. I finished one bed cover and made the top for another bed cover. Made dinner, etc.
January 22, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 12 degrees and lite snow. I finished 2 bed covers and 2 lap robes this week. Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs and euchre.
January 23, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -6 and light snow. I shoveled out to the burn barrel and burned 2 weeks of papers. Made chicken, dressing for dinner and we cleaned out the cotton material and double knit. I washed my hair and made an appointment for a permanent on Tuesday.
January 24, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 2 degrees. I went to church in Garrison. I finished another lap robe and made curtains for the basement. I fixed squash to take by Evelyn for supper. Paul, Grace, Harland and I were invited by Evelyn's for a belated birthday dinner for Grace. We had snow flurries and blowing, more blizzard weather. Evelyn, Grace and I made hangings for the state hospital thru the Ladies Aid.
January 25, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -16 and the wind was really raw. Grace and I went along to Woodland Acres. We labeled clothes for a new resident. The highway was good after the snowing and blowing last nite.
January 26, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is -32 and sunny. I washed my hair and run the sweeper in the bathroom, kitchen and porch. At 11:00 I went by Lois and got a permanent.
January 27, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is just 0 and sunny. I fixed a hot dish for our Deerwood Senior Citizens. I started checking the material that Carol K. gave me for lap robes and bed covers.
January 28, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -10 and clear. I finished the bag of material. I put clean bedding on.
January 29, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 15 degrees and cloudy. I done my Friday cleaning. After dinner and Harland's nap, we went to Brainerd. We made an appointment for the eye doctor for Harland. We run the car thru the car wash. We met Paul and Grace in Deerwood at the Legion for chicken dinner. Paul and Grace's treat. We came home and played euchre. Grace and I won $0.50.
January 30, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 15 degrees. I made the top for a lap robe. Finished 2 hearts for hangers at the state hospital.
January 31, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 15 degrees and flurries. We had freezing rain in the night. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. We took Paul and Grace, went to Aitkin at Birchwood for the Sunday brunch. Then we went by Elsie for her birthday. Paul and Grace took sandwiches, we took angel food cake, strawberries, Kool Whip and relish and chips. We played cards, had a nice afternoon.
February 1, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -21. Susan picked Grace and I up and spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I finished 4 more hangings for the state hospital.
February 2, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was -38 at 5AM. It's sunny and no wind. We picked Evelyn up and we went to Garrison Senior Citizens. I pinned another lap robe together.
February 3, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is -15 and clear. I finished the 4th lap robe for the V.F.W. meeting tonight. I went to the doctor and had another blood and urine sample taken. They (V.F.W.) will have a photographer in Garrison to take my picture with the bed covers I made for the Vets. I will be in the Messenger.
February 4, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -13 this AM. I made a cake and potato hot dish for Ladies Aid.
February 5, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -24 and clear. Harland went to the eye doctor at 8:30AM. He has an infection in his right eye. I shortened 4 pair slacks for myself today.
February 6, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -19 degrees, sunny and no wind. I made apple crisp for the pot luck and card party at church. Harland and Ione won 1st. Hazel 2nd. It was cold. I took Evelyn and we went to Deerwood 5:00 mass.
February 7, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was -4 and sunny. A brisk north wind. I fed the birds, took garbage over, burned papers. I put a duck and dressing in the oven for dinner.
February 8, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -22 and cloudy. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
February 9, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was -6 degrees. We started cleaning in the basement, we got over half done.
February 10, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is -29 degrees at 6:15 and sunny. I wrote Marie and Bill and sent Ginger all Valentines. Bill will be 39 years old on Sunday. I made a salad for our luncheon at Deerwood church. Today Tuffy is still not himself. Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs, eurchre and 1 game of "500". Grace and I won pretty much all of the games. Zzz at 10:30PM.
February 11, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -36 and clear, wow. We just cooled it today.
February 12, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -35 and clear. I run the sweeper in the bathroom, kitchen and porch. We had lunch at noon, washed the dishes and got ready to go to the Legion club at Deerwood for games and dinner, compliments of the Legion. I drove and Paul, Grace and Evelyn went together. It was really a good day and evening.
February 13, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is -18. I went along with Evelyn to Hutchenson to see a 99 year old lady in the nursing home. 225 mile round trip. We got home at 3PM. We went to Lonesome Pine for supper.
February 14, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 12 degrees. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. I made dinner. After dinner we went to Brainerd to see the movie "Three Men and a Baby". We went to the laundromat.
February 15, 1988 - Monday. Bill was 39 years old yesterday. The temp is -2 and sunny. Paul and I took Tuffy into Brainerd and had him put to sleep. He had cancer of the liver, but his heart was good, doctor said. Harland has the flu. After his nap, I took him to the doctor in Brainerd. He has 101 fever, sore throat. They took a chest xray. He has pneumonia, fluid on the lungs. I got an antibiotic for him and fluid pills. Mary Moore called and said they buried Gerald.
February 16, 1988 - Tuesday. He had gall bladder surgery and his pancreas was enlarged, he was getting better, but got a blood clot which caused his death. He was 32.
February 17, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 10 degrees. I ripped the bed apart and went to the laundromat. Harland is holding his own, but he's still in critical condition. I came home at 12:00, laid down for an hour and dried the bedding. I called the hospital tonight and his heart beat was irregular and he had medication for that. They cut Harland's undershirt and dress shirt off to work on him.
February 18, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 18 degrees and cloudy. I sprinkled my ironing. I went up to see Harland and came home. Sharon came about 20 after 4 and we went back up to see Harland.
The high was 44 degrees today. She took me to Bonanza for supper, but I didn't feel like eating.
February 19, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 24 degrees and sunny. She took the turkey wings and canned stuff home and margarine. The doctor called and said he was getting better, but not out of the woods yet. I guess I got the flu. I didn't go up by Harland today. I really felt lousy. It was really nice - the high was 40 degrees and sunny. I felt like it is really the flu that I have. No appetite, chills, etc.
February 20, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is -11 and sunny. I felt a little better, straightened up, washed a few dishes, I got ready and went up by Harland. He is really sick. They're using a suction hose to bring up the plegm. Larry and Louise came up to see him and it perked Harland up. Today he ate a piece of fish, the 1st solid food. He still has 3 bottles of IV, etc. It was really the worst Harland's had to go thru in our almost 55 years. I bought another undershirt as they cut off his dress shirt, too.
February 21, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 4 degrees, cloudy and gloomy. I was up by Harland and it sure doesn't look or sound good. He's running a fever, they're drawing fluid from his lung. Today they took an EKG and xrays again. He has no appetite.
February 22, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 28 degrees and cloudy. More cold on the way. It is real windy today. The doctor says he is halfway thru his ordeal. He still has all the tubes, etc, but the xray shows his lungs and fluid are clearing up, but he still has a long way to go.
February 23, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is just 0 and sunny. It didn't get as cold as predicted. I cleaned the cupboard over the stove and sink. Susan and I had our picture taken with our sewing for the Vets for the Mille Lacs Messenger. Harland had part of the 3 bags and oxygen taken away today. I wrote to Tam and John and Michelle tonight.
February 24, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 3 above and sunny. I cleaned the upper part of the cupboard and went by Harland. They took the last bag away and relived him of his catheter, so he's on his own.
February 25, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -11. I burnt papers, fed the birds. I went down and picked up the commodities. I sure feel lousy. I can't seem to throw the flu. I went to the laundromat and went up by Harland. The doctor says he's getting better, but he don't think so.
February 26, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 27 degrees and clear. The same temp as the Cities has.
February 27, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 29 degrees and sunny. Almost spring like. Chick called last night and I told him Dad is gradually improving. When I got up to the hospital they were moving him up to the 3rd floor. They took his heart monitor off as his heartbeat was regular. George and Susan were up and brought him fruit. Evelyn picked me up and we went to Deerwood for Stations of the Cross and mass.
February 28, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 36 degrees and sunny. I finished the Friday house cleaning, made myself some dinner and went to the hospital. It's windy from the north. It will cool off tonite.
February 29, 1988 - Monday. Leap year. The temp was 28 degrees and sunny. Paul came over and cut 3 big limbs off the willow tree. I went by Harland. He still has fluid on his left lung.
March 1, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 23 degrees and cloudy and breezy. I just can't seem to shake the flu. The doctor said I got it from Harland. I started taking the penicillin pills that the doctor gave Harland to take. I went up by Harland and they moved him into isolation so he doesn't get a relapse. He still has fluid on his left lung, but his spirits are the best they've been. The high was 44 degrees and sunny.
March 2, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees and partly cloudy. A cool front went thru last night. Susan, Dena and I went to the Auxiliary meeting.
March 3, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -10 and sunny. I went to Ladies Aid as Evelyn and I were hostesses. After the meeting I went to the hospital. the doctor said Harland could come home Saturday. I shopped for groceries and came home. Marie and Ginger came around 5:15. Ginger and I set up and visited till 2:15AM. Then I couldn't sleep.
March 4, 1988 - Friday. The temp was -5 and sunny. We went to Hardees and then up to the hospital Harland will come home tomorrow.
March 5, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 32 degrees. Marie and Ginger took bread home for them and Henry. Then we went thru the car wash and up to the hospital. I helped Harland get dressed and the nurse explained his new medicine and I got 4 new prescriptions and we came home. He sure is weak. He weighs 160 lbs and was on a salt-free diet for 16 days, which didn't help.
March 6, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 28 degrees. Marie and Ginger left for home at 10AM. Harland lays down awhile and sets up till he gets tired again. I shortened a pair of my slacks. They're too long now that I've lost weight. I wrote some letters and set out some "thank you cards".
March 7, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 30 degrees, cloudy and east wind. The nurse came and took Harland's Protime, checked his heart and lungs and blood pressure. I went into Brainerd, got Harland's Coumidan, but he won't take it until his blood is right. Ruth Spence brought over an absentee ballot so we could vote.
March 8, 1988 - Tuesday. Marty is 16 years old today. The temp is 30, rain and snow mixed. I made dinner and cleaned the rest of the cupboards.
March 9, 1988 - Wednesday. Today is Chick's birthday. He's 46 years old. The temp is 21 degrees and sunny. I put clean bedding on before the nurse came for a Protem (blood test).
March 10, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 32 degrees and cloudy. I made breakfast and washed dishes and done some hand wash and fed the birds. I started to wash kitchen walls and ceiling. I cleaned behind the refrigerator. I at least got a start.
March 11, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 29 degrees, cloudy and snow heading our way. Paul finished cutting off the weeping willow. I'm doing my Friday cleaning. Bathroom, kitchen and porch. Susan and George stopped and we cut out 10 yards of material for laundry bags for the Vets. Katie called and willie has cancer in his bladder.
March 12, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 10 degrees and a blizzard. The wind chill is -30. Chick called and they're coming the 30th of March. The storm has started to abate.
March 13, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 5 degrees. I fixed turkey wings for dinner, baked an apple pie. Paul and Grace picked me up for 9:00 mass in Garrison. After dinner, Evelyn came over and later Paul and Grace stopped when Harland got up from his nap. Paul checked the oil in the car. I shoveled off the roof after dinner.
March 14, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 5 degrees and sunny. Oscar and Hazel stopped after dinner. Then I went to Brainerd, done some shopping and went to the laundromat.
March 15, 1988 - Tuesday. the temp is 14 degrees and cloudy. The nurse is coming this AM. She (Mary Peterson) checked blood pressure, checked heart and lungs and took a blood test. I made 3 laundry bags for the Vets hospital.
March 16, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 20 degrees, cloudy all day. I run the vacuum and after dinner, Ed and Dorothy Boucher came over and they brought an apple pie, blueberry muffins and a jar of jam.
March 17, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 20 degrees and sunny. I sewed 2 more laundry bags and made chocolate chip cookies, zucchini bread and lemon bars.
March 18, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 10 degrees and sunny. Harland went to see Dr. Musty since his hospital stay. He's gradually getting his strength back. When we came home, Chick and Jim were here. It sure helped the morale. They started to tear Clem's old house down. It sure will be an improvement.
March 19, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 18 degrees and flurries, but the sun is out at noon. I fixed hamburger and mushroom soup for lunch as we're going to the V.F.W. for chicken tonight. Chick took an old battery from the basement and put a new litebulb outside on the back door. Chick and Jim put the Christmas tree up in the garage and they put the ice auger away for us. They went to Brainerd and done some shopping. After supper Paul and Grace stopped and when they went home, Jim, Chick, Harland and I played sheepshead. Chick and I won.
March 20, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 10 degrees and snow. The 1st day of spring. Clem's house is down and burned up. I made breakfast and the boys left for home at 7:45AM. I washed dishes and then got ready for 9:00 mass at Garrison. I made dinner, washed dishes and ripped the beds apart and took 6 sheets and the rest of the laundry to Brainerd and washed clothes and got some Easter cards.
March 21, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 2 degrees and cloudy. I picked Grace and Susan up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I received my picture of the kids wearing some of the 10 vests I sewed. It is for the chorus, kids ages 10-16 years old.
March 22, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 22 degrees and partly cloudy. I took Harland to Crosby for a haircut, which he needed badly. After dinner I washed more of the kitchen ceiling and walls.
March 23, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 30 degrees and cloudy. Rain is predicted. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. We didn't stay for the meeting as Harland was tired.
March 24, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 32 degrees, cloudy and rain. The snow is going fast. I was so dizzy and I took an antivirt for dizziness and I slept on and off all day and I slept all night.
March 25, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 36 degrees, cloudy and windy. I went over by Margaret Abear and visited with her till noon. I fried some of Bill's 13 lb northern for lunch this noon. I made rhubarb cream delight. I fed the birds, took the garbage over and burned the papers.
March 26, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 12 degrees and partly cloudy. We had snow flurries in the night. I done the weekend cleaning.
March 27, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 12 degrees and sunny. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. At 11 o'clock we went to 40 club for brunch, but was disappointed. Harland took a nap and I baked sugar and filled cookies. Then we went to see George and Susan after his eye surgery. We took some cookies and rhubarb dessert. I finished my 9 laundry bags for the Vets.
March 28, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 32 degrees, raining and misty. I went into Brainerd, got the tire fixed. It had a slow leak. There was a nail in it. They took it out and put a plug in it. I then went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
March 30, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 22 degrees. We went into H&R Block. Then Harland went in for his driving license. We picked up some new prescriptions for Harland's new pills. I'm fixing new kitchen curtains.
March 31, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 22 degrees and cloudy. I finished washing kitchen walls and finished the curtains for 2 windows. The nurse was here, but she didn't take a Protime. I sprinkled all my ironing.
April 1, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 17 degrees and sunny. I done 4 weeks ironing and ironed part of the curtains I made and I washed the windows and put the curtains up. They look nice. I stamped 10-12 inch squares for a baby quilt of baby animals.
April 2, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 18 degrees and sunny. Today is Good Friday. We went to Deerwood to renew a CD. We went to Crosby grocery shopping. I went to church at 3PM.
April 3, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy. I done my cleaning and I went to 5 o'clock holy Saturday services. We got some rain. The temp was 32 degrees, misty and rainy. We went to 9:30 mass at Deerwood and then went to the Legion for breakfast. We came home. Harland went to bed and I planted our 15 tuberous begonia bulbs and I planted some slips I had rooted for the tire planters and the cemetery later. We went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs and euchre.
April 4, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 31 degrees. Susan picked me up for Woodland Acres.
April 5, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 40 degrees. We went to Garrison Senior Citizen where we served. I made 10 mobiles for the state hospital. I finished another block for the baby quilt.
April 6, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 27 degrees and sunny. We had our appreciation dinner for volunteering at the state hospital. I went to Auxiliary meeting. We had election of officers and I'm chaplain again for the 3rd year. I finished another block for the baby quilt.
April 7, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 25 degrees and sunny. I hung the wash out and made rhubarb dessert for the Ladies Aid. We cut out quilt blocks, had dessert and came home. Paul and Harland fixed the toilet and I raked in the front and uncovered mum and tulips.
April 8, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 37 degrees, sunny and breezy. I made a hot dish for a funeral and Pine Lake Senior Citizen. I planted our sweet pea seed this AM.
April 9, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 34 degrees and snow flurries. I washed my hair and warmed up the hot dish for Crosby Senior Citizens. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood 5:00 mass. I finished embroidering the 10 baby animals for a baby quilt for our 2nd great grandchild.
April 10, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 22 degrees and sunny. I made dinner and washed up the dishes and went and raked more lawn.
April 11, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 18 degrees, sunny an dry. I went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.
April 12, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 40 degrees and sunny. Harland is 79 years old today. I had my bone scan today at the hospital. I raked this afternoon.
April 13, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 42 degrees, north wind. I took all the bags of leaves away from the house and roses. We had card club. George and I won 1st. Susan and Harland low. I dropped Harland off and I went down to church to help with lunch for Kokesh funeral.
April 14, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 22 degrees, sunny and windy. I picked up some leaves before it got too windy. I wrote to Chick, Judy and Tam. We cleaned up the sump pump and swept up the basement. I have to take some junk out to the garbage. I finished embroidering the baby quilt top. Now I'll put the blocks together.
April 15, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 22 degrees, sunny and breezy. We cleaned up the junk in the basement. I painted the stand for the gold ball and the smokehouse for cigarette butts. We fixed the flag and put it back up. I painted the front door where the cat jumped up always.
April 16, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 25 degrees and sunny. I raked the leaves off our grape and the daffodils and then it got windy. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken.
April 17, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 22 degrees and windy. The ice went out of Borden last night, the 16th. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. I dug the parsnips out. The ones in the upper garden were better than the lower garden. We gave Grace and Evelyn some parsnips.
April 18, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 21 degrees and sunny and windy again. No rain. I'm painting the Schumann sign for the front lawn. I picked Grace and Susan up for Woodland Acres.
April 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 14 degrees and sunny. I covered the daffodils as they're right out in the open. I uncovered the last grape and raked more leaves up. Grace picked Susan and I up for our volunteer luncheon at Woodland Acres. I got a 5 year pin. I soaked our dahlia bulbs in water. They sure looked dry. As is our weather.
April 20, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 24 degrees and sunny. Harland had a check up by Dr. Musty. They took 2 Protime, one for potassium and one for his blood thinner. I renewed my driver license. No rain yet.
April 21, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 20 degrees and cloudy. I took care of the parsnips this AM. I fixed meatloaf, baked potatoes and parsnips. We left at 11:45 as Harland had an appointment at the hospital for an echo test. Marie is 76 years old today.
April 22, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 26 degrees and sunny. I raked on the west side of the garage and I made dinner. Harland took a nap and then we went to Brainerd to the foot doctor.
April 23, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 30 degrees and sunny with east wind. I washed my hair and dried it and I went to Mille Lacs electric meeting alone. Harland wasn't up to going. I sprinkled my ironing and I shortened a pair of my slacks.
April 24, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 32 degrees and sunny. Harland took the plastic off the back door. I cleaned off the asparagus and put fertilizer and washed off the ornaments for the back yard. We went to Birchwood Restaurant in Aitkin for dinner. I done my ironing this afternoon. Bill Cross came over and he will work up the garden Tuesday AM, weather permitting. We still didn't get any rain.
April 25, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 30 degrees and sunny. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
April 26, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy. I put a beef roast on. I painted the stand for the oriole feeder. Bill Cross came over and worked up the 2 pieces of garden. After Harland's nap we planted 5 lbs of seed potatoes, some lettuce and onion sets. The air is still cold and no rain.
April 27, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 33 degrees and cloudy. I made a rhubarb dessert for Deerwood Senior Citizens and I made applesauce muffins and stirred up butterhorns to take by Marie tomorrow. Harland is having the oil changed this AM.
April 28, 1988 - Wednesday. We left for Wisconsin at 10 to 9. The weather was nice and still dry. We arrived by Marie and Ginger. We took Marie and Ginger to Rosie's for Marie's birthday. She was 76 on April 21st. We went over to see Henry and his menagerie. What a collection of animals.
April 30, 1988 - Saturday. We left Marie and Ginger at 10AM and came home. We went to Twin Pines for dinner. V.G.
May 1, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 50 degrees, sunny and windy. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Then I washed for the 1st time in the garage. Mostly double knit curtains, etc. At 4PM we went to church at Deerwood and then a pot luck. We went by Paul and Grace and played euchre.
May 2, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 50 degrees, more wind and no rain. I watered our sweet peas, burned the papers, washed dishes. I picked Grace and Susan up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
May 3, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 45 degrees and sunny. I painted a bird house, flower stand and made apple crisp for Garrison Senior Citizens. I watered the asparagus. It's enough so we can cit it off in a day or two. We still haven't had only 1/2 inch of rain all spring.
May 4, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 35 degrees. We left home at 7:30AM to go to Ironton for Harland to get a haircut. We went to Brainerd, done our shopping and we picked out a diamond wedding band for me. George and Susan picked us up and we went to V.F.W. for dedication of the flag pole and then a dinner and then installation of officers. I'm still chaplain.
May 5, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 40 degrees. Our sweet peas are coming up. I baked a cake for Ladies Aid. I took the last of the kitty litter and old worm bedding out of the basement and dumped it in the marsh. I painted out in the blue room and on the wheelbarrel. I'm still watering flowers, but rain is predicted for tomorrow night. Harland fixed the fish cleaning house door.
May 6, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 45 degrees and windy. We ordered 1/2 beef at $1.26 a lb. I washed the windows in the spare bedroom and the kitchen and bathroom. I spring house cleaned one of the spare beds. At 1PM I went by Lois and got a permanent.
May 7, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 55 degrees and real windy. I made a blueberry torte for the dock party and made rice krispie squares for Crosby Senior Citizen. I fixed 3 meals of hamburgers with mushroom soup. Maybe John and Michelle and Nicky will come in a few days. Jim and Bill will come May 20.
May 8, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 56 degrees and partly sunny. Margaret and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. At 11:30 Evelyn, Harland and I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for Mother's Day. Then we went to the nursery and got some cabbage, tomato and broccoli. We bought another bleeding heart as ours from Marie years ago died.
May 9, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 50 degrees and cloudy. I went to Woodland Acres alone. Susan's brother passed away. Grace had other plans. I defrosted the big freezer in the garage and we went down by Mark and picked up our 1/2 beef. $1.26 a lb. It weighed 235 lbs. I cooked up the soup bones and picked out the meat.
May 10, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 37 degrees and sunny. I put the soup meat and broth in the freezer and washed up the dishes. I washed clothes in the garage and made dinner. After supper we set out our tomato, cabbage and broccoli plants. I mowed lawn for the 1st time.
May 11, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 52 degrees and cloudy. We took the car in to get it lined up. It was a bigger job than we planned on. It cost $345.76. Something in the steering.
May 12, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 48 degrees and rain. It cleared up in the afternoon. I house cleaned the porch as John, Michelle and Nicky are coming. I fixed a crock pot full of beans and made potato salad. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison for Ascention Day.
May 13, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 32 degrees and sunny. I finished my cleaning and at 9 o'clock John, Michelle and Nicki came.
May 14, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 52 degrees. John and I covered up the tomato plants last night, but it warmed up. I made chocolate chip cookies an zucchini bread for the kids and the bake sale at church. We went shopping in Brainerd, bought a ceiling fan for John and Michelle, house warming.
May 15, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 49 degrees, sunny and cool wind. We went to church and then to the Viking for breakfast. We had a shower of rain and we (John, Michelle, Gramps, Nicky and I) planted 2 pine trees. John and Michelle went to the races in Brainerd. We took care of Nicky. She sure is a bundle of laughs and enjoyment. We then had a cook out, steak and brats.
May 16, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 42 degrees and cloudy. I fed the birds, made breakfast. The kids, John, Michelle, Nicky, left for home at 10AM.
May 17, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 42 degrees, sunny and breezy. I spring cleaned the spare bed, washed a couple rugs and we had card club over by Oscar and Hazel. I brought dessert, angel food cake, strawberries and whipped topping. I took care of our clothes when we came home.
May 18, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 54 degrees and windy. We both mowed lawn this AM. I finished cleaning up around the roses and peonies and the bridle wreath and dug out some weeds in the garden.
May 19, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 54 degrees and sunny. We went to Brainerd grocery shopping before the kids came.
May 20, 1988 - Friday. I left at 7:30AM to pick up Marie so she could fish when the boys were here. We stopped at Dairy Queen, got a bite to eat and we came home around 3:45PM.
May 21, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was in the 50's and cloudy. Jim, Bill, Marty and Harland went on Mille Lacs, but didn't do too good. Marie and I went over to the cemetery and planted flowers and put the wreaths on. It looks nice. Marie and I went to 7:30 mass at Deerwood. We were all going to Turner on Sunday.
May 22, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 54 , cloudy and north wind and it was sprinkling, so the boys went to Turner alone. The guys didn't do too bad for the week other than being windy. They went for walleyes twice at night and got their limit in 2 hours. It's been so warm and windy all week.
May 28, 1988 - Saturday. It's been another hot one. The boys left at 8PM. Marty and Marie stayed. I washed clothes and put clean bedding on the twin beds.
May 29, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 67. I went to 9:00 mass.
May 30, 1988 - Monday. It's still hot. I got the washing ready for morning.
May 31, 1988 - Tuesday. It is in the upper 60's this AM. I washed our bedding down to the mattress and changed Marty's bed. I rolled Marie's hair up.
June 1, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 67 degrees, hot. We went to Brainerd and Harland had a blood test taken and we finished our shopping and we had dinner at Bonanza's, came home. I went to Auxiliary meeting tonight.
June 2, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 54 degrees and sunny. It was really cool. We had our first lettuce from the garden. Katie and Willie came about 9:30 or 10AM.
June 4, 1988 - Saturday. It is really hot. We all went to 5PM mass and then we went to the Chicken Shack as Katie and Willie treated.
June 6, 1988 - Monday. It is still in the 90's and lows are in the 60's.
June 7, 1988 - Tuesday. Today I'm 74 years old. I made a hot dish and we all went to Senior Citizens. Then Marty and I took Aunt Marie to the foot doctor. Her toenails were terrible. We stopped at Dairy Queen. Katie and Willie cleaned up the boat as they were all three fishing. Katie and Marty cleaned up the lake shore and brought the 12 foot boat up. We dug out at least 10 trees for John as Katie and Willie took them home for him. Marty went home with them.
June 8, 1988 - Wednesday. Katie, Willie, Marty left at 10 to 7AM. I washed clothes, 8 sheets and everything else and after everything was on the line, it rained. So I hung it in the house and ironed everything and the rest in the drier. It really cooled off. It was 45 degrees this AM. The high was 68 degrees.
June 10, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 46 degrees, cool. We wore sweaters when we left for Wisconsin and Tam's graduation from college. We dropped Marie off at home and left for Horicon. We stayed by Chick and Judy.
June 11, 1988 - Saturday. We left at 9AM. We went by the kids trailer at Puckaway and then met Tam at our motel. We went to the park where we had a picnic and back to our motel and relaxed. Then we went by Chick and Judy's room and had sandwiches, etc and we then gave Tam her gifts.
June 12, 1988 - Sunday. The weather was real nice. Graduation exercises started at 10:30AM. It was over by 12:30. Then we went to the restaurant for dinner. We seen the school where Tam will teach.
June 13, 1988 - Monday. We went over by Katie where we spent 2 nights. We went up by John and Michelle and seen their home. We took Katie and Willie to Iron Ridge Inn for supper.
June 14, 1988 - Tuesday. We went up by Dorothy Schumann, but found out she had a light stroke and is in the nursing home in Beaver Dam. Edward and Lorene came to see Dorothy. So then we went back and had dinner by Bernice and Ervin Schutte. Then we went by John and Michelle for a cook out. It was delicious, ribs and chicken.
June 15, 1988 - Wednesday. We left Katie and Willie's at 6:15AM. We arrived by Marie and she was sick. I called the clinic and we took her in and she has pneumonia in the right lung and is dehydrating, so the doctor put her in the hospital. We came home. Arrived at 7:15PM.
June 16, 1988 - Thursday. I made a salad for our card party by Elsie's. We were both pooped. We made 1,222 miles on our trip.
June 17, 1988 - Friday. I washed all our good clothes and washed the windows.
June 18, 1988 - Saturday. I washed my hair and then hoed in the lower garden. We picked Chet and Frieda up and went for our card club by George and Susan. It was really hot and humid. 95 high.
June 19, 1988 - Sunday. It still is so hot. I went to mass at Deerwood and then stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters and we picked Chet, Frieda, and Evelyn up and we went to Birchwood for Sunday brunch for Father's Day. Maxine and Warren came around 4PM.
June 20, 1988 - Monday. Harland and Warren went to Turner, but didn't do too good. Maxine and I went and picked 2 boxes of strawberries. Then we went to Brainerd and got 2 new hoses to water the garden. The temp reached 100 degrees. It was so hot and very dry. Maxine and Warren really cleaned our car up real good. We went and played Bingo at the V.F.W. Warren won twice and I won $10.00. The 1st time ever.
June 21, 1988 - Tuesday. We had an electric storm this AM and got 3/4 inch rain. Bilke's took us to the Chicken Shack.
June 22, 1988 - Wednesday. We picked George and Susan up and us and Bilke's went to Deerwood Senior Citizens picnic. Harland had a dizzy spell when we got out of the car in the park. He set in a chair till it passed over.
June 23, 1988 - Thursday. Bilke's left at 7:20AM. I put clean bedding on and cooled it the rest of the day. I was beat.
June 24, 1988 - Friday. I washed clothes and Evelyn picked me up to pick strawberries, but there were too many pickers and the patch was all gone over. The temp reached 100 degrees in Brainerd.
June 25, 1988 - Saturday. We got 1/4 inch of rain and it cooled off. Iris and Evelyn picked me up and we picked strawberries. I froze some and made a batch of rhubarb and strawberry jam. We took a jar down by Chet and Frieda before they leave for home at Rhinelander. I sprinkled the ironing as long as it cooled off. We ordered pills for Harland and I ordered a pair of pillow cases for Tam for Christmas, a piano keyboard and red roses.
June 26, 1988 - Sunday. I baked an apple pie for Garrison Guild Pie and Ice Cream social. Paul and Grace went along to Deerwood with Harland and I for Father Nicholson's 40th year in the priesthood and dinner. Very nice.
June 27, 1988 - Monday. Grace picked me up and we spent 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
June 28, 1988 - Tuesday. We had a little shower of rain and it really cooled off. Harland and I picked 2 boxes of strawberries and I mowed lawn in the back.
June 29, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 49 degrees, sunny and windy. Harland went to Dr. Musty, got a good report.
June 30, 1988 - Thursday. The temps are really comfortable. I baked oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies and defrosted the refrigerator freezer in the garage.
July 1, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 53 degrees. I washed clothes this AM, ironed and run the sweeper. Jim, Wayne H and Collette are coming after work. They got here around midnight.
July 2, 1988 - Saturday. Harland, Jim, and Wayne went to Turner. Got 90 blues, 2 northerns and a couple bass. At night they went on Mille Lacs. Harland and Jim each got a 4 1/2 lb walleye, a small walleye and some perch.
July 3, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass and then we watered the planters on the cemetery. They really are growing.
July 4, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 77 degrees this AM. We'll reach the upper 90's today. Harland, Wayne and Jim went down to Pickerel. They got 17 bass and some blues. Wayne left around noon and it's hot.
July 5, 1988 - Tuesday. The weather is really hot. Dad, Jim, Collette are fishing.
July 6, 1988 - Wednesday. Jim put the boat in Borden and we all went fishing. Caught quite a few crappies, blue and a couple bullheads. Collette and Maria waxed the car this week. It really looks nice. I took them to Dairy Queen for a treat. I went to the Auxiliary meeting tonight.
July 8, 1988 - Thursday. Jim has been fishing Borden, casting and been doing quite good considering the temp. It reached 100 degrees this week. I washed clothes today, 4 sheets, etc.
July 9, 1988 - Friday. Tam is 22 years old today. Jim and Collette left at 7:30AM and I stripped the other 2 beds, washed a couple blankets and a rug. We had another shower of rain tonight.
July 10, 1988 - Saturday. It cooled off last night after the rain. I and Margaret went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Harland picked raspberries. He got 2 dishes for supper. We went to Aitkin for the Sunday brunch. V. good. I cleaned the weeks out of the upper garden again. I started to clean the weeds out of the lower garden, but I had to give up.
July 11, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 55 degrees. I picked Grace up for the nursing home for 5 hours. After we came home, we went down to the V.F.W. club and made our 18 centerpieces for the birthday party for Woodland Acres. I worked on the scarf for the freezer.
July 12, 1988 - Monday. I shampooed the kitchen carpeting and after dinner, Susan picked Grace and I up and we helped with the monthly birthday party at Woodland Acres, which was sponsored by the V.F.W. Auxiliary.
July 13, 1988 - Tuesday. We got 1 1/2 inches of rain last night. I got the kitchen straightened up and I scrubbed the basement steps down and swept the basement up.
July 14, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 66 degrees and sunny. We got another heat wave and no relief in sight. Dorothy picked Grace and I up and we went to Milaca Mills. I got a bundle of cut outs to make bed covers and lap robes for the Vets.
July 15, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 68 degrees and sunny. Teh temp reached 100 again. We went into Brainerd. Bill DeWitt stopped for a visit. He likes it in Florida. Jesse will be 21 years old July 19th.
July 16, 1988 - Friday. It was good sleeping weather last night. It's going to get hot. I washed clothes, picked the yellow and green beans and canned 5 pints. I put 2 packages in the freezer. We went to the chicken fry at the V.F.W.
July 17, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 68 degrees. Margaret Nierman and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to the church dinner at Bulldog Lake. We played Bingo. Harland won a blanket and I shook dice and won a pair for pillow cases. I cooked potatoes for potato salad on Tuesday card club. I sewed 7 quilt blocks.
July 18, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was in the 50's. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I fried the chicken, picked beans and cleaned up the kitchen. I picked our 1st ripe tomato.
July 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 55 degrees and partly cloudy. I cleaned out the tuberous begonias. We had card club here.
July 20, 1988 - Tuesday. We got a letter from Marty at camp. He has blisters on his hands and feet. He would like some cookies. I done a 3 week ironing, 2 hours.
July 21, 1988 - Wednesday. Bryon and Joy came around 11AM. We went out on the launch. Joy got 4 walleyes. Harland, 1. I missed one. Joy and I picked green beans.
July 22, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 8 pints of green beans. Harland picked raspberries.
July 23, 1988 - Friday. Bryon and Joy took us to the Chicken Shack. We were disappointed in the food and service.
July 24, 1988 - Saturday. I washed clothes, 6 sheets, etc and made another batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam. Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood. We stopped at the cemetery and watered the flowers.
July 25, 1988 - Sunday. I started working on the baby quilt.
July 26, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours. I ground up ham for sandwiches, canned 8 more pints of green beans and 1 pints of pickled yellow beans. I started out pickled fish.
July 27, 1988 - Tuesday. It's another hot day. We've had 29 days of 90 degree weather so far and we aren't into August yet. I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, a banana cake and a blueberry cake. I picked beans, cukes and tomatoes.
July 28, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 95 degrees and hot. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. We stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters. I made the 3rd batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam.
July 29, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 74 degrees at 6AM when I got up. The heat was terrible. We went down in the basement and done some cleaning and I painted the basement windows. The heat really got to Harland.
July 30, 1988 - Friday. We went to Crosby. Harland got a haircut and done my shopping. We came home before it got so hot. The temp was 58 degrees. I washed clothes this AM and picked beans and tomatoes. We have had 32 days of over 90 degree weather so far and we're not into August yet. I called Katie and Michelle has to go from May 15 for this pregnancy to September. (?)
July 31, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison and then Paul and Grace picked us up for Birchwood Cafe brunch in Aitkin. It was our treat. I'm working on a pair of pillow cases with a piano keyboard and red roses on it for a Christmas present. We had our 34th day of 90 degrees.
August 1, 1988 - Monday. Hot again. Susan picked us up for Woodland Acres. We're still in the sticky hot weather.
August 2, 1988 - Tuesday. I put more cauliflower in the freezer, canned 2 quarts of Russian dill, a new recipe.
August 3, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 72 degrees, cloudy this AM. We went to Brainerd shopping and I went to Auxiliary meeting at night.
August 4, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 59 degrees and a few sprinkles. The Cities got 4 inches of rain last night. We went to the Ladies Aid by George and Susan's.
August 5, 1988 - Friday. Today we have been married 55 years. I done some Friday cleaning and washed my hair. Oscar and Hazel Miller have been married 62 years today, so they picked us up and we met George and Susan at Crosby and had dinner and came back by George and Susan and played 6 handed "500".
August 6, 1988 - Saturday. We left at 10 to 8AM and went to Minong, Wisconsin where Marty is for 5 weeks at Youth Conservation Camp. He had blisters on his hands and feet at first. He has 1 week left. He really likes it. It's good experience for him and discipline. We didn't spend too much time with him, but we went out to eat and visit. We stayed in a motel.
August 7, 1988 - Sunday. We came home after we dropped Marty off at Y.C.C. Camp as it was a fun weekend and their last weekend together. We got home at 2:15PM. We had a cookout by Dena and Red. Everyone from the cabins were there. I made blueberry torte.
August 8, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I canned 3 1/2 quarts of tomato juice. I finished the curtains for the basement.
August 9, 1988 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and sprinkled my ironing from two weeks ago. I made 3 pints of bread and butter pickles.
August 10, 1988 - Wednesday. I ironed for 2 hours and made 3 quarts of dill pickles.
August 11, 1988 - Thursday. I mended some panties (new elastic) and pinned the baby quilt top together. Pat M's dad passed away.
August 12, 1988 - Friday. I washed my hair, peeled apples and made apple crisp for Pine Lake picnic and canned 5 1/2 quarts of tomato juice. I sewed the animal baby quilt top together.
August 13, 1988 - Saturday. I sewed a bed cover top together. I really rained today. We've got 3 1/2 inches of rain in the last couple of days. I finished the piano pillow cases for Tam for Christmas. I'm going to crochet on them.
August 14, 1988 - Sunday. I went to mass last night and I sewed 3 lap robes for the Vets. We went to Twin Pines for dinner.
August 15, 1988 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres alone for 6 hours. Grace drove as she had to come home at noon.
August 16, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn and I went to Minneapolis shopping. She had bank business and I got a case of oleo and other groceries. We had 103 degrees and it was really unbearable. Heat.
August 17, 1988 - Wednesday. I canned 2 more quarts of dill, cut off the broccoli an dstarted out 2 quarts of refrigerator pickles. We had card club by Susan's.
August 18, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 4 1/2 quarts of tomato juice and 2 pints of beet pickles. The temps are in the 70's. It's cool.
August 19, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 56 degrees and cloudy. I washed clothes, made dinner. We went to Brainerd and Harland got a "protime".
August 20, 1988 - Saturday. Today we got our 2nd great grandchild, a little girl Natalie Ann, weight 6 lbs 6 oz. Everything is fine. We went to the chicken fry in Garrison. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 21, 1988 - Sunday. I read the Sunday paper and then done more sewing.
August 22, 1988 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I canned the rest of our pears.
August 23, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn and I went over to see Margaret Abear. She is thin, but she's active, but gets tired easily. She had cancer and lost 3/4 of her stomach.
August 24, 1988 - Wednesday. I fixed a hot dish for Deerwood Senior Citizen. I'm embroidering another pair of pillow cases from Pearson's sale.
August 25, 1988 - Thursday. Today is Jim's birthday, he's 35 years old. I'm getting a perm at 1PM.
August 26, 1988 - Friday. The lows have been in the 50's and highs in the 70's. I canned 6 1/2 quarts of tomato soup this AM. I sewed another bed cover together today and mowed some lawn.
August 28, 1988 - Sunday. It's still cool and the wind is north. We could sure use some rain. I and Margaret Nierman went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Evelyn came over. We checked the cukes. I pinned 2 more bed covers together and sewed one.
August 29, 1988 - Monday. We're leaving for Marie's this AM. We arrived about 12:30, had a bite to eat and in the evening, we and Marie and Henry went out to Rosie's for supper.
August 30, 1988 - Tuesday. We picked Henry up at 12:00AM and we went picking apples. We picked about 8 bushels. We took Marie to Dairy Queen in Ladysmith for supper.
August 31, 1988 - Wednesday. We had breakfast and then packed up and came home. We got home at 1:45.
September 1, 1988 - Thursday. I made an apple crisp and apple kuchen. I took apple crisp to George and Lorna Maghan for our September meeting. Had a very nice day. George and Susan came over and we played "500".
September 3, 1988 - Saturday. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens and later we went by Elsie and Tellie Smith, Frieda Vend, Ina?, Elsie, Harland and I played 6 handed "500" till 6PM.
September 4, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:30 mass in Deerwood and on the way home I watered the planters at the cemetery.
September 5, 1988 - Monday. Labor Day.
September 6, 1988 - Tuesday. I put out a big wash and then we went to Garrison Senior Citizens. I took care of the clothes and sprinkled my ironing.
September 7, 1988 - Wednesday. I ironed for 3 hours and then I went to Auxiliary meeting at nite. I had 4 bed covers and 3 lap robes done to take to the meeting for the Vets.
September 8, 1988 - Thursday. I made 3 batches of grape jelly. Paul and Grace went along with us to the chicken dinner at Platte Lutheran Church. V.G. and then we played cards.
September 9, 1988 - Friday. I made 2 more batches of grape jelly. All done. I washed my hair. We went to Pine Line Senior Citizens.
September 10, 1988 - Saturday. I done my weekend cleaning.
September 11, 1988 - Sunday. I went to Deerwood 9:30 mass. I stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters. I finished painting the new bird feeder Harland made. After dinner I took slips off all the plants before frost.
September 12, 1988 - Monday. It's still so dry. I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.
September 13, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn picked I and Susan (she came by our place) up and we went to the Elks for volunteer (R.S.V.P.) appreciation dinner. It was Swiss steak. V.G. I cut a kettle full of apples and got my pie crust started for tomorrow.
September 14, 1988 - Wednesday. I made my pie crust and 2 pumpkin pies for card club today by Millers. I cooked up the apples for sauce.
September 15, 1988 - Thursday. I started another bed cover. We're getting a little rain and wind. Ron and Ada Austin came over tonight.
September 16, 1988 - Friday. Today is Judy and Evelyn's birthdays. Judy is 42 and Evelyn is 70 years old. I picked up Ada and we went to Brainerd in the rain and done some shopping.
September 17, 1988 - Saturday. I cleaned kitchen, bath and porch, washed my hair. Harland finished smoking the bullheads. V.G. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken. We got 3/4 inch rain.
September 18, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. We went over by Millers and played cards. They sent a carton of fresh raspberries that Oscar just picked today.
September 19, 1988 - Monday. Susan picked me up and we went to Woodland Acres.
September 20, 1988 - Tuesday. Harland went to Dr. Moran and will get a new lens and has drops for his eye.
September 21, 1988 - Wednesday. Paul and Grace came over last night and we played cards, but nothing was mentioned about the sale of their home. It's still cloudy. We had a nice rain, about 1 1/2 inches.
September 22, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 3 quarts of apple sauce and finished another bed cover top and I went to the doctor (Hanske) for my sore mouth. He sent me to Dr. Sofie. It's a virus and it has to run its course, about 3 weeks.
September 23, 1988 - Friday. I canned 7 quarts of apple sauce and I painted the front room window and the closet window on the north side. I aired the drapes and washed the curtain in the closet and ironed it and washed the windows. They look really nice. Harland picked the squash and cleaned up the one garden and mowed some lawn. The leaves are really falling.
September 24, 1988 - Saturday. It sprinkled a little. It cleared up and I painted our bedroom window, aired the drape and washed the window. It was really windy. Susan and I helped serve at the V.F.W. tonight.
September 25, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison and at 12:00 we met Millers, Foresters, Anderson and Clara Halston at the Sundowner Restaurant at Crosby when Clara treated in honor of the card games. After we ate, we went by Clara's on Bay Lake and played "500".
September 26, 1988 - Monday. Jack would have been 79 years old today. I went to Woodland Acres lone for 6 hours.
September 27, 1988 - Tuesday. Harland went to the foot doctor and then to Dr. Moran (eye) and picked up his new lens for the right eye. Paul and Grace came over in the afternoon. I started another bed cover for the bazaar in Deerwood October 8th. We sent for Harland's pills.
September 28, 1988 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. Harland got a flu shot. It rained today. I washed clothes anyway. I hung the ironing in the basement, etc and used the dryer.
September 29, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 3 1/2 quarts of tomatoes, my last, and took care of my wash.
September 30, 1988 - Friday. We took a bus trip to Osage, Minnesota with Garrison Senior Citizens back to the days of yesteryears. Very expensive (gift bus free). I made 3 apple crisps tonight. One for the dock party, one for Crosby Senior Citizens tomorrow, 1 for us.
October 1, 1988 - Saturday. I baked the 3 apple crisps and banana carrot cake. I and Susan served at Crosby. For supper, we were over by Dena and Red's for the dock party and turkey on the grill.
October 2, 1988 - Sunday. I and Margaret Nierman went to 9:00 mass. Larry and the guys took our dock out. Larry took 2 batteries downstairs and he emptied our burn barrel. I'm working on a bed cover for the bazaar at Deerwood. I made our fudge tonight.
October 3, 1988 - Monday. I finished a bed cover for the bazaar and cut up the apples for apple sauce. The rest is for pies and apple crisp.
October 4, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 31 degrees. We had our 1st frost the last 2 nites. We went to Brainerd and checked on getting our driveway blacked top. Harland had a protime at the hospital We stopped at the grocery store and Pamida, got plastic for the back door. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens. I canned 6 pints of apple sauce and I made 3 apple pies for the freezer - 6 small pies for Jim and Tam.
October 5, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 22 degrees. It froze thru the covers I had on the planters. I made 3 more pies for the freezer. I painted another window on the porch.
October 6, 1988 - Thursday. We went to Ladies Aid at the town hall.
October 7, 1988 - Friday. Evelyn and I went over to Deerwood and help marked things for the bazaar. I went to the doctor again for my sore mouth. We got a surprise around 6PM. Bob Firari and Cackle Lackwood came. We really had a good visit.
October 8, 1988 - Saturday. Evelyn picked me up at 8AM and we went over to Deerwood and worked at the bazaar and we stayed for 5PM mass. We were really beat. Bob and Cackle left around noon and then Harland came over for dinner.
October 9, 1988 - Sunday. I took the sheets etc to the laundromat. I brought them home and hung them out. We dug out the tuberous begonias, glad and the dahlias and cleaned up the garden. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.
October 10, 1988 - Monday. Susan and I went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
October 11, 1988 - Tuesday. We left for our trip to Minot, North Dakota for the Hostfest. We checked in our motel at night.
October 12, 1988 - Wednesday. Tonight we seen Bob Hope and Myron Floran.
October 13, 1988 - Thursday. We seen Charlie Pride.
October 14, 1988 - Friday. We seen Glen Campbell in the afternoon and then we boarded our bus for Devils Lake where we stayed overnight. Our weather was beautiful.
October 15, 1988 - Saturday. We left Devils Lake at 7:30AM for home. We arrived home at 3:15 and our driveway is really nice blacktopped. We went to the chicken fry at the V.F.W. and I went to 7:30 mass at Deerwood.
October 16, 1988 - Sunday. I washed up a lot of good clothes and what else was in the basket.
October 17, 1988 - Monday. It rained this AM so we went to Brainerd and paid for our driveway. $845.00. After dinner I done the ironing.
October 18, 1988 - Tuesday. I started peeling apples and then it cleared up and I ripped our bed apart and washed everything down to the mattress in the garage. We'll use the laundromat now until spring. Then it rained so I dried some in the dryer and hung sheets etc in the basement. We got 2 pans of squash ready for the oven. I made 12 small apple pies, 6 pumpkin and 6 apple. 2 large pies, one of each, apple and pumpkin.
October 19, 1988 - Wednesday. I baked the squash and took care of it. I made a salad for our card club. I put 4 bags of squash in the freezer. I made another salad for the salad luncheon at church tomorrow.
October 20, 1988 - Thursday. Susan picked myself and Hazel up for the luncheon at church. There were between 70 and 80 women. We took our potatoes over to Foresters till next spring. We played "500". We each won 3 games.
October 21, 1988 - Friday. I washed windows on the porch. Harland put the storm windows in the door, he picked up some leaves, but they were still wet. I cleaned out the aquarium, will take it down for Collette. Jennie pass away.
October 22, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 31 degrees and breezy from the southweat.
October 23, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 26 degrees and flurries.
October 24, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
October 25, 1988 - Tuesday. Lucille and Aggie and I went with Evelyn to Hutchinson for Jennie's funeral.
October 26, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 22 degrees. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and Harland had a 1:30 doctor appointment. I went to the laundromat and the grocery store. I picked Harland up and went to Kmart. He got 2 pair long johns and we came home. I made potato soup, supper and washed dishes. Paul and Grace came over and got their frozen meat and when they went home, I wrapped Christmas gifts. Went to bed at 1:40AM.
October 27, 1988 - Thursday. I made pie crust and 2 pumpkin pies and chocolate chip cookies. We packed most everything in the car tonight.
October 28, 1988 - Friday. We left at 7:15 for Wisconsin.
November 1, 1988 - Monday. We left Willie's at 6:12AM. We stopped by Marie's and took her out for dinner and then home. We got home at 4:30PM. The weather was nice.
November 8, 1988 - Tuesday. We voted and then went to Brainerd and Harland got a protime, too care of a CD, got plastic bags for Willie for his hickory nut meats. Done 2 loads of wash at the laundromat.
November 9, 1988 - Wednesday. We're trying to get back to normal. Unpack, get everything put away.
November 11, 1988 - Friday. We went to Carlson's for our Thanksgiving dinner from Pine Lake Golden Age. Paul and Grace stopped and we played cards. At 6:15PM George and Susan picked us up for our membership dinner at V.f.W.
November 12, 1988 - Saturday. We're getting a very wet snow. We got between 5-6 inches. I cleaned off the driveway. We mailed a box to Bill.
November 13, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass. The roads are good. I'm picking out nuts to send to Orrsie in South Dakota.
November 14, 1988 - Monday. I picked Doris up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
November 15, 1988 - Tuesday. We're getting rain today, will turn into snow.
November 16, 1988 - Wednesday. We got around 8 inches of snow. All schools are closed.
November 17, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 24 degrees. I fixed beef stew for card club. Harland I won 1st. Susan and Oscar, low.
November 18, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 18 degrees. I changed our bedding and we went to Brainerd shopping and the laundromat.
November 19, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees. We got 3 inches of snow in the night. I shoveled half of the driveway out and I shoveled the roof off. We went to V.F.W. for chicken.
November 20, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 13 degrees. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.
November 21, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 2 degrees and frosty, but beautiful. I picked Doris up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres. Borden Lake frozen over today.
November 22, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 2 degrees, but no wind. I done a 3 weeks ironing. I stamped a new scarf to embroider for the freezer. Paul and Grace came over and picked up their turkey from the freezer.
November 24, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 31 degrees. The temp his 50 degrees. The snow is settling.
November 25, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 32 degrees. I went to the eye doctor for the itching and allergies I got from the eye wash.
November 26, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees and snowing. This should be the biggest storm yet. No traveling.
November 27, 1988 - Sunday. It is still snowing and blowing. I shoveled the roof off except the bedroom roof. Jeff Schmoltz plowed us out and he shoveled the path to the house, too. Very good.
November 28, 1988 - Monday. It's -8 this AM. I pinned 2 lap robes together. After Harland's nap we went to Brainerd.
November 29, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is -2 this AM. I sewed 2 lap robes.
November 30, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees. I got a permanent this AM. I finished the bed cover for the Vets and I wrapped some Christmas gifts.
December 1, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -2 degrees and sunny. I made apple crisp and apple sauce. We had Ladies Aid by Carl and Edna Johnson. After a short business meeting, some made fruit baskets and some of us wrapped Christmas presents for 6 residents for the state hospital. It was a very enjoyable day.
December 2, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 23 degrees and sunny. I went to Brainerd and finished our Christmas shopping. The temp was 45 degrees.
December 3, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees, sunny and a north wind. I made scalloped potatoes for our Christmas party at Crosby. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.
December 4, 1988 - Sunday. The weather is beautiful. We went to the funeral home at Crosby to see Everett Lundberg.
December 5, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 20 degrees and sunny. I went to Woodland Acres alone.
December 6, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 28 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
December 7, 1988 - Wednesday. We went to Brainerd, renewed a CD, got car licenses, Harland got a blood test taken.
December 8, 1988 - Thursday. Went to Auxiliary meeting, made 1 bed cover and 2 lap robes. The temp is 7 degrees and sunny. We paid our last respects to Father Nicholson.
December 9, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -14 degrees. Cold.
December 10, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -14. Evelyn picked us up at 6:15AM. We went to Deerwood, picked up Lydia Rogers and we left Bill Larson's home at 7AM.
December 13, 1988 - Tuesday. We left Winnipeg at 8AM, drove 200 miles on ice. We arrived in Brainerd and I drove Evelyn's car to take Lydia home to Deerwood in a heavy snow storm. We got home, here, at 7:15PM. Glad to be home. I'm concentrating on cards, washing, ironing and things in general.
December 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 15 degrees. I went to the nursing home alone. I went to the doctor for sinus, allergy and stomach trouble. I went to the laundromat.
December 20, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 23 degrees. I finished our Christmas cards.
December 21, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 2 degrees and sunny. I got our clothes ready to iron. Made dinner and made a batch of seafoam. I done the ironing after supper.
December 22, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 25 degrees, cloudy and windy.
December 23, 1988 - Friday. The boys came after work and got here at 11:15PM.
December 24, 1988 - Saturday. The weather is cold and clear. The boys went on the other side of Borden fishing, got 2 northern. We went to mass at 7:30 in Deerwood. We then opened our gifts.
December 25, 1988 - Sunday. It was cold and clear. Jim and Bill fished out in front of Red's, but nothing. We had duck and capon (?) and the works.
December 26, 1988 - Monday. It was snowing. I went to Brainerd.
December 27, 1988 - Tuesday. It was 8 degrees and sunny. The kids aren't having any luck fishing and it's been so cold and no shelter.
December 28, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was -10 degrees. The boys went fishing, but no luck, so they're talking about going home. I baked a small pumpkin pie and 5 small pies and 3 small cherry pies, 4 loaves of zucchini bread and a pan of lemon zucchini bars and chocolate chip cookies to send some home with the boys.
December 29, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -18 below when Bill got up this AM. The high was 5 above. The boys left at 8AM. It's been so cold and windy and no fish house, so they went home a day early. Paul and Grace stopped this afternoon.
December 30, 1988 - Friday. The temp got up to 22 degrees now that the boys went home.
December 31, 1988 - Saturday. George would have been 64 years old today. The temp was 14 above and sunny. We went over by Millers for supper. There were enough people to play 2 tables of "500". We came home at 11:30. We seen the old year out at home.
February 5, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -24 and clear. Harland went to the eye doctor at 8:30AM. He has an infection in his right eye. I shortened 4 pair slacks for myself today.
February 6, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -19 degrees, sunny and no wind. I made apple crisp for the pot luck and card party at church. Harland and Ione won 1st. Hazel 2nd. It was cold. I took Evelyn and we went to Deerwood 5:00 mass.
February 7, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was -4 and sunny. A brisk north wind. I fed the birds, took garbage over, burned papers. I put a duck and dressing in the oven for dinner.
February 8, 1988 - Monday. The temp was -22 and cloudy. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
February 9, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was -6 degrees. We started cleaning in the basement, we got over half done.
February 10, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is -29 degrees at 6:15 and sunny. I wrote Marie and Bill and sent Ginger all Valentines. Bill will be 39 years old on Sunday. I made a salad for our luncheon at Deerwood church. Today Tuffy is still not himself. Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs, eurchre and 1 game of "500". Grace and I won pretty much all of the games. Zzz at 10:30PM.
February 11, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -36 and clear, wow. We just cooled it today.
February 12, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -35 and clear. I run the sweeper in the bathroom, kitchen and porch. We had lunch at noon, washed the dishes and got ready to go to the Legion club at Deerwood for games and dinner, compliments of the Legion. I drove and Paul, Grace and Evelyn went together. It was really a good day and evening.
February 13, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is -18. I went along with Evelyn to Hutchenson to see a 99 year old lady in the nursing home. 225 mile round trip. We got home at 3PM. We went to Lonesome Pine for supper.
February 14, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 12 degrees. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. I made dinner. After dinner we went to Brainerd to see the movie "Three Men and a Baby". We went to the laundromat.
February 15, 1988 - Monday. Bill was 39 years old yesterday. The temp is -2 and sunny. Paul and I took Tuffy into Brainerd and had him put to sleep. He had cancer of the liver, but his heart was good, doctor said. Harland has the flu. After his nap, I took him to the doctor in Brainerd. He has 101 fever, sore throat. They took a chest xray. He has pneumonia, fluid on the lungs. I got an antibiotic for him and fluid pills. Mary Moore called and said they buried Gerald.
February 16, 1988 - Tuesday. He had gall bladder surgery and his pancreas was enlarged, he was getting better, but got a blood clot which caused his death. He was 32.
February 17, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 10 degrees. I ripped the bed apart and went to the laundromat. Harland is holding his own, but he's still in critical condition. I came home at 12:00, laid down for an hour and dried the bedding. I called the hospital tonight and his heart beat was irregular and he had medication for that. They cut Harland's undershirt and dress shirt off to work on him.
February 18, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 18 degrees and cloudy. I sprinkled my ironing. I went up to see Harland and came home. Sharon came about 20 after 4 and we went back up to see Harland.
The high was 44 degrees today. She took me to Bonanza for supper, but I didn't feel like eating.
February 19, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 24 degrees and sunny. She took the turkey wings and canned stuff home and margarine. The doctor called and said he was getting better, but not out of the woods yet. I guess I got the flu. I didn't go up by Harland today. I really felt lousy. It was really nice - the high was 40 degrees and sunny. I felt like it is really the flu that I have. No appetite, chills, etc.
February 20, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is -11 and sunny. I felt a little better, straightened up, washed a few dishes, I got ready and went up by Harland. He is really sick. They're using a suction hose to bring up the plegm. Larry and Louise came up to see him and it perked Harland up. Today he ate a piece of fish, the 1st solid food. He still has 3 bottles of IV, etc. It was really the worst Harland's had to go thru in our almost 55 years. I bought another undershirt as they cut off his dress shirt, too.
February 21, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 4 degrees, cloudy and gloomy. I was up by Harland and it sure doesn't look or sound good. He's running a fever, they're drawing fluid from his lung. Today they took an EKG and xrays again. He has no appetite.
February 22, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 28 degrees and cloudy. More cold on the way. It is real windy today. The doctor says he is halfway thru his ordeal. He still has all the tubes, etc, but the xray shows his lungs and fluid are clearing up, but he still has a long way to go.
February 23, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is just 0 and sunny. It didn't get as cold as predicted. I cleaned the cupboard over the stove and sink. Susan and I had our picture taken with our sewing for the Vets for the Mille Lacs Messenger. Harland had part of the 3 bags and oxygen taken away today. I wrote to Tam and John and Michelle tonight.
February 24, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 3 above and sunny. I cleaned the upper part of the cupboard and went by Harland. They took the last bag away and relived him of his catheter, so he's on his own.
February 25, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -11. I burnt papers, fed the birds. I went down and picked up the commodities. I sure feel lousy. I can't seem to throw the flu. I went to the laundromat and went up by Harland. The doctor says he's getting better, but he don't think so.
February 26, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 27 degrees and clear. The same temp as the Cities has.
February 27, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 29 degrees and sunny. Almost spring like. Chick called last night and I told him Dad is gradually improving. When I got up to the hospital they were moving him up to the 3rd floor. They took his heart monitor off as his heartbeat was regular. George and Susan were up and brought him fruit. Evelyn picked me up and we went to Deerwood for Stations of the Cross and mass.
February 28, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 36 degrees and sunny. I finished the Friday house cleaning, made myself some dinner and went to the hospital. It's windy from the north. It will cool off tonite.
February 29, 1988 - Monday. Leap year. The temp was 28 degrees and sunny. Paul came over and cut 3 big limbs off the willow tree. I went by Harland. He still has fluid on his left lung.
March 1, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 23 degrees and cloudy and breezy. I just can't seem to shake the flu. The doctor said I got it from Harland. I started taking the penicillin pills that the doctor gave Harland to take. I went up by Harland and they moved him into isolation so he doesn't get a relapse. He still has fluid on his left lung, but his spirits are the best they've been. The high was 44 degrees and sunny.
March 2, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees and partly cloudy. A cool front went thru last night. Susan, Dena and I went to the Auxiliary meeting.
March 3, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is -10 and sunny. I went to Ladies Aid as Evelyn and I were hostesses. After the meeting I went to the hospital. the doctor said Harland could come home Saturday. I shopped for groceries and came home. Marie and Ginger came around 5:15. Ginger and I set up and visited till 2:15AM. Then I couldn't sleep.
March 4, 1988 - Friday. The temp was -5 and sunny. We went to Hardees and then up to the hospital Harland will come home tomorrow.
March 5, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 32 degrees. Marie and Ginger took bread home for them and Henry. Then we went thru the car wash and up to the hospital. I helped Harland get dressed and the nurse explained his new medicine and I got 4 new prescriptions and we came home. He sure is weak. He weighs 160 lbs and was on a salt-free diet for 16 days, which didn't help.
March 6, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 28 degrees. Marie and Ginger left for home at 10AM. Harland lays down awhile and sets up till he gets tired again. I shortened a pair of my slacks. They're too long now that I've lost weight. I wrote some letters and set out some "thank you cards".
March 7, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 30 degrees, cloudy and east wind. The nurse came and took Harland's Protime, checked his heart and lungs and blood pressure. I went into Brainerd, got Harland's Coumidan, but he won't take it until his blood is right. Ruth Spence brought over an absentee ballot so we could vote.
March 8, 1988 - Tuesday. Marty is 16 years old today. The temp is 30, rain and snow mixed. I made dinner and cleaned the rest of the cupboards.
March 9, 1988 - Wednesday. Today is Chick's birthday. He's 46 years old. The temp is 21 degrees and sunny. I put clean bedding on before the nurse came for a Protem (blood test).
March 10, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 32 degrees and cloudy. I made breakfast and washed dishes and done some hand wash and fed the birds. I started to wash kitchen walls and ceiling. I cleaned behind the refrigerator. I at least got a start.
March 11, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 29 degrees, cloudy and snow heading our way. Paul finished cutting off the weeping willow. I'm doing my Friday cleaning. Bathroom, kitchen and porch. Susan and George stopped and we cut out 10 yards of material for laundry bags for the Vets. Katie called and willie has cancer in his bladder.
March 12, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 10 degrees and a blizzard. The wind chill is -30. Chick called and they're coming the 30th of March. The storm has started to abate.
March 13, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 5 degrees. I fixed turkey wings for dinner, baked an apple pie. Paul and Grace picked me up for 9:00 mass in Garrison. After dinner, Evelyn came over and later Paul and Grace stopped when Harland got up from his nap. Paul checked the oil in the car. I shoveled off the roof after dinner.
March 14, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 5 degrees and sunny. Oscar and Hazel stopped after dinner. Then I went to Brainerd, done some shopping and went to the laundromat.
March 15, 1988 - Tuesday. the temp is 14 degrees and cloudy. The nurse is coming this AM. She (Mary Peterson) checked blood pressure, checked heart and lungs and took a blood test. I made 3 laundry bags for the Vets hospital.
March 16, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 20 degrees, cloudy all day. I run the vacuum and after dinner, Ed and Dorothy Boucher came over and they brought an apple pie, blueberry muffins and a jar of jam.
March 17, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 20 degrees and sunny. I sewed 2 more laundry bags and made chocolate chip cookies, zucchini bread and lemon bars.
March 18, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 10 degrees and sunny. Harland went to see Dr. Musty since his hospital stay. He's gradually getting his strength back. When we came home, Chick and Jim were here. It sure helped the morale. They started to tear Clem's old house down. It sure will be an improvement.
March 19, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 18 degrees and flurries, but the sun is out at noon. I fixed hamburger and mushroom soup for lunch as we're going to the V.F.W. for chicken tonight. Chick took an old battery from the basement and put a new litebulb outside on the back door. Chick and Jim put the Christmas tree up in the garage and they put the ice auger away for us. They went to Brainerd and done some shopping. After supper Paul and Grace stopped and when they went home, Jim, Chick, Harland and I played sheepshead. Chick and I won.
March 20, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 10 degrees and snow. The 1st day of spring. Clem's house is down and burned up. I made breakfast and the boys left for home at 7:45AM. I washed dishes and then got ready for 9:00 mass at Garrison. I made dinner, washed dishes and ripped the beds apart and took 6 sheets and the rest of the laundry to Brainerd and washed clothes and got some Easter cards.
March 21, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 2 degrees and cloudy. I picked Grace and Susan up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I received my picture of the kids wearing some of the 10 vests I sewed. It is for the chorus, kids ages 10-16 years old.
March 22, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 22 degrees and partly cloudy. I took Harland to Crosby for a haircut, which he needed badly. After dinner I washed more of the kitchen ceiling and walls.
March 23, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 30 degrees and cloudy. Rain is predicted. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. We didn't stay for the meeting as Harland was tired.
March 24, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 32 degrees, cloudy and rain. The snow is going fast. I was so dizzy and I took an antivirt for dizziness and I slept on and off all day and I slept all night.
March 25, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 36 degrees, cloudy and windy. I went over by Margaret Abear and visited with her till noon. I fried some of Bill's 13 lb northern for lunch this noon. I made rhubarb cream delight. I fed the birds, took the garbage over and burned the papers.
March 26, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 12 degrees and partly cloudy. We had snow flurries in the night. I done the weekend cleaning.
March 27, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 12 degrees and sunny. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. At 11 o'clock we went to 40 club for brunch, but was disappointed. Harland took a nap and I baked sugar and filled cookies. Then we went to see George and Susan after his eye surgery. We took some cookies and rhubarb dessert. I finished my 9 laundry bags for the Vets.
March 28, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 32 degrees, raining and misty. I went into Brainerd, got the tire fixed. It had a slow leak. There was a nail in it. They took it out and put a plug in it. I then went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
March 30, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 22 degrees. We went into H&R Block. Then Harland went in for his driving license. We picked up some new prescriptions for Harland's new pills. I'm fixing new kitchen curtains.
March 31, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 22 degrees and cloudy. I finished washing kitchen walls and finished the curtains for 2 windows. The nurse was here, but she didn't take a Protime. I sprinkled all my ironing.
April 1, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 17 degrees and sunny. I done 4 weeks ironing and ironed part of the curtains I made and I washed the windows and put the curtains up. They look nice. I stamped 10-12 inch squares for a baby quilt of baby animals.
April 2, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 18 degrees and sunny. Today is Good Friday. We went to Deerwood to renew a CD. We went to Crosby grocery shopping. I went to church at 3PM.
April 3, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy. I done my cleaning and I went to 5 o'clock holy Saturday services. We got some rain. The temp was 32 degrees, misty and rainy. We went to 9:30 mass at Deerwood and then went to the Legion for breakfast. We came home. Harland went to bed and I planted our 15 tuberous begonia bulbs and I planted some slips I had rooted for the tire planters and the cemetery later. We went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. Paul and Grace came over and we played dirty clubs and euchre.
April 4, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 31 degrees. Susan picked me up for Woodland Acres.
April 5, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 40 degrees. We went to Garrison Senior Citizen where we served. I made 10 mobiles for the state hospital. I finished another block for the baby quilt.
April 6, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 27 degrees and sunny. We had our appreciation dinner for volunteering at the state hospital. I went to Auxiliary meeting. We had election of officers and I'm chaplain again for the 3rd year. I finished another block for the baby quilt.
April 7, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 25 degrees and sunny. I hung the wash out and made rhubarb dessert for the Ladies Aid. We cut out quilt blocks, had dessert and came home. Paul and Harland fixed the toilet and I raked in the front and uncovered mum and tulips.
April 8, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 37 degrees, sunny and breezy. I made a hot dish for a funeral and Pine Lake Senior Citizen. I planted our sweet pea seed this AM.
April 9, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 34 degrees and snow flurries. I washed my hair and warmed up the hot dish for Crosby Senior Citizens. Evelyn and I went to Deerwood 5:00 mass. I finished embroidering the 10 baby animals for a baby quilt for our 2nd great grandchild.
April 10, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 22 degrees and sunny. I made dinner and washed up the dishes and went and raked more lawn.
April 11, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 18 degrees, sunny an dry. I went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.
April 12, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 40 degrees and sunny. Harland is 79 years old today. I had my bone scan today at the hospital. I raked this afternoon.
April 13, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 42 degrees, north wind. I took all the bags of leaves away from the house and roses. We had card club. George and I won 1st. Susan and Harland low. I dropped Harland off and I went down to church to help with lunch for Kokesh funeral.
April 14, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 22 degrees, sunny and windy. I picked up some leaves before it got too windy. I wrote to Chick, Judy and Tam. We cleaned up the sump pump and swept up the basement. I have to take some junk out to the garbage. I finished embroidering the baby quilt top. Now I'll put the blocks together.
April 15, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 22 degrees, sunny and breezy. We cleaned up the junk in the basement. I painted the stand for the gold ball and the smokehouse for cigarette butts. We fixed the flag and put it back up. I painted the front door where the cat jumped up always.
April 16, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 25 degrees and sunny. I raked the leaves off our grape and the daffodils and then it got windy. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken.
April 17, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 22 degrees and windy. The ice went out of Borden last night, the 16th. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. I dug the parsnips out. The ones in the upper garden were better than the lower garden. We gave Grace and Evelyn some parsnips.
April 18, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 21 degrees and sunny and windy again. No rain. I'm painting the Schumann sign for the front lawn. I picked Grace and Susan up for Woodland Acres.
April 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 14 degrees and sunny. I covered the daffodils as they're right out in the open. I uncovered the last grape and raked more leaves up. Grace picked Susan and I up for our volunteer luncheon at Woodland Acres. I got a 5 year pin. I soaked our dahlia bulbs in water. They sure looked dry. As is our weather.
April 20, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 24 degrees and sunny. Harland had a check up by Dr. Musty. They took 2 Protime, one for potassium and one for his blood thinner. I renewed my driver license. No rain yet.
April 21, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 20 degrees and cloudy. I took care of the parsnips this AM. I fixed meatloaf, baked potatoes and parsnips. We left at 11:45 as Harland had an appointment at the hospital for an echo test. Marie is 76 years old today.
April 22, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 26 degrees and sunny. I raked on the west side of the garage and I made dinner. Harland took a nap and then we went to Brainerd to the foot doctor.
April 23, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 30 degrees and sunny with east wind. I washed my hair and dried it and I went to Mille Lacs electric meeting alone. Harland wasn't up to going. I sprinkled my ironing and I shortened a pair of my slacks.
April 24, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 32 degrees and sunny. Harland took the plastic off the back door. I cleaned off the asparagus and put fertilizer and washed off the ornaments for the back yard. We went to Birchwood Restaurant in Aitkin for dinner. I done my ironing this afternoon. Bill Cross came over and he will work up the garden Tuesday AM, weather permitting. We still didn't get any rain.
April 25, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 30 degrees and sunny. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
April 26, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 30 degrees and cloudy. I put a beef roast on. I painted the stand for the oriole feeder. Bill Cross came over and worked up the 2 pieces of garden. After Harland's nap we planted 5 lbs of seed potatoes, some lettuce and onion sets. The air is still cold and no rain.
April 27, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 33 degrees and cloudy. I made a rhubarb dessert for Deerwood Senior Citizens and I made applesauce muffins and stirred up butterhorns to take by Marie tomorrow. Harland is having the oil changed this AM.
April 28, 1988 - Wednesday. We left for Wisconsin at 10 to 9. The weather was nice and still dry. We arrived by Marie and Ginger. We took Marie and Ginger to Rosie's for Marie's birthday. She was 76 on April 21st. We went over to see Henry and his menagerie. What a collection of animals.
April 30, 1988 - Saturday. We left Marie and Ginger at 10AM and came home. We went to Twin Pines for dinner. V.G.
May 1, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 50 degrees, sunny and windy. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Then I washed for the 1st time in the garage. Mostly double knit curtains, etc. At 4PM we went to church at Deerwood and then a pot luck. We went by Paul and Grace and played euchre.
May 2, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 50 degrees, more wind and no rain. I watered our sweet peas, burned the papers, washed dishes. I picked Grace and Susan up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres.
May 3, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 45 degrees and sunny. I painted a bird house, flower stand and made apple crisp for Garrison Senior Citizens. I watered the asparagus. It's enough so we can cit it off in a day or two. We still haven't had only 1/2 inch of rain all spring.
May 4, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 35 degrees. We left home at 7:30AM to go to Ironton for Harland to get a haircut. We went to Brainerd, done our shopping and we picked out a diamond wedding band for me. George and Susan picked us up and we went to V.F.W. for dedication of the flag pole and then a dinner and then installation of officers. I'm still chaplain.
May 5, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 40 degrees. Our sweet peas are coming up. I baked a cake for Ladies Aid. I took the last of the kitty litter and old worm bedding out of the basement and dumped it in the marsh. I painted out in the blue room and on the wheelbarrel. I'm still watering flowers, but rain is predicted for tomorrow night. Harland fixed the fish cleaning house door.
May 6, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 45 degrees and windy. We ordered 1/2 beef at $1.26 a lb. I washed the windows in the spare bedroom and the kitchen and bathroom. I spring house cleaned one of the spare beds. At 1PM I went by Lois and got a permanent.
May 7, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 55 degrees and real windy. I made a blueberry torte for the dock party and made rice krispie squares for Crosby Senior Citizen. I fixed 3 meals of hamburgers with mushroom soup. Maybe John and Michelle and Nicky will come in a few days. Jim and Bill will come May 20.
May 8, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 56 degrees and partly sunny. Margaret and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. At 11:30 Evelyn, Harland and I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for Mother's Day. Then we went to the nursery and got some cabbage, tomato and broccoli. We bought another bleeding heart as ours from Marie years ago died.
May 9, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 50 degrees and cloudy. I went to Woodland Acres alone. Susan's brother passed away. Grace had other plans. I defrosted the big freezer in the garage and we went down by Mark and picked up our 1/2 beef. $1.26 a lb. It weighed 235 lbs. I cooked up the soup bones and picked out the meat.
May 10, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 37 degrees and sunny. I put the soup meat and broth in the freezer and washed up the dishes. I washed clothes in the garage and made dinner. After supper we set out our tomato, cabbage and broccoli plants. I mowed lawn for the 1st time.
May 11, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 52 degrees and cloudy. We took the car in to get it lined up. It was a bigger job than we planned on. It cost $345.76. Something in the steering.
May 12, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 48 degrees and rain. It cleared up in the afternoon. I house cleaned the porch as John, Michelle and Nicky are coming. I fixed a crock pot full of beans and made potato salad. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass in Garrison for Ascention Day.
May 13, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 32 degrees and sunny. I finished my cleaning and at 9 o'clock John, Michelle and Nicki came.
May 14, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 52 degrees. John and I covered up the tomato plants last night, but it warmed up. I made chocolate chip cookies an zucchini bread for the kids and the bake sale at church. We went shopping in Brainerd, bought a ceiling fan for John and Michelle, house warming.
May 15, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 49 degrees, sunny and cool wind. We went to church and then to the Viking for breakfast. We had a shower of rain and we (John, Michelle, Gramps, Nicky and I) planted 2 pine trees. John and Michelle went to the races in Brainerd. We took care of Nicky. She sure is a bundle of laughs and enjoyment. We then had a cook out, steak and brats.
May 16, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 42 degrees and cloudy. I fed the birds, made breakfast. The kids, John, Michelle, Nicky, left for home at 10AM.
May 17, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 42 degrees, sunny and breezy. I spring cleaned the spare bed, washed a couple rugs and we had card club over by Oscar and Hazel. I brought dessert, angel food cake, strawberries and whipped topping. I took care of our clothes when we came home.
May 18, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 54 degrees and windy. We both mowed lawn this AM. I finished cleaning up around the roses and peonies and the bridle wreath and dug out some weeds in the garden.
May 19, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 54 degrees and sunny. We went to Brainerd grocery shopping before the kids came.
May 20, 1988 - Friday. I left at 7:30AM to pick up Marie so she could fish when the boys were here. We stopped at Dairy Queen, got a bite to eat and we came home around 3:45PM.
May 21, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was in the 50's and cloudy. Jim, Bill, Marty and Harland went on Mille Lacs, but didn't do too good. Marie and I went over to the cemetery and planted flowers and put the wreaths on. It looks nice. Marie and I went to 7:30 mass at Deerwood. We were all going to Turner on Sunday.
May 22, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 54 , cloudy and north wind and it was sprinkling, so the boys went to Turner alone. The guys didn't do too bad for the week other than being windy. They went for walleyes twice at night and got their limit in 2 hours. It's been so warm and windy all week.
May 28, 1988 - Saturday. It's been another hot one. The boys left at 8PM. Marty and Marie stayed. I washed clothes and put clean bedding on the twin beds.
May 29, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 67. I went to 9:00 mass.
May 30, 1988 - Monday. It's still hot. I got the washing ready for morning.
May 31, 1988 - Tuesday. It is in the upper 60's this AM. I washed our bedding down to the mattress and changed Marty's bed. I rolled Marie's hair up.
June 1, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 67 degrees, hot. We went to Brainerd and Harland had a blood test taken and we finished our shopping and we had dinner at Bonanza's, came home. I went to Auxiliary meeting tonight.
June 2, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 54 degrees and sunny. It was really cool. We had our first lettuce from the garden. Katie and Willie came about 9:30 or 10AM.
June 4, 1988 - Saturday. It is really hot. We all went to 5PM mass and then we went to the Chicken Shack as Katie and Willie treated.
June 6, 1988 - Monday. It is still in the 90's and lows are in the 60's.
June 7, 1988 - Tuesday. Today I'm 74 years old. I made a hot dish and we all went to Senior Citizens. Then Marty and I took Aunt Marie to the foot doctor. Her toenails were terrible. We stopped at Dairy Queen. Katie and Willie cleaned up the boat as they were all three fishing. Katie and Marty cleaned up the lake shore and brought the 12 foot boat up. We dug out at least 10 trees for John as Katie and Willie took them home for him. Marty went home with them.
June 8, 1988 - Wednesday. Katie, Willie, Marty left at 10 to 7AM. I washed clothes, 8 sheets and everything else and after everything was on the line, it rained. So I hung it in the house and ironed everything and the rest in the drier. It really cooled off. It was 45 degrees this AM. The high was 68 degrees.
June 10, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 46 degrees, cool. We wore sweaters when we left for Wisconsin and Tam's graduation from college. We dropped Marie off at home and left for Horicon. We stayed by Chick and Judy.
June 11, 1988 - Saturday. We left at 9AM. We went by the kids trailer at Puckaway and then met Tam at our motel. We went to the park where we had a picnic and back to our motel and relaxed. Then we went by Chick and Judy's room and had sandwiches, etc and we then gave Tam her gifts.
June 12, 1988 - Sunday. The weather was real nice. Graduation exercises started at 10:30AM. It was over by 12:30. Then we went to the restaurant for dinner. We seen the school where Tam will teach.
June 13, 1988 - Monday. We went over by Katie where we spent 2 nights. We went up by John and Michelle and seen their home. We took Katie and Willie to Iron Ridge Inn for supper.
June 14, 1988 - Tuesday. We went up by Dorothy Schumann, but found out she had a light stroke and is in the nursing home in Beaver Dam. Edward and Lorene came to see Dorothy. So then we went back and had dinner by Bernice and Ervin Schutte. Then we went by John and Michelle for a cook out. It was delicious, ribs and chicken.
June 15, 1988 - Wednesday. We left Katie and Willie's at 6:15AM. We arrived by Marie and she was sick. I called the clinic and we took her in and she has pneumonia in the right lung and is dehydrating, so the doctor put her in the hospital. We came home. Arrived at 7:15PM.
June 16, 1988 - Thursday. I made a salad for our card party by Elsie's. We were both pooped. We made 1,222 miles on our trip.
June 17, 1988 - Friday. I washed all our good clothes and washed the windows.
June 18, 1988 - Saturday. I washed my hair and then hoed in the lower garden. We picked Chet and Frieda up and went for our card club by George and Susan. It was really hot and humid. 95 high.
June 19, 1988 - Sunday. It still is so hot. I went to mass at Deerwood and then stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters and we picked Chet, Frieda, and Evelyn up and we went to Birchwood for Sunday brunch for Father's Day. Maxine and Warren came around 4PM.
June 20, 1988 - Monday. Harland and Warren went to Turner, but didn't do too good. Maxine and I went and picked 2 boxes of strawberries. Then we went to Brainerd and got 2 new hoses to water the garden. The temp reached 100 degrees. It was so hot and very dry. Maxine and Warren really cleaned our car up real good. We went and played Bingo at the V.F.W. Warren won twice and I won $10.00. The 1st time ever.
June 21, 1988 - Tuesday. We had an electric storm this AM and got 3/4 inch rain. Bilke's took us to the Chicken Shack.
June 22, 1988 - Wednesday. We picked George and Susan up and us and Bilke's went to Deerwood Senior Citizens picnic. Harland had a dizzy spell when we got out of the car in the park. He set in a chair till it passed over.
June 23, 1988 - Thursday. Bilke's left at 7:20AM. I put clean bedding on and cooled it the rest of the day. I was beat.
June 24, 1988 - Friday. I washed clothes and Evelyn picked me up to pick strawberries, but there were too many pickers and the patch was all gone over. The temp reached 100 degrees in Brainerd.
June 25, 1988 - Saturday. We got 1/4 inch of rain and it cooled off. Iris and Evelyn picked me up and we picked strawberries. I froze some and made a batch of rhubarb and strawberry jam. We took a jar down by Chet and Frieda before they leave for home at Rhinelander. I sprinkled the ironing as long as it cooled off. We ordered pills for Harland and I ordered a pair of pillow cases for Tam for Christmas, a piano keyboard and red roses.
June 26, 1988 - Sunday. I baked an apple pie for Garrison Guild Pie and Ice Cream social. Paul and Grace went along to Deerwood with Harland and I for Father Nicholson's 40th year in the priesthood and dinner. Very nice.
June 27, 1988 - Monday. Grace picked me up and we spent 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
June 28, 1988 - Tuesday. We had a little shower of rain and it really cooled off. Harland and I picked 2 boxes of strawberries and I mowed lawn in the back.
June 29, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 49 degrees, sunny and windy. Harland went to Dr. Musty, got a good report.
June 30, 1988 - Thursday. The temps are really comfortable. I baked oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies and defrosted the refrigerator freezer in the garage.
July 1, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 53 degrees. I washed clothes this AM, ironed and run the sweeper. Jim, Wayne H and Collette are coming after work. They got here around midnight.
July 2, 1988 - Saturday. Harland, Jim, and Wayne went to Turner. Got 90 blues, 2 northerns and a couple bass. At night they went on Mille Lacs. Harland and Jim each got a 4 1/2 lb walleye, a small walleye and some perch.
July 3, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass and then we watered the planters on the cemetery. They really are growing.
July 4, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 77 degrees this AM. We'll reach the upper 90's today. Harland, Wayne and Jim went down to Pickerel. They got 17 bass and some blues. Wayne left around noon and it's hot.
July 5, 1988 - Tuesday. The weather is really hot. Dad, Jim, Collette are fishing.
July 6, 1988 - Wednesday. Jim put the boat in Borden and we all went fishing. Caught quite a few crappies, blue and a couple bullheads. Collette and Maria waxed the car this week. It really looks nice. I took them to Dairy Queen for a treat. I went to the Auxiliary meeting tonight.
July 8, 1988 - Thursday. Jim has been fishing Borden, casting and been doing quite good considering the temp. It reached 100 degrees this week. I washed clothes today, 4 sheets, etc.
July 9, 1988 - Friday. Tam is 22 years old today. Jim and Collette left at 7:30AM and I stripped the other 2 beds, washed a couple blankets and a rug. We had another shower of rain tonight.
July 10, 1988 - Saturday. It cooled off last night after the rain. I and Margaret went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Harland picked raspberries. He got 2 dishes for supper. We went to Aitkin for the Sunday brunch. V. good. I cleaned the weeks out of the upper garden again. I started to clean the weeds out of the lower garden, but I had to give up.
July 11, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 55 degrees. I picked Grace up for the nursing home for 5 hours. After we came home, we went down to the V.F.W. club and made our 18 centerpieces for the birthday party for Woodland Acres. I worked on the scarf for the freezer.
July 12, 1988 - Monday. I shampooed the kitchen carpeting and after dinner, Susan picked Grace and I up and we helped with the monthly birthday party at Woodland Acres, which was sponsored by the V.F.W. Auxiliary.
July 13, 1988 - Tuesday. We got 1 1/2 inches of rain last night. I got the kitchen straightened up and I scrubbed the basement steps down and swept the basement up.
July 14, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 66 degrees and sunny. We got another heat wave and no relief in sight. Dorothy picked Grace and I up and we went to Milaca Mills. I got a bundle of cut outs to make bed covers and lap robes for the Vets.
July 15, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 68 degrees and sunny. Teh temp reached 100 again. We went into Brainerd. Bill DeWitt stopped for a visit. He likes it in Florida. Jesse will be 21 years old July 19th.
July 16, 1988 - Friday. It was good sleeping weather last night. It's going to get hot. I washed clothes, picked the yellow and green beans and canned 5 pints. I put 2 packages in the freezer. We went to the chicken fry at the V.F.W.
July 17, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was 68 degrees. Margaret Nierman and I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Paul and Grace picked us up and we went to the church dinner at Bulldog Lake. We played Bingo. Harland won a blanket and I shook dice and won a pair for pillow cases. I cooked potatoes for potato salad on Tuesday card club. I sewed 7 quilt blocks.
July 18, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was in the 50's. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I fried the chicken, picked beans and cleaned up the kitchen. I picked our 1st ripe tomato.
July 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp was 55 degrees and partly cloudy. I cleaned out the tuberous begonias. We had card club here.
July 20, 1988 - Tuesday. We got a letter from Marty at camp. He has blisters on his hands and feet. He would like some cookies. I done a 3 week ironing, 2 hours.
July 21, 1988 - Wednesday. Bryon and Joy came around 11AM. We went out on the launch. Joy got 4 walleyes. Harland, 1. I missed one. Joy and I picked green beans.
July 22, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 8 pints of green beans. Harland picked raspberries.
July 23, 1988 - Friday. Bryon and Joy took us to the Chicken Shack. We were disappointed in the food and service.
July 24, 1988 - Saturday. I washed clothes, 6 sheets, etc and made another batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam. Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood. We stopped at the cemetery and watered the flowers.
July 25, 1988 - Sunday. I started working on the baby quilt.
July 26, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours. I ground up ham for sandwiches, canned 8 more pints of green beans and 1 pints of pickled yellow beans. I started out pickled fish.
July 27, 1988 - Tuesday. It's another hot day. We've had 29 days of 90 degree weather so far and we aren't into August yet. I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, a banana cake and a blueberry cake. I picked beans, cukes and tomatoes.
July 28, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 95 degrees and hot. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. We stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters. I made the 3rd batch of rhubarb and raspberry jam.
July 29, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 74 degrees at 6AM when I got up. The heat was terrible. We went down in the basement and done some cleaning and I painted the basement windows. The heat really got to Harland.
July 30, 1988 - Friday. We went to Crosby. Harland got a haircut and done my shopping. We came home before it got so hot. The temp was 58 degrees. I washed clothes this AM and picked beans and tomatoes. We have had 32 days of over 90 degree weather so far and we're not into August yet. I called Katie and Michelle has to go from May 15 for this pregnancy to September. (?)
July 31, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison and then Paul and Grace picked us up for Birchwood Cafe brunch in Aitkin. It was our treat. I'm working on a pair of pillow cases with a piano keyboard and red roses on it for a Christmas present. We had our 34th day of 90 degrees.
August 1, 1988 - Monday. Hot again. Susan picked us up for Woodland Acres. We're still in the sticky hot weather.
August 2, 1988 - Tuesday. I put more cauliflower in the freezer, canned 2 quarts of Russian dill, a new recipe.
August 3, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 72 degrees, cloudy this AM. We went to Brainerd shopping and I went to Auxiliary meeting at night.
August 4, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 59 degrees and a few sprinkles. The Cities got 4 inches of rain last night. We went to the Ladies Aid by George and Susan's.
August 5, 1988 - Friday. Today we have been married 55 years. I done some Friday cleaning and washed my hair. Oscar and Hazel Miller have been married 62 years today, so they picked us up and we met George and Susan at Crosby and had dinner and came back by George and Susan and played 6 handed "500".
August 6, 1988 - Saturday. We left at 10 to 8AM and went to Minong, Wisconsin where Marty is for 5 weeks at Youth Conservation Camp. He had blisters on his hands and feet at first. He has 1 week left. He really likes it. It's good experience for him and discipline. We didn't spend too much time with him, but we went out to eat and visit. We stayed in a motel.
August 7, 1988 - Sunday. We came home after we dropped Marty off at Y.C.C. Camp as it was a fun weekend and their last weekend together. We got home at 2:15PM. We had a cookout by Dena and Red. Everyone from the cabins were there. I made blueberry torte.
August 8, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up and we spent 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I canned 3 1/2 quarts of tomato juice. I finished the curtains for the basement.
August 9, 1988 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and sprinkled my ironing from two weeks ago. I made 3 pints of bread and butter pickles.
August 10, 1988 - Wednesday. I ironed for 2 hours and made 3 quarts of dill pickles.
August 11, 1988 - Thursday. I mended some panties (new elastic) and pinned the baby quilt top together. Pat M's dad passed away.
August 12, 1988 - Friday. I washed my hair, peeled apples and made apple crisp for Pine Lake picnic and canned 5 1/2 quarts of tomato juice. I sewed the animal baby quilt top together.
August 13, 1988 - Saturday. I sewed a bed cover top together. I really rained today. We've got 3 1/2 inches of rain in the last couple of days. I finished the piano pillow cases for Tam for Christmas. I'm going to crochet on them.
August 14, 1988 - Sunday. I went to mass last night and I sewed 3 lap robes for the Vets. We went to Twin Pines for dinner.
August 15, 1988 - Monday. I went to Woodland Acres alone for 6 hours. Grace drove as she had to come home at noon.
August 16, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn and I went to Minneapolis shopping. She had bank business and I got a case of oleo and other groceries. We had 103 degrees and it was really unbearable. Heat.
August 17, 1988 - Wednesday. I canned 2 more quarts of dill, cut off the broccoli an dstarted out 2 quarts of refrigerator pickles. We had card club by Susan's.
August 18, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 4 1/2 quarts of tomato juice and 2 pints of beet pickles. The temps are in the 70's. It's cool.
August 19, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 56 degrees and cloudy. I washed clothes, made dinner. We went to Brainerd and Harland got a "protime".
August 20, 1988 - Saturday. Today we got our 2nd great grandchild, a little girl Natalie Ann, weight 6 lbs 6 oz. Everything is fine. We went to the chicken fry in Garrison. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 21, 1988 - Sunday. I read the Sunday paper and then done more sewing.
August 22, 1988 - Monday. Grace picked me up for 6 hours at Woodland Acres. I canned the rest of our pears.
August 23, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn and I went over to see Margaret Abear. She is thin, but she's active, but gets tired easily. She had cancer and lost 3/4 of her stomach.
August 24, 1988 - Wednesday. I fixed a hot dish for Deerwood Senior Citizen. I'm embroidering another pair of pillow cases from Pearson's sale.
August 25, 1988 - Thursday. Today is Jim's birthday, he's 35 years old. I'm getting a perm at 1PM.
August 26, 1988 - Friday. The lows have been in the 50's and highs in the 70's. I canned 6 1/2 quarts of tomato soup this AM. I sewed another bed cover together today and mowed some lawn.
August 28, 1988 - Sunday. It's still cool and the wind is north. We could sure use some rain. I and Margaret Nierman went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. Evelyn came over. We checked the cukes. I pinned 2 more bed covers together and sewed one.
August 29, 1988 - Monday. We're leaving for Marie's this AM. We arrived about 12:30, had a bite to eat and in the evening, we and Marie and Henry went out to Rosie's for supper.
August 30, 1988 - Tuesday. We picked Henry up at 12:00AM and we went picking apples. We picked about 8 bushels. We took Marie to Dairy Queen in Ladysmith for supper.
August 31, 1988 - Wednesday. We had breakfast and then packed up and came home. We got home at 1:45.
September 1, 1988 - Thursday. I made an apple crisp and apple kuchen. I took apple crisp to George and Lorna Maghan for our September meeting. Had a very nice day. George and Susan came over and we played "500".
September 3, 1988 - Saturday. We went to Crosby Senior Citizens and later we went by Elsie and Tellie Smith, Frieda Vend, Ina?, Elsie, Harland and I played 6 handed "500" till 6PM.
September 4, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:30 mass in Deerwood and on the way home I watered the planters at the cemetery.
September 5, 1988 - Monday. Labor Day.
September 6, 1988 - Tuesday. I put out a big wash and then we went to Garrison Senior Citizens. I took care of the clothes and sprinkled my ironing.
September 7, 1988 - Wednesday. I ironed for 3 hours and then I went to Auxiliary meeting at nite. I had 4 bed covers and 3 lap robes done to take to the meeting for the Vets.
September 8, 1988 - Thursday. I made 3 batches of grape jelly. Paul and Grace went along with us to the chicken dinner at Platte Lutheran Church. V.G. and then we played cards.
September 9, 1988 - Friday. I made 2 more batches of grape jelly. All done. I washed my hair. We went to Pine Line Senior Citizens.
September 10, 1988 - Saturday. I done my weekend cleaning.
September 11, 1988 - Sunday. I went to Deerwood 9:30 mass. I stopped at the cemetery and watered the planters. I finished painting the new bird feeder Harland made. After dinner I took slips off all the plants before frost.
September 12, 1988 - Monday. It's still so dry. I picked Susan up and we went to Woodland Acres for 6 hours.
September 13, 1988 - Tuesday. Evelyn picked I and Susan (she came by our place) up and we went to the Elks for volunteer (R.S.V.P.) appreciation dinner. It was Swiss steak. V.G. I cut a kettle full of apples and got my pie crust started for tomorrow.
September 14, 1988 - Wednesday. I made my pie crust and 2 pumpkin pies for card club today by Millers. I cooked up the apples for sauce.
September 15, 1988 - Thursday. I started another bed cover. We're getting a little rain and wind. Ron and Ada Austin came over tonight.
September 16, 1988 - Friday. Today is Judy and Evelyn's birthdays. Judy is 42 and Evelyn is 70 years old. I picked up Ada and we went to Brainerd in the rain and done some shopping.
September 17, 1988 - Saturday. I cleaned kitchen, bath and porch, washed my hair. Harland finished smoking the bullheads. V.G. We went to the V.F.W. for chicken. We got 3/4 inch rain.
September 18, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison. We went over by Millers and played cards. They sent a carton of fresh raspberries that Oscar just picked today.
September 19, 1988 - Monday. Susan picked me up and we went to Woodland Acres.
September 20, 1988 - Tuesday. Harland went to Dr. Moran and will get a new lens and has drops for his eye.
September 21, 1988 - Wednesday. Paul and Grace came over last night and we played cards, but nothing was mentioned about the sale of their home. It's still cloudy. We had a nice rain, about 1 1/2 inches.
September 22, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 3 quarts of apple sauce and finished another bed cover top and I went to the doctor (Hanske) for my sore mouth. He sent me to Dr. Sofie. It's a virus and it has to run its course, about 3 weeks.
September 23, 1988 - Friday. I canned 7 quarts of apple sauce and I painted the front room window and the closet window on the north side. I aired the drapes and washed the curtain in the closet and ironed it and washed the windows. They look really nice. Harland picked the squash and cleaned up the one garden and mowed some lawn. The leaves are really falling.
September 24, 1988 - Saturday. It sprinkled a little. It cleared up and I painted our bedroom window, aired the drape and washed the window. It was really windy. Susan and I helped serve at the V.F.W. tonight.
September 25, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison and at 12:00 we met Millers, Foresters, Anderson and Clara Halston at the Sundowner Restaurant at Crosby when Clara treated in honor of the card games. After we ate, we went by Clara's on Bay Lake and played "500".
September 26, 1988 - Monday. Jack would have been 79 years old today. I went to Woodland Acres lone for 6 hours.
September 27, 1988 - Tuesday. Harland went to the foot doctor and then to Dr. Moran (eye) and picked up his new lens for the right eye. Paul and Grace came over in the afternoon. I started another bed cover for the bazaar in Deerwood October 8th. We sent for Harland's pills.
September 28, 1988 - Wednesday. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens. Harland got a flu shot. It rained today. I washed clothes anyway. I hung the ironing in the basement, etc and used the dryer.
September 29, 1988 - Thursday. I canned 3 1/2 quarts of tomatoes, my last, and took care of my wash.
September 30, 1988 - Friday. We took a bus trip to Osage, Minnesota with Garrison Senior Citizens back to the days of yesteryears. Very expensive (gift bus free). I made 3 apple crisps tonight. One for the dock party, one for Crosby Senior Citizens tomorrow, 1 for us.
October 1, 1988 - Saturday. I baked the 3 apple crisps and banana carrot cake. I and Susan served at Crosby. For supper, we were over by Dena and Red's for the dock party and turkey on the grill.
October 2, 1988 - Sunday. I and Margaret Nierman went to 9:00 mass. Larry and the guys took our dock out. Larry took 2 batteries downstairs and he emptied our burn barrel. I'm working on a bed cover for the bazaar at Deerwood. I made our fudge tonight.
October 3, 1988 - Monday. I finished a bed cover for the bazaar and cut up the apples for apple sauce. The rest is for pies and apple crisp.
October 4, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is 31 degrees. We had our 1st frost the last 2 nites. We went to Brainerd and checked on getting our driveway blacked top. Harland had a protime at the hospital We stopped at the grocery store and Pamida, got plastic for the back door. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens. I canned 6 pints of apple sauce and I made 3 apple pies for the freezer - 6 small pies for Jim and Tam.
October 5, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 22 degrees. It froze thru the covers I had on the planters. I made 3 more pies for the freezer. I painted another window on the porch.
October 6, 1988 - Thursday. We went to Ladies Aid at the town hall.
October 7, 1988 - Friday. Evelyn and I went over to Deerwood and help marked things for the bazaar. I went to the doctor again for my sore mouth. We got a surprise around 6PM. Bob Firari and Cackle Lackwood came. We really had a good visit.
October 8, 1988 - Saturday. Evelyn picked me up at 8AM and we went over to Deerwood and worked at the bazaar and we stayed for 5PM mass. We were really beat. Bob and Cackle left around noon and then Harland came over for dinner.
October 9, 1988 - Sunday. I took the sheets etc to the laundromat. I brought them home and hung them out. We dug out the tuberous begonias, glad and the dahlias and cleaned up the garden. Paul and Grace came over and we played cards.
October 10, 1988 - Monday. Susan and I went to Woodland Acres for 5 hours.
October 11, 1988 - Tuesday. We left for our trip to Minot, North Dakota for the Hostfest. We checked in our motel at night.
October 12, 1988 - Wednesday. Tonight we seen Bob Hope and Myron Floran.
October 13, 1988 - Thursday. We seen Charlie Pride.
October 14, 1988 - Friday. We seen Glen Campbell in the afternoon and then we boarded our bus for Devils Lake where we stayed overnight. Our weather was beautiful.
October 15, 1988 - Saturday. We left Devils Lake at 7:30AM for home. We arrived home at 3:15 and our driveway is really nice blacktopped. We went to the chicken fry at the V.F.W. and I went to 7:30 mass at Deerwood.
October 16, 1988 - Sunday. I washed up a lot of good clothes and what else was in the basket.
October 17, 1988 - Monday. It rained this AM so we went to Brainerd and paid for our driveway. $845.00. After dinner I done the ironing.
October 18, 1988 - Tuesday. I started peeling apples and then it cleared up and I ripped our bed apart and washed everything down to the mattress in the garage. We'll use the laundromat now until spring. Then it rained so I dried some in the dryer and hung sheets etc in the basement. We got 2 pans of squash ready for the oven. I made 12 small apple pies, 6 pumpkin and 6 apple. 2 large pies, one of each, apple and pumpkin.
October 19, 1988 - Wednesday. I baked the squash and took care of it. I made a salad for our card club. I put 4 bags of squash in the freezer. I made another salad for the salad luncheon at church tomorrow.
October 20, 1988 - Thursday. Susan picked myself and Hazel up for the luncheon at church. There were between 70 and 80 women. We took our potatoes over to Foresters till next spring. We played "500". We each won 3 games.
October 21, 1988 - Friday. I washed windows on the porch. Harland put the storm windows in the door, he picked up some leaves, but they were still wet. I cleaned out the aquarium, will take it down for Collette. Jennie pass away.
October 22, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 31 degrees and breezy from the southweat.
October 23, 1988 - Sunday. The temp was 26 degrees and flurries.
October 24, 1988 - Monday. I picked Susan up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
October 25, 1988 - Tuesday. Lucille and Aggie and I went with Evelyn to Hutchinson for Jennie's funeral.
October 26, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 22 degrees. We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and Harland had a 1:30 doctor appointment. I went to the laundromat and the grocery store. I picked Harland up and went to Kmart. He got 2 pair long johns and we came home. I made potato soup, supper and washed dishes. Paul and Grace came over and got their frozen meat and when they went home, I wrapped Christmas gifts. Went to bed at 1:40AM.
October 27, 1988 - Thursday. I made pie crust and 2 pumpkin pies and chocolate chip cookies. We packed most everything in the car tonight.
October 28, 1988 - Friday. We left at 7:15 for Wisconsin.
November 1, 1988 - Monday. We left Willie's at 6:12AM. We stopped by Marie's and took her out for dinner and then home. We got home at 4:30PM. The weather was nice.
November 8, 1988 - Tuesday. We voted and then went to Brainerd and Harland got a protime, too care of a CD, got plastic bags for Willie for his hickory nut meats. Done 2 loads of wash at the laundromat.
November 9, 1988 - Wednesday. We're trying to get back to normal. Unpack, get everything put away.
November 11, 1988 - Friday. We went to Carlson's for our Thanksgiving dinner from Pine Lake Golden Age. Paul and Grace stopped and we played cards. At 6:15PM George and Susan picked us up for our membership dinner at V.f.W.
November 12, 1988 - Saturday. We're getting a very wet snow. We got between 5-6 inches. I cleaned off the driveway. We mailed a box to Bill.
November 13, 1988 - Sunday. I went to 9:00 mass. The roads are good. I'm picking out nuts to send to Orrsie in South Dakota.
November 14, 1988 - Monday. I picked Doris up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres.
November 15, 1988 - Tuesday. We're getting rain today, will turn into snow.
November 16, 1988 - Wednesday. We got around 8 inches of snow. All schools are closed.
November 17, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was 24 degrees. I fixed beef stew for card club. Harland I won 1st. Susan and Oscar, low.
November 18, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 18 degrees. I changed our bedding and we went to Brainerd shopping and the laundromat.
November 19, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees. We got 3 inches of snow in the night. I shoveled half of the driveway out and I shoveled the roof off. We went to V.F.W. for chicken.
November 20, 1988 - Sunday. The temp is 13 degrees. I went to 9:00 mass in Garrison.
November 21, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 2 degrees and frosty, but beautiful. I picked Doris up for 5 hours at Woodland Acres. Borden Lake frozen over today.
November 22, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 2 degrees, but no wind. I done a 3 weeks ironing. I stamped a new scarf to embroider for the freezer. Paul and Grace came over and picked up their turkey from the freezer.
November 24, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 31 degrees. The temp his 50 degrees. The snow is settling.
November 25, 1988 - Friday. The temp was 32 degrees. I went to the eye doctor for the itching and allergies I got from the eye wash.
November 26, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees and snowing. This should be the biggest storm yet. No traveling.
November 27, 1988 - Sunday. It is still snowing and blowing. I shoveled the roof off except the bedroom roof. Jeff Schmoltz plowed us out and he shoveled the path to the house, too. Very good.
November 28, 1988 - Monday. It's -8 this AM. I pinned 2 lap robes together. After Harland's nap we went to Brainerd.
November 29, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp is -2 this AM. I sewed 2 lap robes.
November 30, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp is 15 degrees. I got a permanent this AM. I finished the bed cover for the Vets and I wrapped some Christmas gifts.
December 1, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -2 degrees and sunny. I made apple crisp and apple sauce. We had Ladies Aid by Carl and Edna Johnson. After a short business meeting, some made fruit baskets and some of us wrapped Christmas presents for 6 residents for the state hospital. It was a very enjoyable day.
December 2, 1988 - Friday. The temp is 23 degrees and sunny. I went to Brainerd and finished our Christmas shopping. The temp was 45 degrees.
December 3, 1988 - Saturday. The temp is 28 degrees, sunny and a north wind. I made scalloped potatoes for our Christmas party at Crosby. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.
December 4, 1988 - Sunday. The weather is beautiful. We went to the funeral home at Crosby to see Everett Lundberg.
December 5, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 20 degrees and sunny. I went to Woodland Acres alone.
December 6, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 28 degrees and sunny. We went to Garrison Senior Citizens.
December 7, 1988 - Wednesday. We went to Brainerd, renewed a CD, got car licenses, Harland got a blood test taken.
December 8, 1988 - Thursday. Went to Auxiliary meeting, made 1 bed cover and 2 lap robes. The temp is 7 degrees and sunny. We paid our last respects to Father Nicholson.
December 9, 1988 - Friday. The temp is -14 degrees. Cold.
December 10, 1988 - Saturday. The temp was -14. Evelyn picked us up at 6:15AM. We went to Deerwood, picked up Lydia Rogers and we left Bill Larson's home at 7AM.
December 13, 1988 - Tuesday. We left Winnipeg at 8AM, drove 200 miles on ice. We arrived in Brainerd and I drove Evelyn's car to take Lydia home to Deerwood in a heavy snow storm. We got home, here, at 7:15PM. Glad to be home. I'm concentrating on cards, washing, ironing and things in general.
December 19, 1988 - Monday. The temp is 15 degrees. I went to the nursing home alone. I went to the doctor for sinus, allergy and stomach trouble. I went to the laundromat.
December 20, 1988 - Tuesday. The temp was 23 degrees. I finished our Christmas cards.
December 21, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was 2 degrees and sunny. I got our clothes ready to iron. Made dinner and made a batch of seafoam. I done the ironing after supper.
December 22, 1988 - Thursday. The temp is 25 degrees, cloudy and windy.
December 23, 1988 - Friday. The boys came after work and got here at 11:15PM.
December 24, 1988 - Saturday. The weather is cold and clear. The boys went on the other side of Borden fishing, got 2 northern. We went to mass at 7:30 in Deerwood. We then opened our gifts.
December 25, 1988 - Sunday. It was cold and clear. Jim and Bill fished out in front of Red's, but nothing. We had duck and capon (?) and the works.
December 26, 1988 - Monday. It was snowing. I went to Brainerd.
December 27, 1988 - Tuesday. It was 8 degrees and sunny. The kids aren't having any luck fishing and it's been so cold and no shelter.
December 28, 1988 - Wednesday. The temp was -10 degrees. The boys went fishing, but no luck, so they're talking about going home. I baked a small pumpkin pie and 5 small pies and 3 small cherry pies, 4 loaves of zucchini bread and a pan of lemon zucchini bars and chocolate chip cookies to send some home with the boys.
December 29, 1988 - Thursday. The temp was -18 below when Bill got up this AM. The high was 5 above. The boys left at 8AM. It's been so cold and windy and no fish house, so they went home a day early. Paul and Grace stopped this afternoon.
December 30, 1988 - Friday. The temp got up to 22 degrees now that the boys went home.
December 31, 1988 - Saturday. George would have been 64 years old today. The temp was 14 above and sunny. We went over by Millers for supper. There were enough people to play 2 tables of "500". We came home at 11:30. We seen the old year out at home.
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