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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


January 1, 1981 - Thursday.  John, Jim, Trace and Dean came.

January 2, 1981 - Friday.  Jim left for home 8AM.  John, Traci and Dean left at 8:30.  All arrived home safely.  I stripped all the beds, hung sheets, etc outside and ironed right from the line.

January 3, 1981 - Saturday.  Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass at Deerwood.

January 4, 1981 - Sunday.  I was -24 below this AM.  Our warm spell is over and still no snow.

January 5, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook.  Done volunteer work for 5 1/2 hours.

January 6, 1981 - Tuesday.  Garrison Senior Citizens met.  I (secretary) had so much reading to do.

January 7, 1981 - Wednesday.  Went to Auxiliary meeting.  I'm making a drape for a picture when a death occurs.

January 8, 1981 - Thursday.  Ladies Aid met at George and Lorna's home.  Went to Cedarbrook as Mom called.  She is getting out of there.  I hope things will quiet down.

January 11, 1981 - Sunday.  I didn't go to church as I have a cold.  Had Dena, Red, Evelyn over for fish fry.  I done my ironing and finished the 5 quilt blocks for the Ladies aid.  Harland and Red are fishing.  Harland got 1 walleye.

January 12, 1981 - Monday.  Went over to Cedarbrook.  Mom was off her high horse.  Done sewing, came home at noon, ate lunch, went to Brainerd for Harland's foot doctor appointment.

January 14, 1981 - Wednesday.  We got a good 2 inches of snow last nite.  Harland went to the doctor for a check up, then to the hospital for xrays on wrist and knee.

January 15, 1981 - Thursday.  We started another card club.  Chet and Freida Hively, George and Susan forester, Paul and Grace Musil, Harland and I.  I served strawberry short cake and angel food.  I won first and George won first.  Chet won booby.  It was a fun eve.

January 16, 1981 - Friday.  Went to Senior Citizen at Aitkin.  Evelyn, George, Susan, Har and I.  We drove.  Got material to cover my rocking chair.

January 17, 1981 - Saturday.  It's 20 above.  A beautiful day for our trip to Minneapolis to Chanhassen's to see "I Do, I Do".  We had a beautiful day and the play was wonderful and so was dinner.  Arrived home at 7:15PM.

January 18, 1981 - Sunday.  Went to 9:30 mass at Deerwood and stopped at Cedarbrook.  Mom was in the tub so I left her fruit and came home.  Made a rabbit and chicken for dinner, rhubarb, cake.  I washed the car.  It was 46 degrees above.  Harland and Red finished the insulation in the crawl space in the basement.  Red, Dena and Evelyn had supper with us.

January 19, 1981 - Monday.  Today is Cedarbrook.  They found Mom's coat, in the basement in a box with some other things.  We went to the pot luck at Lonesome Pine.  George and Susan and us played cards there.  The guys won 4 out of 3.

January 20, 1981 - Tuesday.  The hostages were released after 444 days.  I washed clothes and ironed, cleaned house.

January 21, 1981 - Wednesday.  I started covering the rocking chair.

January 23, 1981 - Friday.  I started cleaning the fish bowl.  Evelyn picked me up and we volunteered 5 hours over at Cedarbrook, came home and finished the rocking chair and the fish bowl.

January 24, 1981 - Saturday.  I done Mom's washing.  The weather is just beautiful.  25 above this AM.  Cleaned house, Evelyn and I went to 5PM mass.

January 25, 1981 - Sunday.  It was 28 above this AM.  I started some slips for our sale in May.  I done the ironing and stamped a set of dish towels.  Started 2 chair pads for Evelyn.

January 26, 1981 - Monday.  26 above and about 1 inch of snow.  Went to Cedarbrook, embroidered 3 dish towels.

January 27, 1981 - Tuesday.  10 above.  Making 2 cushions for Evelyn.  Made myself a pillow.  Sent Bev material and pattern for making boots.  Went to Brainerd shopping.  Chet and Frieda came and we played cards.

January 28, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had card party here and today was Senior Citizens at Deerwood.  Harland's blood pressure was 188 over 100.  I called the doctor.

January 29, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland went to the doctor.  His blood pressure was 160 over 100, so he's on a salt free diet and he has to lose some weight.  We had card club by Susan and nobody could hold any cards.  Tuffy has a fungus.

January 30, 1981 - Friday.  Went to Cedarbrook and helped with the monthly birthday party.  Chocolate cake and ice cream.

January 31, 1981 - Saturday.  Washed clothes this AM.  Shampooed Tuffy's itching spots.  Had our neighborhood pot luck by Dena's.  16 all tolled.  We got 2 inches of snow which we needed.

February 1, 1981 - Sunday.  Put the clothes away and sprinkled my ironing.  Pat and Evelyn were over, otherwise we cooled it and I finished 3 more dish towels.

February 2, 1981 - Monday.  Just finished my ironing.  I, Susan and Evelyn spent 5 hours at Cedarbrook.

February 3, 1981 - Tuesday.  I fixed peas and carrots for Senior Citizen at Garrison.  Wrote out the minutes and sent a card to Mr. Gaylord in Onamia Hospital.

February 4, 1981 - Wednesday.  It's -18 below this AM.  I didn't go to Auxiliary meeting tonite.

February 5, 1981 - Thursday.  Today is Aid meeting and Susan's birthday.  I made jello.  Frieda, a cake.

February 6, 1981 - Friday.  Evelyn and I helped at the pancake feed at Aitkin.

February 7, 1981 - Saturday.  Went by Oscar and Hazel Miller.  Had supper and played cards.  4 couples.

February 8, 1981 - Sunday.  Evelyn and I went to church at 9:30 and we stopped by Mom afterwards.  Harland and I went to the Y for dinner.

February 9, 1981 - Monday.  Harland went to the doctor.  His blood pressure was 160 over 80 which was down.  Harland is to lose 6 lbs.  I got 4 more crystal glasses.

February 11, 1981 - Wednesday.  It was -35 this AM.  Trying to keep Harland on a 1200 calorie diet.  Sent out Bill's birthday card and the kids' Valentines.  Wrote to John.  He had an accident with the Caddy.  $1940.00 to fix it.

February 13, 1981 - Friday.  I went to Cedarbrook.  Mom has the flu.  Cec called Thursday nite and Ken wants her out.  She was real upset.

February 14, 1981 - Saturday.  Today Bill is 32.  I washed clothes, cleaned house and Evelyn and I went to mass at 5 o'clock at Deerwood.  It was beautiful a service.  14 years ago at 8:03, Carol passed away.

February 15, 1981 - Sunday.  It was 32 degrees above.  Water standing by the garage.  Done my ironing.  We played cards by George and Susan.  4-2 in favor of the men.

February 16, 1981 - Monday.  It was 30 degrees above this AM.  Harland had a blood test at 9:15AM, done our shopping and came home.

February 17, 1981 - Tuesday.  I'm washing bathroom walls, etc today.  I put contact on our card table.

February 18, 1981 - Wednesday.  I ironed the bathroom curtains, made lunch, went to co-op for 5 hours, volunteered.  Harland went for a walk - 1st time this year.  The weather is beautiful.  48 above at 10AM.  I went to a Tupperware party by Spence's.

February 19, 1981 - Thursday.  We went to Brainerd to make out taxes, but we don't have enough income.  This afternoon I washed the car.

February 20, 1981 - Friday.  George and Susan picked us up for Aitkin dinner and at nite they picked us up for card party at Crosby - benefit of kidney foundation.  George won 1st in the men and Harland 3.  Harland and Chet both won a door prize.  It is 37 degrees above and raining.

February 21, 1981 - Saturday.  Evelyn and I went to Deerwood to 5PM mass.

February 22, 1981 - Sunday.  Our snow is almost all gone.  Crocheted on a pair of pillow cases.

February 23, 1981 - Monday.  Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook for volunteer work.  Impy was quite bad.

February 25, 1981 - Wednesday.  Today was Deerwood Senior Citizens and we played cards afterwards.  After supper, we had card club at Susan's.  George won 1st, Susan booby, Hazel 1st and Harland, booby.

February 26, 1981 - Thursday.  I started washing kitchen walls today.  The bathroom is done.  We had our 2nd card club by Paul and Grace Musel.  Frieda won 1st and Harland won 1st.  Susan and Chet got booby.

February 27, 1981 - Friday.  I washed clothes today and we had freezing rain and turned into wet snow between 4 and 5 inches.  I ironed the kitchen curtains.

February 28, 1981 - Saturday.   Ken cleaned out the driveway.  I shoveled out to the garage and by the mailbox.  Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass.

March 1, 1981 - Sunday.  It's 26 degrees in Brainerd.  We had our neighborhood pot luck at Spence's.  It was real nice.

March 2, 1981 - Monday.  Went to Cedarbrook for 4 3/4 hours, then went to Bill Lybeck for a permanent.  It turned out real good.  Paul and Grace came over as did Frieda and Chet and we played 6 handed "500".  Women won 3 and the guys 1 game.

March 3, 1981 - Tuesday.  Today was Senior Citizen at Garrison.  Didn't accomplish much on the telephone deal.

March 4, 1981 - Wednesday.  We went to Brainerd, done our shopping.  I went to Auxiliary meeting tonite.  Dena and I will make the dressing for the turkeys to serve the Lions.

March 5, 1981 - Thursday.  We went to Elwood's for Ladies Aid.  At night we played cards by Millers.  Oscar won 1st and Ann K won 1st.  Harland had 2900 and I, 1390.  Both won booby.

March 6, 1981 - Friday.  I had my eyes tested by Dr. Sundberg.

March 7, 1981 - Saturday. Fixed beef steak in fry pan, made vegetable soup and fixed dinner.  Run the sweeper.

March 8, 1981 - Sunday.  Marty is 10 years old today.  We played cards last nite by Chet and Frieda.  The guys won 4 and we, two.  Dena invited us over for turkey and dressing dinner last nite.  It was delicious.

March 9, 1981 - Monday.  Today Chick is 39 years old.  Evelyn is picking us up and we're going by Cedarbrook for volunteer.

March 11, 1981 - Wednesday.  Harland went to the doctor.  His blood pressure was good.  150 over 70.  Done our shopping and came home.  Dena and Red brought over the 4 turkey, cut up celery and onions.  I put them to cook right away.

March 12, 1981 - Thursday.  I'm making dressing and cooking wild rice for dressing also.  Onions and celery.  Dena and I will roast the 4 turkey at the Community Center.  The Aux will serve the Lion's Club members.  We had card club here tonite.  I won 1st, George won 1st.

March 13, 1981 - Friday.  Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook for volunteer work.

March 14, 1981 - Saturday.  We went to Deerwood to church.

March 16, 1981 - Monday.  Harland went in for a blood test for cholesterol.  Us, Grace and Paul played cards by Chet.

March 17, 1981 - Tuesday.  St. Patrick's Day.  We went over to Cedarbrook for supper in honor of St. Pat's Day.

March 19, 1981 - Thursday.  We are playing cards 6 hands "500" here tonite.

March 21, 1981 - Saturday.  I washed clothes, cleaned house, I raked the ditch by Clem's.  Evelyn and I went to mass, then Harland and I burned the leaves and ate supper.

March 22, 1981 - Sunday.  I raked more by Clem's and burned.

March 23, 1981 - Monday.  Susan and I will go to Cedarbrook for volunteer this AM.  Went to Brainerd to get my eyes tested again at 3:15PM.  Finished picked out the rest of the cracked hickory nuts.

March 24, 1981 - Tuesday.  I went to craft class at Deerwood church, made dinner and raked acrossed the road and then finished raking Clem's.  After supper, I burned accrossed the road.

March 25, 1981 - Wednesday.  I made deviled eggs for Senior Citizens at Deerwood.  We played cards by Knudson's.  Susan won 1st, I booby, Al K. won 1st and George F. got booby.

March 26, 1981 - Thursday.  We had card club by Susan and George.  Harland and Susan won 1st, and George and I booby.

March 28, 1981 - Saturday.  Evelyn and I helped with birthday party at Cedarbrook at 2:30 and then went to 5PM mass at Deerwood.

March 31, 1981 - Tuesday.  Had an eye test on my right eye.

April 1, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had a little snow this AM.  34 above.

April 2, 1981 - Thursday.  Today is Aid.  I'm taking meatloaf.  I washed clothes today.

April 3, 1981 - Friday.  Mom is 91 years old today.  I had a birthday party for her at Cedarbrook.  We had music and 7 children sang.  It was nice.  George and Louise gave her a real beautiful Azalea, pink.  George is in rough shape.

April 4, 1981 - Saturday.  Fixed chicken, deviled eggs, potato salad and dinner rolls out of frozen bread.  We all ate over by Dena's for Debbie and Harland's birthdays.  Margaret fixed an angel food cake.

April 6, 1981 - Monday.  Ice went out on Borden today.  Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook and at 1:45 we went to Aitkin radio station and made a recording to be played back the week of April 29th.  Susan, Elsie, Grace went together.

April 7, 1981 - Tuesday.  Today is Senior Citizen at Garrison.  I'm making rhubarb squares.

April 8, 1981 - Wednesday.  Edward S. had open heart surgery, 2 valves, on March 24th and came home April 2nd.  He's doing good.

April 9, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland went to the doctor.  His blood pressure was 140 over 80 and his cholesterol was 155.  The doctor said everything is good.  He patted me on the back when we went out.  It made my day.

April 10, 1981 - Friday.  I finished raking on the easy side of the house and some in the back.  We cleaned off the rhubarb and asparagus.

April 11, 1981 - Saturday.  Today is Mille Lacs Electric meeting.  George and Susan took Craggs and us along.  We had ham sandwich, potato salad, beans, cake, coffee and milk.  Harland won an $8.00 pork loin.  Evelyn and I went to 7:30 mass.

April 12, 1981 - Sunday.  Today Harland is 72 years old.  Evelyn took us to Bonanza for Harland's birthday.  We done some shopping, got some Easter candy and a lily for Mom from Marie.  Evelyn and I went up in Clem's garden and cleaned up and then got a burning permit.  We went over by Oscar and Hazel Miller and played cards.  The women won 6-3.

April 13, 1981 - Monday.  I and Evelyn went to Cedarbrook.  We made Easter hats for an Easter party they're having over at Cedarbrook.  Mom got a call from Anna in Texas yesterday.

April 14, 1981 - Tuesday.  We went over by Foresters and played cards.

April 15, 1981 - Wednesday.  Evelyn and I went to church at nite.

April 17, 1981 - Good Friday.  I was sick in the AM.  After noon, Evelyn and I went to church.

April 18, 1981 - Saturday.  I fixed dressing, turkey and apple crisp for over by Red and Dena tonite.

April 20, 1981 - Monday.  Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook.  I cut out 85 bibs.

April 21, 1981 - Tuesday.  We went to the capitol in St. Paul on the bus.  It rained today.

April 22, 1981 - Wednesday.  Today is Senior Citizens at Deerwood.  Tonite we played cards by Craggs.  Harland and Ann K. won 1st.  Susan and Howard won booby.

April 23, 1981 - Thursday.  It rained today.  We played cards by Paul and Grace Musil.

April 24, 1981 - Friday.  We drove to Aitkin today.  George and Susan went along.  In the evening, Howard and Elsie picked us up and we went to the smelt fry at the Y.  It was v. good.  Then we all played 6 handed "500" and it ended up even.  2 and 2 women against the men.

April 25, 1981 - Saturday.  We went down by Ruth Spence and signed a paper for Borden Lake to get 14 feet of land.  Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass.

April 26, 1981 - Sunday.  We finished raking the lawn in the back.  I called Betty and told her we were going to a lawyer.

April 27, 1981 - Monday.  We went to see the lawyer.  He will take it from there.  Ken was over and he claims he has maintained the 10 feet on the east side of the house, which none of them have.  I have already raked right up to the house.  Harland and I have mowed the same.  It's been raining every day.

April 30, 1981 - Thursday.  I washed clothes this AM and it rained again after dinner.

May 1, 1981 - Friday.  Folded Mom's clothes, sprinkled my ironing and run the vacuum.  I house cleaned the front room.

May 4, 1981 - Monday.  Went to Cedarbrook, Susan, Grace and I.  Susan drove.

May 5, 1981 - Tuesday.  Today was Senior Citizens at Garrison.  A long meeting, but good food.

May 6, 1981 - Wednesday.  I worked up some garden by Clem's.  We planted 4 1/2 rows potato, onion and Evelyn planted some onions.  I made apple crisp and we went to V.F.W. and Auxiliary pot luck.  After, we went to Hively's and played "500", got home at 12:30.

May 7, 1981 - Thursday.  I made poppyseed torte for Aid.  Dan Schmitt is here with the backhoe to put new pipes in as far as the septic tank.  Harland didn't go to Aid.

May 8, 1981 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd.  I to the eye doctor at 11.  Ate at Senior Citizen's Center and done more shopping.  Then Harland went to the doctor at 2PM.

May 10, 1981 - Sunday.  Mother's Day.  Evelyn, Harland and I went to Holiday Inn for dinner and we went back to the nursery and we got 4 tomato plants - 5 pepper plants and 1 tomato plant free, two 40 lb bags of manure.

May 11, 1981 - Monday.  Evelyn and I went to Cedarbrook.  Margaret had a Mother's Day dinner for 19 mothers in her room and we ate later.  It was a very nice party.  We took Lydia Rogers home and we came home and I straightened more dirt over the septic pipes.

May 12, 1981 - Tuesday.  I took Grace, Evelyn, Susan, Doris and Elsie and we went to R.S.V.P Luncheon.  Stopped by Ann K. and Super One and came home.  I planted sweet peas and asters, spaded the ground for our dahlias.

May 13, 1981 - Wednesday.  I washed clothes and our bedding down to the mattress, dug around the mums and worked up part of our garden side of the house, made supper and sewed Dena's curtains for the cabin and sprinkled the ironing.

May 14, 1981 - Thursday.  I ironed and took Dena's drapes over and hung them up.  Gave Dena her birthday gift from Harland, I and Evelyn.  I made 2 rhubarb cobblers and carrot bars.  George, Susan, Elsie, Howard, Chet, Frieda, Harland and I played cards here.  George and Elsie won 1st.  Susan and Howard, booby.  It was a fun evening.

May 15, 1981 - Friday.  Been planting garden, mowing lawn and general cleaning.

May 20, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had the 1st card club here. Harland and Ann K. won 1st.  Susan and Al won booby.

May 21, 1981 - Thursday.  I washed clothes, ironed and done part of my Friday cleaning.

May 22, 1981 - Friday.  Finished the cleaning, made the bed up on the porch for Chick and Judy.

May 23, 1981 - Saturday.  I sold poppies for 2 1/4 hours and made lunch and mowed lawn.  Jim and Mike Oeschner came around 1:30.  Evelyn and I and Margaret went to 5 o'clock mass and Larry, Jim and Mike went to Mille Lacs.

May 24, 1981 - Sunday.  Cedarbrook called.  Chick, Judy and Tam came.

May 25, 1981 - Monday.  The guys got 127 perch.  Jim, Chick and Mike on Mille Lacs.

May 26, 1981 - Tuesday.  The guys got a pickerel and a 4 lb walleye.  We then went to the Chicken Shack.  It was Mike's birthday.

May 27, 1981 - Wednesday.  We went to Senior Citizen at Deerwood.

May 28, 1981 - Thursday.  They got 260 perch and we went shopping at Brainerd.

May 29, 1981 - Friday.  We had a cook out.  Chick, Judy, T.J., Jim, Mike, Dad and I and Marie came.

May 30, 1981 - Saturday.  Chick, Judy, and Mike left for home.

June 1, 1981 - Monday.  I and Marie went to Cedarbrook.

June 2, 1981 - Tuesday.  Garrison Senior Citizen.  Long meeting.

June 3, 1981 - Wednesday.  Marie and I went to Milaca shopping.

June 4, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland had a foot doctor appointment and then we went to Ladies Aid, Har, Marie and I, after supper.  I cut out 9 hot dish carriers.

June 5, 1981 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd shopping.

June 6, 1981 - Saturday.  We went to Peterson fishing.  I washed clothes and Bill, Sharon, Marty and Collette came for a vacation.

June 7, 1981 - Sunday.  Marie, Evelyn, Bill, Sharon and kids, Har and I went to Bonanza for my birthday.  67 years old.  It was a beautiful party.  Marie and Evelyn had a decorated cake.  It was v. nice.

June 8, 1981 - Monday.  Harland had a doctor appointment at 11AM and Marie left for home.  When she got home, she called.  There was a fire at Henry's place and his 2 hired men died of smoke inhalation.  She was really upset.

June 9, 1981 - Tuesday.  Harland, Bill, Sharon and Marty got 90 perch on Mille Lacs in the AM.  In the eve, Bill, I and Sharon got 85 perch.

June 10, 1981 - Wednesday.  Bill, Sharon, and Harland went to Peterson.  Got a few bass.  It rained in the PM.

June 11, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland, Bill, Sharon and Marty went fishing on the Mississippi.  Water was high.  I baked cookies and planted squash and cukes.

June 12, 1981 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd and picked up a new back door and stopped to see Grandma and in the eve we played cards.

June 13, 1981 - Saturday.  It rained all day here.  There was a tornado in the Cities.

June 14, 1981 - Sunday.  John and Todd came.  There was a tornado in the Cities.  A lot of damage done.

June 15, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook.

June 18, 1981 - Thursday.  John and Todd left for home.  I washed clothes, ironed and run the vacuum.  I cleaned the shower and washed beds.

June 19, 1981 - Friday.  I took Marty to the dentist for an xray on his front teeth.  They were real crooked this year.  Last year they were straight and he had beautiful teeth.

June 20, 1981 - Saturday.  I cleaned the kitchen carpeting.

June 21, 1981 - Father's Day.  Harland, I, and Margaret went to church in the AM.  Tam and Marty went to Headquarters for dinner.

June 22, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook for 5 1/2 hours.  We put up the new clothes lines and I defrosted the refrigerator freezer and the freezer in the garage.

June 23, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed and ironed clothes and it rained later.

June 24, 1981 - Wednesday.  We went to pot luck at Deerwood.  After supper we had card club by Knutson's.  Harland and Elsie had 1st, Howard and I had booby.

June 25, 1981 - Thursday.  I took Tam and Marty rollerskating and shopping.

June 26, 1981 - Friday.  I washed, ironed and fixed chicken and Swiss steak.

July 2, 1981 - Thursday.  Ladies Aid picnic by Dorothy and Ed Boucher.  I was assisting hostess.  Tam and Collette were along also.

July 3, 1981 - Friday.  We started our garage sale.

July 4, 1981 - Saturday. Jim, Bob, Frank and Marty went home.

July 5, 1981 - Sunday.  We went to church.  Harland, I, Tam and Collette went to Headquarters to eat.

July 6, 1981 - Monday.  Tam, Collette and I went to Cedarbrook.  Tam played the piano.  I sewed, etc.  I washed clothes and ironed, went by Delores Marks, got green peppers and cabbage.  I washed my hair.

July 7, 1981 - Tuesday.  Senior Citizen at Garrison.  Then we had a fish fry outside with Dena, Red and Evelyn.

July 8, 1981 - Wednesday.  I mowed lawn in the front.

July 9, 1981 - Thursday.  Today Tam is 15 years old.  Harland and I took Tam and Collette rollerskating and we ate supper at Bonanza.  In the eve, we went to Dairy Queen.

July 10, 1981 - Friday.  I washed clothes and ironed and cleaned up the house.

July 11, 1981 - Saturday.  Tam, I and Collette went to the parade at Crosby.

July 12, 1981 - Sunday.  We took Tam to Lutheran Church at Deerwood and Collette and I went to the Catholic church at Deerwood.

July 13, 1981 - Monday.  The 3 of us went to Cedarbrook.  Tam got a chance to practice piano once a week.

July 14, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes, ironed and went to Brainerd.

July 16, 1981 - Wednesday.  Evelyn and I went to Brainerd at Jakes.  We got peaches rite from the truck and I got 30 lbs of strawberries for $22.95.

July 17, 1981 - Thursday.  I canned 4 quarts of peaches and took care of the strawberries (in small cartons).

July 18, 1981 - Friday.  Tam took care of Collette and Har and I went by bus to Minneapolis to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater to 'Sound of Music'.  It was real good.

July 19, 1981 - Saturday.  We went to church at 9:30.

July 20, 1981 - Monday.  We went to Cedarbrook. It was Tammy's last concert.  The residents really enjoyed the piano music.

July 23, 1981 - Thursday.  Chick and Bill came in separate cars to take Tam and Collette home.

July 24, 1981 - Friday.  It rained some, so Chick and Tam, and Bill and Collette went to Myr Mar and played miniature golf.  I baked banana bread and cake.

July 25, 1981 - Saturday.  Chick and Tam, left.  They were really loaded with all of Tam's ceramics, etc.  Bill, Collette and I went to church and we stopped and said goodbye to Grandma.

July 26, 1981 - Sunday.  Bill and Collette left for home.  We have had company every day from May 23rd to July 26th.  It was just too much.

July 27, 1981 - Monday.  I stripped beds and washed before I went to Cedarbrook.

July 28, 1981 - Tuesday.  I ironed clothes again.

July 29, 1981 - Wednesday.  I washed clothes again.

July 31, 1981 - Friday.  Marie came this afternoon.

August 2, 1981 - Sunday.  We went to see Louise.  George is having surgeries on his legs.  He had one leg removed 5 inches below the knee and the other one don't look too good.

August 3, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook.  We haven't told Mom about George's surgery other than a big toe off.

August 4, 1981 - Tuesday.  Garrison Senior Citizens held the picnic at Port Mille Lacs.

August 5, 1981 - Wednesday.  It was 48 years ago today we got married at Arnold, Wisconsin at 11AM.

August 6, 1981 - Thursday.  Today was Ladies Aid.  Marie went, too.

August 7, 1981 - Friday.  Marie left for home today.

August 8, 1981 - Saturday.  I canned green beans and went to 5 o'clock mass at Deerwood.

August 9, 1981 - Sunday.  I made 2 batches of zucchini bread and a cake.

August 10, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook and then Harland and I went over to see Chuck and Helen Elwood.

August 12, 1981 - Wednesday.  We took the boat trip from Duluth to Superior and it was very interesting.  The bus trip was thru Deerwood Senior Citizens.

August 13, 1981 - Thursday.  I finished 4 pairs of slacks for myself and took Harland's pants in after he lost 30 lbs.

August 14, 1981 - Friday.  Harland had a doctor check up.  Everything is good now with his weight loss.  I went to church at 7:30.

August 15, 1981 - Saturday.  I worked at the V.F.W. flea market from 8:45 to 3:30 of Dena's and my things.  We did pretty good.

August 16, 1981 - Sunday.  We picked up Grace, Orville, Liane, Paul and Grace Musil.  We went to Pine River Church chicken dinner.  It was delicious.  Harland and Red went fishing when we came home.

August 17, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook and cleaned fish and then I canned peaches.

August 18, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes.  After dinner, Orville and Grace picked us up and we served at the Cedarbrook birthday party and then the 4 of us went to the Aitkin county fair.

August 20, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland had an eye doctor appointment and we bought 2 crates of pears.  Then we had a pot luck with Dena, Red, Evelyn and us.

August 24, 1981 - Monday.  Cedarbrook.

August 25, 1981 - Tuesday.  Jim's birthday.  He's 28 years old.  I canned pears.

August 28, 1981 - Friday.  We took Louise out to eat for her birthday.  George was in the Vet's hospital.  Darlene, Stacey Abler, Pat, and Roxanne's friend came around midnight.

August 29, 1981 - Saturday.  Today is Louise's birthday.  Maxine Warren pulled in after 10AM.  We had a real nice visit.  Evelyn and I went to 5:00 mass and they grilled steaks etc.  When we came home, we ate.

August 30, 1981 - Sunday.  They all left this AM.  Had a nice time.

September 1, 1981 - Tuesday.  Garrison Senior Citizens.

September 3, 1981 - Thursday.  Auxiliary meeting.

September 4, 1981 - Friday.  I went to Wisconsin by Marie.

September 5, 1981 - Saturday.  I put a permanent in for her and she put on in for me.  We went to Ladysmith shopping.

September 6, 1981 - Sunday.  I came home around 2:30 with 3 bushels of apples.

September 7, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook to see Mom.  I made 5 pies for the freezer and made some applesauce.

September 8, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed clothes and defrosted the big freezer and made 4 more apple pies and cut up most of the apples for the freezer.

September 9, 1981 - Wednesday.  Made 4 more pies, 4 quarts of suace and a big batch of apple jelly.  After supper, we played cards by Craggs.

September 10, 1981 - Thursday.  Harland and I picked up Louise and we went over by Mike and he drove our car.  We went down to see George.  Evelyn and I went to Alter Society meeting at Deerwood.

September 11, 1981 - Friday.  Cec and Ray came.

September 12, 1981 - Saturday.  Harland and Ray went fishing and I made pickled fish.  Cec and I went to Brainerd shopping.

September 13, 1981 - Sunday.  Cec and Ray left around 2PM.

September 17, 1981 - Thursday.  We had card club here.  Al and Ann Knutson, George and Susan Forester.  I planted out some flowers.  Ada Austin stopped before going back to Indiana.

September 18, 1981 - Friday.  Harland, I, Susan, George, and Evelyn went to Aitkin Senior Citizens.  We drove.

September 21, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook.  Came home, washed Mom's clothes and planted out more flowers.

September 24, 1981 - Thursday.  We had our 2nd card club here.  Chet and Frieda Hively, Paul and Grace Musil.

September 28, 1981 - Monday.  We left Deerwood with Senior Citizen bus for the House on the Rock.  We stayed at the Anderson Hotel at Red Wing, Minnesota.

September 29, 1981 - Tuesday.  We arrived at the House on the Rock at Spring Green, Wisconsin around 2PM.  We went thru the house.  It was unbelievable the things there and the way it was built.  We then went to Dodgeville and stayed at the Best Western Motel.

September 30, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had breakfast at the motel and then started for home.  I was a real good trip.

October 1, 1981 - Thursday.  Ladies Aid.

October 2, 1981 - Friday.  Went to Brainerd.  Evelyn and I helped with pancake supper at Aitkin.

October 6, 1981 - Tuesday.  Senior Citizen in Garrison.

October 9, 1981 - Friday.  We left for Wisconsin.  Harland, I, Bill, Sharon and kids went to Woods Bridge Bar to eat.  I got sick.

October 10, 1981 - Saturday.  We went by Katie's and we went by some farmer and cleaned 15 chickens.  Our 5 weighed 55 lbs.  We left them by Katies and she bagged them and froze them for us.

October 12, 1981 - Monday.  We all went to church and then Harland and I went by Chick and Judy for dinner.  Dena called and said Orville Liane passed away Saturday.  I called Grace and she said we shouldn't come home as he was being buried tomorrow.

October 13, 1981 - Tuesday.  We went out by Katie's and Willie for supper.  Pat, Len, kids, Jim, John and his girlfriend came out also.  We played cards, had a good time.

October 14, 1981 - Wednesday.  We went out by Katie's and picked up our chickens and started for home.  Arrived by Marie and Hank was in the hospital.  He had a light stroke.  We went up to see him.

October 15, 1981 - Thursday.  We left for home from Marie's.

October 16, 1981 - Friday.  I fixed chili and made turtle and baked 2 squash.  I baked rhubarb squares and 1 apple pie for the bazaar at church.

October 17, 1981 - Saturday.  Evelyn and I went over at 9:00 AM and worked all day, we went to 5 o'clock mass and came home.

October 18, 1981 - Sunday.  Paul and Grace Musil were over for supper and we played cards.

October 20, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed 6 sheets and ironed and made up the 3 beds.

October 21, 1981 - Wednesday.  Margaret Abear picked Evelyn and I up and we went to Milaca for a nursing home information.  We played cards at Susan's in the eve.

October 22, 1981 - Thursday.  I cleaned the oven out.  It really needed it.

October 24, 1981 - Saturday.  I cooked up the little potatoes and made hash browns for the freezer.  I went to 5 o'clock mass.

October 27, 1981 - Tuesday.  I washed windows and storms.

October 28, 1981 - Wednesday.  We went to Deerwood Senior Citizens and then to Crosby and visited with Elsie and Howard and had supper with them.

October 29, 1981 - Thursday.  I washed clothes and visited Mom.

October 30, 1981 - Friday.  I ironed and put up the kitchen and bathroom curtains.

October 31, 1981 - Saturday.  I raked leaves and the weather was really beautiful.

November 1, 1981 - Sunday.  Harland and I went to Bonanza for dinner and after Harland ate, he passed out and someone called the ambulance and he was taken to the hospital.  Howard Craggs was there for eye surgery and Frieda Hively was in the hospital.  Evelyn Mills was there as she had knee surgery.  So our neighborhood was really represented that week.

November 2, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook for 2 1/2 hours and then up to the hospital.  Harland was feeling good.

November 3, 1981 - Tuesday.  Garrison Senior Citizen meeting.  We had election of officers and I got out of my secretary job.  I went to the hospital and Harland came home.

November 5, 1981 - Thursday.  We went to the Ladies Aid.  Grace Musil went along.

November 6, 1981 - Friday.  We went to Brainerd, got medicine for Harland.  I made cookies and hot dish for Harland to take along deer hunting.

November 7, 1981 - Saturday.  Harland and Larry went to Hackensack to meet the rest of the guys for deer hunting.  I drove and Evelyn, Jean Caine and Dena went to Duluth Christmas shopping.  I was a nice day and fun.

November 8, 1981 - Sunday.  Evelyn and I went to 9:30 mass and I made oatmeal cookies and chicken and fixed a beef roast for the guys, but they didn't come home at nite.  They just called.

November 9, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook and on the way home, our brakes went out.  So Paul Musil got the car.

November 10, 1981 - Tuesday.  Paul brought the car back the same day.  Harland and Larry came home.  No deer, but they had fun, I guess.

November 11, 1981 - Wednesday.  I had another dead telephone call.  I told them our phone was being monitored and I hung up.

November 13, 1981 - Friday.  Cec, Ray and Rusty came.  He sure is a good little guy.  18 months old.

November 14, 1981 - Saturday.  Cec and I went to church in the PM.

November 15, 1981 - Sunday.  Cec, Ray, and Rusty left for home at 2:30.  It was getting foggy.  Paul and Grace Musil came for supper and we played cards.  Had a nice time.

November 16, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook.  Came home and I washed the car and put it in the garage again.

November 18, 1981 - Wednesday.  George and Susan picked us up and we went to Brainerd, done some shopping and we had pot luck by Knutsons and then we had our card party.

November 22, 1981 - Sunday.  George and Susan, Florence (George's sister) was over and we had supper and then played cards.

November 23, 1981 - Monday.  Cedarbrook.  I gave Mom a permanent.

November 25, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had about 2 inches of snow.

November 26, 1981 - Thursday.  We had Thanksgiving dinner at Dena and Red's.  We each furnished something.

November 28, 1981 - Saturday.  We went to church, Evelyn and I.  Harland got a rabbit in his trap.

November 29, 1981 - Sunday.  I picked out hickory nuts.  I want to finish them.

December 1, 1981 - Tuesday.  We went by bus, Senior Citizens, to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Minneapolis and seen Peggy Lee and Tony Bennett.  Had a good dinner.

December 2, 1981 - Wednesday.  Garrison Senior Citizen.

December 3, 1981 - Thursday.  Ladies Aid was held at Chuck and Helen Elwood's home.  We exchanged gifts.

December 4, 1981 - Friday.  We had our Christmas dinner for Aitkin Senior Citizens, ham, etc, v. good.

December 5, 1981 - Saturday.  We went by Cec and Ray.  They have a nice home.  Alice and Larry (her 4th husband).  Dionna and Shawn were there overnight.  They moved to Grand Rapids.

December 6, 1981 - Sunday.  We came home Sunday afternoon.

December 7, 1981 - Monday.  I was over to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.  I made fudge when I came home.

December 8, 1981 - Tuesday.  We went to Brainerd and after dinner we made a batch of divinity.

December 9, 1981 - Wednesday.  The Auxiliary had a Christmas party and gifts for the residents at Cedarbrook.

December 10, 1981 - Thursday.  Susan, I and Evelyn went to the salad luncheon at the Alliance church.

December 11, 1981 - Friday.  We had our Senior Citizens at Cutler.  It was our Christmas meeting.  I wrote out Christmas cards when we come home.

December 12, 1981 - Saturday.  I baked cookies, we put up the tree and I run the vacuum and went to church at 5PM.

December 13, 1981 - Sunday.  We went to Norman and Rose Lee's 50th wedding anniversary at Aitkin and then we went to Crosby by Howard and Else and at 6:30 went to the Lutheran Church cantata.  It was really beautiful.

December 16, 1981 - Wednesday.  We had our card club by Elsie and Howard Craggs.  I took an apricot salad.  In the eve, we went to Myr Mar for our Garrison Senior Citizens Christmas party.

December 17, 1981 - Thursday.  We had our card club here.  Paul and Grace, George and Susan, Oscar and Hazel, Harland and I.

December 19, 1981 - Saturday nite we had our V.F.W. Christmas party at the Blue Goose.  Red and Dena and Debbie, Harland and I.  We met Ed and Phyliss there.  I won a bottle of wine.  Harland a 3 lb canned ham.  It was fun.  No one was feeling any pain.

December 21, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook, helped Margaret mark things to sell.  I bought a travel alarm and Margaret gave me a centerpiece for a candle.

December 22, 1981 - Tuesday.  I cleaned the house real good.

December 23, 1981 - Wednesday.  Harland had a doctor appointment.  His blood pressure was up.  We went grocery shopping and we stopped by Louise and George was home from the hospital for 4 days.  George will be at the Vet's hospital for 2 more weeks, then he'll be home for 3 months and he'll go back to get his permanent legs.

December 24, 1981 - Thursday.  I took Grace Musil and we went over to Cedarbrook to help with the Christmas party and help Santa.  When we got home, Jim and John were here.  We went to 5 o'clock mass and then around to see George and Louise.  He looks good, but has aged.  He's had 8 surgeries since April.  We came home and opened our gifts, after we came home from Christmas Eve by Dena and Red's.

December 25, 1981 - Friday.  Jim, John, Harland and I ate Christmas dinner and we then went over by Mom.

December 26, 1981 - Saturday.  Larry, Harland, and Jim went fishing on Mille Lacs.  They didn't do very good, so after lunch they went to Pickerel.  3 northerns, a few blues.  After supper we played poker.

December 27, 1981 - Sunday.  John and I went to 9:30 mass.  Harland, Jim and Larry went on Mille Lacs.

December 28, 1981 - Monday.  I went to Cedarbrook for 6 hours.  George and Susan dropped off our 3 ducks and we cleaned them and then Harland and Jim went to Mille Lacs.  Jim got a 3 1/2 lbs walleye.  Harland got a smaller one.

December 29, 1981 - Tuesday.  They got 1 walleye and 3 perch.  Then we went to the Chicken Shack for supper.  I washed clothes for the kids and made 2 batches of jelly for the kids to take back.

December 30, 1981 - Wednesday.  The kids left at 7:30AM.  Harland and I went to Brainerd shopping.  Pills, etc.  It started to snow on the way to Brainerd.  All together we got 6 inches of snow.  I made brandy slush.

December 31, 1981 - Thursday.  It was just 0 degrees this AM.  Harland used the snow blower and I went over and watered Evelyn's flowers.  She's in Minneapolis.  Her brother-in-law passed away.

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