January 1, 1979 - Sunday. It was -22 degrees this AM. I cooked up soup bones and done the laundry. I talked to Marie.
January 2, 1979 - Monday. Alfred is 78 today.
January 4, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to club today and boy, it sure was cold in the school house.
January 16, 1979 - I got a permanent from Lois today. Boy, did it snow coming home.
January 19, 1979 - Went to Senior citizen at Aitkin today in a snow storm. George Forester drove. He had to get a heater for his basement.
January 20, 1979 - Had George and Susan over for dinner.
January 22, 1979 - I went to Aitkin today and finished Cec's business at the court house.
January 23, 1979 - I cut Mom's hair today and fixed it.
February 1, 1979 - Friday. Went to club today.
February 2, 1979 - Saturday. Went to the bank.
February 8, 1979 - Friday. Ann Maghan passed away. Dilly and Ann P. was over, wanted to know if I would bake a cake and help serve at the funeral if they needed help.
February 9, 1979 - Saturday. We went to Brainerd, got out eggs and bought a new TV. I mailed Sharon's birthday present.
February 12, 1979 - Tuesday. Went to Ann Maghan's funeral today.
February 16, 1979 - Saturday. Went to Aitkin to Golden Age. Our blood pressure was good. We've been going to pot luck on Monday nites at Lonesome Pine. Kathy and Del Rick have sold out.
February 18, 1979 - Monday. We played cards at Twin Pines. I won 1st, $7.00. Harland won 2nd, $5.00.
February 20, 1979 - Tuesday. We had 5 inches of snow last nite.
February 21, 1979 - Wednesday. We played cards at Pikes Point. Harland came in 4th. Got $2.00 back. Susan and I went over to Deerwood and got some beads, etc. for making angels, candles, bracelets, etc. for half price. The roads weren't plowed yet, only 18 and 6 were plowed, but it turned out nice. I shoveled the driveway to get the car out. Marie called. She's in the hospital again. He'll work her 6 feet under yet.
February 22, 1979 - Thursday. We got 6 inches of snow. I started to shovel and ended up with a backache. Red came over and cleaned some of the snow off the roof.
February 24, 1979 - Saturday. We went to Brainerd. Harland got a case of oil for the car. $0.57 a quart.
February 25, 1979 - Sunday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. I didn't go to church. My back was killing me. Harland gave me one of his pain killers. Boy, that was worse than the backache.
February 26, 1979 - Monday. We watched the eclipse of the sun today. I finished another pillow case. I have one more to crochet around and then I have 5 pair for our craft sale.
February 27, 1979 - Tuesday. It was 18 degrees above and cloudy. Sharon will go into the hospital today for surgery. We play cards over by Oscar and Hazel Miller tonite. We received some beautiful cards from paralyzed vets for $1.50. Harland won 1st, 1 pair men's socks.
February 28, 1979 - Wednesday. Susan, George, Al and Ann Knutson, Harland and I served at Deerwood today. Bill called tonite. Sharon had her surgery today. She was in and out from medication.
March 1, 1979 - Thursday. I'll help Susan serve at club. Susan called and said Doris would help as was planned. After club, we had cake and coffee in honor of Albert and Kay Maghan's 50th wedding anniversary. We stopped by Liane and watered the flowers and came home.
March 2, 1979 - Friday. It's freezing rain. We went to Garrison to the bank and baked bread. It rained today and was freezing.
March 3, 1979 - Saturday. Red and Dena and Debbie, Ken and Betty were over for supper and then we played Tripoly. They went home at 1:30 Sunday AM. It was snowing and blowing.
March 4, 1979 - Sunday. I didn't get to church. The roads were blocked.
March 5, 1979 - Monday. Grace, I, Susan and Doris went to Cedarbrook for our day of volunteer work.
March 6, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and shoveled a path to the burn barrel. The weather was nice in the 30's.
March 7, 1979 - Wednesday. Sent a birthday card to Marty who will be 7 on the 8th. I'm painting the bathroom ceiling today and one door.
March 8, 1979 - Thursday. Marty is 7 years old today. I finished painting the woodwork in the bathroom and the side walls. I cleaned the medicine cabinet out. I shortened 2 drapes.
March 9, 1979 - Friday. Went to Brainerd shopping and picked up our eggs. I ironed the bathroom curtains. It was -10 degrees this AM.
March 10, 1979 - Saturday. Done some cleaning and baking and shortened the drapes for the porch.
March 11, 1979 - Sunday. Went to mass, started painting in the closet.
March 12, 1979 - Monday. I washed walls and washed the curtains and went thru some clothes.
March 13, 1979 - Tuesday. I done some hand wash, painted the inside of the closet and went over by George and Susan for chicken dinner and played cards in the afternoon. Had jello and cake and came home. I ironed the curtains and the hand wash, some dresses and shirts for our yard sale next month.
March 14, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished the closet today. We played cards at Deerwood in the afternoon.
March 15, 1979 - Thursday. It was -7 degrees this AM, but it's supposed to warm up now. I washed clothes this AM. We went to Brainerd this afternoon. Harland had his eyes tested, first time in 3 1/2 years.
March 16, 1979 - Friday. 16 above this AM. Went to Aitkin.
March 17, 1979 - Saturday. Left for Marie's at 8AM. Arrived there at 12 noon. Went to Ladysmith shopping, came home, put in a permanent for her. Didn't go to church because of the road breaking up.
March 18, 1979 - Sunday. We butchered 6 ducks, 2 roosters, 2 geese. I brought home 5 ducks, 1 rooster, 1 goose.
March 19, 1979 - Monday. It was 47 above at Ladysmith and foggy. I got stuck in Marie's driveway. Her and Henry pushed me out and I drove in fog to Taylor Falls. Then it cleared. Everything was fine when I got home, but Harland had 3 weak spells while I was gone.
March 20, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland had another weak spell this AM. I froze the ducks this AM.
March 21, 1979 - Wednesday. I didn't do much. I had the flu, diahrrea, etc.
March 22, 1979 - Thursday. I'm washing clothes this AM. It's really snowing, real wet snow. I made 4 bracelets the last couple nights.
March 23, 1979 - Friday. Ken plowed our driveway out after 6 inches of very wet snow. I baked 3 apple pies - one for Ken, Red and Iver. Marie gave me some apples.
March 24, 1979 - Saturday. I'm getting some of the ironing out of the way for our sale. I finished the ironing after we came home from Brainerd shopping.
March 25, 1979 - Sunday. It was 6 above today. I went to 10:30 mass, finished some ironing, run the vacuum and cleaned 2 shelves in the kitchen.
March 26, 1979 - Monday. I went to Brainerd, picked up our eggs.
March 27, 1979 - Tuesday. I baked 3 apple pies and froze one. Baked a chocolate angel food cake for us, gave a pie to Ken. Betty had surgery this AM. It was 5 above this AM. Harland has lost 4 lbs this week.
March 28, 1979 - Wednesday. I painted more woodwork in the kitchen, made lunch for Mom. Harland and I went to Deerwood for pot luck and played cards. Harland and Iver, Hazel and I played 7 games of "500" and the men won all 7. After supper we had card party by Al and Ann K. I won first and Howard won 1st of the men. Susan, booby.
March 29, 1979 - Thursday. I washed paneling by the basement door. Done more painting. Ceiling and woodwork. Went to Crosby. Harland got a hair cut and we went to see Betty Sweet at the hospital.
March 30, 1979 - Friday. It rained and froze last nite. Now it's snow flurries. I'm washing walls this AM. Betty and Jesse DeWitte stopped this forenoon. I finished painting in the kitchen. I talked to Marie and she helped Hank milk one night.
March 31, 1979 - Saturday. Will finish washing walls this AM. Washed clothes this AM. Went over by Dena, got my hair cut. Roxanne Meyer was over. Harry M. jumped out of the truck going 55 mph. He is getting help mentally. Made dinner, defrosted the refrigerator and vacuumed the kitchen, bath and porch. I quit now.
April 1, 1979 - Sunday. I done our ironing this AM. Went to 10:30 mass. Made dinner. After dishes, we started our begonias and vegetable seeds today. No April fool either. We played cards and Twin Pines, but didn't win.
April 2, 1979 - Monday. Elsie drove. Susan, Doris, Grace and I done volunteer work at Cedarbrook today.
April 3, 1979 - Tuesday. Mom is 89 years old today. I made her an angel food cake. We went to town, done our shopping. Cec called Mom on her birthday.
April 4, 1979 - Wednesday. Didn't do much of anything. Ray called. He's real disappointed in Cec, Alice and Ken. Red called and Evelyn is on another binge today.
April 5, 1979 - Thursday. Club day. It is really snowing. Orville and Grace will pick us up. Ken picked up all the neighbors for a meeting in regards to Jerek's Island View Resort.
April 6, 1979 - Friday. It was -1 degrees this AM. I cleaned and dusted. George and Susan are coming for supper and we'll play cards. -1 was an all-time low for April 6th, 54 years ago today. We enjoyed our card games. 4-3 in favor of the guys.
April 7, 1979 - Saturday. George and Susan picked us up. We went to Mille Lacs Electric meeting. We didn't get a door prize.
April 8, 1979 - Sunday. I went to 10:30 mass. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. After dinner, we went over by Dena for Debbie's birthday cake and ice cream. We played cards at Twin Pine. No prize.
April 9, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes in the AM and we visited Carl and Edna Johnson in the afternoon. Played cards and enjoyed the afternoon. Louise called. George was taken by ambulance to the hospital with a heart attack.
April 10, 1979 - Tuesday. Susan and I went over to see Bessie Maghan after her eye surgery. When we went to the hospital and seen George. He's coming along good. No report as yet on new calorie diet. He's 220 lbs.
April 11, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to Brainerd and picked up our eggs. Picked George and Susan up to play cards. Susan was sick with a cold. She didn't go. Ken picked Red, Dena, Harland and I up for the meeting at Brainerd in regards to the Island View Resort and his building and fill in.
April 12, 1979 - Thursday. Harland is 70 years old today. I baked him an angel food cake.
April 13, 1979 - Good Friday. I washed part of the walls and ceiling in the front room. Harland put the kids' pictures in the new frames. I went to church in the afternoon. Larry came over and visited.
April 14, 1979 - Saturday. I run the vacuum cleaner and we went to Brainerd. Got some paint and stopped by George. He didn't have a heart attack. It was his lungs. There wasn't enough oxygen getting to his heart. His lips and fingernails were turning blue before they got him to the hospital.
April 15, 1979 - Easter Sunday AM. Father Brennan will bring communion to Mom this AM. I'm transplanting our plants. I went to 10:30 mass. We went over by George and Susan and played cards, had lunch and came home.
April 16, 1979 - Monday. Collette is 6 years old today. I washed clothes this AM, made dinner, washed the car after dinner.
April 17, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed more of the front room ceiling and sides. Transplanted more seedlings. Walked over to see Evelyn, but she went along with Iver in his new car to Brainerd. I washed the china closet.
April 18, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished cleaning the front room today. It really looks nice. Mom fell in our bedroom this afternoon. Tonite she says she thinks she sprained her ankle. I took a picture of the snow in the back. Our big Christmas cactus is done blossoming. It started blooming in November. Our orange cactus is blooming for the 3rd time since November. The white cactus has another bud, also.
April 19, 1979 - Thursday. Mom started to use her walker today. I washed my hair. Harland and I transplanted some big flowers for outdoor pots.
April 20, 1979 - Friday. We went to Aitkin Golden Age as Al and Ann Knutson, George and Susan, Harland and I, Orville and Grace, and Evelyn Olson served. George drove. We served 99. Ann K. stopped. I cut a pattern out for her. Pat Capp came over and Evelyn stopped in.
April 21, 1979 - Saturday. Sharon called today. Jim had an accident. He wasn't seriously hurt. Nose bleed and dizziness. I finished painting on the porch, made dinner and done my ironing. Shortened the sleeves on my blue slack jacket and fixed a house coat sleeves.
April 22, 1979 - Sunday. I made rice pudding, browned chicken and fixed parsnips. I went to 10:30 mass and ate dinner. I went out and rake the east side of the lawn and trimmed 4 of the pine trees. I took some parsnips over by Betty and Evelyn. After supper, Evelyn came over and watched a move on TV, "Friendly Fire", about a Vietnam veteran killed in service. It was real good.
April 23, 1979 - Monday. It rained in the night. I painted another window on the porch, raked more lawn. I put 6 packages of parsnips in the freezer.
April 25, 1979 - Wednesday. We went to Senior Citizens at Deerwood. I painted the 3rd window and before supper I put up the last drape on the porch. We had card club over by Elsie and Howard. I and Harland both won first. Ann K. won booby. We had lunch and came home. We received the literature about Montana.
April 26, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes twice today, changed both beds. Scrubbed and waxed the porch floor, now the porch is done. Susan, Doris, Elsie, Grace and I went to Brainerd at the high school for R.S.V.P. party. I drove.
April 27, 1979 - Friday. Mom is soaking her feet and then I'll wash her hair and fix it. I fixed my hair and Mom's. We went to the smelt fry at the Goose. We met Evelyn, Grace, Orville and Iver. It was really good. We left at 4:10PM.
April 28, 1979 - Saturday. Iver and I went down to Garrison Cemetery at 9 AM and we raked till 12:15. The crew wasn't as big this year. Evelyn Olsen came over this afternoon and gave me a dark green vest. It really looks nice on. I went to 5:00 mass, made supper and washed dishes. We turned the clocks ahead 1 hr. I went to bed at 9 PM. I was really bushed.
April 29, 1979 - Sunday. I baked 2 loaves of zucchini bread and made a batch of bar-b-que sauce, washed up the dishes and we took Mom to the Chicken Shack for her birthday. It was 40 degrees above at noon and cold rain on and off. We played cards at Twin Pine. Harland won 1st. $8.00.
May 1, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes, Mom had an accident. We went by Ann and Al Knutson. Play 31 and "500". Ann and I won 2 games, the guys won 1. We got our new lamps and bedspreads yesterday.
May 2, 1979 - Wednesday. I cleaned house and baked an angel food cake for lunch tonite. The ice went out of Borden Lake today. George and Lorna Maghan came over tonite and showed slides from New Mexico, Georgia, Virginia, England and Scotland. I invited George and Susan over, too. Mom enjoyed.
May 3, 1979 - Thursday. The ice is out of Mille Lacs on the Garrison side. I baked a cake for club. After club we went to the bank at Garrison. After supper, I and Dena figured out the size of the drapes for the porch for Red's 3rd cabin which I'll make for them.
May 4, 1979 - Friday. We went to Brainerd, done our shopping and picked up our eggs. Had the car checked. We really have a squeak. I started to clean up in the back. It's never been raked. All the wild cucumbers.
May 5, 1979 - Saturday. I made 2 rhubarb squares desserts for pier party. It was cold so we just washed windows, cleaned mattresses and made beds. We had snow on the ground, about 2 inches.
May 6, 1979 - Sunday. Went to 10:30 mass. Made lunch. It was cold and raining. No piers will go out today.
May 7, 1979 - Monday. Doris, Elsie, Grace and I went to Cedarbrook. Grace and I shortened a pair of huge drapes. Grace drove. Orville and Grace picked us up and we went to Lonesome Pine for pot luck. Then we went over by Johnson's and played "500". We came home at 11:30. Mom left the hot tap water running.
May 8, 1979 - Tuesday. Today we're having our "Thank You" dinner for R.S.V.P. I picked up Grace and we met Doris over by Elsie's and Doris drove to Brainerd at the Elks Club. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed carrots, cole slaw, cranberries, dinner rolls, jello and cookies. There was a nice program later. Grace won a door prize. We got home around 4:30PM.
May 9, 1979 - Wednesday. More rain and cold. I made bean soup, chili, baked beans and scalloped potatoes for dinner. After dinner we picked George and Susan up and played cards at Deerwood. There were 4 tables of "500" and 1 whist. Mom and I got a check and beautiful cards from Chick, Judy and Tam for Mother's Day.
May 10, 1979 - Thursday. I put a pair of Mom's new stocking on and gave her a permanent.
May 11, 1979 - Friday. We took Mom to the foot doctor and done some shopping. Got her a new pair of shoes. We went to Nisswa and got a quart of leeches for $18.72.
May 12, 1979 - Saturday. Fishing season opened today. The sun is finally shining. It is 32 degrees above. I went to 5:00 mass. The church was packed.
May 13, 1979 - Mother's Day. I cut Mom's hair and we went to Oak Lawn and had a smorgasborg. Bar-b-que ribs and ham. It was good. I made 3 more bracelets today. I planted the sweet peas and set out 2 climbing tomato plants.
May 14, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today and worked up part of Clem's garden. Dena was 51 years old today.
May 15, 1979 - Tuesday. I ironed clothes, made potato salad, deviled eggs, rhubarb cake, we had steaks on the grill. Dena, Evelyn, Debbie were over for supper. We sent Red's (supper) home. He was working at the liquor store.
May 16, 1979 - Wednesday. We planted 4 rows of red potatoes and I worked up more garden. We planted lettuce, radishes, carrots, 10 cabbage, 6 broccoli plants. We were both pooped.
May 17, 1979 - Thursday. The hummingbirds have arrived and there's so many orioles around. I went with Susan, Doris, Elsie to a salad luncheon at Deerwood. It was really good. Ann Miller had surgery this AM. Then we stopped in to see Ethel Sawl.
May 18, 1979 - Friday. Went down to Picture Window to see if Jim was here. He said they just arrived about 8:30AM. Dave was sleeping. He drove all nite after work. Warner Pick and Wally Lipdke stopped by Jim when we were there. Then we went to Brainerd shopping. Paid our taxes, $101.65. We went fishing with Dave and Jim on Mille Lacs. Harland and I had 4, and Dave and Jim had 3 walleyes and some perch.
May 19, 1979 - Saturday. We took beef stew down by Jim and Dave. I went to 5 o'clock mass. I finished sewing the curtains for the cabin.
May 20, 1979 - Sunday. I fixed bar-b-que ribs for dinner and baked a cake. I invited George and Susan over for fish fry. After dinner dishes were done, I went over and painted in the cabin till 3:45. We made supper, washed dishes and played cards. The guys won 4 out of 3.
May 21, 1979 - Monday. Today is Cec's birthday. I washed clothes today and after dinner Harland had a doctor appointment with Dr. Mike Musty. Harland has hardening of the arteries. He changed one medication and he has to go back in a week. There's a chance he'll need surgery and time will tell.
May 22, 1979 - Tuesday. Jim and the guys stopped before going back to Wisconsin. Jim took Harland's chair back and we went to Deerwood and bought Harland a new chair for Father's Day. I came home and cleaned the fish tank out. I done the ironing.
May 23, 1979 - Wednesday. I made a strawberry torte for card club tonite. Cleaned the house and we went to Deerwood Senior Citizen. Mom went along. Howard and Elsie won first. Susan, booby. We came home and I planted her dahlia's and 2 Easter lilies out and mowed part of the lawn where it was high.
May 24, 1979 - Thursday. Ascension Day. I washed dishes and planted my mum. Dug around the peonies in the front. I raked the garden over. We set out 2 dozen tomato plants and I finished painting in the bedroom in Red's cabin. After dinner, I went over and washed part of the walls on the porch. Harland and I planted 2 cherry trees. I went to 5 o'clock mass. Made supper.
May 25, 1979 - Friday. I put the curtains up in the cabin and helped Margaret wash windows. Harland had a 1PM foot doctor appointment. We stopped by George and Louise. They're holding their own. We set out the last of the tomato plants. 43 in all.
May 26, 1979 - Saturday. Larry cut down the 2 dead apple trees, cut off those 2 pines and we cleaned up afterwards. We were going fishing this AM, but it rained, so we're going tonite. Larry caught 1 walleye, 2 rock bass, 1 bullhead. Harland and I got skunked.
May 27, 1979 - Sunday. Harland was having chest pains and numbness in his arms. I took him to the emergency room at St. Joe's and they put him in intensive care unit. I came home around 3:00. Made Mom something to eat, planted out the 2 apple trees, set out the begonias and the rose bush and a little begonia. I mowed part of the back lawn till I run out of gas and then called it quits. The hospital called. They were going to take xrays and then put in a temporary pace maker. I called Chick and he will tell Bill and Jim.
May 28, 1979 - Monday. We have another beautiful day. I washed clothes today and made lunch for Mom and I. I washed dishes and got ready to go to the hospital. Harland was pretty good with the pace maker. George is having tests tomorrow. Mom and I took the wreaths to the cemetery. I mowed more lawn and brought rhubarb in for canning.
May 29, 1979 - Tuesday. I planted rhubarb and butternut squash, parsnips, green beans, spinach, and hoed the cabbage and broccoli. I fixed chicken and buttered noodles, corn for dinner. I canned 4 quarts of rhubarb sauce and I made a rhubarb cake. Will go to the hospital. Things were going good at the hospital It rained tonite, so I didn't do anything outside.
May 30, 1979 - Wednesday. Betty was over last nite to see how Harland was getting along. It rained again this AM. Al Miller's barn burned down. Ann Miller had breast surgery 2 weeks ago. The wind was in the right direction. That's what saved their home. I done my ironing this AM. I wrote to Jim, Bill and John. The doctor told Harland he wants him to go to Northwestern Hospital in the City. Tomorrow the doctor will remove the pace maker. Dena had me over for supper and I brought a plate over for Mom as it was too wet out. Today is Bob M's birthday.
May 31, 1979 - Thursday. It's cool and cloudy again today. Today is Mary M's birthday. I cleaned up the house and got the rest of the house plants out in the 3 tire planters. Harland was in good spirits today. No breathing difficulties and no pain.
June 1, 1979 - Friday. It was 32 degrees this AM. I set out 12 cauliflower plants and it started to rain. I set out 4 pimiento plants. I put 5 bags of rhubarb in the freezer. After dinner I went to the hospital. The doctor wants him to go directly to Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. I done some grocery shopping and came home. Made supper and Iver and Evelyn stopped in. Then I started to mow lawn on Clem's and accrossed the road. Dena and I walked over to the resort and we went up to see Betty's new home. It is really beautiful.
June 2, 1979 - Saturday. Cec is coming today. Harland is in good spirits, but we haven't had much information from the doctor. I am supposed to call him Monday. I mowed more lawn and went to 7:30 mass. Cec arrived about 8:30. We talked and played cards till 2AM.
June 3, 1979 - Sunday. Cec went to 9:00 mass. I planted more onion sets and 1 package of onion seed. I put away all the cans we had to cover up plants. We went to see Harland and afterwards, we done some shopping on the mall. I got Hon a summer bathrobe. I got 2 baskets of tomatoes and we had B.L.T. sandwiches for supper. I cut the asparagus and put on the screen doors. Mom and Cec slept so I played solitaire. Chick called to see how dad was and Katie called.
June 4, 1979 - Monday. Cec put my permanent in and then I mowed lawn and Cec made dinner and we went to the hospital. Doctor thought he could come home by the weekend as he was real good.
June 5, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and the hospital called. Harland has chest pains again. So I finished the wash and made dinner and the hospital called again. So we ate and got ready and left. He had pain all day and about 4:30 he threw up and broke out in a cold sweat. The doctor gave him 2 different kind of pills. When I left, he said the pain was easing up. Dena made a plate for Mom. I came home at 8:45PM. I called Bill. Chick's line was busy. Will write the kids tomorrow and hope for a good change.
June 6, 1979 - Wednesday. The hospital called. Harland was having pain and was upset. I wrote to Chick, Bill, Jim and Alfred. Harland slept all the while I was there. I came home, made supper and mowed lawn in the back and side of the house. Iver brought a card with $10.00 for Harland.
June 7, 1979 - Thursday. I'm 65 years old today and feel fine. Cec brought me a decorated cake. Susan gave me a bell. Grace came over to see how Harland was. Cec, I and Mom had ice cream, cake and coffee and went to bed.
June 8, 1979 - Friday. We still didn't get any rain. I hoed half of the garden by Clem's. Went to the hospital. They took the IV off and the oxygen. He felt good, no pain. I mowed more lawn tonite.
June 9, 1979 - Saturday. I planted the last of the potatoes. Cec and I went up to the hospital. Harland was good, he said. Cec fell coming out of the hospital and hurt her foot. We got a good inch of rain. I went to 7:30 mass. I called the hospital and they made out an accident report and said to elevate her foot and put ice on.
June 10, 1979 - Sunday. Everything looks so nice and fresh. We didn't go on the launch last night because of Cec's foot.
June 12, 1979 - Tuesday. Hoed the garden by Clem's, done our ironing and picked up Harland. He's in good spirits. Jim called. They're coming after work. Wayne, Todd, Jim.
June 13, 1979 - Wednesday. The kids came at 12:30AM. I fixed chicken, Swiss steak and rump roast. The kids went fishing on Mille Lacs. No luck. This is the 18th day Harland is hospitalized. Jim and Wayne are going up tonite and I went in the afternoon.
June 14, 1979 - Thursday. Cec took me to the hospital and at 10:05 we left for Northwestern Hospital. We arrived around 1PM. At 1:45, Harland was settled in bed and eating lunch. I went to the cafeteria and ate dinner at 2:30. I stayed at the hospital till 8:30, then went by Mrs. Shay for my room. I paid $52.50 for a week. I took a bath, read 'True Story' and then fell asleep.
June 15, 1979 - Friday. It's stormy this AM. Doctor wants Harland to get more exercise before the angiogram, so it was postponed for today. I'm going to the cafeteria for breakfast. Mr. Larson had his angiogram today and he said it went good. Not much to it. I had scrambled eggs, orange juice, sweet roll for $1.25. At noon, I had a big hamburger, chips, donut, coffee for $1.15. I came back to the room at 8:30. We sat on the porch and talked and then I went up to my room.
June 16, 1979 - Saturday. Came over by Harland at 8:15AM. Left my suitcase and went down to the cafeteria, ate breakfast. $1.10 for eggs, juice and doughnut. There was a storm warning and we all went out of the rooms till the all clear sounded. Then I went down for dinner. I went over by my room and received a refund. They're giving Harland Iceerdil under his tongue. Larry and Kevin picked me up at the hospital and we came to Garrison. I will stay home till Wednesday. Cec and I went to 7:30 mass.
June 17, 1979 - Sunday. Father's Day. I called Harland today at the hospital and wished him Happy Father's Day. Jim talked to Dad, too. Jim, Wayne and Todd left around 11AM. Cec and I done dishes and I run the sweeper, cleaned up the fish scales, etc. We had a cook out, brats, hamburgers and bar-b-que, chicken. Cec, Mom, I, Dena, Red, Debbie, Louise, Larry, Maria, Kevin, and Cara Walker. It was really cool out today. Ada and Mary Austin stopped to see how Harland was getting along.
June 18, 1979 - Monday. I sent Harland a card and then I washed in the garage, the 1st time this spring. I had 8 sheets, etc. Then I hoed in the garden up by Clem's. Cec made dinner and I took care of the clothes and finished hoeing the garden. Harland called and doctor will do the angiogram Wednesday. So I finished the lawn by the blueberries and watered the new trees and done my ironing. Cec went to play Bingo. She won $5.00 and Ray won $15.00.
June 19, 1979 - Tuesday. It's raining this AM. I washed my hair. Dena will pick me up at 8AM to go to Minneapolis. Red came along with us and we stopped at McDonald's, had breakfast, seen Harland and they left. I had to get a new room with Mrs. Jacobson as Mrs. Shay was filled up.
June 20, 1979 - Wednesday. I had a real nice room for $5.00 a nite and air conditioner. $2.50 cheaper than with Mrs. Shaw. I shared the room with a woman from International Falls. Harland goes for his angiogram at 11:30. We had a storm last nite, but didn't hear only thunder, but we did get rain and wind. The nurses moved the patients out of their rooms into the nurses station. Harland was supposed to have his angiogram at 11:30 and they didn't come for him till 1:30, so I'm waiting in the surgical waiting room. They say it takes about 1/2 hour. Then Dr. John Rogers will talk to me. I and Mrs. Downey had breakfast at a little place that serves nothing but breakfast.
June 21, 1979 - Thursday. It's cloudy, cool and windy today. Harland had chills last nite. They took the 10 lb weight off at 8:45PM and the IV out, too. Dr. Rogers didn't come in till 3:30PM. His aortic valve is blocked completely, but the other 2 valves have no or very little blockage and there is no surgery in the offering. But, he will be on different medication, so we have a lot to be thankful for. He needs more therapy before we can go home. I went back to my room at 8:30, got ready for bed. I read till 10:20 and turned out the light.
June 22, 1979 - Friday. Harland feels better today, just a little fever. I had breakfast at the 'Eggie's' and then came to the hospital. Harland walked around the nurse's station. I got a Canadian dollar for Tam. The therapist was in and Harland rode bicycle 20 mph for 3 minutes, blood pressure good. Dr. Rogers says he has a touch of pneumonia, so he'll have an xray this afternoon and he's spitting up blood. I'm writing to Marie. So we won't be going home tomorrow. ...Dr. Rogers was in and Harland has viral pneumonia. They thought he might have a blood clot, but found none. Sunday, they'll take another xray and talk about going home Monday.
June 23, 1979 - Saturday. I got up at 10 after 8. I listened to the radio for quite awhile. Was going for breakfast, but 'Eggie's' was closed. I stopped at the grocery store, but that one was closed, so I got something at the one accrossed from the hospital. Harland feels pretty good this AM. He's taking his bath now. The therapist was in for exercises and then Dr. Daniels came in and Harland still has some congestion. The doctor remarked about Harland's Budweiser Man and then he lifted it up. He went out and told the nurses they'd have to go in and see that Bud can. They got quite a charge out of it. Another nurse just came in and wanted to see his can. I went to my room at 8:30PM. I got some grapes, etc. at the grocery store. Visited with Mrs. Jacobs, went to my room at 9:30PM.
June 24, 1979 - Sunday. I ate breakfast at the cafeteria at 9AM and set with Harland. He feels better today. He went down for 2 xrays of his lungs. Larry and his brother were here this evening. Harland has a new roommate tonite from Wisconsin near Superior.
June 25, 1979 - Monday. We're waiting for Dr. Rogers to come in. Sure hope we can go home. Dr. Rogers and his nurse and 2 other doctors checked Harland and he's released today. I called Dena and Iver will come and get us. I'm going up to my room and pick up my things. Ate dinner at the cafeteria. Had chicken. The nurse gave us prescriptions to have filled at Cambridge Drug store. Will pick up Margaret Nierman (Dena's mom). Harland is getting dressed now. We left the hospital, picked up Margaret, got home around 6PM.
June 26, 1979 - Tuesday. I didn't do much today.
June 27, 1979 - Wednesday. I washed my good slacks up and other things.
June 28, 1979 - Thursday. Cec took Mom back today.
June 29, 1979 - Friday. I washed 8 sheets and Mom's bed up and her rug. Harland had a doctor appointment at 3:30. We done our grocery shopping and I cleaned up the house.
June 30, 1979 - Saturday. Jim and Neal Frank came around noon. Bill, Sharon and the kids came around 2 o'clock.
July 2, 1979 - Monday. Marie came around 5 o'clock and we went to Lumbertown to eat, but it was their day off, so we went to Country Kitchen, but our chicken was dry. It really rained today. No fishing.
July 3, 1979 - Tuesday. It sure rained again today. Harland went to the hospital for the tread mill, but the doctor wasn't there so we came home. We played poker.
July 5, 1979 - Thursday. Marie, Harland and I went to the club's picnic at George and Lorna Maghan's home. We had a cook out with Dena, Larry, Louise, us, Bill, Sharon, and Marie.
July 6, 1979 - Friday. Marie, Bill and Sharon went to Turner. Jim and Neal left at 7:30AM for Horicon. Marie took us to the Chicken Shack.
July 7, 1979 - Saturday. Harland and I, Bill and Marie went to Big Mine and made a haul. Blues and crappies and Bill got a northern. Now we'll clean fish. We played sheepshead 5 handed. Harland, Bill, Sharon, Marie and I.
July 8, 1979 - Sunday. Bill, Sharon and Marty left at 9:45. Marty had stomach flu, so he went home and Collette stayed.
July 9, 1979 - Monday. Tam is 13 years old today. I washed clothes early and took Harland to the hospital at 9:30 for tread mill and EKG. Collette and I done the shopping, made lunch, washed dishes, cleaned strawberries, sprinkled all my ironing. Bob and John came around 3:30. Marie left at 8:30. We're all having a cook out. Dena, Larry and family, us, Bob and John.
July 12, 1979 - Thursday. Bob, John, Chick, Judy, Tam, Grandpa, Iver, Collette and I went to the Chicken Shack. We came home, played rap poker and Scrooey Louie. It was fun. Chick gave Bob all 4 deuces. Cec brought Mom home from South Dakota and her and Mom stayed over by Ray's.
July 13, 1979 - Friday. Ray is 41 years old. They are coming over for birthday cake, ice cream and strawberries. Mom stayed here then. Chick got 2 boxes of bacon for friends.
July 14, 1979 - Saturday. Chick and Judy, Bob and John left this AM. I washed clothes, 8 sheets, etc. Tam helped take them off the line and fold them up. We went to 7:30 mass.
July 15, 1979 - Sunday. I hoed up in the garden and mowed lawn till the mower broke.
July 16, 1979 - Monday. Susan called. Newman Bolstad passed away at his daughter's, sitting in a chair.
July 17, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland went in for pro-time. We done shopping, Tam, Collette and I.
July 18, 1979 - Wednesday. I'm making hot dish for the Bolstad family. The funeral is today. It was a large military funeral.
July 20, 1979 - Friday. Harland, Tam, Collette, George and Susan went with us to Golden Age at Aitkin. While we were having blood test and blood pressure taken, Tam passed out. The 1st time she has passed out. Her blood pressure is low. 78 over 50. She had a goose egg on her head.
July 21, 1979 - Saturday. I stripped all the beds and washed clothes. What a wash. Evelyn Oleson took Tam, I and Collette to Deerwood to church. It sure was hot.
July 22, 1979 - Sunday. I and Tam done the ironing. I raked up the leaves from our elms that are dying, we think. I sawed off more underbrush by Clem's. I cleaned the shower out.
July 23, 1979 - Monday. It's cooler today. I'm doing some baking, brownies, angel food cake.
July 24, 1979 - Tuesday. Tam, Collette, Great Grandma, Har and I had supper at the Chicken Shack.
July 25, 1979 - Wednesday. Collette and I went shopping at Brainerd and Grace picked Tam up to go to ceramics.
July 26, 1979 - Thursday. Tam, Collette, Harland and I went to Senior Citizen at Deerwood. I cashed in $246.40 in dimes that I saved thru the past 10 years. I took $90.20 in dimes to Brainerd Savings and Loan the other day.
July 27, 1979 - Friday. Bill and Marty arrived at 1:15AM. Tam and I went to the showboat in Grand Rapids. It was real good. We had smorgasborg at Sharp Restaurant. It was V.G. We got home at 1PM. About 10AM, Dad, Bill and Marty went on the Mississippi river. They got 7 bass and 10 blues.
July 28, 1979 - Saturday. Tam, Marty, Dad, and Bill went fishing again at 5AM. They got 4 bass and a few blues. We had a chicken dinner at noon and at night we had a cook out on the grill, stead, hamburgers, brats, wieners. Bill mowed the lawn. We went to 5:00 mass, then cooled it. Bill gave the kids a boat ride and he stepped on a nail. I put peroxide on it.
July 29, 1979 - Sunday. Dad took Bill over to Crosby for a tetanus shot and him and Collette left at 10AM. His foot was swollen this AM. Tam is cleaning ceramics for Dena and I'm fixing a fish fry for Red, Dena, Debbie and us. Dena brought wieners over for Tam. She's allergic to fish.
July 30, 1979 - Monday. Harland had a doctor appointment at 4:00. I ironed, made lunch and we left at 1:30. We picked up our exercise bike at Wards. $96.43. We went to Gambles and bought a new lawn mower for me. $129.95 + tax. We bought a box of peaches at Red Owl for $5.69. We had supper at McDonald's.
July 31, 1979 - Tuesday. I canned 8 quarts of peaches. I called Sharon, forgot to ask how Bill's foot was.
August 1, 1979 - Wednesday. Today is Joan Seyller and Lucille's birthday. I washed clothes today and we picked beans and I canned them a new way.
August 3, 1979 - Friday. Today is club. Katie and Willie came around 1:30. They took us all out to the Chicken Shack. Then we played euchre. Harland, Katie, Willie and Marty went to the Mississippi. They got 3 bass and a few pan fish.
August 4, 1979 - Saturday. Harland, Katie, and Willie went to Turner. They got 50 pan fish and a few bass. We went to 5 o'clock mass and grilled steaks and hamburgers and played cards.
August 5, 1979 - Sunday. It's our 46th wedding anniversary. I cleaned out the leeches and we cleaned out the tubs from the worms. Katie and Willie left at 6:30AM. They left $50.00. We went to Lumbertown for the afternoon, Grandpa, G.G., Marty, Tam and I, then we came home and we picked beans and I canned 5 pints the old way. I cold packed 6 quarts of apricots. I got the wash ready for AM.
August 6, 1979 - Monday. I washed early this AM, but it is real stinky - cloudy, damp and fog. I'm going to Cedarbrook this AM. We put 3 quilts together and basted 3 sides and someone else will finish them. I hung all the white clothes out again. Canned 2 1/2 quarts apricots. 8 1/2 quarts all tolled.
August 7, 1979 - Tuesday. I hung the colored clothes out today and cleaned up the house. The weather is really muggy and quiet today.
August 8, 1979 - Wednesday. I got my eyes tested today.
August 9, 1979 - Thursday. Evelyn is better today. We took roast beef dinner over to her today. I made 7 apple pies for Dena and one for us and a blueberry for Debbie and 3 loaves of zucchini bread.
August 11, 1979 - Saturday. We went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 12, 1979 - Sunday. Tam, Marty, Harland and I went to Mabel and Elmer Anderson's 50th wedding anniversary. We stopped around by George and Louise. They're looking for a different car. Mom's legs were bothering, so she didn't want to go.
August 14, 1979 - Tuesday. I canned 7 quarts of Italian plums and Iver took Liones, Johnson (from his cabin), Dena and Mary Ann, Evelyn Oleson, and us. 17 in all to the Chicken Shack. It was really good.
August 15, 1979 - Wednesday. Judy and Dori Johnson came to take Marty and Tam home.
August 16, 1979 - Thursday. Judy took us to the Chicken Shack for supper.
August 17, 1979 - Friday. Judy, Tam, Dori, Grandma, Marty, Harland and I all went to Senior Citizen at Aitkin. We took scalloped potatoes, creamed peas and carrots. Judy got 2 pair of corduroys for Tam, 1 for Dori at Butlers. Harland ordered a pair of shoes for himself.
August 18, 1979 - Saturday. The kids left at 7:45AM. It was quite foggy. Bill called last nite. They arrived home at 4:45PM, safe and sound. Sharon is working at a restaurant in Horicon. I washed clothes, sheets, etc, shampooed the porch carpeting, cleaned the car good, inside and out. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass. Ray and his friend were over tonite.
August 19, 1979 - Sunday. I made a batch of raspberry and rhubarb jam. I went over the car, wiped off the white film, canned 1 quart dill. George and Louise came over, we played cards and they left at 5:45PM and we went over by Dena for cook out.
August 20, 1979 - Monday. I cashed in our quarters. $88.25.
August 21, 1979 - Tuesday. I sent for some tulips and daffodils and hyacinth bulbs. I scrubbed and waxed the porch after our summer guests left. Made 5 quarts of dills.
August 22, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland and I, Margaret and Mom went to Deerwood to Senior Citizen.
August 23, 1979 - Thursday. Harland went fishing and he overdid it on the way to Brainerd. At Gibson's, he passed out. After supper, we went over by Johnson's. Carl and Edna got some cukes.
August 24, 1979 - Friday. I made 3 apple crisps, one for Iver, Dena and us and got the rest ready for sauce. I started out a batch of sweet icicles and made some sweet finger pickles from Cec's recipe. Father Brennan came this AM.
August 25, 1979 - Saturday. James is 26 years old today. I canned 5 1/2 quarts of apple sauce. I canned 4 pints of finger pickles and started out a batch of pickled fish. Margaret and I went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 26, 1979 - Sunday. I shampooed the kitchen carpeting. Scrubbed the basement steps and the windows clean. Now I'll paint them. We went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. I finished the lawn in the front.
August 27, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today and dug more potatoes. We played cards over by Elsie and Howard. Ann K. won 1st for the women and George F. won 1st in men. Susan won booby.
August 28, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd in the rain. Had new shocks put on the car. $63.95. I cleaned house when I came home, canned 5 pints of green grapes. We had rain, hail and thunder. 2 inches of rain.
August 29, 1979 - Wednesday. We're going to the Ice Capades in Duluth today. George goes in the hospital this AM. The Ice Capades were fantastic.
August 30, 1979 - Thursday. We're getting ready for our garage sale. I made some dill and bread and butter pickles. We done real good the first day of our sale. Over $200.00.
August 31, 1979 - Friday. What a rainy day. It really poured at times. It cleared up around 3:30. We had over $50.00 in sales.
September 1, 1979 - Saturday. I went to 7:30 mass. Next week starts winter schedule. Chick called today and the kids all went together and bought us a Toro snow blower for Christmas.
September 2, 1979 - Sunday. I made potato salad, deviled eggs, baked a cake and Evelyn helped me open our garage sale again. Our total sales were $294.some cents. I started our fish fry at 10 to 6. Red, Dena, Debbie, Larry, Louise, Maria and Nicky, Iver, Evelyn and us had a good time.
September 3, 1979 - Monday. Labor Day. Harland, Larry, and Jeff went to Turner again. Had pretty good luck. Elsie, Doris, Grace and I went to Cedarbrook and there was nothing to do, so we toured Deerwood and came home. The afternoon we went over to see George after his circumcision. He was good.
September 4, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes today.
September 5, 1979 - Wednesday. I really had a big ironing today. We bought 20 bags for $12.00 for dish towels and a flag for $1.00 to put up for winter.
September 6, 1979 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd shopping. I got my new glasses adjusted.
September 7, 1979 - Friday. I dug the rest of the red potatoes on Clem's and tilled up the land. They weren't too good for all the work. I dug the red ones in the back. They sure are some beautiful big potatoes.
September 8, 1979 - Saturday. Today is Red and Dena's 23rd anniversary. Evelyn and I are making supper for them. Iver was over, too. Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass. I gave Mom a permanent today. After supper we went over by Red's and played Tripoli. Red, Iver and Harland won. Mom was still up when we came home. She got ready for bed and she fell and knocked my 3 Christmas cactuses over. Broke one pot.
September 9, 1979 - Sunday. We mowed part of the lawn. Iver brought us 30 ears of corn and I put them in the freezer. I planted some parsley today.
September 10, 1979 - Monday. I transplanted African violets today, canned 1 quart dill pickles, made yellow pear jam, ground up all the zucchini squash, made a double batch zucchini bread.
September 11, 1979 - Tuesday. Doris, Chuck, George, Susan, Evelyn Oleson, Mom, Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack.
September 12, 1979 - Wednesday. It's supposed to rain today. I'm going with the Senior Citizen bus trip to the zoo today. Harland isn't going because it's a lot of walking. There was no steps, just incline. It was nice what we saw, but it was a steady rain.
September 13, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes today and cleaned house.
September 14, 1979 - Friday. Mom and I went by Marie.
September 15, 1979 - Saturday. We went shopping at Eau Claire and then went picking apples. We got home around 4:30. We picked about 10 bushels of apples.
September 16, 1979 - Sunday. Marie and I went to 8:30 mass at Ladysmith and then we packed up and came home. Mom got the diahrrea. The traffic was heavy on 169. Over 100 cars from Milaca to Garrison. Today is Judy's and Evelyn Oleson's birthday.
September 17, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today. Marie gave me a set of sheets. The fitted bottoms work better on our mattress. Mom slept all day today. The trip was just too much.
September 18, 1979 - Tuesday. I done part of the ironing, then took Mom to get her glasses straightened from when she fell Sunday.
September 19, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished the ironing, made jello salad, dinner rolls, angel food cake and baked potato for fish fry tonite for Evelyn's birthday. Red had to work till 9PM. Harland and Larry got the fish at Turner.
September 20, 1979 - Thursday. I'm washing the cupboards off so I can varnish them. I canned 5 quarts of tomatoes. The 1st ones this year.
September 21, 1979 - Friday. Went to Golden Age at Aitkin and then I varnished the upper half of the cupboards. We got 7 crappies tonite.
September 22, 1979 - Saturday. We got 14 crappies this AM. Mike, Grace, and Erma came over and Harland, Mike, Grace and Erma played "500". I made potato salad as we had a fish fry over by Dena's. Evelyn and I and Margaret went to 5 o'clock mass and we had our fish after 6 PM.
September 23, 1979 - Sunday. I canned 3 pints of green grapes, 1 quart of Italian prunes, 4 quarts of tomato juice, 7 1/2 quarts of tomato soup. I embroidered a dish towel for club.
September 24, 1979 - Monday. I done the wash and Mom's bed. Put her blankets on. Red and Harland went fishing. Had 13 crappies and 1 northern. I run the tiller in the 2 gardens.
September 25, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland and I caught 7 crappies this AM. I cleaned house and after supper we got 16 crappies. I froze 4 packages of fish, gave some to Evelyn and Margaret, made a bowl of apple sauce.
September 26, 1979 - Wednesday. Today is Senior Citizens at Deerwood and we have card club here tonite. Mom stayed up till eleven o'clock. George Forester and Al Knutson carried her in on a chair. I was so disgusted.
September 30, 1979 - Sunday. I went to 10:30 mass and we had another fish fry at 5 PM. Harland, Red and Dena went fishing. Got 7 crappies.
October 1, 1979 - Monday. Doris, Susan, Elsie and I went to Cedarbrook. I drove. When I came home, done some washing. Dish towels.
October 2, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed our bedding and drapes and house cleaned our room. I finished digging the rest of the potatoes.
October 3, 1979 - Wednesday. I ironed this AM, run the sweeper in the kitchen, bath and porch and went to the bank. At one o'clock, Lois H. gave me a permanent. I started to trim up the feed bags for towels.
October 4, 1979 - Thursday. Today is Women's Club. We had a large turn out.
October 5, 1979 - Friday. Went to Brainerd shopping.
October 6, 1979 - Saturday. I baked tea rolls, canned 6 1/2 quarts of apple sauce and frosted the carrot bars to take over to the resort. We washed walls and ceiling in the cabins. I came home after dinner and planted our tulip bulbs on the side of the house. I went to 5:00 mass. Harland and Larry tried fishing crappies, but nothing was doing. Harland and I went down to the spaghetti feed at the Y. Had a couple of drinks and came home.
October 7, 1979 - Sunday. I run the sweeper in the house and Don (from the resort) cam over and laid the carpeting in the bathroom.
October 8, 1979 - Monday. I took Mom to a mass for the sick at 9AM. Afterwards, Harland and I cleaned up the garden by the house. I went thru with the tiller. After dinner I washed half of the windows.
October 9, 1979 - Tuesday.We took some of the seed potatoes over by George and Susan. Harland got a hair cut at Crosby.
October 10, 1979 - Wednesday. I defrosted the freezer in the garage, baked 4 loaves of zucchini bread, baked a pan of carrot bars, went and played cards at Deerwood. George and Susan picked us up.
October 11, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes today. Elsie and Howard came over and we renewed our insurance and watched the World Series.
October 12, 1979 - Friday. We wrapped Christmas presents to take along for the kids.
October 13, 1979 - Saturday. I fried chicken, made duck and dressing to take along and fixed baked potatoes and meat loaf for dinner and chili for supper. Cec came and we went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we went over by Betty and Ken for a house warming. We all chipped in on a donkey planter and I put some flowers in for her.
October 14, 1979 - Sunday. We packed up and left for Wisconsin at 9:30AM. Mileage was 26,810. We gassed up at Cambridge. $8.00 even. $1.05 a gallon. We stopped by Katie and Willie and she was working. Willie was hunting. We got by Chick and Judy at 5:30PM, had supper and visited and then went out by Bill and Sharon and we're sleeping there.
October 15, 1979 - Monday. We went to Beaver Dam and visited Alfred and Dorothy, had dinner there and went back by Bill's and fixed a Thanksgiving dinner. Chick, Judy, T.J. and Jim came out. I sure enjoyed all of us being together.
October 16, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Beaver Dam and seen Minnie and we called Kate and run out there for a few minutes and back by Chick's for supper.
October 17, 1979 - Wednesday. I made pancakes for the kids, got them off to school, made the beds, done up the dishes and went to visit Alice and Lawrence and they took us to the Wooden Shingle for dinner. We went out by Katie and Willie for supper. Pat and Len were there. We played 5 handed sheepshead.
October 18, 1979 - Thursday. Harland took the car in to have it fixed and came home with a rental. I stayed home and embroidered dish towels.
October 19, 1979 - Friday. I went up by Jim's and cleaned and done 9 loads of laundry. Friday nite we all went out by Wood's Bridge for supper and came back by Bill's and played Crazy 8's. Donna don't play many cards. Boy, it was really fun.
October 20, 1979 - Saturday. Bill worked and Harland, Marty, Collette, Sharon and I took some fish out by Katie, done grocery shopping. We got Collette a Brownie outfit and we stopped by Pat. Len was working. We all went to 5:15 mass. We went back to Wood's Bridge Tavern to eat, but it was disappointment. We came home, played "500". The score was 3-2. Guys won.
October 21, 1979 - Sunday. We packed up by Bill's, went out by Chick to visit and picked up our snow blower for our Christmas gift. Tam, Harland and I went to the Legion for chicken dinner at 11:00. Then we dropped Tam off and left for Marie's at 12:00 noon. Arrived by Marie around 4:30.
October 22, 1979 - Monday. We butchered a goose and I gave her a permanent. I didn't feel good. It rained all day and turned into snow.
October 23, 1979 - Tuesday. We left Marie's at 9:45AM, got home around 2:30, stopped at the Y and ate something. Cec helped us unload the car and we played cards. Cec and I lost.
October 24, 1979 - Wednesday. Cec left for Ray's house and Harland, I and Mom went to Senior Citizen at Deerwood. I'm to roast a turkey for November and bring a relish tray. Tomorrow, Cec will go home to South Dakota. She plans on coming back in February.
October 26, 1979 - Friday. We dug our carrots. We had 1 1/2 wash tubs full. Cleaned up in the garage.
October 27, 1979 - Saturday. I raked lawn on both sides and the front of the house. After dinner, I finished the rest of the windows. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
October 28, 1979 - Sunday. I made 2 apple crisps. One for Iver and one for us to take over by Ray's. We're asked over for dinner. We played dirty clubs. I won $1.70. We got home at 7PM. I'm working on the hot dish holders for club.
October 30, 1979 - Tuesday. Iver took us all to the Chicken Shack.
October 31, 1979 - Wednesday. Ann Miller called and said Charles Seymour died of a heart attack. We're to play cards over by Susan's tonite. Har won 1st, Ann K won 1st, Elsie booby.
November 1, 1979 - Thursday. Today is Bay Lake Aid. The ground is snow covered. Mom didn't go.
November 2, 1979 - Friday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. Harland and I went to the Moose feed at Log Cabin and went to Penny's. Harland bought a pair of woolen pants for hunting. We went to the funeral home to view Chuck S.
November 3, 1979 - Saturday. I fixed my hair and fixed the relish dish to take to church in Garrison. The services are to the held in Brainerd at the Presbyterian Church. The Aid will serve lunch. Chuck was 58 years old. Iver, Evelyn, Har and I went to the Methodist Church for stew supper. It was delicious.
November 5, 1979 - Monday. Susan drove to Cedarbrook. Evelyn, I, Elsie, Florence, Susan's sister-in-law and Grace. We marked things for the Jamboree on Sunday.
November 6, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and I picked up 2 clutch purses and 2 quart sauce pans for door prizes for the Jamboree on the 11th. I washed clothes in the AM.
November 7, 1979 - Wednesday. We cleaned out the garage, put the apples, potatoes and I canned 9 1/2 quarts of carrots and put 3 gallons in the basement. I done my ironing and went to bed.
November 8, 1979 - Thursday. Dena, Red, Deb, Evelyn and Iver are coming over for rabbit and chicken dinner tonite. It turned out real good.
November 10, 1979 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
November 11, 1979 - Sunday. Evelyn picked me up at 8:30AM and we went to Cedarbrook, picked up some things for the Jamboree at Deerwood, we unloaded at Deerwood and went back to Cedarbrook for more. Helped load the van and went back to work at Deerwood. Unloaded the van and locked up and went over by Ray's, had eggs, coffee and toast. We set up chairs, tables and empties boxes for the Jamboree. I won a 3 lb can of coffee. We hope the Jamboree was a success. I took Susan home and got home at 7:15PM.
November 12, 1979 - Monday. George will drop a turkey off for me to roast for Deerwood Senior Citizen.
November 14, 1979 - Wednesday. I set the alarm for 3:20AM, got the turkey in at 3:35AM and it was done at 9:30. It weighed 21 lbs. Dena has the dressing in her oven. 5AM would be time enough to put it in. I helped cut pie and put on plates. Later I served dressing.
November 15, 1979 - Thursday. I cut Mom's hair and washed and set it. Made dinner and then made 5 apple pies.
November 16, 1979 - Friday. Harland, I and Mom went to Aitkin Senior Citizens for our Thanksgiving dinner. It was real good.
November 17, 1979 - Saturday. I went along on the bus Christmas shopping. The weather was just beautiful. In the 60's. Got home before 10PM.
November 18, 1979 - Sunday. Went to Little Flower church for 9AM mass and it was changed to 10AM. So I came home and washed clothes and after dinner I cleaned up the car. We fixed steaks on the grill and ate in the house. Red, Dena and Deb were over and brought stuff for supper.
November 19, 1979 - Monday. We went to Brainerd, picked up our eggs and went to Kmarts grand opening. Got rugs for the bathroom. George and Susan picked us up and we went over by Oscar and Hazel Miller's for supper and we played 6 handed "500". It was fun.
November 20, 1979 - Tuesday. I done my ironing and cleaned the fish bowl out.
November 21, 1979 - Wednesday. I made apple crisp for Thanksgiving and put 3 more apple pies in the freezer, got my dressing and turkey duck soaked out for Thanksgiving at Red and Dena's.
November 22, 1979 - Thursday. I fixed turkey duck dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, apple crisp and Dena fixed turkey with wild rice dressing, salad, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie. Evelyn and Iver were there, too. We came home around 6PM. Ray, Bev, Scott and Mike came over and we played dirty clubs. We had cake and ice cream and coffee and then they went home.
November 23, 1979 - Friday. I marked some of my dish towels, bibs, pot holders and took them over in Dena's gift shop after dinner. Susan and Evelyn went along with me to Cedarbrook to visit with our one-on-one. After supper, Harland and I went over by Red's. The 6 of us played Tripoli. We lost some.
November 24, 1979 - Saturday. Cleaned up the house and some of the flowers, washed my hair, made dinner and will crochet on Evelyn's Christmas present. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
November 25, 1979 - Sunday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mom. We went shopping at Kmart and stopped by George and Louise, asked them over for Christmas dinner.
November 26, 1979 - Monday. I cleaned the house and finished Evelyn's afghan. Went by Dena, got a set of salt and pepper shakers for Alice and an ash tray for Ken for Christmas. We got Dionna a blouse.
December 1, 1979 - Saturday. George took Louise to the hospital with a heart attack.
December 2, 1979 - Sunday. Harland and I went to Kmart, finished our Christmas shopping.
December 3, 1979 - Monday. Grace drove to Cedarbrook. Susan, Elsie, Doris went along. Evelyn came with her own car.
December 4, 1979 - Tuesday. We rented the machine and cleaned the kitchen and front room carpeting. It worked beautiful.
December 5, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to Brainerd shopping and picked up our eggs and went up to the hospital to see Louise.
December 6, 1979 - Thursday. We had our club meeting at Eldon and Vi Hammel's.
December 7, 1979 - Friday. We had our 'Thank You' dinner at Cedarbrook for our volunteer work there.
December 9, 1979 - Sunday. Baked my cookies for exchange.
December 10, 1979 - Monday. We had our cookie exchange at Pat's. It was nice. I wrote out cards.
December 12, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland got a haircut and I mailed some Christmas cards. We had lunch at Ray's and played cards at Deerwood and then went over by George. Louise is still hospitalized.
December 13, 1979 - Thursday. We went to the Alliance Church for a Christmas luncheon.
December 14, 1979 - Friday. Washed clothes today and worked on more Christmas cards.
December 15, 1979 - Saturday. I finally finished our cards. We had our neighborhood pot luck at the Resort. It was really nice.
December 16, 1979 - Sunday. It was -16 degrees this AM.
December 18, 1979 - Tuesday. Lois cut my hair and fixed it.
December 19, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland went to the doctor for a check up. We picked up our eggs and done grocery shopping.
December 20, 1979 - Thursday. We left for Marie's to pick up our meat.
December 21, 1979 - Friday. Louise came home from the hospital. Marie, Harland and I went to Ladysmith shopping.
December 22, 1979 - Saturday. We left Marie's at 10:45, drove in fog all the way home. Our meat weighed 322 lbs. $0.60 live weight and $1.42 process.
December 23, 1979 - Sunday. I fixed turkey duck and dressing. Dena furnished ham and Pat and Betty furnished the rest of our Christmas dinner. It was really nice.
December 24, 1979 - Monday. Evelyn came over with our gifts, hard candy for Mom and a canned ham for us. John is 17 years old today.
December 25, 1979 - Tuesday. We had Christmas dinner alone as Louise wasn't up to going outside. We had Iver over for supper. Bill and Sharon called today. Donna (Jim's friend) sent Harland and I a dozen of red roses for a gift. They were beautiful. I gave Evelyn one.
December 26, 1979 - Wednesday. We went to Brainerd Christmas shopping, at 1/2 price for wrapping paper, ties, etc. We played cards by Howard and Elsie. Howard and I won first. We sure had a beautiful December.
December 28, 1979 - Friday. I took Dena to Onamia for surgery on both big toes.
December 29, 1979 - Saturday. I washed Mom's hair and mine.
December 31, 1979 - Monday. We played Tripoli by Dena's and had lunch. Came home at 10 to 2AM.
January 2, 1979 - Monday. Alfred is 78 today.
January 4, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to club today and boy, it sure was cold in the school house.
January 16, 1979 - I got a permanent from Lois today. Boy, did it snow coming home.
January 19, 1979 - Went to Senior citizen at Aitkin today in a snow storm. George Forester drove. He had to get a heater for his basement.
January 20, 1979 - Had George and Susan over for dinner.
January 22, 1979 - I went to Aitkin today and finished Cec's business at the court house.
January 23, 1979 - I cut Mom's hair today and fixed it.
February 1, 1979 - Friday. Went to club today.
February 2, 1979 - Saturday. Went to the bank.
February 8, 1979 - Friday. Ann Maghan passed away. Dilly and Ann P. was over, wanted to know if I would bake a cake and help serve at the funeral if they needed help.
February 9, 1979 - Saturday. We went to Brainerd, got out eggs and bought a new TV. I mailed Sharon's birthday present.
February 12, 1979 - Tuesday. Went to Ann Maghan's funeral today.
February 16, 1979 - Saturday. Went to Aitkin to Golden Age. Our blood pressure was good. We've been going to pot luck on Monday nites at Lonesome Pine. Kathy and Del Rick have sold out.
February 18, 1979 - Monday. We played cards at Twin Pines. I won 1st, $7.00. Harland won 2nd, $5.00.
February 20, 1979 - Tuesday. We had 5 inches of snow last nite.
February 21, 1979 - Wednesday. We played cards at Pikes Point. Harland came in 4th. Got $2.00 back. Susan and I went over to Deerwood and got some beads, etc. for making angels, candles, bracelets, etc. for half price. The roads weren't plowed yet, only 18 and 6 were plowed, but it turned out nice. I shoveled the driveway to get the car out. Marie called. She's in the hospital again. He'll work her 6 feet under yet.
February 22, 1979 - Thursday. We got 6 inches of snow. I started to shovel and ended up with a backache. Red came over and cleaned some of the snow off the roof.
February 24, 1979 - Saturday. We went to Brainerd. Harland got a case of oil for the car. $0.57 a quart.
February 25, 1979 - Sunday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. I didn't go to church. My back was killing me. Harland gave me one of his pain killers. Boy, that was worse than the backache.
February 26, 1979 - Monday. We watched the eclipse of the sun today. I finished another pillow case. I have one more to crochet around and then I have 5 pair for our craft sale.
February 27, 1979 - Tuesday. It was 18 degrees above and cloudy. Sharon will go into the hospital today for surgery. We play cards over by Oscar and Hazel Miller tonite. We received some beautiful cards from paralyzed vets for $1.50. Harland won 1st, 1 pair men's socks.
February 28, 1979 - Wednesday. Susan, George, Al and Ann Knutson, Harland and I served at Deerwood today. Bill called tonite. Sharon had her surgery today. She was in and out from medication.
March 1, 1979 - Thursday. I'll help Susan serve at club. Susan called and said Doris would help as was planned. After club, we had cake and coffee in honor of Albert and Kay Maghan's 50th wedding anniversary. We stopped by Liane and watered the flowers and came home.
March 2, 1979 - Friday. It's freezing rain. We went to Garrison to the bank and baked bread. It rained today and was freezing.
March 3, 1979 - Saturday. Red and Dena and Debbie, Ken and Betty were over for supper and then we played Tripoly. They went home at 1:30 Sunday AM. It was snowing and blowing.
March 4, 1979 - Sunday. I didn't get to church. The roads were blocked.
March 5, 1979 - Monday. Grace, I, Susan and Doris went to Cedarbrook for our day of volunteer work.
March 6, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and shoveled a path to the burn barrel. The weather was nice in the 30's.
March 7, 1979 - Wednesday. Sent a birthday card to Marty who will be 7 on the 8th. I'm painting the bathroom ceiling today and one door.
March 8, 1979 - Thursday. Marty is 7 years old today. I finished painting the woodwork in the bathroom and the side walls. I cleaned the medicine cabinet out. I shortened 2 drapes.
March 9, 1979 - Friday. Went to Brainerd shopping and picked up our eggs. I ironed the bathroom curtains. It was -10 degrees this AM.
March 10, 1979 - Saturday. Done some cleaning and baking and shortened the drapes for the porch.
March 11, 1979 - Sunday. Went to mass, started painting in the closet.
March 12, 1979 - Monday. I washed walls and washed the curtains and went thru some clothes.
March 13, 1979 - Tuesday. I done some hand wash, painted the inside of the closet and went over by George and Susan for chicken dinner and played cards in the afternoon. Had jello and cake and came home. I ironed the curtains and the hand wash, some dresses and shirts for our yard sale next month.
March 14, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished the closet today. We played cards at Deerwood in the afternoon.
March 15, 1979 - Thursday. It was -7 degrees this AM, but it's supposed to warm up now. I washed clothes this AM. We went to Brainerd this afternoon. Harland had his eyes tested, first time in 3 1/2 years.
March 16, 1979 - Friday. 16 above this AM. Went to Aitkin.
March 17, 1979 - Saturday. Left for Marie's at 8AM. Arrived there at 12 noon. Went to Ladysmith shopping, came home, put in a permanent for her. Didn't go to church because of the road breaking up.
March 18, 1979 - Sunday. We butchered 6 ducks, 2 roosters, 2 geese. I brought home 5 ducks, 1 rooster, 1 goose.
March 19, 1979 - Monday. It was 47 above at Ladysmith and foggy. I got stuck in Marie's driveway. Her and Henry pushed me out and I drove in fog to Taylor Falls. Then it cleared. Everything was fine when I got home, but Harland had 3 weak spells while I was gone.
March 20, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland had another weak spell this AM. I froze the ducks this AM.
March 21, 1979 - Wednesday. I didn't do much. I had the flu, diahrrea, etc.
March 22, 1979 - Thursday. I'm washing clothes this AM. It's really snowing, real wet snow. I made 4 bracelets the last couple nights.
March 23, 1979 - Friday. Ken plowed our driveway out after 6 inches of very wet snow. I baked 3 apple pies - one for Ken, Red and Iver. Marie gave me some apples.
March 24, 1979 - Saturday. I'm getting some of the ironing out of the way for our sale. I finished the ironing after we came home from Brainerd shopping.
March 25, 1979 - Sunday. It was 6 above today. I went to 10:30 mass, finished some ironing, run the vacuum and cleaned 2 shelves in the kitchen.
March 26, 1979 - Monday. I went to Brainerd, picked up our eggs.
March 27, 1979 - Tuesday. I baked 3 apple pies and froze one. Baked a chocolate angel food cake for us, gave a pie to Ken. Betty had surgery this AM. It was 5 above this AM. Harland has lost 4 lbs this week.
March 28, 1979 - Wednesday. I painted more woodwork in the kitchen, made lunch for Mom. Harland and I went to Deerwood for pot luck and played cards. Harland and Iver, Hazel and I played 7 games of "500" and the men won all 7. After supper we had card party by Al and Ann K. I won first and Howard won 1st of the men. Susan, booby.
March 29, 1979 - Thursday. I washed paneling by the basement door. Done more painting. Ceiling and woodwork. Went to Crosby. Harland got a hair cut and we went to see Betty Sweet at the hospital.
March 30, 1979 - Friday. It rained and froze last nite. Now it's snow flurries. I'm washing walls this AM. Betty and Jesse DeWitte stopped this forenoon. I finished painting in the kitchen. I talked to Marie and she helped Hank milk one night.
March 31, 1979 - Saturday. Will finish washing walls this AM. Washed clothes this AM. Went over by Dena, got my hair cut. Roxanne Meyer was over. Harry M. jumped out of the truck going 55 mph. He is getting help mentally. Made dinner, defrosted the refrigerator and vacuumed the kitchen, bath and porch. I quit now.
April 1, 1979 - Sunday. I done our ironing this AM. Went to 10:30 mass. Made dinner. After dishes, we started our begonias and vegetable seeds today. No April fool either. We played cards and Twin Pines, but didn't win.
April 2, 1979 - Monday. Elsie drove. Susan, Doris, Grace and I done volunteer work at Cedarbrook today.
April 3, 1979 - Tuesday. Mom is 89 years old today. I made her an angel food cake. We went to town, done our shopping. Cec called Mom on her birthday.
April 4, 1979 - Wednesday. Didn't do much of anything. Ray called. He's real disappointed in Cec, Alice and Ken. Red called and Evelyn is on another binge today.
April 5, 1979 - Thursday. Club day. It is really snowing. Orville and Grace will pick us up. Ken picked up all the neighbors for a meeting in regards to Jerek's Island View Resort.
April 6, 1979 - Friday. It was -1 degrees this AM. I cleaned and dusted. George and Susan are coming for supper and we'll play cards. -1 was an all-time low for April 6th, 54 years ago today. We enjoyed our card games. 4-3 in favor of the guys.
April 7, 1979 - Saturday. George and Susan picked us up. We went to Mille Lacs Electric meeting. We didn't get a door prize.
April 8, 1979 - Sunday. I went to 10:30 mass. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. After dinner, we went over by Dena for Debbie's birthday cake and ice cream. We played cards at Twin Pine. No prize.
April 9, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes in the AM and we visited Carl and Edna Johnson in the afternoon. Played cards and enjoyed the afternoon. Louise called. George was taken by ambulance to the hospital with a heart attack.
April 10, 1979 - Tuesday. Susan and I went over to see Bessie Maghan after her eye surgery. When we went to the hospital and seen George. He's coming along good. No report as yet on new calorie diet. He's 220 lbs.
April 11, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to Brainerd and picked up our eggs. Picked George and Susan up to play cards. Susan was sick with a cold. She didn't go. Ken picked Red, Dena, Harland and I up for the meeting at Brainerd in regards to the Island View Resort and his building and fill in.
April 12, 1979 - Thursday. Harland is 70 years old today. I baked him an angel food cake.
April 13, 1979 - Good Friday. I washed part of the walls and ceiling in the front room. Harland put the kids' pictures in the new frames. I went to church in the afternoon. Larry came over and visited.
April 14, 1979 - Saturday. I run the vacuum cleaner and we went to Brainerd. Got some paint and stopped by George. He didn't have a heart attack. It was his lungs. There wasn't enough oxygen getting to his heart. His lips and fingernails were turning blue before they got him to the hospital.
April 15, 1979 - Easter Sunday AM. Father Brennan will bring communion to Mom this AM. I'm transplanting our plants. I went to 10:30 mass. We went over by George and Susan and played cards, had lunch and came home.
April 16, 1979 - Monday. Collette is 6 years old today. I washed clothes this AM, made dinner, washed the car after dinner.
April 17, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed more of the front room ceiling and sides. Transplanted more seedlings. Walked over to see Evelyn, but she went along with Iver in his new car to Brainerd. I washed the china closet.
April 18, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished cleaning the front room today. It really looks nice. Mom fell in our bedroom this afternoon. Tonite she says she thinks she sprained her ankle. I took a picture of the snow in the back. Our big Christmas cactus is done blossoming. It started blooming in November. Our orange cactus is blooming for the 3rd time since November. The white cactus has another bud, also.
April 19, 1979 - Thursday. Mom started to use her walker today. I washed my hair. Harland and I transplanted some big flowers for outdoor pots.
April 20, 1979 - Friday. We went to Aitkin Golden Age as Al and Ann Knutson, George and Susan, Harland and I, Orville and Grace, and Evelyn Olson served. George drove. We served 99. Ann K. stopped. I cut a pattern out for her. Pat Capp came over and Evelyn stopped in.
April 21, 1979 - Saturday. Sharon called today. Jim had an accident. He wasn't seriously hurt. Nose bleed and dizziness. I finished painting on the porch, made dinner and done my ironing. Shortened the sleeves on my blue slack jacket and fixed a house coat sleeves.
April 22, 1979 - Sunday. I made rice pudding, browned chicken and fixed parsnips. I went to 10:30 mass and ate dinner. I went out and rake the east side of the lawn and trimmed 4 of the pine trees. I took some parsnips over by Betty and Evelyn. After supper, Evelyn came over and watched a move on TV, "Friendly Fire", about a Vietnam veteran killed in service. It was real good.
April 23, 1979 - Monday. It rained in the night. I painted another window on the porch, raked more lawn. I put 6 packages of parsnips in the freezer.
April 25, 1979 - Wednesday. We went to Senior Citizens at Deerwood. I painted the 3rd window and before supper I put up the last drape on the porch. We had card club over by Elsie and Howard. I and Harland both won first. Ann K. won booby. We had lunch and came home. We received the literature about Montana.
April 26, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes twice today, changed both beds. Scrubbed and waxed the porch floor, now the porch is done. Susan, Doris, Elsie, Grace and I went to Brainerd at the high school for R.S.V.P. party. I drove.
April 27, 1979 - Friday. Mom is soaking her feet and then I'll wash her hair and fix it. I fixed my hair and Mom's. We went to the smelt fry at the Goose. We met Evelyn, Grace, Orville and Iver. It was really good. We left at 4:10PM.
April 28, 1979 - Saturday. Iver and I went down to Garrison Cemetery at 9 AM and we raked till 12:15. The crew wasn't as big this year. Evelyn Olsen came over this afternoon and gave me a dark green vest. It really looks nice on. I went to 5:00 mass, made supper and washed dishes. We turned the clocks ahead 1 hr. I went to bed at 9 PM. I was really bushed.
April 29, 1979 - Sunday. I baked 2 loaves of zucchini bread and made a batch of bar-b-que sauce, washed up the dishes and we took Mom to the Chicken Shack for her birthday. It was 40 degrees above at noon and cold rain on and off. We played cards at Twin Pine. Harland won 1st. $8.00.
May 1, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes, Mom had an accident. We went by Ann and Al Knutson. Play 31 and "500". Ann and I won 2 games, the guys won 1. We got our new lamps and bedspreads yesterday.
May 2, 1979 - Wednesday. I cleaned house and baked an angel food cake for lunch tonite. The ice went out of Borden Lake today. George and Lorna Maghan came over tonite and showed slides from New Mexico, Georgia, Virginia, England and Scotland. I invited George and Susan over, too. Mom enjoyed.
May 3, 1979 - Thursday. The ice is out of Mille Lacs on the Garrison side. I baked a cake for club. After club we went to the bank at Garrison. After supper, I and Dena figured out the size of the drapes for the porch for Red's 3rd cabin which I'll make for them.
May 4, 1979 - Friday. We went to Brainerd, done our shopping and picked up our eggs. Had the car checked. We really have a squeak. I started to clean up in the back. It's never been raked. All the wild cucumbers.
May 5, 1979 - Saturday. I made 2 rhubarb squares desserts for pier party. It was cold so we just washed windows, cleaned mattresses and made beds. We had snow on the ground, about 2 inches.
May 6, 1979 - Sunday. Went to 10:30 mass. Made lunch. It was cold and raining. No piers will go out today.
May 7, 1979 - Monday. Doris, Elsie, Grace and I went to Cedarbrook. Grace and I shortened a pair of huge drapes. Grace drove. Orville and Grace picked us up and we went to Lonesome Pine for pot luck. Then we went over by Johnson's and played "500". We came home at 11:30. Mom left the hot tap water running.
May 8, 1979 - Tuesday. Today we're having our "Thank You" dinner for R.S.V.P. I picked up Grace and we met Doris over by Elsie's and Doris drove to Brainerd at the Elks Club. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed carrots, cole slaw, cranberries, dinner rolls, jello and cookies. There was a nice program later. Grace won a door prize. We got home around 4:30PM.
May 9, 1979 - Wednesday. More rain and cold. I made bean soup, chili, baked beans and scalloped potatoes for dinner. After dinner we picked George and Susan up and played cards at Deerwood. There were 4 tables of "500" and 1 whist. Mom and I got a check and beautiful cards from Chick, Judy and Tam for Mother's Day.
May 10, 1979 - Thursday. I put a pair of Mom's new stocking on and gave her a permanent.
May 11, 1979 - Friday. We took Mom to the foot doctor and done some shopping. Got her a new pair of shoes. We went to Nisswa and got a quart of leeches for $18.72.
May 12, 1979 - Saturday. Fishing season opened today. The sun is finally shining. It is 32 degrees above. I went to 5:00 mass. The church was packed.
May 13, 1979 - Mother's Day. I cut Mom's hair and we went to Oak Lawn and had a smorgasborg. Bar-b-que ribs and ham. It was good. I made 3 more bracelets today. I planted the sweet peas and set out 2 climbing tomato plants.
May 14, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today and worked up part of Clem's garden. Dena was 51 years old today.
May 15, 1979 - Tuesday. I ironed clothes, made potato salad, deviled eggs, rhubarb cake, we had steaks on the grill. Dena, Evelyn, Debbie were over for supper. We sent Red's (supper) home. He was working at the liquor store.
May 16, 1979 - Wednesday. We planted 4 rows of red potatoes and I worked up more garden. We planted lettuce, radishes, carrots, 10 cabbage, 6 broccoli plants. We were both pooped.
May 17, 1979 - Thursday. The hummingbirds have arrived and there's so many orioles around. I went with Susan, Doris, Elsie to a salad luncheon at Deerwood. It was really good. Ann Miller had surgery this AM. Then we stopped in to see Ethel Sawl.
May 18, 1979 - Friday. Went down to Picture Window to see if Jim was here. He said they just arrived about 8:30AM. Dave was sleeping. He drove all nite after work. Warner Pick and Wally Lipdke stopped by Jim when we were there. Then we went to Brainerd shopping. Paid our taxes, $101.65. We went fishing with Dave and Jim on Mille Lacs. Harland and I had 4, and Dave and Jim had 3 walleyes and some perch.
May 19, 1979 - Saturday. We took beef stew down by Jim and Dave. I went to 5 o'clock mass. I finished sewing the curtains for the cabin.
May 20, 1979 - Sunday. I fixed bar-b-que ribs for dinner and baked a cake. I invited George and Susan over for fish fry. After dinner dishes were done, I went over and painted in the cabin till 3:45. We made supper, washed dishes and played cards. The guys won 4 out of 3.
May 21, 1979 - Monday. Today is Cec's birthday. I washed clothes today and after dinner Harland had a doctor appointment with Dr. Mike Musty. Harland has hardening of the arteries. He changed one medication and he has to go back in a week. There's a chance he'll need surgery and time will tell.
May 22, 1979 - Tuesday. Jim and the guys stopped before going back to Wisconsin. Jim took Harland's chair back and we went to Deerwood and bought Harland a new chair for Father's Day. I came home and cleaned the fish tank out. I done the ironing.
May 23, 1979 - Wednesday. I made a strawberry torte for card club tonite. Cleaned the house and we went to Deerwood Senior Citizen. Mom went along. Howard and Elsie won first. Susan, booby. We came home and I planted her dahlia's and 2 Easter lilies out and mowed part of the lawn where it was high.
May 24, 1979 - Thursday. Ascension Day. I washed dishes and planted my mum. Dug around the peonies in the front. I raked the garden over. We set out 2 dozen tomato plants and I finished painting in the bedroom in Red's cabin. After dinner, I went over and washed part of the walls on the porch. Harland and I planted 2 cherry trees. I went to 5 o'clock mass. Made supper.
May 25, 1979 - Friday. I put the curtains up in the cabin and helped Margaret wash windows. Harland had a 1PM foot doctor appointment. We stopped by George and Louise. They're holding their own. We set out the last of the tomato plants. 43 in all.
May 26, 1979 - Saturday. Larry cut down the 2 dead apple trees, cut off those 2 pines and we cleaned up afterwards. We were going fishing this AM, but it rained, so we're going tonite. Larry caught 1 walleye, 2 rock bass, 1 bullhead. Harland and I got skunked.
May 27, 1979 - Sunday. Harland was having chest pains and numbness in his arms. I took him to the emergency room at St. Joe's and they put him in intensive care unit. I came home around 3:00. Made Mom something to eat, planted out the 2 apple trees, set out the begonias and the rose bush and a little begonia. I mowed part of the back lawn till I run out of gas and then called it quits. The hospital called. They were going to take xrays and then put in a temporary pace maker. I called Chick and he will tell Bill and Jim.
May 28, 1979 - Monday. We have another beautiful day. I washed clothes today and made lunch for Mom and I. I washed dishes and got ready to go to the hospital. Harland was pretty good with the pace maker. George is having tests tomorrow. Mom and I took the wreaths to the cemetery. I mowed more lawn and brought rhubarb in for canning.
May 29, 1979 - Tuesday. I planted rhubarb and butternut squash, parsnips, green beans, spinach, and hoed the cabbage and broccoli. I fixed chicken and buttered noodles, corn for dinner. I canned 4 quarts of rhubarb sauce and I made a rhubarb cake. Will go to the hospital. Things were going good at the hospital It rained tonite, so I didn't do anything outside.
May 30, 1979 - Wednesday. Betty was over last nite to see how Harland was getting along. It rained again this AM. Al Miller's barn burned down. Ann Miller had breast surgery 2 weeks ago. The wind was in the right direction. That's what saved their home. I done my ironing this AM. I wrote to Jim, Bill and John. The doctor told Harland he wants him to go to Northwestern Hospital in the City. Tomorrow the doctor will remove the pace maker. Dena had me over for supper and I brought a plate over for Mom as it was too wet out. Today is Bob M's birthday.
May 31, 1979 - Thursday. It's cool and cloudy again today. Today is Mary M's birthday. I cleaned up the house and got the rest of the house plants out in the 3 tire planters. Harland was in good spirits today. No breathing difficulties and no pain.
June 1, 1979 - Friday. It was 32 degrees this AM. I set out 12 cauliflower plants and it started to rain. I set out 4 pimiento plants. I put 5 bags of rhubarb in the freezer. After dinner I went to the hospital. The doctor wants him to go directly to Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. I done some grocery shopping and came home. Made supper and Iver and Evelyn stopped in. Then I started to mow lawn on Clem's and accrossed the road. Dena and I walked over to the resort and we went up to see Betty's new home. It is really beautiful.
June 2, 1979 - Saturday. Cec is coming today. Harland is in good spirits, but we haven't had much information from the doctor. I am supposed to call him Monday. I mowed more lawn and went to 7:30 mass. Cec arrived about 8:30. We talked and played cards till 2AM.
June 3, 1979 - Sunday. Cec went to 9:00 mass. I planted more onion sets and 1 package of onion seed. I put away all the cans we had to cover up plants. We went to see Harland and afterwards, we done some shopping on the mall. I got Hon a summer bathrobe. I got 2 baskets of tomatoes and we had B.L.T. sandwiches for supper. I cut the asparagus and put on the screen doors. Mom and Cec slept so I played solitaire. Chick called to see how dad was and Katie called.
June 4, 1979 - Monday. Cec put my permanent in and then I mowed lawn and Cec made dinner and we went to the hospital. Doctor thought he could come home by the weekend as he was real good.
June 5, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes and the hospital called. Harland has chest pains again. So I finished the wash and made dinner and the hospital called again. So we ate and got ready and left. He had pain all day and about 4:30 he threw up and broke out in a cold sweat. The doctor gave him 2 different kind of pills. When I left, he said the pain was easing up. Dena made a plate for Mom. I came home at 8:45PM. I called Bill. Chick's line was busy. Will write the kids tomorrow and hope for a good change.
June 6, 1979 - Wednesday. The hospital called. Harland was having pain and was upset. I wrote to Chick, Bill, Jim and Alfred. Harland slept all the while I was there. I came home, made supper and mowed lawn in the back and side of the house. Iver brought a card with $10.00 for Harland.
June 7, 1979 - Thursday. I'm 65 years old today and feel fine. Cec brought me a decorated cake. Susan gave me a bell. Grace came over to see how Harland was. Cec, I and Mom had ice cream, cake and coffee and went to bed.
June 8, 1979 - Friday. We still didn't get any rain. I hoed half of the garden by Clem's. Went to the hospital. They took the IV off and the oxygen. He felt good, no pain. I mowed more lawn tonite.
June 9, 1979 - Saturday. I planted the last of the potatoes. Cec and I went up to the hospital. Harland was good, he said. Cec fell coming out of the hospital and hurt her foot. We got a good inch of rain. I went to 7:30 mass. I called the hospital and they made out an accident report and said to elevate her foot and put ice on.
June 10, 1979 - Sunday. Everything looks so nice and fresh. We didn't go on the launch last night because of Cec's foot.
June 12, 1979 - Tuesday. Hoed the garden by Clem's, done our ironing and picked up Harland. He's in good spirits. Jim called. They're coming after work. Wayne, Todd, Jim.
June 13, 1979 - Wednesday. The kids came at 12:30AM. I fixed chicken, Swiss steak and rump roast. The kids went fishing on Mille Lacs. No luck. This is the 18th day Harland is hospitalized. Jim and Wayne are going up tonite and I went in the afternoon.
June 14, 1979 - Thursday. Cec took me to the hospital and at 10:05 we left for Northwestern Hospital. We arrived around 1PM. At 1:45, Harland was settled in bed and eating lunch. I went to the cafeteria and ate dinner at 2:30. I stayed at the hospital till 8:30, then went by Mrs. Shay for my room. I paid $52.50 for a week. I took a bath, read 'True Story' and then fell asleep.
June 15, 1979 - Friday. It's stormy this AM. Doctor wants Harland to get more exercise before the angiogram, so it was postponed for today. I'm going to the cafeteria for breakfast. Mr. Larson had his angiogram today and he said it went good. Not much to it. I had scrambled eggs, orange juice, sweet roll for $1.25. At noon, I had a big hamburger, chips, donut, coffee for $1.15. I came back to the room at 8:30. We sat on the porch and talked and then I went up to my room.
June 16, 1979 - Saturday. Came over by Harland at 8:15AM. Left my suitcase and went down to the cafeteria, ate breakfast. $1.10 for eggs, juice and doughnut. There was a storm warning and we all went out of the rooms till the all clear sounded. Then I went down for dinner. I went over by my room and received a refund. They're giving Harland Iceerdil under his tongue. Larry and Kevin picked me up at the hospital and we came to Garrison. I will stay home till Wednesday. Cec and I went to 7:30 mass.
June 17, 1979 - Sunday. Father's Day. I called Harland today at the hospital and wished him Happy Father's Day. Jim talked to Dad, too. Jim, Wayne and Todd left around 11AM. Cec and I done dishes and I run the sweeper, cleaned up the fish scales, etc. We had a cook out, brats, hamburgers and bar-b-que, chicken. Cec, Mom, I, Dena, Red, Debbie, Louise, Larry, Maria, Kevin, and Cara Walker. It was really cool out today. Ada and Mary Austin stopped to see how Harland was getting along.
June 18, 1979 - Monday. I sent Harland a card and then I washed in the garage, the 1st time this spring. I had 8 sheets, etc. Then I hoed in the garden up by Clem's. Cec made dinner and I took care of the clothes and finished hoeing the garden. Harland called and doctor will do the angiogram Wednesday. So I finished the lawn by the blueberries and watered the new trees and done my ironing. Cec went to play Bingo. She won $5.00 and Ray won $15.00.
June 19, 1979 - Tuesday. It's raining this AM. I washed my hair. Dena will pick me up at 8AM to go to Minneapolis. Red came along with us and we stopped at McDonald's, had breakfast, seen Harland and they left. I had to get a new room with Mrs. Jacobson as Mrs. Shay was filled up.
June 20, 1979 - Wednesday. I had a real nice room for $5.00 a nite and air conditioner. $2.50 cheaper than with Mrs. Shaw. I shared the room with a woman from International Falls. Harland goes for his angiogram at 11:30. We had a storm last nite, but didn't hear only thunder, but we did get rain and wind. The nurses moved the patients out of their rooms into the nurses station. Harland was supposed to have his angiogram at 11:30 and they didn't come for him till 1:30, so I'm waiting in the surgical waiting room. They say it takes about 1/2 hour. Then Dr. John Rogers will talk to me. I and Mrs. Downey had breakfast at a little place that serves nothing but breakfast.
June 21, 1979 - Thursday. It's cloudy, cool and windy today. Harland had chills last nite. They took the 10 lb weight off at 8:45PM and the IV out, too. Dr. Rogers didn't come in till 3:30PM. His aortic valve is blocked completely, but the other 2 valves have no or very little blockage and there is no surgery in the offering. But, he will be on different medication, so we have a lot to be thankful for. He needs more therapy before we can go home. I went back to my room at 8:30, got ready for bed. I read till 10:20 and turned out the light.
June 22, 1979 - Friday. Harland feels better today, just a little fever. I had breakfast at the 'Eggie's' and then came to the hospital. Harland walked around the nurse's station. I got a Canadian dollar for Tam. The therapist was in and Harland rode bicycle 20 mph for 3 minutes, blood pressure good. Dr. Rogers says he has a touch of pneumonia, so he'll have an xray this afternoon and he's spitting up blood. I'm writing to Marie. So we won't be going home tomorrow. ...Dr. Rogers was in and Harland has viral pneumonia. They thought he might have a blood clot, but found none. Sunday, they'll take another xray and talk about going home Monday.
June 23, 1979 - Saturday. I got up at 10 after 8. I listened to the radio for quite awhile. Was going for breakfast, but 'Eggie's' was closed. I stopped at the grocery store, but that one was closed, so I got something at the one accrossed from the hospital. Harland feels pretty good this AM. He's taking his bath now. The therapist was in for exercises and then Dr. Daniels came in and Harland still has some congestion. The doctor remarked about Harland's Budweiser Man and then he lifted it up. He went out and told the nurses they'd have to go in and see that Bud can. They got quite a charge out of it. Another nurse just came in and wanted to see his can. I went to my room at 8:30PM. I got some grapes, etc. at the grocery store. Visited with Mrs. Jacobs, went to my room at 9:30PM.
June 24, 1979 - Sunday. I ate breakfast at the cafeteria at 9AM and set with Harland. He feels better today. He went down for 2 xrays of his lungs. Larry and his brother were here this evening. Harland has a new roommate tonite from Wisconsin near Superior.
June 25, 1979 - Monday. We're waiting for Dr. Rogers to come in. Sure hope we can go home. Dr. Rogers and his nurse and 2 other doctors checked Harland and he's released today. I called Dena and Iver will come and get us. I'm going up to my room and pick up my things. Ate dinner at the cafeteria. Had chicken. The nurse gave us prescriptions to have filled at Cambridge Drug store. Will pick up Margaret Nierman (Dena's mom). Harland is getting dressed now. We left the hospital, picked up Margaret, got home around 6PM.
June 26, 1979 - Tuesday. I didn't do much today.
June 27, 1979 - Wednesday. I washed my good slacks up and other things.
June 28, 1979 - Thursday. Cec took Mom back today.
June 29, 1979 - Friday. I washed 8 sheets and Mom's bed up and her rug. Harland had a doctor appointment at 3:30. We done our grocery shopping and I cleaned up the house.
June 30, 1979 - Saturday. Jim and Neal Frank came around noon. Bill, Sharon and the kids came around 2 o'clock.
July 2, 1979 - Monday. Marie came around 5 o'clock and we went to Lumbertown to eat, but it was their day off, so we went to Country Kitchen, but our chicken was dry. It really rained today. No fishing.
July 3, 1979 - Tuesday. It sure rained again today. Harland went to the hospital for the tread mill, but the doctor wasn't there so we came home. We played poker.
July 5, 1979 - Thursday. Marie, Harland and I went to the club's picnic at George and Lorna Maghan's home. We had a cook out with Dena, Larry, Louise, us, Bill, Sharon, and Marie.
July 6, 1979 - Friday. Marie, Bill and Sharon went to Turner. Jim and Neal left at 7:30AM for Horicon. Marie took us to the Chicken Shack.
July 7, 1979 - Saturday. Harland and I, Bill and Marie went to Big Mine and made a haul. Blues and crappies and Bill got a northern. Now we'll clean fish. We played sheepshead 5 handed. Harland, Bill, Sharon, Marie and I.
July 8, 1979 - Sunday. Bill, Sharon and Marty left at 9:45. Marty had stomach flu, so he went home and Collette stayed.
July 9, 1979 - Monday. Tam is 13 years old today. I washed clothes early and took Harland to the hospital at 9:30 for tread mill and EKG. Collette and I done the shopping, made lunch, washed dishes, cleaned strawberries, sprinkled all my ironing. Bob and John came around 3:30. Marie left at 8:30. We're all having a cook out. Dena, Larry and family, us, Bob and John.
July 12, 1979 - Thursday. Bob, John, Chick, Judy, Tam, Grandpa, Iver, Collette and I went to the Chicken Shack. We came home, played rap poker and Scrooey Louie. It was fun. Chick gave Bob all 4 deuces. Cec brought Mom home from South Dakota and her and Mom stayed over by Ray's.
July 13, 1979 - Friday. Ray is 41 years old. They are coming over for birthday cake, ice cream and strawberries. Mom stayed here then. Chick got 2 boxes of bacon for friends.
July 14, 1979 - Saturday. Chick and Judy, Bob and John left this AM. I washed clothes, 8 sheets, etc. Tam helped take them off the line and fold them up. We went to 7:30 mass.
July 15, 1979 - Sunday. I hoed up in the garden and mowed lawn till the mower broke.
July 16, 1979 - Monday. Susan called. Newman Bolstad passed away at his daughter's, sitting in a chair.
July 17, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland went in for pro-time. We done shopping, Tam, Collette and I.
July 18, 1979 - Wednesday. I'm making hot dish for the Bolstad family. The funeral is today. It was a large military funeral.
July 20, 1979 - Friday. Harland, Tam, Collette, George and Susan went with us to Golden Age at Aitkin. While we were having blood test and blood pressure taken, Tam passed out. The 1st time she has passed out. Her blood pressure is low. 78 over 50. She had a goose egg on her head.
July 21, 1979 - Saturday. I stripped all the beds and washed clothes. What a wash. Evelyn Oleson took Tam, I and Collette to Deerwood to church. It sure was hot.
July 22, 1979 - Sunday. I and Tam done the ironing. I raked up the leaves from our elms that are dying, we think. I sawed off more underbrush by Clem's. I cleaned the shower out.
July 23, 1979 - Monday. It's cooler today. I'm doing some baking, brownies, angel food cake.
July 24, 1979 - Tuesday. Tam, Collette, Great Grandma, Har and I had supper at the Chicken Shack.
July 25, 1979 - Wednesday. Collette and I went shopping at Brainerd and Grace picked Tam up to go to ceramics.
July 26, 1979 - Thursday. Tam, Collette, Harland and I went to Senior Citizen at Deerwood. I cashed in $246.40 in dimes that I saved thru the past 10 years. I took $90.20 in dimes to Brainerd Savings and Loan the other day.
July 27, 1979 - Friday. Bill and Marty arrived at 1:15AM. Tam and I went to the showboat in Grand Rapids. It was real good. We had smorgasborg at Sharp Restaurant. It was V.G. We got home at 1PM. About 10AM, Dad, Bill and Marty went on the Mississippi river. They got 7 bass and 10 blues.
July 28, 1979 - Saturday. Tam, Marty, Dad, and Bill went fishing again at 5AM. They got 4 bass and a few blues. We had a chicken dinner at noon and at night we had a cook out on the grill, stead, hamburgers, brats, wieners. Bill mowed the lawn. We went to 5:00 mass, then cooled it. Bill gave the kids a boat ride and he stepped on a nail. I put peroxide on it.
July 29, 1979 - Sunday. Dad took Bill over to Crosby for a tetanus shot and him and Collette left at 10AM. His foot was swollen this AM. Tam is cleaning ceramics for Dena and I'm fixing a fish fry for Red, Dena, Debbie and us. Dena brought wieners over for Tam. She's allergic to fish.
July 30, 1979 - Monday. Harland had a doctor appointment at 4:00. I ironed, made lunch and we left at 1:30. We picked up our exercise bike at Wards. $96.43. We went to Gambles and bought a new lawn mower for me. $129.95 + tax. We bought a box of peaches at Red Owl for $5.69. We had supper at McDonald's.
July 31, 1979 - Tuesday. I canned 8 quarts of peaches. I called Sharon, forgot to ask how Bill's foot was.
August 1, 1979 - Wednesday. Today is Joan Seyller and Lucille's birthday. I washed clothes today and we picked beans and I canned them a new way.
August 3, 1979 - Friday. Today is club. Katie and Willie came around 1:30. They took us all out to the Chicken Shack. Then we played euchre. Harland, Katie, Willie and Marty went to the Mississippi. They got 3 bass and a few pan fish.
August 4, 1979 - Saturday. Harland, Katie, and Willie went to Turner. They got 50 pan fish and a few bass. We went to 5 o'clock mass and grilled steaks and hamburgers and played cards.
August 5, 1979 - Sunday. It's our 46th wedding anniversary. I cleaned out the leeches and we cleaned out the tubs from the worms. Katie and Willie left at 6:30AM. They left $50.00. We went to Lumbertown for the afternoon, Grandpa, G.G., Marty, Tam and I, then we came home and we picked beans and I canned 5 pints the old way. I cold packed 6 quarts of apricots. I got the wash ready for AM.
August 6, 1979 - Monday. I washed early this AM, but it is real stinky - cloudy, damp and fog. I'm going to Cedarbrook this AM. We put 3 quilts together and basted 3 sides and someone else will finish them. I hung all the white clothes out again. Canned 2 1/2 quarts apricots. 8 1/2 quarts all tolled.
August 7, 1979 - Tuesday. I hung the colored clothes out today and cleaned up the house. The weather is really muggy and quiet today.
August 8, 1979 - Wednesday. I got my eyes tested today.
August 9, 1979 - Thursday. Evelyn is better today. We took roast beef dinner over to her today. I made 7 apple pies for Dena and one for us and a blueberry for Debbie and 3 loaves of zucchini bread.
August 11, 1979 - Saturday. We went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 12, 1979 - Sunday. Tam, Marty, Harland and I went to Mabel and Elmer Anderson's 50th wedding anniversary. We stopped around by George and Louise. They're looking for a different car. Mom's legs were bothering, so she didn't want to go.
August 14, 1979 - Tuesday. I canned 7 quarts of Italian plums and Iver took Liones, Johnson (from his cabin), Dena and Mary Ann, Evelyn Oleson, and us. 17 in all to the Chicken Shack. It was really good.
August 15, 1979 - Wednesday. Judy and Dori Johnson came to take Marty and Tam home.
August 16, 1979 - Thursday. Judy took us to the Chicken Shack for supper.
August 17, 1979 - Friday. Judy, Tam, Dori, Grandma, Marty, Harland and I all went to Senior Citizen at Aitkin. We took scalloped potatoes, creamed peas and carrots. Judy got 2 pair of corduroys for Tam, 1 for Dori at Butlers. Harland ordered a pair of shoes for himself.
August 18, 1979 - Saturday. The kids left at 7:45AM. It was quite foggy. Bill called last nite. They arrived home at 4:45PM, safe and sound. Sharon is working at a restaurant in Horicon. I washed clothes, sheets, etc, shampooed the porch carpeting, cleaned the car good, inside and out. Margaret and I went to 5:00 mass. Ray and his friend were over tonite.
August 19, 1979 - Sunday. I made a batch of raspberry and rhubarb jam. I went over the car, wiped off the white film, canned 1 quart dill. George and Louise came over, we played cards and they left at 5:45PM and we went over by Dena for cook out.
August 20, 1979 - Monday. I cashed in our quarters. $88.25.
August 21, 1979 - Tuesday. I sent for some tulips and daffodils and hyacinth bulbs. I scrubbed and waxed the porch after our summer guests left. Made 5 quarts of dills.
August 22, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland and I, Margaret and Mom went to Deerwood to Senior Citizen.
August 23, 1979 - Thursday. Harland went fishing and he overdid it on the way to Brainerd. At Gibson's, he passed out. After supper, we went over by Johnson's. Carl and Edna got some cukes.
August 24, 1979 - Friday. I made 3 apple crisps, one for Iver, Dena and us and got the rest ready for sauce. I started out a batch of sweet icicles and made some sweet finger pickles from Cec's recipe. Father Brennan came this AM.
August 25, 1979 - Saturday. James is 26 years old today. I canned 5 1/2 quarts of apple sauce. I canned 4 pints of finger pickles and started out a batch of pickled fish. Margaret and I went to 5 o'clock mass.
August 26, 1979 - Sunday. I shampooed the kitchen carpeting. Scrubbed the basement steps and the windows clean. Now I'll paint them. We went to the Chicken Shack for dinner. I finished the lawn in the front.
August 27, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today and dug more potatoes. We played cards over by Elsie and Howard. Ann K. won 1st for the women and George F. won 1st in men. Susan won booby.
August 28, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd in the rain. Had new shocks put on the car. $63.95. I cleaned house when I came home, canned 5 pints of green grapes. We had rain, hail and thunder. 2 inches of rain.
August 29, 1979 - Wednesday. We're going to the Ice Capades in Duluth today. George goes in the hospital this AM. The Ice Capades were fantastic.
August 30, 1979 - Thursday. We're getting ready for our garage sale. I made some dill and bread and butter pickles. We done real good the first day of our sale. Over $200.00.
August 31, 1979 - Friday. What a rainy day. It really poured at times. It cleared up around 3:30. We had over $50.00 in sales.
September 1, 1979 - Saturday. I went to 7:30 mass. Next week starts winter schedule. Chick called today and the kids all went together and bought us a Toro snow blower for Christmas.
September 2, 1979 - Sunday. I made potato salad, deviled eggs, baked a cake and Evelyn helped me open our garage sale again. Our total sales were $294.some cents. I started our fish fry at 10 to 6. Red, Dena, Debbie, Larry, Louise, Maria and Nicky, Iver, Evelyn and us had a good time.
September 3, 1979 - Monday. Labor Day. Harland, Larry, and Jeff went to Turner again. Had pretty good luck. Elsie, Doris, Grace and I went to Cedarbrook and there was nothing to do, so we toured Deerwood and came home. The afternoon we went over to see George after his circumcision. He was good.
September 4, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed clothes today.
September 5, 1979 - Wednesday. I really had a big ironing today. We bought 20 bags for $12.00 for dish towels and a flag for $1.00 to put up for winter.
September 6, 1979 - Thursday. We went to Brainerd shopping. I got my new glasses adjusted.
September 7, 1979 - Friday. I dug the rest of the red potatoes on Clem's and tilled up the land. They weren't too good for all the work. I dug the red ones in the back. They sure are some beautiful big potatoes.
September 8, 1979 - Saturday. Today is Red and Dena's 23rd anniversary. Evelyn and I are making supper for them. Iver was over, too. Evelyn and I went to 5 o'clock mass. I gave Mom a permanent today. After supper we went over by Red's and played Tripoli. Red, Iver and Harland won. Mom was still up when we came home. She got ready for bed and she fell and knocked my 3 Christmas cactuses over. Broke one pot.
September 9, 1979 - Sunday. We mowed part of the lawn. Iver brought us 30 ears of corn and I put them in the freezer. I planted some parsley today.
September 10, 1979 - Monday. I transplanted African violets today, canned 1 quart dill pickles, made yellow pear jam, ground up all the zucchini squash, made a double batch zucchini bread.
September 11, 1979 - Tuesday. Doris, Chuck, George, Susan, Evelyn Oleson, Mom, Harland and I went to the Chicken Shack.
September 12, 1979 - Wednesday. It's supposed to rain today. I'm going with the Senior Citizen bus trip to the zoo today. Harland isn't going because it's a lot of walking. There was no steps, just incline. It was nice what we saw, but it was a steady rain.
September 13, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes today and cleaned house.
September 14, 1979 - Friday. Mom and I went by Marie.
September 15, 1979 - Saturday. We went shopping at Eau Claire and then went picking apples. We got home around 4:30. We picked about 10 bushels of apples.
September 16, 1979 - Sunday. Marie and I went to 8:30 mass at Ladysmith and then we packed up and came home. Mom got the diahrrea. The traffic was heavy on 169. Over 100 cars from Milaca to Garrison. Today is Judy's and Evelyn Oleson's birthday.
September 17, 1979 - Monday. I washed clothes today. Marie gave me a set of sheets. The fitted bottoms work better on our mattress. Mom slept all day today. The trip was just too much.
September 18, 1979 - Tuesday. I done part of the ironing, then took Mom to get her glasses straightened from when she fell Sunday.
September 19, 1979 - Wednesday. I finished the ironing, made jello salad, dinner rolls, angel food cake and baked potato for fish fry tonite for Evelyn's birthday. Red had to work till 9PM. Harland and Larry got the fish at Turner.
September 20, 1979 - Thursday. I'm washing the cupboards off so I can varnish them. I canned 5 quarts of tomatoes. The 1st ones this year.
September 21, 1979 - Friday. Went to Golden Age at Aitkin and then I varnished the upper half of the cupboards. We got 7 crappies tonite.
September 22, 1979 - Saturday. We got 14 crappies this AM. Mike, Grace, and Erma came over and Harland, Mike, Grace and Erma played "500". I made potato salad as we had a fish fry over by Dena's. Evelyn and I and Margaret went to 5 o'clock mass and we had our fish after 6 PM.
September 23, 1979 - Sunday. I canned 3 pints of green grapes, 1 quart of Italian prunes, 4 quarts of tomato juice, 7 1/2 quarts of tomato soup. I embroidered a dish towel for club.
September 24, 1979 - Monday. I done the wash and Mom's bed. Put her blankets on. Red and Harland went fishing. Had 13 crappies and 1 northern. I run the tiller in the 2 gardens.
September 25, 1979 - Tuesday. Harland and I caught 7 crappies this AM. I cleaned house and after supper we got 16 crappies. I froze 4 packages of fish, gave some to Evelyn and Margaret, made a bowl of apple sauce.
September 26, 1979 - Wednesday. Today is Senior Citizens at Deerwood and we have card club here tonite. Mom stayed up till eleven o'clock. George Forester and Al Knutson carried her in on a chair. I was so disgusted.
September 30, 1979 - Sunday. I went to 10:30 mass and we had another fish fry at 5 PM. Harland, Red and Dena went fishing. Got 7 crappies.
October 1, 1979 - Monday. Doris, Susan, Elsie and I went to Cedarbrook. I drove. When I came home, done some washing. Dish towels.
October 2, 1979 - Tuesday. I washed our bedding and drapes and house cleaned our room. I finished digging the rest of the potatoes.
October 3, 1979 - Wednesday. I ironed this AM, run the sweeper in the kitchen, bath and porch and went to the bank. At one o'clock, Lois H. gave me a permanent. I started to trim up the feed bags for towels.
October 4, 1979 - Thursday. Today is Women's Club. We had a large turn out.
October 5, 1979 - Friday. Went to Brainerd shopping.
October 6, 1979 - Saturday. I baked tea rolls, canned 6 1/2 quarts of apple sauce and frosted the carrot bars to take over to the resort. We washed walls and ceiling in the cabins. I came home after dinner and planted our tulip bulbs on the side of the house. I went to 5:00 mass. Harland and Larry tried fishing crappies, but nothing was doing. Harland and I went down to the spaghetti feed at the Y. Had a couple of drinks and came home.
October 7, 1979 - Sunday. I run the sweeper in the house and Don (from the resort) cam over and laid the carpeting in the bathroom.
October 8, 1979 - Monday. I took Mom to a mass for the sick at 9AM. Afterwards, Harland and I cleaned up the garden by the house. I went thru with the tiller. After dinner I washed half of the windows.
October 9, 1979 - Tuesday.We took some of the seed potatoes over by George and Susan. Harland got a hair cut at Crosby.
October 10, 1979 - Wednesday. I defrosted the freezer in the garage, baked 4 loaves of zucchini bread, baked a pan of carrot bars, went and played cards at Deerwood. George and Susan picked us up.
October 11, 1979 - Thursday. I washed clothes today. Elsie and Howard came over and we renewed our insurance and watched the World Series.
October 12, 1979 - Friday. We wrapped Christmas presents to take along for the kids.
October 13, 1979 - Saturday. I fried chicken, made duck and dressing to take along and fixed baked potatoes and meat loaf for dinner and chili for supper. Cec came and we went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we went over by Betty and Ken for a house warming. We all chipped in on a donkey planter and I put some flowers in for her.
October 14, 1979 - Sunday. We packed up and left for Wisconsin at 9:30AM. Mileage was 26,810. We gassed up at Cambridge. $8.00 even. $1.05 a gallon. We stopped by Katie and Willie and she was working. Willie was hunting. We got by Chick and Judy at 5:30PM, had supper and visited and then went out by Bill and Sharon and we're sleeping there.
October 15, 1979 - Monday. We went to Beaver Dam and visited Alfred and Dorothy, had dinner there and went back by Bill's and fixed a Thanksgiving dinner. Chick, Judy, T.J. and Jim came out. I sure enjoyed all of us being together.
October 16, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Beaver Dam and seen Minnie and we called Kate and run out there for a few minutes and back by Chick's for supper.
October 17, 1979 - Wednesday. I made pancakes for the kids, got them off to school, made the beds, done up the dishes and went to visit Alice and Lawrence and they took us to the Wooden Shingle for dinner. We went out by Katie and Willie for supper. Pat and Len were there. We played 5 handed sheepshead.
October 18, 1979 - Thursday. Harland took the car in to have it fixed and came home with a rental. I stayed home and embroidered dish towels.
October 19, 1979 - Friday. I went up by Jim's and cleaned and done 9 loads of laundry. Friday nite we all went out by Wood's Bridge for supper and came back by Bill's and played Crazy 8's. Donna don't play many cards. Boy, it was really fun.
October 20, 1979 - Saturday. Bill worked and Harland, Marty, Collette, Sharon and I took some fish out by Katie, done grocery shopping. We got Collette a Brownie outfit and we stopped by Pat. Len was working. We all went to 5:15 mass. We went back to Wood's Bridge Tavern to eat, but it was disappointment. We came home, played "500". The score was 3-2. Guys won.
October 21, 1979 - Sunday. We packed up by Bill's, went out by Chick to visit and picked up our snow blower for our Christmas gift. Tam, Harland and I went to the Legion for chicken dinner at 11:00. Then we dropped Tam off and left for Marie's at 12:00 noon. Arrived by Marie around 4:30.
October 22, 1979 - Monday. We butchered a goose and I gave her a permanent. I didn't feel good. It rained all day and turned into snow.
October 23, 1979 - Tuesday. We left Marie's at 9:45AM, got home around 2:30, stopped at the Y and ate something. Cec helped us unload the car and we played cards. Cec and I lost.
October 24, 1979 - Wednesday. Cec left for Ray's house and Harland, I and Mom went to Senior Citizen at Deerwood. I'm to roast a turkey for November and bring a relish tray. Tomorrow, Cec will go home to South Dakota. She plans on coming back in February.
October 26, 1979 - Friday. We dug our carrots. We had 1 1/2 wash tubs full. Cleaned up in the garage.
October 27, 1979 - Saturday. I raked lawn on both sides and the front of the house. After dinner, I finished the rest of the windows. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
October 28, 1979 - Sunday. I made 2 apple crisps. One for Iver and one for us to take over by Ray's. We're asked over for dinner. We played dirty clubs. I won $1.70. We got home at 7PM. I'm working on the hot dish holders for club.
October 30, 1979 - Tuesday. Iver took us all to the Chicken Shack.
October 31, 1979 - Wednesday. Ann Miller called and said Charles Seymour died of a heart attack. We're to play cards over by Susan's tonite. Har won 1st, Ann K won 1st, Elsie booby.
November 1, 1979 - Thursday. Today is Bay Lake Aid. The ground is snow covered. Mom didn't go.
November 2, 1979 - Friday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mother. Harland and I went to the Moose feed at Log Cabin and went to Penny's. Harland bought a pair of woolen pants for hunting. We went to the funeral home to view Chuck S.
November 3, 1979 - Saturday. I fixed my hair and fixed the relish dish to take to church in Garrison. The services are to the held in Brainerd at the Presbyterian Church. The Aid will serve lunch. Chuck was 58 years old. Iver, Evelyn, Har and I went to the Methodist Church for stew supper. It was delicious.
November 5, 1979 - Monday. Susan drove to Cedarbrook. Evelyn, I, Elsie, Florence, Susan's sister-in-law and Grace. We marked things for the Jamboree on Sunday.
November 6, 1979 - Tuesday. We went to Brainerd and I picked up 2 clutch purses and 2 quart sauce pans for door prizes for the Jamboree on the 11th. I washed clothes in the AM.
November 7, 1979 - Wednesday. We cleaned out the garage, put the apples, potatoes and I canned 9 1/2 quarts of carrots and put 3 gallons in the basement. I done my ironing and went to bed.
November 8, 1979 - Thursday. Dena, Red, Deb, Evelyn and Iver are coming over for rabbit and chicken dinner tonite. It turned out real good.
November 10, 1979 - Saturday. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
November 11, 1979 - Sunday. Evelyn picked me up at 8:30AM and we went to Cedarbrook, picked up some things for the Jamboree at Deerwood, we unloaded at Deerwood and went back to Cedarbrook for more. Helped load the van and went back to work at Deerwood. Unloaded the van and locked up and went over by Ray's, had eggs, coffee and toast. We set up chairs, tables and empties boxes for the Jamboree. I won a 3 lb can of coffee. We hope the Jamboree was a success. I took Susan home and got home at 7:15PM.
November 12, 1979 - Monday. George will drop a turkey off for me to roast for Deerwood Senior Citizen.
November 14, 1979 - Wednesday. I set the alarm for 3:20AM, got the turkey in at 3:35AM and it was done at 9:30. It weighed 21 lbs. Dena has the dressing in her oven. 5AM would be time enough to put it in. I helped cut pie and put on plates. Later I served dressing.
November 15, 1979 - Thursday. I cut Mom's hair and washed and set it. Made dinner and then made 5 apple pies.
November 16, 1979 - Friday. Harland, I and Mom went to Aitkin Senior Citizens for our Thanksgiving dinner. It was real good.
November 17, 1979 - Saturday. I went along on the bus Christmas shopping. The weather was just beautiful. In the 60's. Got home before 10PM.
November 18, 1979 - Sunday. Went to Little Flower church for 9AM mass and it was changed to 10AM. So I came home and washed clothes and after dinner I cleaned up the car. We fixed steaks on the grill and ate in the house. Red, Dena and Deb were over and brought stuff for supper.
November 19, 1979 - Monday. We went to Brainerd, picked up our eggs and went to Kmarts grand opening. Got rugs for the bathroom. George and Susan picked us up and we went over by Oscar and Hazel Miller's for supper and we played 6 handed "500". It was fun.
November 20, 1979 - Tuesday. I done my ironing and cleaned the fish bowl out.
November 21, 1979 - Wednesday. I made apple crisp for Thanksgiving and put 3 more apple pies in the freezer, got my dressing and turkey duck soaked out for Thanksgiving at Red and Dena's.
November 22, 1979 - Thursday. I fixed turkey duck dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, apple crisp and Dena fixed turkey with wild rice dressing, salad, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie. Evelyn and Iver were there, too. We came home around 6PM. Ray, Bev, Scott and Mike came over and we played dirty clubs. We had cake and ice cream and coffee and then they went home.
November 23, 1979 - Friday. I marked some of my dish towels, bibs, pot holders and took them over in Dena's gift shop after dinner. Susan and Evelyn went along with me to Cedarbrook to visit with our one-on-one. After supper, Harland and I went over by Red's. The 6 of us played Tripoli. We lost some.
November 24, 1979 - Saturday. Cleaned up the house and some of the flowers, washed my hair, made dinner and will crochet on Evelyn's Christmas present. I went to 5 o'clock mass.
November 25, 1979 - Sunday. Father Brennan brought communion to Mom. We went shopping at Kmart and stopped by George and Louise, asked them over for Christmas dinner.
November 26, 1979 - Monday. I cleaned the house and finished Evelyn's afghan. Went by Dena, got a set of salt and pepper shakers for Alice and an ash tray for Ken for Christmas. We got Dionna a blouse.
December 1, 1979 - Saturday. George took Louise to the hospital with a heart attack.
December 2, 1979 - Sunday. Harland and I went to Kmart, finished our Christmas shopping.
December 3, 1979 - Monday. Grace drove to Cedarbrook. Susan, Elsie, Doris went along. Evelyn came with her own car.
December 4, 1979 - Tuesday. We rented the machine and cleaned the kitchen and front room carpeting. It worked beautiful.
December 5, 1979 - Wednesday. Went to Brainerd shopping and picked up our eggs and went up to the hospital to see Louise.
December 6, 1979 - Thursday. We had our club meeting at Eldon and Vi Hammel's.
December 7, 1979 - Friday. We had our 'Thank You' dinner at Cedarbrook for our volunteer work there.
December 9, 1979 - Sunday. Baked my cookies for exchange.
December 10, 1979 - Monday. We had our cookie exchange at Pat's. It was nice. I wrote out cards.
December 12, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland got a haircut and I mailed some Christmas cards. We had lunch at Ray's and played cards at Deerwood and then went over by George. Louise is still hospitalized.
December 13, 1979 - Thursday. We went to the Alliance Church for a Christmas luncheon.
December 14, 1979 - Friday. Washed clothes today and worked on more Christmas cards.
December 15, 1979 - Saturday. I finally finished our cards. We had our neighborhood pot luck at the Resort. It was really nice.
December 16, 1979 - Sunday. It was -16 degrees this AM.
December 18, 1979 - Tuesday. Lois cut my hair and fixed it.
December 19, 1979 - Wednesday. Harland went to the doctor for a check up. We picked up our eggs and done grocery shopping.
December 20, 1979 - Thursday. We left for Marie's to pick up our meat.
December 21, 1979 - Friday. Louise came home from the hospital. Marie, Harland and I went to Ladysmith shopping.
December 22, 1979 - Saturday. We left Marie's at 10:45, drove in fog all the way home. Our meat weighed 322 lbs. $0.60 live weight and $1.42 process.
December 23, 1979 - Sunday. I fixed turkey duck and dressing. Dena furnished ham and Pat and Betty furnished the rest of our Christmas dinner. It was really nice.
December 24, 1979 - Monday. Evelyn came over with our gifts, hard candy for Mom and a canned ham for us. John is 17 years old today.
December 25, 1979 - Tuesday. We had Christmas dinner alone as Louise wasn't up to going outside. We had Iver over for supper. Bill and Sharon called today. Donna (Jim's friend) sent Harland and I a dozen of red roses for a gift. They were beautiful. I gave Evelyn one.
December 26, 1979 - Wednesday. We went to Brainerd Christmas shopping, at 1/2 price for wrapping paper, ties, etc. We played cards by Howard and Elsie. Howard and I won first. We sure had a beautiful December.
December 28, 1979 - Friday. I took Dena to Onamia for surgery on both big toes.
December 29, 1979 - Saturday. I washed Mom's hair and mine.
December 31, 1979 - Monday. We played Tripoli by Dena's and had lunch. Came home at 10 to 2AM.
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