January 1, 1976 - Thursday. We watched the parades on TV and just cooled it. Harland went fishing in the eve. I took a nap. My cold knocked me out. We got 6-7 inches of snow. Cec, Alice and Ken moved to Brainerd on New Year's Day.
January 2, 1976 - Friday. I shoveled so Chips could go out and I shoveled out to the burn barrel. Bill plowed us out. I shampooed the kitchen carpeting. It sure was dirty. We got a thank you from Tam for her purple slacks, peach and red dress. We got a letter from Marie.
January 5, 1976 - Monday. We went to Deerwood and on thru to Brainerd as Mom had a foot doctor appointment at 10AM. We done our shopping and came home.
January 6, 1976 - Tuesday. We had snow flurries and 15-30 mile an hr wind, so Mom didn't keep her doctor appointment. So she'll go on Thursday after her eye exam. Mom and I tied the pink and white quilt for George and Louise.
January 7, 1976 - Wednesday. I cleaned the fish bowl out today.
January 8, 1976 - Thursday. We took Mom to have her eyes tested and Dr. Sundberg said there wasn't anything he could do for her. Her nerves are degenerating and he wants her to see a specialist. Then we took her to Dr. Bissinger and he took a blood test and he said he never seen her blood that good.
January 10, 1976 - Saturday. We took Mom to Crosby to an eye specialist and he said she has cataracts, but she'd never need surgery or she wouldn't go completely blind. We've been fishing on and off thru January. Not much luck. Mom and I tied our green quilt, too.
January 28, 1976 - I painted between the windows and the storms in the bathroom, front room and ours and Mom's bedroom. It sure looks nice.
January 29, 1976 - I painted the shower ceiling and started to clean the shower stall.
February 1, 1976 - Sunday. Mom and I went to church last nite. It was 33 degrees above and this AM it was -11. The temp dropped 44 degrees. Our power went out for 3 1/2 hours last nite.
February 3, 1976 - Tuesday. We went to Deerwood and Brainerd shopping. Mom stayed home.
February 4, 1976 - Wednesday. Dorothy Schumann called this evening. Adolph passed away today. Natalie came home from work at noon and found him lying on the bathroom floor.
February 7, 1976 - Saturday. Adolph will be buried today at 2PM. We have to have the car in the garage at 10AM as our brake went out on the left front.
February 8, 1976 - Sunday. Harland and I went fishing on Portage. Got 8 picklers.
February 9, 1976 - Monday. We got 2 more picklers and lost 2. Mary Ann Hales' little boy passed away today.
February 10, 1976 - Tuesday. We went to the funeral home tonite for the Hales boy.
February 14, 1976 - Saturday. It rained tonite.
February 15, 1976 - Sunday. Harland and I went to the pancake breakfast at Garrison school. Mom didn't go because it rained and froze last night.
February, 1976 - I've been painting in the bathroom ceiling and woodwork now that the weather has been nice.
March 3, 1976 - Ash Wednesday. We went to Deerwood and I got my rocking chair. Then we went thru to Brainerd and we bought a dehumidifier and a lamp for Mom so she could sew. We went to mass tonite.
March 6, 1976 - Saturday. We were going by Marie, but we had a blizzard. 3 inches of blowing snow.
March 7, 1976 - Sunday. Harland, I and Mom went to the show in Brainerd ('Seven Alone'). It was good.
March 10, 1976 - Wednesday. Went to Deerwood furniture and got my rocking chair. $44.50 + tax. We got Mom her lamp on the porch for sewing.
March 13, 1976 - Saturday. It's snowing and blowing so we aren't going by Marie again. 7-8 inches of snow and blowing.
March 15, 1976 - Monday. We went to Deerwood furniture and got our china cupboard. $134.15. I washed up my dishes and put them in there. It sure looks nice.
March 16, 1976 - Tuesday. Finished washing the rest of the cupboard with the dishes in. Took Mom's blankets and bedspread to the laundry matt.
March 17, 1976 - Wednesday. I picked up Susan Forester, Delores Marks, Elsie Cragg. We went over by Doris Seymour and made flowers for Cedarbrook Nursing Home for Easter. We'll make more for the bazaar in August.
March 19, 1976 - Friday. We're going by Marie after the mail goes out.
March 20, 1976 - Saturday. We went to Eau Claire shopping. Marie got her sweeper.
March 21, 1976 - Sunday. We went to the cheese factory, got some cheese, cream and buttermilk.
March 22, 1976 - Monday. Henry went to Cumberland and brought us 10 lbs of pork sausage. Marie gave me a permanent.
March 23, 1976 - Tuesday. We came home this AM. Cec wants Mom to call her when she goes down by Annie. If she wants to call her, she can call from home.
March 26, 1976 - Friday. We went to Brainerd and got Mom some medicine. She's been throwing up. The doctor says go back to her old medicine. I made 2 apple crisps from greening apples Marie sent home. I planted 6 tuberous begonia bulbs we bought.
April 1, 1976 - Saturday. We had our Women's Club meeting today.
April 3, 1976 - Monday. Mom is 86 years old today. Clarence and Annie celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary also. Cec, Hank and Jane, Harland and I all went to the Blue Goose for dinner and we stayed till they locked up and then we went down to Annie's and talked. Came home after 3AM, but we had a nice time. Mom and Annie enjoyed their corsages. That's the 1st time we seen Cec since last July. She was cold at first, but after that she loosened up. When she left Annie's, she was her old self.
April 4, 1976 - Tuesday. George and Louise came over and we played cards and then they trimmed the trees up along the bank and we played more cards and then they went home. Their both on a diet since George came home from the hospital in the Cities. It's from his old injury in the woods.
Arpil 6, 1976 - Wednesday. A year ago today, Shorty passed away. I've been raking and we're burning. The weather has been just beautiful. Our tulips and iris are up on the side of the house.
April 9, 1976 - Saturday. We went shopping and then to Nisswa and Harland got a depth finder for fishing. $155.90. I wished him a Happy Birthday today.
April 10, 1976 - Sunday. Alma passed away a year ago today. The ice went out today on Borden. It's 16 days earlier than last year. We went to Mille Lacs annual meeting. It is so dry. We really need a nice rain. Mom and I went to church at 5:00. It was Palm Sunday. We mailed Collette's birthday gifts out from Brainerd. We cashed our $0.50 pieces in. Harland planted onion sets and lettuce while we went to church.
April 11, 1976 - Monday. We planted all our seeds in the house. Cabbage, tomato, etc.
April 12, 1976 - Tuesday. Today Harland is 67. We went to Brainerd and Nisswa to get his depth finder checked and then we ate supper at Country Kitchen.
April 16, 1976 - Friday. Collette is 3 years old today. Today is Good Friday. Mom and I went to church at 3PM. Then Harland, Mom and I went fishing in the crick. We got 62 bullheads in 1 hour. Roxanne helped fill our 5 gallon pail.
April 17, 1976 - Easter Sunday. We went fishing bullheads. Got 63 bullheads and 2 sunfish. Harland is smoking 15 today. We soaked them in brine: 1 gallon water, 3 cups salt, a little brown sugar for 5 hours.
April 1976 - I called Marie. Things are the same she says. We're going to 10:00 mass. I'm gradually painting the wood work in the kitchen.
May 2, 1976 - We went to the Green Lantern last night and when we got up in this AM, the ground was covered. Marie and Hank went to Houston TX for a week and then they'll go on thru to Atlanta GA for a week and then home. Mom has been quite good. They took George by ambulance at 7:15PM to Crosby hospital. Thought he had a heart attack, but ruled that out. He sure looks rough. He has a blood clot, cracked rib and leukemia. His blood is thick and he's getting medication for what ails him.
May 8, 1976 - Saturday. Harland planted our glad bulbs. I've been painting in the kitchen and I washed clothes today. It's supposed to rain on Monday. I made 2 gallons of dandelion wine.
May 9, 1976 - Mother's Day. Harland bought Mom and I each an orchid. We went to 10 o'clock mass and then we went to Country Kitchen, at dinner and we stopped around by George. He came home this AM, but he sure looks rough. We ate supper and then we set out tomatoes, 9 cabbage plants, cauliflower, broccoli. 34 plants in all. It was in the 80's today. Mom sure looked nice with her new coat and corsage and her hair looked nice. Marie called tonite. They just came home from Atlanta tonite. She enjoyed it, but 2 weeks was too long.
May 11, 1976 - Tuesday. The orioles came today.
May 13, 1976 - Thursday. Baked dinner rolls and cleaned house. Took off storm windows.
May 14, 1976 - Friday. Washed clothes today. Willie and Katie are coming tonite. The hummingbirds have arrived today. They arrived around 8PM.
May 15, 1976 - Saturday. We went to Mille Lacs and got 72 perch. Not one walleye.
May 16, 1976 - Sunday. Katie and I went to church. Willie and Harland put our back yard lite in. It sure is nice. It was too windy for fishing Mille Lacs, so we went for a ride over by George and he was fishing Heron along shore, so we stopped by "Shotsie".
May 17, 1976 - Monday. Went to Mille Lacs. Got 22 perch. No walleyes.
May 18, 1976 - Tuesday. Katie's birthday. We got 29 perch.
May 19, 1976 - Wednesday. Got 29 perch in the AM and got 8 nice walleyes at nite out on the reef.
May 20, 1976 - Thursday. Got 39 perch in the AM and 11 walleyes in the eve and a few perch.
May 21, 1976 - Friday. It was Cec's birthday. Called and wisher her Happy Birthday. Not much fishing till eve. We got very few tonite. 3 perch and 3 little walleyes.
May 22, 1976 - Saturday. Cec came over. Katie and Willie went to Mille Lacs and there was white caps, so they came home and worked up Clem's garden and planted potatoes, onions, beans and squash. Cec stayed for dinner and Katie, Willie, Cec and I played euchre. Cec and I took 2 out of 3 games. Then Cec went home. We had a good talk.
May 23, 1976 - Sunday. Katie and Willie left at 7:35AM. I did dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and porch and Mom and I went to 10:00AM mass. Made dinner and had a nap and then we mowed lawn. The 1st time this year. When we mowed, the dust flew. Made supper and watered the garden and flowers and went to Bay Lake Cemetery and Mom's stone isn't there yet. I got my wash sorted out tonite to wash in the AM.
May 28, 1976 - Friday. Marie came around 2:15PM. She sure had a beautiful week and very good fishing. Big blues. She caught her first walleye out of Mille Lacs. She sure was excited. She took almost 3 coolers full of fish and bacon home with her. She left June 7 around ten AM. Len called and said they were coming the 7th, so Marie took us out to eat yesterday for my birthday at the Viking in Garrison. It was good.
June 7, 1976 - Monday. Pat, Len, Mary, Ron and John came around 5PM. They left at 8:30AM, but they took it easy because of Ron. They left the 10th of June.
June 9, 1976 - Wednesday. Regina and Carl Hannaman stopped and we had a nice visit. They left for North Dakota around 3:30.
June 10, 1976 - Thursday. Took John to Garrison and got a hair cut. He didn't appreciate it, but he looked awful.
June 12, 1976 - Saturday. Bill Spiegelberg, Chick, and Tammy are coming today. They got here around 11:00AM. The fishing wasn't too good while they were here.
June 14, 1976 - Monday. Cec came over tonite to say goodbye before leaving for California. She had steak with us and then she was going to play Bingo.
June 15, 1976 - Tuesday. Cec, Alice, Ken and Dionna left for California with a Uhaul truck.
June 17, 1976 - Thursday. Bill Spiegelberg and Chick left at 9:15AM. They stopped around by Marie to see about deer hunting. Tam stayed with us. We took John into Brainerd. He had his eyes tested.
June 18, 1976 - Friday. Harland, John, Tam, Mom and I went over by Mike Lesmeister and he made us a new 100 foot rope to pull our boat out of Pickerel Lake.
June 19, 1976 - Saturday. I'm washing clothes today. Picks are supped to come this weekend. Mom, Tam, John and I were just leaving for 5:00 mass when Picks drove in around 4:30PM. We fished Mille Lacs most of the time. Dad, Ellie and Warner went to Pickerel once.
June 23, 1976 - Wednesday. Harland and Warner went out on the launch. Harland caught 3 nice walleyes. One was 5 1/2 lbs. The two smaller ones were 2 1/2 lbs a piece.
June 24, 1976 - Thursday. It has been so windy. Warner and Ellie went over on Malmo side of the lake, but they got rained out. We got 2 inches of rain.
June 25, 1976 - Friday. They left for home after 9AM and I washed clothes, cleaned up the house and cut Mom's hair. I put on her new elastic stockings. Wayne Hawkins called. He wanted to come up over the weekend of the 4th of July. Pat and Len called and thanked us for the nice vacation they had up here. They wanted to make reservations for next year. I told them that was too far to look ahead.
June 26, 1976 - Saturday. 4AM. Judy called and thought we had learned of Jim's accident. Him and Sue were on the way up here. They left at 3AM. Sue was killed in the accident around Buckbarn and Columbus.
June 27, 1976 - Sunday. Left home at 7:40AM. Arrived by Marie at 11:15AM. We had dinner. Left Mom and Chips there. We left at 12:20. We stopped by Katie at 5:15 and we called Judy that we were here and we went to see Jim at the hospital No broken bones, thank God, but a black eye and knee cuts. The doctor said he could come home tomorrow morning. We're going to stay by Chick and Judy.
June 28, 1976 - Monday. Jim called and said he could come home, so we're on our way. He is quite stiff and black and blue. Dad, I and Jim went to the funeral home to see Sue at 3:30PM. We stayed a couple hours and then came home by Chick and Judy, ate supper and then Judy found some of Chick's clothes for the funeral. Jim really looked nice. Sue really looked nice and she had some beautiful flowers. Father Zick had a prayer service for Sue. It was really nice. We came home at nine o'clock. Jim is staying with us by Chick and Judy.
June 29, 1976 - Tuesday. It's raining this morning. The funeral is at 11:00AM at St. Malachy's. Sue took her instructions and she went to confession and communion on May 4th. Father Zick had a beautiful service for her. It really rained while we were in church. After church, on the way to the cemetery, it just poured and one big crack of thunder and lightning, and it poured all the while we were at the cemetery. Then we went to St. Malachy's School for a noon luncheon. Chick, Judy, Tammy Jo, Jim, Harland and I followed Bill and Sharon over to Juneau to see the house they are buying as soon as it is surveyed. It's an older home, but it has real possibilities. It has 4 bedrooms. Then we came back by Chick's and the boys shot a game of pool and then they played sheepshead and Bill and Sharon went to pick up the kids by Gary's house. Wally and Diane Pick came by Chick and we visited for a couple hours. She's expecting their baby any day. We went to bed at 10PM.
June 30, 1976 - Wednesday. Last nite we went thru a checklist of Jim's belongings that was lost and it totals out to over $900.00. Harland, Jim, Tam and I went out to see Daisy and Cliff and Mabel and Bob came back from seeing a lawyer. We left there at 11:30, went to Beaver Dam, dropped Jim off at the doctor and we went up to see Alfred and Dorothy. Edward took his wife to Madison for the birth of their baby by ceasarian. When Jim called, we went by the doctor and picked him up and then we went back by Minne's awhile. Then we went out by Katie for supper. She had a ham on the grill. The supper was delicious. Chick and Judy, Bill and Sharon, Pat and Len, and Mary were there. We had a nice time. When we came home, Judy said Marie had called. Mom was throwing up and upset.
July 1, 1976 - Thursday. I took Jim's bloody clothes to the laundromat. I made a beef roast and Butterbrodt. The lawyer will be here around 1 o'clock. He settled for Jim's car for $2,660.00. After Chick and Judy came home from work, we talked and then went to Beaver Dam. We picked up Jim's license plate off the car and stopped at Shopko, picked up a cooler and some other things and then we stopped by Pat and Len and had supper. It was real good. Katie and John was there also. We did dishes and then looked at their little gardens and then we played a couple games of cards and came home around 9PM. Dad, Jim and Chick played sheepshead and I talked to Shirley Arndt. We went to bed around 11:00.
July 2, 1976 - Friday. We put some of Jim's clothes and things from the trunk of the car, then we went out by Christians and got 4 dozen eggs and visited awhile. We stopped by Gladys Weber and checked on parts for our aladdin lamp, but next time we come down, we'll bring the lamp along. Alfred called. Edward and his wife have a baby son. Chick, Judy, Tam, Jim, Bill, Sharon, Harland and I went out to Rock River Hills Golf Course for a smorgous. It was really delicious. Then we came home and talked. Joe called. He has a prospect of a car for Jim. Bill and Chick will check on it for him.
July 3, 1976 - Saturday. We're leaving for home this AM. Left Chick and Judy's at 7:30AM. Arrived at Marie's around 12 noon. She had Swiss steak for dinner. It was really good. Left Marie's at 1:45. Mom was good. I got a new cookie recipe. Marie sent some along with us and some date bars and raspberry jam. We had a root beer in North Branch. It's 86 degrees in the Cities. We arrived home at 10 to 6PM. Called Marie. Asked for Jim. Jim called Chick about the car. Joe told him about now they have to check on the price. Checked on the price and he wants $3000 for a '73 Plymouth. Everyone thinks it's too much for the age of the car. Maxine and Warren, Pete and Darlene, Stan and Arlene and Brent were already up at the resort.
July 4, 1976 - Sunday. We went by Maxine and played cards and we had to stay and have fish fry with them. It was good.
July 5, 1976 - Monday. We had Maxine, Warren, Pete and Darlene down for a cook out. Brats and hamburgers, etc. The guys went fishing and the rest of us played poker. Mom won $5.50 and I made, but didn't keep track of what I started with. Bob, John, Harland and Jim have been fishing and have been doing good considering how hot it's been. They went to Nokesippe and got 30 crappies and 1 bullhead.
July 9, 1976 - Friday. Tam is 10 years old today. We went out on the launch. Got 6 walleyes. Jim got 2 nice ones. I got 3-2 small ones. John got 2. Dad and Bob didn't get any.
July 10, 1976 - Saturday. I have to work at the booth in Deerwood for Women's Club from 11AM - 2 o'clock. Harland, I and Jim went to Mille Lacs on our boat and we had 9 nice walleyes and 15 perch.
July 11, 1976 - Sunday. Dad, George, Jim and Bob went to Nokay Lake. Got 30 nice crappies, 1 northern.
July 12, 1976 - Monday. We went to Brainerd. Stopped by Shotsie's awhile and at nite we went to Nokay Lake. Got 40 crappies. We cleaned the fish and then we had a walleye fish fry. It was really good. Baby said that Thiede should see or taste these.
July 13, 1976 - Tuesday. I scraped the fish and froze them. Made some peanut bars and Swiss steak, baked cinnamon rolls. I took Jim over to Dr. Larson. He gave him another week off as he has muscle spasms in the upper thoracic area and headaches. So maybe he'll go home with Bob.
July 14, 1976 - Wednesday. It's been so warm and windy. No one has been fishing.
July 15, 1976 - Thursday. I baked an angel food cake for Betty's birthday and Ada wanted me to get her a box of good chocolate. They had a 1/2 barrel of beer and the weekly picnic. We went to Brainerd and stopped by Shotsie's and then came home.
July 17, 1976 - Saturday. I took Mom over to see Dr. Poland for her eyes, but he wasn't there. I'll have to call and make an appointment.
July 18, 1976 - Sunday. Bob, John, Mom and I went to 8:00 mass and then I came home and washed all of Jim's and Bob's clothes. We went to Perkin's Cake and Steak for supper. Then we stopped by George and he was laying linoleum in the kitchen and then we went down by Shotsie's, had a few drinks, came home.
July 19, 1976 - Monday. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and set some home with Jim. They packed up and left at 12:00 noon. Jim cried as did Dad and I. I've been trying to get my washing and ironing caught up and the house cleaned up good for a change. John stayed. I'll take him back on the bus in August. Marie wants to pick us up and we'll drive thru to John's place if Hank don't mind. Maybe Hank will go along and see Harley and Ruth's farm at Watertown.
July 26, 1976 - Monday. Mom finally got a letter from Cec after 6 weeks. Dilly had 3 letters in about 3-4 weeks. I've canned 12 pints of green beans and 2 yellow ones so far.
July 28, 1976 - Wednesday. Darlene, Ray and Buckshot were over tonite. We played cards. It was fun. I had just finished defrosting the big freezer in the garage. Now I have the one in the house the refrigerator.
July 29, 1976 - Thursday. Went to Brainerd shopping, stopped by George and Louise. George was over by our place. They (John, Dad, George) went by the Mississippi fishing, but got rained out. George caught one. We cut off 12 heads of cauliflower and I got some cleaned up for morning.
July 30, 1976 - Friday. I canned 6 quarts of cauliflower for vegetable and 4 quarts for pickles with carrots and onions. We took Mom to Crosby to Dr. Poland and she has drops for her eyes. One kid she has to use as long as she lives for glaucoma. She wanted magnifying glasses, but there is nothing that will help her vision any more.
July 31, 1976 - Saturday. I canned 7 quarts cauliflower for vegetable and 3 quarts for pickles with carrots and small onions and 4 pints of green beans and 6 pints of bread and butter pickles and made dinner and Louise put a permanent in for me. Then we played Yahtzee and made supper and we played "500".
August 3, 1976 - Went to Deerwood and had car trouble at Ruttgers. Fixed the house back on. Went to Brainerd, done our shopping. On the way home, we had more car trouble.
August 5, 1976 - Thursday. Ray and Darlene came over and we sat and talked while the guys were fishing. When they came home we had a lunch and sat and talked some more. They went home after 1 o'clock. 43 years ago today we were married.
August 8, 1976 - Sunday. I went to church and then we went down to the Viking for dinner, Harland, I and Mom. That was Mom's gift to us for our anniversary. John didn't feel like going. He had 103 degree fever. That's why we just went to Garrison.
August 9, 1976 - Monday. I baked rhubarb bread and chocolate chip cookies and peanut bars for Harland and Jim.
August 10, 1976 - Tuesday. I washed clothes. Ray and Harland went fishing, but didn't have good luck because it stormed around midnight. Then Ray took Mom over to his house while I took John to Wisconsin.
August 11, 1976 - Wednesday. I cleaned house, made a beef roast, washed my hair, got everything under control before we go to Wisconsin.
August 12, 1976 - Thursday. I ordered a lily bulb and 3 peony flowered tulip bulbs. The bus leaves Onamia at 9:35AM. We arrived in Minneapolis at 11:55 and boarded our bus and left at 12:16. They had to put another bus on. We left St. Paul at 12:40. Arrived Eau Claire at 2:30. Marie was waiting. Hank didn't come along. We had a 7UP and were on our way at 2:45. We stopped at a wayside and ate fried chicken, bread and butter, apple pie and we were on our way. We arrived by Katie around 7PM. I called Judy that we'd stay by Katie tonite.
August 13, 1976 - Friday. Marie and I went to Madison shopping. We met Jim and Ginger at Kmart and done some shopping. Then we went to Heritage House and had smorgasborg and visited and came back by Katie and picked up our things and went by Chick and Judy. Then Chick and Judy, Bill and Sharon, Marty and Collette, Jim and Marie and I went out to Rock River Hills for supper. Then we went down by Zippo's. I talked to Marvin and Judy Roggenbauer, Melvin and Norma and Shirley and Jerry Bunkoske. They asked about Harland.
August 14, 1976 - Saturday. We went by Bill and Sharon for breakfast and then we all went by Harley and Ruth on the farm by Watertown. Had a wonderful time and dinner there and then we went back to Horicon for supper at Chuck's A&W. Marie treated. It was good "chicken". Then we went back by Chick and Judy and really had a nice visit. They made out their wills and we talked about funeral expenses, lots, headstones, etc. Since Sue was killed, they're starting to think.
August 15, 1976 - Sunday. Marie and I and Jim went to 10 o'clock mass. Then Chick and Judy took Marie and I out to Rock River Hills for brunch. Then we went over by Warner and Wllie and visited awhile and went back by Chick's. Then Marie and I gathered up Jim's dirty clothes and went to the laundromat. Judy cleaned the steps down and the bathroom. We fixed 3 turkey drum sticks. Then we went back by Chick's and he fixed bar-b-que chicken on the grill.
August 16, 1976 - Monday. We went up and cleaned Jim's apartment. Tam and I went to Mayville, got 5 sticks of summer sausage. Marie was defrosting the refrigerator and fixed 3 more drum sticks and a beef roast and made stew and we froze it for Jim. Tam and I went down by Glady Weber and got a wick no. B-C-21c for $1.75 + tax and a mantel part no. R-150 for use with models no. 12-B-C-14-21c 23 and 23C for $1.75 + tax. I ordered a glass shade with scenery on. Then I finished Jim's room and shortened his new drapes for the 2 windows. When Jim came home from work, we went to Montgomery Ward and ordered him a 8.5 cubic chest freezer. He's working 9 hours a day. Then we went to Kmart. I got him 2 sets of colored sheets - green and blue. We made supper by Jim's and done up the dishes and went to Mayville, said goodbye to Bill and Sharon's at 8PM. We went out by Pat and Len and Katie met us out there with a bag of sweet corn for Marie and I got 5 dozen eggs. Len sent some beef home with me and I left the steaks by Chick.
August 17, 1976 - Tuesday. Tam and I went over by Warner and he sent some apples and green peppers. We left Horicon at 8:45. We filled up with gas by Wayne. We arrived at Eau Claire at 1:30 and had a cup of coffee. Then Marie left for home. I was an enjoyable 5-6 days, but busy.
August 18, 1976 - Wednesday. Bryon and Caroline, Joel and Nicole came at 12:30. Her and I went to Onamia to pick up my luggage in the eve. They took us out to eat at the Blue Goose. We had Cornish hens, wile rice dressing. It was delicious.
August 19, 1976 - Thursday. Harland, Bryon, and Joel went to Pickerel. Caught 1 bass, 65 blues, and 3 picklers. Then we played sheepshead. I made $0.85.
August 20, 1976 - Friday. They decided to stay another day so they could fish in the eve and they caught 36 blues, 3 northern, 2 bass. We played cards again. I lost $0.15.
August 21, 1976 - Saturday. They left at 10:40AM. We had a nice time.
August 22, 1976 - Sunday. Mom and I went to church. We finished webbing our chairs. We sent Jim's birthday card out.
August 23, 1976 - Monday. I washed clothes and ironed and canned peaches.
August 25, 1976 - Wednesday. Today Jim is 23 years old. Ada Austin and Mary and Lorraine came over and we had a nice visit. I gave Mom a permanent. It turned out real nice. Darlene and Ray and sons came over and we played dirty clubs. I won $1.40.
August 27, 1976 - Friday. I've been canning tomatoes, 5 quarts pears, and 3 quarts peaches. George and Louise came over and we played "500". We won 7 games and the guys won 7. George and Louise went home and Harland and George went to Pickerel.
August 28, 1976 - Saturday. Went over by George and Louise and we picked crab apples, but they were too ripe for pickles.
August 19, 1976 - Sunday. Went to 8 o'clock mass. Ray, Darlene, Jeff, and Sievert came over after dinner and we played cards and Cec called from California. She'll fly home on September 3rd. Darlene will pick her up from the airport in the Cities. She'll stay a month, I guess. Harland, Jeff, and Ray went to Pickerel. They had some. We made plans for our vacation as to what we'd all take along. After dark, 8:15PM, the guys came home. I made supper. Then I helped clean fish and Darlene washed up the dishes and we played more dirty clubs. I lost after supper.
August 30, 1976 - Monday. I washed and ironed today and took a chicken and duck out to fix when Bill and Sharon come Friday or Saturday. I cleaned the ground cherries, which I'll can tomorrow morning. I sent a get well card to George Forester at Crosby hospital He had his gall bladder out August 26th. Went to Brainerd, done our shopping. On the way home, we had car trouble. When we got home, Bill and Sharon were there. We had a nice week. They left Saturday AM at 9:15. They called at 5:45. They took a lot of canned stuff home with them, potatoes, etc. I went to church at 5PM.
September 12, 1976 - Left home at 9:15. Arrived at Emily at 10:15 and I called Darlene. She came and we followed her out. We had a good week weather wise, but the fishing wasn't too hot. We played a lot of cards and fished, but nothing was really biting. Cec and I went to mass at Emily.
September 19, 1976 - Sunday. We had dinner (ham) and then packed up and came home.
September 20, 1976 - Monday. Cec played Bingo and then stayed here till Thursday. I dropped her off by Dilly's to spend a couple days.
September 21, 1976 - Tuesday. We picked Alfred up in Brainerd from the bus at 8:30PM and we had a nice visit.
September 23, 1976 - Thursday. After we left Cec at Dilly's, I took Mom to the foot doctor.
September 24, 1976 - Friday. Took Alfred back to the bus at Brainerd at 8:20AM. The bus was on time. Our brakes went out, so our car set till the 28th (Tuesday). Then Harland took it to Garrison and they put in 4 new brakes. It was $55.00.
September 25, 1976 - Saturday. Clarence and Annie picked us up and we went to the Red Door. Had a smorgasborg. It was really delicious.
September 28, 1976 - Tuesday. We made 18 1/2 lbs of sauerkraut today.
September 29, 1976 - Wednesday. I house cleaned our bed and went to Brainerd. Got a new mattress pad. Stopped by Annie's.
October 1, 1976 - Marie came today. We went and picked up Cec and we had a nice visit and we tried to straighten out the mess between...
October 2, 1976 - We were playing cards (Marie, Cec and I) when George and Louise came. George helped Harland clean the turtle and then George and Harland played sheepshead. We went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we went out to eat at the Viking and Ray and Darlene were here waiting since 6:30 (we left at 6:20). Darlene was a little mad, but got over it when we played cards. Marie had such a cold when she was here and there's not much to do, but play cards, etc.
October 11, 1976 - Marie went home at 9:30. The rest of the week I washed all the bedding and we put on storms and Harland mulched up the leaves.
October 17, 1976 - I cleaned up the house and after supper, I took Mom down to Annie's where she'll stay while I go to Wisconsin. We had an enjoyable week in Wisconsin.
October 25, 1976 - I've been canning squash. 16 1/2 quarts in all. I canned 6 lbs cranberries and washed a big wash this past week.
October 31, 1976 - Mom got sick (chest pains) so we took her to the hospital and she had a heart attack. She is in intensive care and under oxygen.
November 1, 1976 - We went back this afternoon and she was resting, but she couldn't keep anything on her stomach. I called Marie, wrote to Cec and Lucille. We stopped by George and Annie's. I've been writing to everyone on Mom's condition.
November 4, 1976 - Harland took me to the emergency room at the hospital for dizziness.
November 8, 1976 - I went to see Dr. Nixon. He thought I could have passed a small blood clot. He ruled out flue and an inactive thyroid.
November 12, 1976 - Went to Brainerd to see Mom and do some shopping - grocery and Xmas.
November 13, 1976 - Harland went deer hunting over by Craggs. Finished my Xmas shopping, etc, and spent every other day, at least, in the hospital to see Mom.
November 31, 1976 - Tuesday. Hunting, fishing, burning, and cig smoking outside wasn't into effect at midnight because of tinder dry conditions.
December 3, 1976 - Friday. Went to Deerwood and then into Brainerd, done shopping and went to the hospital. Mom can come home soon. Mom made a poodle in therapy and she's almost done with her basket.
December 5, 1976 - Sunday. Went to church and after dinner, Harland and George Forester went to Pickerel. Had good luck.
December 6, 1976 - Monday. Washed clothes and the hospital called. Mom could come home, so we went and picked her up around 3:00PM. Mom has to go with a walker and then she's afraid of falling and her legs are weak.
December 10, 1976 - Friday. Today is Chick and Judy's 11th wedding anniversary. I finished our Xmas cards today.
December 18, 1976 - Took the dogs in to be clipped and went back after dinner and picked them up. I'm getting caught up with baking, etc.
December 23, 1976 - Bob and John came today.
December 24, 1976 - Jim and Debbie came this afternoon. I went to church at 8PM and the rest went Xmas AM.
December 25, 1976 - George and Louise came over for Xmas dinner and we all had an enjoyable day. The fish definitely are not biting unless you go about 7 miles out.
December 30, 1976 - Jim and Debbie left at 8AM and called at 4:05.
December 31, 1976 - Bob and John left at 9AM and called at 5PM. George and Louise came over in the afternoon. It is George's 53rd birthday and I got some oysters. Louise fixed them for Mom, George and herself. We played cards and celebrated New Year's Eve. When they went home, I watched the old year out and the new year in.
April 1976 - I called Marie. Things are the same she says. We're going to 10:00 mass. I'm gradually painting the wood work in the kitchen.
May 2, 1976 - We went to the Green Lantern last night and when we got up in this AM, the ground was covered. Marie and Hank went to Houston TX for a week and then they'll go on thru to Atlanta GA for a week and then home. Mom has been quite good. They took George by ambulance at 7:15PM to Crosby hospital. Thought he had a heart attack, but ruled that out. He sure looks rough. He has a blood clot, cracked rib and leukemia. His blood is thick and he's getting medication for what ails him.
May 8, 1976 - Saturday. Harland planted our glad bulbs. I've been painting in the kitchen and I washed clothes today. It's supposed to rain on Monday. I made 2 gallons of dandelion wine.
May 9, 1976 - Mother's Day. Harland bought Mom and I each an orchid. We went to 10 o'clock mass and then we went to Country Kitchen, at dinner and we stopped around by George. He came home this AM, but he sure looks rough. We ate supper and then we set out tomatoes, 9 cabbage plants, cauliflower, broccoli. 34 plants in all. It was in the 80's today. Mom sure looked nice with her new coat and corsage and her hair looked nice. Marie called tonite. They just came home from Atlanta tonite. She enjoyed it, but 2 weeks was too long.
May 11, 1976 - Tuesday. The orioles came today.
May 13, 1976 - Thursday. Baked dinner rolls and cleaned house. Took off storm windows.
May 14, 1976 - Friday. Washed clothes today. Willie and Katie are coming tonite. The hummingbirds have arrived today. They arrived around 8PM.
May 15, 1976 - Saturday. We went to Mille Lacs and got 72 perch. Not one walleye.
May 16, 1976 - Sunday. Katie and I went to church. Willie and Harland put our back yard lite in. It sure is nice. It was too windy for fishing Mille Lacs, so we went for a ride over by George and he was fishing Heron along shore, so we stopped by "Shotsie".
May 17, 1976 - Monday. Went to Mille Lacs. Got 22 perch. No walleyes.
May 18, 1976 - Tuesday. Katie's birthday. We got 29 perch.
May 19, 1976 - Wednesday. Got 29 perch in the AM and got 8 nice walleyes at nite out on the reef.
May 20, 1976 - Thursday. Got 39 perch in the AM and 11 walleyes in the eve and a few perch.
May 21, 1976 - Friday. It was Cec's birthday. Called and wisher her Happy Birthday. Not much fishing till eve. We got very few tonite. 3 perch and 3 little walleyes.
May 22, 1976 - Saturday. Cec came over. Katie and Willie went to Mille Lacs and there was white caps, so they came home and worked up Clem's garden and planted potatoes, onions, beans and squash. Cec stayed for dinner and Katie, Willie, Cec and I played euchre. Cec and I took 2 out of 3 games. Then Cec went home. We had a good talk.
May 23, 1976 - Sunday. Katie and Willie left at 7:35AM. I did dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and porch and Mom and I went to 10:00AM mass. Made dinner and had a nap and then we mowed lawn. The 1st time this year. When we mowed, the dust flew. Made supper and watered the garden and flowers and went to Bay Lake Cemetery and Mom's stone isn't there yet. I got my wash sorted out tonite to wash in the AM.
May 28, 1976 - Friday. Marie came around 2:15PM. She sure had a beautiful week and very good fishing. Big blues. She caught her first walleye out of Mille Lacs. She sure was excited. She took almost 3 coolers full of fish and bacon home with her. She left June 7 around ten AM. Len called and said they were coming the 7th, so Marie took us out to eat yesterday for my birthday at the Viking in Garrison. It was good.
June 7, 1976 - Monday. Pat, Len, Mary, Ron and John came around 5PM. They left at 8:30AM, but they took it easy because of Ron. They left the 10th of June.
June 9, 1976 - Wednesday. Regina and Carl Hannaman stopped and we had a nice visit. They left for North Dakota around 3:30.
June 10, 1976 - Thursday. Took John to Garrison and got a hair cut. He didn't appreciate it, but he looked awful.
June 12, 1976 - Saturday. Bill Spiegelberg, Chick, and Tammy are coming today. They got here around 11:00AM. The fishing wasn't too good while they were here.
June 14, 1976 - Monday. Cec came over tonite to say goodbye before leaving for California. She had steak with us and then she was going to play Bingo.
June 15, 1976 - Tuesday. Cec, Alice, Ken and Dionna left for California with a Uhaul truck.
June 17, 1976 - Thursday. Bill Spiegelberg and Chick left at 9:15AM. They stopped around by Marie to see about deer hunting. Tam stayed with us. We took John into Brainerd. He had his eyes tested.
June 18, 1976 - Friday. Harland, John, Tam, Mom and I went over by Mike Lesmeister and he made us a new 100 foot rope to pull our boat out of Pickerel Lake.
June 19, 1976 - Saturday. I'm washing clothes today. Picks are supped to come this weekend. Mom, Tam, John and I were just leaving for 5:00 mass when Picks drove in around 4:30PM. We fished Mille Lacs most of the time. Dad, Ellie and Warner went to Pickerel once.
June 23, 1976 - Wednesday. Harland and Warner went out on the launch. Harland caught 3 nice walleyes. One was 5 1/2 lbs. The two smaller ones were 2 1/2 lbs a piece.
June 24, 1976 - Thursday. It has been so windy. Warner and Ellie went over on Malmo side of the lake, but they got rained out. We got 2 inches of rain.
June 25, 1976 - Friday. They left for home after 9AM and I washed clothes, cleaned up the house and cut Mom's hair. I put on her new elastic stockings. Wayne Hawkins called. He wanted to come up over the weekend of the 4th of July. Pat and Len called and thanked us for the nice vacation they had up here. They wanted to make reservations for next year. I told them that was too far to look ahead.
June 26, 1976 - Saturday. 4AM. Judy called and thought we had learned of Jim's accident. Him and Sue were on the way up here. They left at 3AM. Sue was killed in the accident around Buckbarn and Columbus.
June 27, 1976 - Sunday. Left home at 7:40AM. Arrived by Marie at 11:15AM. We had dinner. Left Mom and Chips there. We left at 12:20. We stopped by Katie at 5:15 and we called Judy that we were here and we went to see Jim at the hospital No broken bones, thank God, but a black eye and knee cuts. The doctor said he could come home tomorrow morning. We're going to stay by Chick and Judy.
June 28, 1976 - Monday. Jim called and said he could come home, so we're on our way. He is quite stiff and black and blue. Dad, I and Jim went to the funeral home to see Sue at 3:30PM. We stayed a couple hours and then came home by Chick and Judy, ate supper and then Judy found some of Chick's clothes for the funeral. Jim really looked nice. Sue really looked nice and she had some beautiful flowers. Father Zick had a prayer service for Sue. It was really nice. We came home at nine o'clock. Jim is staying with us by Chick and Judy.
June 29, 1976 - Tuesday. It's raining this morning. The funeral is at 11:00AM at St. Malachy's. Sue took her instructions and she went to confession and communion on May 4th. Father Zick had a beautiful service for her. It really rained while we were in church. After church, on the way to the cemetery, it just poured and one big crack of thunder and lightning, and it poured all the while we were at the cemetery. Then we went to St. Malachy's School for a noon luncheon. Chick, Judy, Tammy Jo, Jim, Harland and I followed Bill and Sharon over to Juneau to see the house they are buying as soon as it is surveyed. It's an older home, but it has real possibilities. It has 4 bedrooms. Then we came back by Chick's and the boys shot a game of pool and then they played sheepshead and Bill and Sharon went to pick up the kids by Gary's house. Wally and Diane Pick came by Chick and we visited for a couple hours. She's expecting their baby any day. We went to bed at 10PM.
June 30, 1976 - Wednesday. Last nite we went thru a checklist of Jim's belongings that was lost and it totals out to over $900.00. Harland, Jim, Tam and I went out to see Daisy and Cliff and Mabel and Bob came back from seeing a lawyer. We left there at 11:30, went to Beaver Dam, dropped Jim off at the doctor and we went up to see Alfred and Dorothy. Edward took his wife to Madison for the birth of their baby by ceasarian. When Jim called, we went by the doctor and picked him up and then we went back by Minne's awhile. Then we went out by Katie for supper. She had a ham on the grill. The supper was delicious. Chick and Judy, Bill and Sharon, Pat and Len, and Mary were there. We had a nice time. When we came home, Judy said Marie had called. Mom was throwing up and upset.
July 1, 1976 - Thursday. I took Jim's bloody clothes to the laundromat. I made a beef roast and Butterbrodt. The lawyer will be here around 1 o'clock. He settled for Jim's car for $2,660.00. After Chick and Judy came home from work, we talked and then went to Beaver Dam. We picked up Jim's license plate off the car and stopped at Shopko, picked up a cooler and some other things and then we stopped by Pat and Len and had supper. It was real good. Katie and John was there also. We did dishes and then looked at their little gardens and then we played a couple games of cards and came home around 9PM. Dad, Jim and Chick played sheepshead and I talked to Shirley Arndt. We went to bed around 11:00.
July 2, 1976 - Friday. We put some of Jim's clothes and things from the trunk of the car, then we went out by Christians and got 4 dozen eggs and visited awhile. We stopped by Gladys Weber and checked on parts for our aladdin lamp, but next time we come down, we'll bring the lamp along. Alfred called. Edward and his wife have a baby son. Chick, Judy, Tam, Jim, Bill, Sharon, Harland and I went out to Rock River Hills Golf Course for a smorgous. It was really delicious. Then we came home and talked. Joe called. He has a prospect of a car for Jim. Bill and Chick will check on it for him.
July 3, 1976 - Saturday. We're leaving for home this AM. Left Chick and Judy's at 7:30AM. Arrived at Marie's around 12 noon. She had Swiss steak for dinner. It was really good. Left Marie's at 1:45. Mom was good. I got a new cookie recipe. Marie sent some along with us and some date bars and raspberry jam. We had a root beer in North Branch. It's 86 degrees in the Cities. We arrived home at 10 to 6PM. Called Marie. Asked for Jim. Jim called Chick about the car. Joe told him about now they have to check on the price. Checked on the price and he wants $3000 for a '73 Plymouth. Everyone thinks it's too much for the age of the car. Maxine and Warren, Pete and Darlene, Stan and Arlene and Brent were already up at the resort.
July 4, 1976 - Sunday. We went by Maxine and played cards and we had to stay and have fish fry with them. It was good.
July 5, 1976 - Monday. We had Maxine, Warren, Pete and Darlene down for a cook out. Brats and hamburgers, etc. The guys went fishing and the rest of us played poker. Mom won $5.50 and I made, but didn't keep track of what I started with. Bob, John, Harland and Jim have been fishing and have been doing good considering how hot it's been. They went to Nokesippe and got 30 crappies and 1 bullhead.
July 9, 1976 - Friday. Tam is 10 years old today. We went out on the launch. Got 6 walleyes. Jim got 2 nice ones. I got 3-2 small ones. John got 2. Dad and Bob didn't get any.
July 10, 1976 - Saturday. I have to work at the booth in Deerwood for Women's Club from 11AM - 2 o'clock. Harland, I and Jim went to Mille Lacs on our boat and we had 9 nice walleyes and 15 perch.
July 11, 1976 - Sunday. Dad, George, Jim and Bob went to Nokay Lake. Got 30 nice crappies, 1 northern.
July 12, 1976 - Monday. We went to Brainerd. Stopped by Shotsie's awhile and at nite we went to Nokay Lake. Got 40 crappies. We cleaned the fish and then we had a walleye fish fry. It was really good. Baby said that Thiede should see or taste these.
July 13, 1976 - Tuesday. I scraped the fish and froze them. Made some peanut bars and Swiss steak, baked cinnamon rolls. I took Jim over to Dr. Larson. He gave him another week off as he has muscle spasms in the upper thoracic area and headaches. So maybe he'll go home with Bob.
July 14, 1976 - Wednesday. It's been so warm and windy. No one has been fishing.
July 15, 1976 - Thursday. I baked an angel food cake for Betty's birthday and Ada wanted me to get her a box of good chocolate. They had a 1/2 barrel of beer and the weekly picnic. We went to Brainerd and stopped by Shotsie's and then came home.
July 17, 1976 - Saturday. I took Mom over to see Dr. Poland for her eyes, but he wasn't there. I'll have to call and make an appointment.
July 18, 1976 - Sunday. Bob, John, Mom and I went to 8:00 mass and then I came home and washed all of Jim's and Bob's clothes. We went to Perkin's Cake and Steak for supper. Then we stopped by George and he was laying linoleum in the kitchen and then we went down by Shotsie's, had a few drinks, came home.
July 19, 1976 - Monday. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and set some home with Jim. They packed up and left at 12:00 noon. Jim cried as did Dad and I. I've been trying to get my washing and ironing caught up and the house cleaned up good for a change. John stayed. I'll take him back on the bus in August. Marie wants to pick us up and we'll drive thru to John's place if Hank don't mind. Maybe Hank will go along and see Harley and Ruth's farm at Watertown.
July 26, 1976 - Monday. Mom finally got a letter from Cec after 6 weeks. Dilly had 3 letters in about 3-4 weeks. I've canned 12 pints of green beans and 2 yellow ones so far.
July 28, 1976 - Wednesday. Darlene, Ray and Buckshot were over tonite. We played cards. It was fun. I had just finished defrosting the big freezer in the garage. Now I have the one in the house the refrigerator.
July 29, 1976 - Thursday. Went to Brainerd shopping, stopped by George and Louise. George was over by our place. They (John, Dad, George) went by the Mississippi fishing, but got rained out. George caught one. We cut off 12 heads of cauliflower and I got some cleaned up for morning.
July 30, 1976 - Friday. I canned 6 quarts of cauliflower for vegetable and 4 quarts for pickles with carrots and onions. We took Mom to Crosby to Dr. Poland and she has drops for her eyes. One kid she has to use as long as she lives for glaucoma. She wanted magnifying glasses, but there is nothing that will help her vision any more.
July 31, 1976 - Saturday. I canned 7 quarts cauliflower for vegetable and 3 quarts for pickles with carrots and small onions and 4 pints of green beans and 6 pints of bread and butter pickles and made dinner and Louise put a permanent in for me. Then we played Yahtzee and made supper and we played "500".
August 3, 1976 - Went to Deerwood and had car trouble at Ruttgers. Fixed the house back on. Went to Brainerd, done our shopping. On the way home, we had more car trouble.
August 5, 1976 - Thursday. Ray and Darlene came over and we sat and talked while the guys were fishing. When they came home we had a lunch and sat and talked some more. They went home after 1 o'clock. 43 years ago today we were married.
August 8, 1976 - Sunday. I went to church and then we went down to the Viking for dinner, Harland, I and Mom. That was Mom's gift to us for our anniversary. John didn't feel like going. He had 103 degree fever. That's why we just went to Garrison.
August 9, 1976 - Monday. I baked rhubarb bread and chocolate chip cookies and peanut bars for Harland and Jim.
August 10, 1976 - Tuesday. I washed clothes. Ray and Harland went fishing, but didn't have good luck because it stormed around midnight. Then Ray took Mom over to his house while I took John to Wisconsin.
August 11, 1976 - Wednesday. I cleaned house, made a beef roast, washed my hair, got everything under control before we go to Wisconsin.
August 12, 1976 - Thursday. I ordered a lily bulb and 3 peony flowered tulip bulbs. The bus leaves Onamia at 9:35AM. We arrived in Minneapolis at 11:55 and boarded our bus and left at 12:16. They had to put another bus on. We left St. Paul at 12:40. Arrived Eau Claire at 2:30. Marie was waiting. Hank didn't come along. We had a 7UP and were on our way at 2:45. We stopped at a wayside and ate fried chicken, bread and butter, apple pie and we were on our way. We arrived by Katie around 7PM. I called Judy that we'd stay by Katie tonite.
August 13, 1976 - Friday. Marie and I went to Madison shopping. We met Jim and Ginger at Kmart and done some shopping. Then we went to Heritage House and had smorgasborg and visited and came back by Katie and picked up our things and went by Chick and Judy. Then Chick and Judy, Bill and Sharon, Marty and Collette, Jim and Marie and I went out to Rock River Hills for supper. Then we went down by Zippo's. I talked to Marvin and Judy Roggenbauer, Melvin and Norma and Shirley and Jerry Bunkoske. They asked about Harland.
August 14, 1976 - Saturday. We went by Bill and Sharon for breakfast and then we all went by Harley and Ruth on the farm by Watertown. Had a wonderful time and dinner there and then we went back to Horicon for supper at Chuck's A&W. Marie treated. It was good "chicken". Then we went back by Chick and Judy and really had a nice visit. They made out their wills and we talked about funeral expenses, lots, headstones, etc. Since Sue was killed, they're starting to think.
August 15, 1976 - Sunday. Marie and I and Jim went to 10 o'clock mass. Then Chick and Judy took Marie and I out to Rock River Hills for brunch. Then we went over by Warner and Wllie and visited awhile and went back by Chick's. Then Marie and I gathered up Jim's dirty clothes and went to the laundromat. Judy cleaned the steps down and the bathroom. We fixed 3 turkey drum sticks. Then we went back by Chick's and he fixed bar-b-que chicken on the grill.
August 16, 1976 - Monday. We went up and cleaned Jim's apartment. Tam and I went to Mayville, got 5 sticks of summer sausage. Marie was defrosting the refrigerator and fixed 3 more drum sticks and a beef roast and made stew and we froze it for Jim. Tam and I went down by Glady Weber and got a wick no. B-C-21c for $1.75 + tax and a mantel part no. R-150 for use with models no. 12-B-C-14-21c 23 and 23C for $1.75 + tax. I ordered a glass shade with scenery on. Then I finished Jim's room and shortened his new drapes for the 2 windows. When Jim came home from work, we went to Montgomery Ward and ordered him a 8.5 cubic chest freezer. He's working 9 hours a day. Then we went to Kmart. I got him 2 sets of colored sheets - green and blue. We made supper by Jim's and done up the dishes and went to Mayville, said goodbye to Bill and Sharon's at 8PM. We went out by Pat and Len and Katie met us out there with a bag of sweet corn for Marie and I got 5 dozen eggs. Len sent some beef home with me and I left the steaks by Chick.
August 17, 1976 - Tuesday. Tam and I went over by Warner and he sent some apples and green peppers. We left Horicon at 8:45. We filled up with gas by Wayne. We arrived at Eau Claire at 1:30 and had a cup of coffee. Then Marie left for home. I was an enjoyable 5-6 days, but busy.
August 18, 1976 - Wednesday. Bryon and Caroline, Joel and Nicole came at 12:30. Her and I went to Onamia to pick up my luggage in the eve. They took us out to eat at the Blue Goose. We had Cornish hens, wile rice dressing. It was delicious.
August 19, 1976 - Thursday. Harland, Bryon, and Joel went to Pickerel. Caught 1 bass, 65 blues, and 3 picklers. Then we played sheepshead. I made $0.85.
August 20, 1976 - Friday. They decided to stay another day so they could fish in the eve and they caught 36 blues, 3 northern, 2 bass. We played cards again. I lost $0.15.
August 21, 1976 - Saturday. They left at 10:40AM. We had a nice time.
August 22, 1976 - Sunday. Mom and I went to church. We finished webbing our chairs. We sent Jim's birthday card out.
August 23, 1976 - Monday. I washed clothes and ironed and canned peaches.
August 25, 1976 - Wednesday. Today Jim is 23 years old. Ada Austin and Mary and Lorraine came over and we had a nice visit. I gave Mom a permanent. It turned out real nice. Darlene and Ray and sons came over and we played dirty clubs. I won $1.40.
August 27, 1976 - Friday. I've been canning tomatoes, 5 quarts pears, and 3 quarts peaches. George and Louise came over and we played "500". We won 7 games and the guys won 7. George and Louise went home and Harland and George went to Pickerel.
August 28, 1976 - Saturday. Went over by George and Louise and we picked crab apples, but they were too ripe for pickles.
August 19, 1976 - Sunday. Went to 8 o'clock mass. Ray, Darlene, Jeff, and Sievert came over after dinner and we played cards and Cec called from California. She'll fly home on September 3rd. Darlene will pick her up from the airport in the Cities. She'll stay a month, I guess. Harland, Jeff, and Ray went to Pickerel. They had some. We made plans for our vacation as to what we'd all take along. After dark, 8:15PM, the guys came home. I made supper. Then I helped clean fish and Darlene washed up the dishes and we played more dirty clubs. I lost after supper.
August 30, 1976 - Monday. I washed and ironed today and took a chicken and duck out to fix when Bill and Sharon come Friday or Saturday. I cleaned the ground cherries, which I'll can tomorrow morning. I sent a get well card to George Forester at Crosby hospital He had his gall bladder out August 26th. Went to Brainerd, done our shopping. On the way home, we had car trouble. When we got home, Bill and Sharon were there. We had a nice week. They left Saturday AM at 9:15. They called at 5:45. They took a lot of canned stuff home with them, potatoes, etc. I went to church at 5PM.
September 12, 1976 - Left home at 9:15. Arrived at Emily at 10:15 and I called Darlene. She came and we followed her out. We had a good week weather wise, but the fishing wasn't too hot. We played a lot of cards and fished, but nothing was really biting. Cec and I went to mass at Emily.
September 19, 1976 - Sunday. We had dinner (ham) and then packed up and came home.
September 20, 1976 - Monday. Cec played Bingo and then stayed here till Thursday. I dropped her off by Dilly's to spend a couple days.
September 21, 1976 - Tuesday. We picked Alfred up in Brainerd from the bus at 8:30PM and we had a nice visit.
September 23, 1976 - Thursday. After we left Cec at Dilly's, I took Mom to the foot doctor.
September 24, 1976 - Friday. Took Alfred back to the bus at Brainerd at 8:20AM. The bus was on time. Our brakes went out, so our car set till the 28th (Tuesday). Then Harland took it to Garrison and they put in 4 new brakes. It was $55.00.
September 25, 1976 - Saturday. Clarence and Annie picked us up and we went to the Red Door. Had a smorgasborg. It was really delicious.
September 28, 1976 - Tuesday. We made 18 1/2 lbs of sauerkraut today.
September 29, 1976 - Wednesday. I house cleaned our bed and went to Brainerd. Got a new mattress pad. Stopped by Annie's.
October 1, 1976 - Marie came today. We went and picked up Cec and we had a nice visit and we tried to straighten out the mess between...
October 2, 1976 - We were playing cards (Marie, Cec and I) when George and Louise came. George helped Harland clean the turtle and then George and Harland played sheepshead. We went to 5 o'clock mass. Then we went out to eat at the Viking and Ray and Darlene were here waiting since 6:30 (we left at 6:20). Darlene was a little mad, but got over it when we played cards. Marie had such a cold when she was here and there's not much to do, but play cards, etc.
October 11, 1976 - Marie went home at 9:30. The rest of the week I washed all the bedding and we put on storms and Harland mulched up the leaves.
October 17, 1976 - I cleaned up the house and after supper, I took Mom down to Annie's where she'll stay while I go to Wisconsin. We had an enjoyable week in Wisconsin.
October 25, 1976 - I've been canning squash. 16 1/2 quarts in all. I canned 6 lbs cranberries and washed a big wash this past week.
October 31, 1976 - Mom got sick (chest pains) so we took her to the hospital and she had a heart attack. She is in intensive care and under oxygen.
November 1, 1976 - We went back this afternoon and she was resting, but she couldn't keep anything on her stomach. I called Marie, wrote to Cec and Lucille. We stopped by George and Annie's. I've been writing to everyone on Mom's condition.
November 4, 1976 - Harland took me to the emergency room at the hospital for dizziness.
November 8, 1976 - I went to see Dr. Nixon. He thought I could have passed a small blood clot. He ruled out flue and an inactive thyroid.
November 12, 1976 - Went to Brainerd to see Mom and do some shopping - grocery and Xmas.
November 13, 1976 - Harland went deer hunting over by Craggs. Finished my Xmas shopping, etc, and spent every other day, at least, in the hospital to see Mom.
November 31, 1976 - Tuesday. Hunting, fishing, burning, and cig smoking outside wasn't into effect at midnight because of tinder dry conditions.
December 3, 1976 - Friday. Went to Deerwood and then into Brainerd, done shopping and went to the hospital. Mom can come home soon. Mom made a poodle in therapy and she's almost done with her basket.
December 5, 1976 - Sunday. Went to church and after dinner, Harland and George Forester went to Pickerel. Had good luck.
December 6, 1976 - Monday. Washed clothes and the hospital called. Mom could come home, so we went and picked her up around 3:00PM. Mom has to go with a walker and then she's afraid of falling and her legs are weak.
December 10, 1976 - Friday. Today is Chick and Judy's 11th wedding anniversary. I finished our Xmas cards today.
December 18, 1976 - Took the dogs in to be clipped and went back after dinner and picked them up. I'm getting caught up with baking, etc.
December 23, 1976 - Bob and John came today.
December 24, 1976 - Jim and Debbie came this afternoon. I went to church at 8PM and the rest went Xmas AM.
December 25, 1976 - George and Louise came over for Xmas dinner and we all had an enjoyable day. The fish definitely are not biting unless you go about 7 miles out.
December 30, 1976 - Jim and Debbie left at 8AM and called at 4:05.
December 31, 1976 - Bob and John left at 9AM and called at 5PM. George and Louise came over in the afternoon. It is George's 53rd birthday and I got some oysters. Louise fixed them for Mom, George and herself. We played cards and celebrated New Year's Eve. When they went home, I watched the old year out and the new year in.
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